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camera OV8858 进入相机黑屏









camera OV8858 进入相机黑屏

发表于 2015-7-30 20:24:29      浏览:14533 | 回复:7        打印     [复制链接] 楼主
进入camera的kernel log如下:
<14>[ 2716.475064] healthd: battery l=50 v=0 t=0.0 h=2 st=1 chg=a
<4>[ 2726.444981] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(29): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
<4>[ 2726.445012] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(29): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
<4>[ 2726.445028] D1:camsys_open(717): camsys_marvin(c49ed110) is opened!
<4>[ 2726.447750] D1:camsys_mrv_clkin_cb(344): camsys_marvin clock(f: 420000000 Hz) in turn on
<4>[ 2726.447770] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(49): Isp_SoftRst: 1
<4>[ 2726.447880] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(49): Isp_SoftRst: 0
<4>[ 2726.447897] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(49): Isp_SoftRst: 0
<4>[ 2726.448004] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(49): Isp_SoftRst: 1
<4>[ 2726.450069] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(49): Isp_SoftRst: 0
<4>[ 2726.450585] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(339): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
<4>[ 2726.450690] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(335): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(79) set 0
<3>[ 2726.450783] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 8 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<3>[ 2726.451851] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<3>[ 2726.451867] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<4>[ 2726.451975] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(339): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
<4>[ 2726.452073] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(335): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(79) set 0
<3>[ 2726.452166] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 8 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<3>[ 2726.453241] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<3>[ 2726.453258] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<4>[ 2726.453310] D1:camsys_mrv_clkout_cb(379): camsys_marvin clock out(rate: 24000000Hz) turn on
<4>[ 2726.453414] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(335): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 1
<4>[ 2726.453516] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(339): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(79) set 1
<3>[ 2726.453608] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 8 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<3>[ 2726.454679] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<3>[ 2726.454694] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(342): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
<4>[ 2726.845556] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(108): mipi phy 1 standby!
<3>[ 2726.845800] W:camsys_phy_ops(456): mipiphy->phy_index(-1093471660) != extdev->!
<4>[ 2726.846120] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(218): mipi phy(1) turn on(lane: 0x3  bit_rate: 720Mbps)
<11>[ 2726.947043] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:10023  name:sys.glibgui.version
<4>[ 2727.057039] D1:camsys_irq_connect(520): Thread(pid: 1506) connect camsys_marvin irq success! mis: 0x5c4 icr: 0x5c8
<4>[ 2727.057222] D1:camsys_irq_connect(520): Thread(pid: 1507) connect camsys_marvin irq success! mis: 0x1500 icr: 0x1504
130|root@rk3288:/ #

