1.In the OV13850, the SCCB ID is controlled by the SID pin, and can be programmable. If SID is low, the sensor’s SCCB
2.address comes from register 0x300C which has a default value of 0x20. If SID is high, the sensor’s SCCB address comes
3.from register 0x3661 which has a default value of 0x6C.
我也没修改什么,用两块板子,下了最新固件也是一样得问题;用了你推的内核重新make firefly_linux_defconfig make rk3399-firefly.img -j12编译烧写后,问题也还是没解决;如果说是硬件问题,但安卓系统两个相机却能正常工作,就有点离谱;不过这两块板子得出厂日期比较新,不知道是不是跟之前得有什么小变化