yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-11 15:20:36



jpchen 发表于 2022-8-11 16:13:38

在设置-》显示 -》hdmi 查看当前的分辨率列表

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-11 16:27:31

在设置-》显示 -》hdmi 查看当前的分辨率列表,这个已经设置过了,不生效,输出依然是1080

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-11 16:32:01

jpchen 发表于 2022-8-11 16:13
在设置-》显示 -》hdmi 查看当前的分辨率列表

在设置-》显示 -》hdmi 查看当前的分辨率列表,分辨率列表有4k30及60,选择后,设置无效,输出依然是1080,重启设备,各种设置都不起作用。

jpchen 发表于 2022-8-11 16:46:00

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-11 16:32
在设置-》显示 -》hdmi 查看当前的分辨率列表,分辨率列表有4k30及60,选择后,设置无效,输出依然是1080 ...


yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-11 16:48:38

jpchen 发表于 2022-8-11 16:46


jpchen 发表于 2022-8-11 17:47:52

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-11 16:48

把屏接上,用adb 或串口抓个log看一下

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-13 14:45:29

<3> wl_run_escan : LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 13, bssidx: 0
<3> wl_run_escan : LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 14, bssidx: 0
<12> healthd: battery l=50 v=3 t=2.6 h=2 st=3 c=-1600 fc=100 chg=au
<38> type=1400 audit(1660372280.999:407): avc: denied { read } for comm="Binder:329_2" name="wakeup4" dev="sysfs" ino=26139 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
<38> type=1400 audit(1660372280.999:408): avc: denied { open } for comm="Binder:329_2" path="/sys/devices/platform/fdbac000.jpege-core/wakeup/wakeup4" dev="sysfs" ino=26139 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
<38> type=1400 audit(1660372280.999:409): avc: denied { read } for comm="Binder:329_2" name="event_count" dev="sysfs" ino=26146 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
<38> type=1400 audit(1660372280.999:410): avc: denied { open } for comm="Binder:329_2" path="/sys/devices/platform/fdbac000.jpege-core/wakeup/wakeup4/event_count" dev="sysfs" ino=26146 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
<38> type=1400 audit(1660372280.999:411): avc: denied { getattr } for comm="Binder:329_2" path="/sys/devices/platform/fdbac000.jpege-core/wakeup/wakeup4/event_count" dev="sysfs" ino=26146 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
<4> audit: audit_lost=210 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64
<3> audit: rate limit exceeded
<6> dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi: use tmds mode
<6> rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop: Crtc atomic disable vp0
<6> rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop: Update mode to 3840x2160p60, type: 11(if:800) for vp0 dclk: 594000000
<6> rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy: hdptx_ropll_cmn_config bus_width:2d5190 rate:2970000
<3> rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy: hdptx phy pll locked!
<6> rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop: dclk_out0 div: 0 dclk_core0 div: 1
<6> rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop: set dclk_vop0 to 297000000, get 297000000
<6> dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi: final tmdsclk = 297000000
<6> rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy: bus_width:0x2d5190,bit_rate:2970000
<3> rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy: hdptx phy lane locked!
<6> dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi: don't use dsc mode

