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[人工智能] Android8.1神经网络硬件加速TfLiteSSDDemo开放源码(支持Firefly下的RK3399平台)








发表于 2018-12-29 15:58:13        只看该作者  11#
lkd 发表于 2018-12-29 15:48
我怀疑是相关的so库没有打包到apk中。你看build.gradle的配置对了没有,官方TFLiteSSDDemo用的是androidstu ...


使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 16:05:10        只看该作者  12#
LiCheng 发表于 2018-12-29 15:55


使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 16:24:53        只看该作者  13#
lkd 发表于 2018-12-29 16:05

12-29 18:11:03.184   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: 1212121 start_output_stream
12-29 18:11:03.184   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: vicent r 44100  c 2  ps 512 pc 6
12-29 18:11:03.185   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive android.intent.action.TIME_SET
12-29 18:11:03.185   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-29 18:11:03.185   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[0] = ROCKCHIPRT5640C
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[1] = ROCKCHIPSPDIF
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[2] = RKHDMIDPSOUND
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PCM_CARD=0, PCM_CARD_SPDIF=1, PCM_CARD_HDMI=2, PCM_BT=4
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device     : 0x80408
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels   : 2
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate    : 0
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-29 18:11:03.187   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream() >>>> PCM_CARD_HDMI:2, PCM_CARD:0, HdmiIn_snd_config.config:4<
12-29 18:11:03.188   256   963 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0  
12-29 18:11:03.189   256   963 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 8
12-29 18:11:03.195   273   367 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 18:11:03.195   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Sat Dec 29 22:00:00 GMT+08:00 2018 (1546092000000), in +3h48m56s815ms, now=Sat Dec 29 18:11:03 GMT+08:00 2018 (1546078263185)
12-29 18:11:03.195  5569  5590 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76a8f89010 disconnect failed
12-29 18:11:03.197  5734  5734 I AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
12-29 18:11:03.200   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE
12-29 18:11:03.211   523   537 I UsageStatsService: Time changed in UsageStats by 4751999 seconds
12-29 18:11:03.211   523   537 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
12-29 18:11:03.212  5734  5751 I AlarmClock: Fixing alarm instances
12-29 18:11:03.216   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-29 18:11:03.217   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-29 18:11:03.217   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 18:11:03.218   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 18:11:03.219   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Sat Dec 29 22:00:00 GMT+08:00 2018 (1546092000000), in +3h48m56s799ms, now=Sat Dec 29 18:11:03 GMT+08:00 2018 (1546078263201)
12-29 18:11:03.263   523   537 I UsageStatsDatabase: Time changed by +54d23h59m59s999ms. files deleted: 0 files moved: 8
12-29 18:11:03.274   523   537 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2018-12-30 08:33:50(1546158830251)
12-29 18:11:03.219   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 18:11:03.284  5734  5751 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
12-29 18:11:03.291  5734  5734 I DigitalWidgetProvider: onReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_SET flg=0x25200010 }
12-29 18:11:03.308   523   533 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 66825(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 51(2MB) LOS objects, 42% free, 8MB/14MB, paused 638us total 108.905ms
12-29 18:11:03.489   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:03.490   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 18:11:03.490   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:03.491   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 101
12-29 18:11:03.491   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 18:11:03.491   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=101,share_attr_fd=110
12-29 18:11:03.491   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 118
12-29 18:11:03.491   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 18:11:03.491   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=118,share_attr_fd=119
12-29 18:11:03.521   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 45
12-29 18:11:03.521   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 18:11:03.521   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=45,share_attr_fd=57
12-29 18:11:04.121   273   273 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing to
12-29 18:11:04.126  5569  5590 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 18:11:04.129   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:04.129   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.129   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:04.130   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 37
12-29 18:11:04.130   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.130   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=37,share_attr_fd=39
12-29 18:11:04.133   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:04.133   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.133   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:04.133   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 114
12-29 18:11:04.133   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.133   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=114,share_attr_fd=122
12-29 18:11:04.136   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:04.137   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.137   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:04.137   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 135
12-29 18:11:04.137   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.137   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=135,share_attr_fd=138
12-29 18:11:04.140   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:04.140   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.140   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:04.141   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 143
12-29 18:11:04.141   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.141   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=143,share_attr_fd=147
12-29 18:11:04.156   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:04.157   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.157   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:04.157   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 142
12-29 18:11:04.157   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.157   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=142,share_attr_fd=147
12-29 18:11:04.157  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 92
12-29 18:11:04.157  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.157  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=92,share_attr_fd=93
12-29 18:11:04.195   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:04.195   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.195   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:04.195   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 138
