如何在rk3399 上面运行这个glmark2-es2-wayland
1. 首先通过直接apt 安装的方式sudo apt install glmark2-es2-wayland
启动 glmark2-es2-wayland,
错误为 Error main: Could not initialize canvas
2. 通过源码编译的方式 先通过git clone 代码
配置./waf configure --with-flavors=wayland-glesv2
编译 ./waf build -j 6
firefly@firefly:~/glmark2$ ./waf build -j 6
Waf: Entering directory `/home/firefly/glmark2/build'
[ 2/73] Creating build/src/xdg-shell-protocol.c
[ 3/73] Compiling src/main.cpp
usage: wayland-scanner
Converts XML protocol descriptions supplied on stdin or input file to client
headers, server headers, or protocol marshalling code.
-h,--help display this help and exit.
-v,--version print the wayland library version that
the scanner was built against.
-c,--include-core-only include the core version of the headers,
that is e.g. wayland-client-core.h instead
of wayland-client.h.
[ 4/73] Compiling src/canvas-generic.cpp
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/firefly/glmark2/build'
Build failed
-> task in 'xdg-shell-protocol.c' failed (exit status 1):
{task 547591706376: xdg-shell-protocol.c-> xdg-shell-protocol.c}
' /usr/bin/wayland-scanner private-code < //usr/share/wayland-protocols/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml > src/xdg-shell-protocol.c '
设备信息: AIO-rk3399 J
OS ubuntu 16.04 ubuntu固件已经集成glmark2了,你使用最新固件在终端输入以下命令:
sudo DISPLAY=:0 glmark2-es2
如果在桌面登录直接运行glmark2-es2命令即可 895816513 发表于 2021-4-6 16:31
sudo DISPLAY=:0 glmark2-es2