9 D/HdmiReceiver(618): onReceive mTaskVector.size() = 0
08-13 14:25:20.140 D/WindowManager(618): hdmi plugged state change, name=extcon10 plugged=false
08-13 14:25:20.140 I/WiredAccessoryManager(618): MSG_NEW_DEVICE_STATE
08-13 14:25:20.142 I/AS.AudioDeviceInventory(618): NOISY: adding 0x400
08-13 14:25:20.143 I/AS.AudioDeviceInventory(618): NOISY: musicDevice changing from NONE to 0x400
08-13 14:25:20.144 I/AS.AudioDeviceInventory(618): dropping ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY
08-13 14:25:20.145 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): adev_set_parameters: kvpairs = disconnect=1024
08-13 14:25:20.147 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:22.185 I/rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop(356): Update mode to 3840x2160p30, type: 11(if:800) for vp0 dclk: 297000000
08-13 14:25:22.185 I/rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy(356): hdptx_ropll_cmn_config bus_width:2d5190 rate:2970000
08-13 14:25:22.185 E/rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy(356): hdptx phy pll locked!
08-13 14:25:22.186 I/rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop(356): dclk_out0 div: 0 dclk_core0 div: 2
08-13 14:25:22.186 I/rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop(356): set dclk_vop0 to 297000000, get 297000000
08-13 14:25:22.186 I/dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi(356): final tmdsclk = 297000000
08-13 14:25:22.186 I/rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy(356): bus_width:0x2d5190,bit_rate:2970000
08-13 14:25:22.186 E/rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy(356): hdptx phy lane locked!
08-13 14:25:22.189 I/dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi(356): don't use dsc mode
08-13 14:25:20.239 D/RkNativeDisplayManager(618): nativeInit failed to get IRkOutputManager
08-13 14:25:20.311 W/libc    (297): Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1": error code: 0x20
08-13 14:25:22.395 I/dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi(356): dw hdmi qp use tmds mode
08-13 14:25:20.382 D/WindowManager(618): hdmi plugged state change, name=extcon10 plugged=true
08-13 14:25:20.382 D/HdmiReceiver(618): action =android.intent.action.HDMI_PLUGGED
08-13 14:25:20.382 D/HdmiReceiver(618): onReceive mTaskVector.size() = 1
08-13 14:25:20.384 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out_set_parameters: kvpairs = routing=2
08-13 14:25:20.384 I/WiredAccessoryManager(618): MSG_NEW_DEVICE_STATE
08-13 14:25:20.384 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): do_out_standby,out = 0xe8905540,device = 0x2
08-13 14:25:20.391 D/alsa_route(426): route_set_controls() set route 24
08-13 14:25:20.393 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): close device
08-13 14:25:20.393 W/StreamHAL(426): Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): start_output_stream:1009 out = 0xe8905540,device = 0x2,outputs = 0x0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): card0 id:rockchipdp0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): card1 id:rockchipes8388
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): card2 id:rockchiphdmiin
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): card3 id:rockchiphdmi0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): card4 id:rockchiphdmi1
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): No exist proc/asound/card5/id, break and finish parsing
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): dump out device info
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): dev_info SPEAKERcard=1, device:0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): dev_info HDMIcard=3, device:0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): dev_info HDMI_SECONDcard=4, device:0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): dev_info SPDIFcard=0, device:0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->Device   : 0x2
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->SampleRate : 44100
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->Channels   : 2
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->Format   : 0
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->PreiodSize : 512
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): theplug device rockchiphdmi0is connected
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): theplug device rockchipdp0is disconnected
08-13 14:25:20.394 D/alsa_route(426): route_info->sound_card 1, route_info->devices 0
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): theplug device rockchiphdmi1is disconnected
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): theplug device rockchipdp1is disconnected
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/alsa_route(426): route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/alsa_route(426): route_set_controls() set route 26
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/alsa_route(426): route_set_controls() set route 27
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/alsa_route(426): route_set_controls() set route 24