12-29 18:11:04.195   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.196   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=138,share_attr_fd=139
12-29 18:11:04.196  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 96
12-29 18:11:04.196  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.196  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=96,share_attr_fd=97
12-29 18:11:04.221   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 56
12-29 18:11:04.221   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:04.221   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=56,share_attr_fd=79
12-29 18:11:05.730   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:05.731   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.731   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:05.731   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 114
12-29 18:11:05.732   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.732   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=114,share_attr_fd=119
12-29 18:11:05.733  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 99
12-29 18:11:05.733  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.733  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=99,share_attr_fd=100
12-29 18:11:05.752   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 18:11:05.752   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.752   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 18:11:05.753   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 44
12-29 18:11:05.753   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.753   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=44,share_attr_fd=68
12-29 18:11:05.754  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 102
12-29 18:11:05.754  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.754  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=102,share_attr_fd=103
12-29 18:11:05.756   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 17 for fd 85
12-29 18:11:05.756   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.756   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=85,share_attr_fd=87
12-29 18:11:05.773   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 18 for fd 128
12-29 18:11:05.773   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.773   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=128,share_attr_fd=129
12-29 18:11:05.788   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 19 for fd 113
12-29 18:11:05.788   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 803, h : 588, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=1919232,pixel_stride=816,byte_stride=3264
12-29 18:11:05.788   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=113,share_attr_fd=114
12-29 18:11:07.170   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 18:11:07.171   256   483 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-29 18:11:07.247   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-29 18:11:12.795   270   270 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 13 channels
12-29 18:11:12.799   270   270 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 9 channels
12-29 18:11:12.802   270   270 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 4 channels
12-29 18:11:13.288   523 22142 D AlarmManagerService: Setting time of day to sec=1546071540
12-29 16:19:00.005   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: 1212121 start_output_stream
12-29 16:19:00.005   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: vicent r 44100  c 2  ps 512 pc 6
12-29 16:19:00.006   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive android.intent.action.TIME_SET
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[0] = ROCKCHIPRT5640C
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[1] = ROCKCHIPSPDIF
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[2] = RKHDMIDPSOUND
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PCM_CARD=0, PCM_CARD_SPDIF=1, PCM_CARD_HDMI=2, PCM_BT=4
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device     : 0x80408
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels   : 2
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate    : 0
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream() >>>> PCM_CARD_HDMI:2, PCM_CARD:0, HdmiIn_snd_config.config:4<
12-29 16:19:00.007   256   963 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0  
12-29 16:19:00.008   256   963 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 8
12-29 16:19:00.009   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-29 16:19:00.010   523   537 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
12-29 16:19:00.010   523   537 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
12-29 16:19:00.010   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-29 16:19:00.011   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:19:00.014   523   523 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Sat Dec 29 22:00:00 GMT+08:00 2018 (1546092000000), in +5h40m59s991ms, now=Sat Dec 29 16:19:00 GMT+08:00 2018 (1546071540009)
12-29 16:19:00.018  5734  5734 I AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
12-29 16:19:00.019   273   288 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:19:00.020  5569  5590 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76a8faa010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:19:00.021  5734  5751 I AlarmClock: Fixing alarm instances
12-29 16:19:00.063   523   537 I UsageStatsService: Time changed in UsageStats by -6733 seconds
12-29 16:19:00.063   523   537 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
12-29 16:19:00.073  5734  5751 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
12-29 16:19:00.074   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:19:00.075   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:19:00.082  5734  5734 I DigitalWidgetProvider: onReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_SET flg=0x25200010 }
12-29 16:19:00.087   523   537 I UsageStatsDatabase: Time changed by -1h52m13s289ms. files deleted: 0 files moved: 8
12-29 16:19:00.099   523   537 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2018-12-30 06:41:36(1546152096962)
12-29 16:19:01.699   523 22142 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event
12-29 16:19:04.967   523 20396 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=4 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
12-29 16:19:04.969   523   599 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4 down=true repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
12-29 16:19:05.048   523 20396 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=4 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
12-29 16:19:05.049   523   599 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4 down=false repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
12-29 16:19:05.049   523   539 D AutofillManagerService: onBackKeyPressed()
12-29 16:19:05.059   523  6789 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{$SystemDashboardActivity}
12-29 16:19:05.082  5569  5569 D ProgressiveDisclosure: Cannot find preference with key system_update_settings
12-29 16:19:05.082  5569  5569 D DashboardFragment: Cannot find preference with key system_update_settings in Controller SystemUpdatePreferenceController
12-29 16:19:05.089  5569  5771 W TileUtils: Found for intent Intent { } missing metadata
