I/CameraManagerGlobal( 1513): getCameraService: Reconnecting to camera service
E/CameraService( 169): getCameraVendorTagDescriptor: camera hardware module doesn't exist
E/CameraMetadata-JNI( 1513): CameraMetadata_setupGlobalVendorTagDescriptor: Failed to setup vendor tag descriptors, received error No such device (-19)
W/CameraManagerGlobal( 1513): Failed to set up vendor tags: The camera device is removable and has been disconnected from the Android device, or the camera service has shut down the connection due to a higher-priority access request for the camera device.
E/CameraService( 169): no camera found before! check again...
W/linker ( 169): librkswscale.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.