08-13 14:25:20.395 E/alsa_route(426): set_controls() Can not get ctl : Left Mixer Left Playback Switch
08-13 14:25:20.395 D/alsa_route(426): route_set_controls() set route 0
08-13 14:25:20.397 D/hw_output(452): old_state 1 cur_state 1 conn->get_type() 11
08-13 14:25:20.398 D/hw_output(452): old_state 2 cur_state 2 conn->get_type() 11
08-13 14:25:20.398 D/hw_output(452): old_state 2 cur_state 2 conn->get_type() 10
08-13 14:25:20.399 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): theplug device rockchipdp0is disconnected
08-13 14:25:20.399 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): start_output_stream:1215, out = 0xe8905540
08-13 14:25:20.399 D/hw_output(452): old_state 2 cur_state 2 conn->get_type() 10
08-13 14:25:20.399 E/hw_output(452): hw_output_hotplug_update 406 Failed to find primary display
08-13 14:25:20.399 E/rkdisplay-resources(452): Failed to find primary display
08-13 14:25:20.402 W/APM::Devices(454): DeviceVector::remove device 00000400 not in
08-13 14:25:20.405 I/hwc-drm-connector(356): UpdateDisplayMode,line=393, display=0 persist.vendor.resolution.HDMI-A-0=3840x2160@30.00-4016-4104-4400-2168-2178-2250-5-297000
08-13 14:25:20.405 I/hwc-drm-connector(356): UpdateDisplayMode,line=406, resolution_value=3840x2160@30.00-4016-4104-4400-2168-2178-2250-5-297000
08-13 14:25:20.410 D/HdmiSettings(948): BroadcastReceiver.onReceive() : Disconnected HDMI-TV
08-13 14:25:20.411 I/AS.AudioDeviceInventory(618): not sending NOISY: state=1
08-13 14:25:20.413 V/MediaRouter(618): Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=false
08-13 14:25:20.413 V/MediaRouter(618): Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=平板电脑, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=系统 types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEOgroupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-13 14:25:20.415 D/HdmiSettings(948): BroadcastReceiver.onReceive() : Connected HDMI-TV
08-13 14:25:20.416 W/StreamHAL(426): Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
08-13 14:25:20.416 W/StreamHAL(426): Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
08-13 14:25:20.417 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): adev_set_parameters: kvpairs = connect=1024
08-13 14:25:20.418 I/AudioFlinger(454): openOutput() this 0xb400006e8f657390, module 10 Device type:0x400,@:, SamplingRate 32000, Format 0xd000000, Channels 0x3, flags 0x1
08-13 14:25:20.419 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): audio hal adev_open_output_stream devices = 0x400, flags = 1025, samplerate = 32000,format = 0xd000000
08-13 14:25:20.419 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): get_hdmi_support_channels_masks: HDMI Support 2 channels pcm
08-13 14:25:20.419 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): adev_open_output_stream:out = 0xe8903a10 HDMI Bitstream
08-13 14:25:20.419 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->config.rate = 32000, out->config.channels = 2 out->config.format = 18
08-13 14:25:20.421 I/AudioFlinger(454): HAL output buffer size 320 frames, normal sink buffer size 320 frames
08-13 14:25:20.421 D/HdmiReceiver(618): run mTaskVector.size() = 1
08-13 14:25:20.421 D/RkNativeDisplayManager(618): nativeInit failed to get IRkOutputManager
08-13 14:25:20.422 D/AudioFlinger(454): Failed to add event callback
08-13 14:25:20.422 I/AudioFlinger(454): AudioFlinger's thread 0xb400006f3f660840 tid=3074 ready to run
08-13 14:25:20.423 D/AudioFlinger(454): ro.audio.silent is ignored since no output device is set
08-13 14:25:20.423 W/StreamHAL(426): Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
08-13 14:25:20.423 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): do_out_standby,out = 0xe8903a10,device = 0x400
08-13 14:25:20.425 D/AudioFlinger(454): ro.audio.silent is ignored since no output device is set
08-13 14:25:20.426 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): adev_get_parameters: keys = routing=1024;supEncapsulationMetadataTypes;supEncapsulationModes
08-13 14:25:20.427 I/hash_map_utils(454): system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'supEncapsulationModes' value: ''
08-13 14:25:20.427 I/hash_map_utils(454): system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'supEncapsulationMetadataTypes' value: ''
08-13 14:25:20.427 I/hash_map_utils(454): system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'routing' value: '1024'
08-13 14:25:20.429 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out_set_parameters: kvpairs = closing=true
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/hw_output(452): old_state 1 cur_state 1 conn->get_type() 11
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/hw_output(452): old_state 2 cur_state 2 conn->get_type() 11
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->Device   : 0x400
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->SampleRate : 32000
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->Channels   : 2
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->Format   : 18