进入camera的android logcat如下:
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/AudioHardware(  174): AudioHardware pcm playback is exiting standby.
D/AudioHardware(  174): openPcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 0
D/alsa_route(  174): route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0  
D/alsa_pcm(  174): pcm_open(0x0001f000)
D/alsa_pcm(  174): pcm_open() card 0, device 0, Playback
D/alsa_route(  174): route_set_controls() set route 0
I/ActivityManager(  480): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[887,586][1033,749]} from pid 678
W/BroadcastQueue(  480): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) } from (pid=678, uid=10037) requires due to receiver$ApplicationLaunchReceiver
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/SensorsHal(  480): Couldn't open /dev/mma8452_daemon (No such file or directory)
E/SensorService(  480): Error activating sensor 0 (Operation not permitted)
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): On resume.
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): Executing onResumeTasks.
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): Open camera device.
V/CameraHolder( 1344): open camera 0
D/CameraHal(  174): camera_get_camera_info(1297): camera_get_camera_info(1297): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
D/CameraHal(  174): camera_get_camera_info(1297): camera_get_camera_info(1297): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
I/UrlCheck(  174): isUrlRealM3U8 in, ptr: 0xb8dd6860, url: /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg
I/UrlCheck(  174): UrlCheckHelper ptr: 0xb8dd6860, url_type: 0
I/ChromiumHTTPDataSourceSupport(  174): Request failed with status 4 and os_error -300
E/AwesomePlayer(  174): connect fail to url: /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg
I/UrlCheck(  174): url checked, reallyM3U8: 0
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
I/FrameQueueManage(  174): use_iommu = 0x1
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): setDataSource /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
I/OMXCodec(  174): OMXCodec::Create mime: audio/vorbis
I/OMXCodec(  174): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create codec
I/OMXCodec(  174): Attempting to allocate OMX node ''
I/OMXCodec(  174): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
I/UrlCheck(  174): isUrlRealM3U8 in, ptr: 0xb8dd6860, url: /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg
I/UrlCheck(  174): UrlCheckHelper ptr: 0xb8dd6860, url_type: 0
I/ChromiumHTTPDataSourceSupport(  174): Request failed with status 4 and os_error -300
E/AwesomePlayer(  174): connect fail to url: /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg
I/UrlCheck(  174): url checked, reallyM3U8: 0
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
I/FrameQueueManage(  174): use_iommu = 0x1
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): setDataSource /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg
I/AwesomePlayer(  174): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
I/OMXCodec(  174): OMXCodec::Create mime: audio/vorbis
I/OMXCodec(  174): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create codec
I/OMXCodec(  174): Attempting to allocate OMX node ''
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
I/OMXCodec(  174): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
I/CameraClient(  174): Opening camera 0
I/CameraHal(  174): camera_device_open(493): camera_device open
D/CameraHal(  174): gCameraHalLogLevel: 0
D/CameraHal(  174): CameraHal(132): it is a isp  camera
D/        (  174): Calling process is:
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, open_vpu_memory_pool:447: success
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (80000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 62
E/CameraHal(  174): disconnectCamera(1627): getFocusLimits failed!
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (160000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 64
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (240000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 65
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (320000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 66
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (400000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 67
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (480000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 68
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (560000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 69
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (640000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 70
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (720000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 71
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:690: vpu memory pool size (800000)
I/vpu_mem_pool(  174): pid 174, vpu_mem_allocator:693: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 72
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174): CameraHal Version Check:
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):     CamSys_Head.h version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):        kernel: (0x) v0.9.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174): (0x) v0.9.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):     LibIsp version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):        local: (0x) v1.13.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174): (0x) v1.13.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):     Sensor ISI version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):         libisp_isi_drv_XXX: (0x) v0.7.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174): (0x) v0.7.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):     Tunning XML version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):         libisp_isi_drv_XXX: (18-7-2014_oyyf-hkw_OV8858_CMK-CB0407-FV1_v0.1.2)
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):         Calibdb: (29-10-2014_oyyf-hkw_OV8858_CMK-CB0407-FV1_v0.2.0)
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):     sensor name OV8858:
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):        sensor drv version: (0x) v0.c.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):
D/CameraHal_Marvin(  174):
D/CameraHal(  174): setupPreview(228): isp out put format is YUV420SP.
D/CameraHal(  174): enableSensor(203): orientation = 0xb8e27808 (Gravity sensor)
D/SensorsHal(  480): Couldn't open /dev/mma8452_daemon (No such file or directory)
E/SensorService(  480): Error activating sensor 0 (Operation not permitted)
D/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): No force preview size!
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): Preview size is 1632x1224
W/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): startPreview: surfaceTexture is not ready.
V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi(  820): onSetRequest: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 1000
V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi(  820): SET-REQUEST
V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi(  820): in Handler: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 20000
D/LocationManager( 1344): provider does not exist provider doesn't exist: gps
D/LocationManager( 1344): startReceivingLocationUpdates
D/camera  ( 1344): pref_camera_flashmode_keyreloadPreference[I@41a1ca58
D/camera  ( 1344): pref_camera_whitebalance_keyreloadPreference[I@41a1c730
D/camera  ( 1344): pref_camera_recordlocation_keyreloadPreference[I@41a137f0
D/SensorsHal(  480): Couldn't open /dev/mma8452_daemon (No such file or directory)
E/SensorService(  480): Error activating sensor 0 (Operation not permitted)
D/SensorsHal(  480): Couldn't open /dev/compass (No such file or directory)
E/SensorsHal(  480): ECS_IOCTL_APP_SET_XXX failed (Bad file number)
E/SensorService(  480): Error activating sensor 1 (Bad file number)
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/mali_winsys( 1344): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/camera  ( 1344): pref_camera_recordlocation_keyreloadPreference[I@41a51680
D/camera  ( 1344): pref_camera_flashmode_keyreloadPreference[I@41a553b0
D/camera  ( 1344): pref_camera_whitebalance_keyreloadPreference[I@41a55088
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
V/CAM_UI  ( 1344): SurfaceTexture ready.
D/CameraHal(  174): camera_get_camera_info(1297): camera_get_camera_info(1297): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
D/CameraHal(  174): commandThread(1073): commandThread(1073): receive CMD_AF_CANCEL
D/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): No force preview size!
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): Preview size is 1632x1224
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1344): startPreview
D/CameraHal(  174): commandThread(929): commandThread(929):receive CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW
D/CameraHal(  174): commandThread(945): commandThread(945): CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW out
D/CameraHal(  174): commandThread(824): commandThread(824):receive CMD_PREVIEW_START
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/CameraHal(  174): stop(1702): m_camDevice->stopPreview success!
D/CameraHal(  174): setupPreview(228): isp out put format is YUV420SP.
D/CameraHal(  174): start(1657): m_camDevice->startPreview success
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/CameraHal(  174): displayThread(573): displayThread(573): receive CMD_DISPLAY_START
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/CameraHal(  174): commandThread(897): commandThread(897): CMD_PREVIEW_START out
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
D/AudioHardware(  174): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
D/AudioHardware(  174): closePcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 1
D/alsa_pcm(  174): pcm_close() card 0, device 0, Playback
D/alsa_route(  174): route_set_controls() set route 24
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
W/hwcomposer(  171): @video fd[0]=-1
130|root@rk3288:/ #


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