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/hw_output(452): old_state 2 cur_state 2 conn->get_type() 10
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out->PreiodSize : 320
08-13 14:25:20.430 D/hw_output(452): old_state 2 cur_state 2 conn->get_type() 10
08-13 14:25:20.430 E/hw_output(452): hw_output_hotplug_update 406 Failed to find primary display
08-13 14:25:20.430 E/rkdisplay-resources(452): Failed to find primary display
08-13 14:25:20.431 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): out_set_parameters: kvpairs = exiting=1
08-13 14:25:20.431 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): adev_close_output_stream!
08-13 14:25:20.431 D/AudioHardwareTiny(426): do_out_standby,out = 0xe8903a10,device = 0x400
08-13 14:25:20.434 W/InputManager-JNI(618): Input channel object 'd73c69d com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-13 14:25:20.436 I/InputDispatcher(618): Could not find connection for d73c69d com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings
08-13 14:25:20.437 W/InputDispatcher(618): d73c69d com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings will not receive the new gesture at 560545542000
08-13 14:25:20.437 I/InputDispatcher(618): Dropping event because there is no touchable window or gesture monitor at (983, 618) in display 0.
08-13 14:25:20.438 V/HdmiSettings(948): showConfirmSetModeDialog
08-13 14:25:20.443 I/InputDispatcher(618): Could not find connection for d73c69d com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings
08-13 14:25:20.443 W/InputDispatcher(618): d73c69d com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings will not receive the new gesture at 560553550000
08-13 14:25:20.443 I/InputDispatcher(618): Dropping event because there is no touchable window or gesture monitor at (1029, 635) in display 0.
08-13 14:25:20.445 I/Telecom (618): WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADR@ABM
08-13 14:25:20.445 I/Telecom (618): WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@ABQ
08-13 14:25:20.448 V/MediaRouter(618): Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=HDMI }, a2dp=false
08-13 14:25:20.449 V/MediaRouter(618): Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=HDMI, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=系统 types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEOgroupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-13 14:25:20.450 V/WindowManager(618): Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged
08-13 14:25:20.454 V/MediaRouter(791): Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=false
08-13 14:25:20.455 V/MediaRouter(791): Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=平板电脑, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=系统 types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEOgroupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-13 14:25:20.455 V/MediaRouter(791): Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=HDMI }, a2dp=false
08-13 14:25:20.455 V/MediaRouter(791): Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=HDMI, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=系统 types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEOgroupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-13 14:25:20.508 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.514 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.532 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.570 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.637 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.670 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.802 I/netd    (422): setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.17ms>
08-13 14:25:20.804 I/netd    (422): setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.22ms>
08-13 14:25:20.805 I/netd    (422): setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.27ms>
08-13 14:25:20.808 I/netd    (422): setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.18ms>
08-13 14:25:20.849 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.865 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.882 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:20.899 D/ViewRootImpl(948): updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
08-13 14:25:21.313 W/libc    (297): Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1": error code: 0x20
08-13 14:25:22.314 W/libc    (297): Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1": error code: 0x20
08-13 14:25:22.381 D/RIL RILU(521): vendor is 0x14e4

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-13 14:49:20


jpchen 发表于 2022-8-15 14:26:29

yu_mingyang 发表于 2022-8-13 14:49

当前的log 有显示3840x2160分辨率,应该是设置了
<6> rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop: Crtc atomic disable vp0
<6> rockchip-vop2 fdd90000.vop: Update mode to 3840x2160p60, type: 11(if:800) for vp0 dclk: 594000000

cat /d/dri/0/summary
cat /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/modes
页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 3588J同时接3块4K屏幕,分辨率设置无效