12-29 16:19:05.111   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:05.112  5569  5772 D Settings: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call
12-29 16:19:05.112   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.112   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:05.113   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 122
12-29 16:19:05.113   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.113   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=122,share_attr_fd=123
12-29 16:19:05.126   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:05.127   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.127   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:05.128   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 53
12-29 16:19:05.128   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.128   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=53,share_attr_fd=132
12-29 16:19:05.141   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:05.141   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.141   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:05.142   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 119
12-29 16:19:05.142   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.142   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=119,share_attr_fd=139
12-29 16:19:05.154   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:05.154   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.154   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:05.155   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 142
12-29 16:19:05.155   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.155   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=142,share_attr_fd=143
12-29 16:19:05.156  5569  5590 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:19:05.190   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:05.191   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.191   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:05.192   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 128
12-29 16:19:05.192   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.192   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=128,share_attr_fd=138
12-29 16:19:05.192  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 86
12-29 16:19:05.192  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.192  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=86,share_attr_fd=92
12-29 16:19:05.225   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:05.226   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.226   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:05.226   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 140
12-29 16:19:05.226   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.226   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=140,share_attr_fd=143
12-29 16:19:05.227  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 94
12-29 16:19:05.227  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.227  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=94,share_attr_fd=96
12-29 16:19:05.249   273   604 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:19:05.249  5569  5590 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76b13d2010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:19:05.298   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 56
12-29 16:19:05.298   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:05.298   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=56,share_attr_fd=58
12-29 16:19:06.662   523 19684 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=4 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
12-29 16:19:06.664   523   599 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4 down=true repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
12-29 16:19:06.719   523 31730 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=4 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
12-29 16:19:06.720   523   599 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4 down=false repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
12-29 16:19:06.730   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.731   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.732   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.732   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 29
12-29 16:19:06.732   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.732   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=46
12-29 16:19:06.733  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 78
12-29 16:19:06.733  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.733  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=78,share_attr_fd=79
12-29 16:19:06.765   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 67
12-29 16:19:06.766   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.766   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=67,share_attr_fd=70
12-29 16:19:06.769   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.770   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.770   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.770   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 102
12-29 16:19:06.770   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.770   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=102,share_attr_fd=104
12-29 16:19:06.771  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 81
12-29 16:19:06.771  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.771  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=81,share_attr_fd=82
12-29 16:19:06.782   523 31730 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{}
12-29 16:19:06.799   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 48
12-29 16:19:06.799   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.799   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=48,share_attr_fd=52
12-29 16:19:06.811  5569  5774 W TileUtils: Found for intent Intent { } missing metadata
12-29 16:19:06.815   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 10 for fd 63
12-29 16:19:06.815   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.815   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=63,share_attr_fd=64
12-29 16:19:06.826  5569  5775 D Settings: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call
12-29 16:19:06.829  5569  5666 D BatteryInfo: time to make batteryStatsHelper: 1ms
12-29 16:19:06.830   523   541 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
12-29 16:19:06.832   523   541 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
12-29 16:19:06.832   523   541 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
12-29 16:19:06.833   270   270 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse
12-29 16:19:06.833   270   270 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4
12-29 16:19:06.835   270   270 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse
12-29 16:19:06.835   270   270 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4
12-29 16:19:06.837   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.839   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.839   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.839   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 100
12-29 16:19:06.839   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.839   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=100,share_attr_fd=120
12-29 16:19:06.850   523   541 D WifiService:  reportActivityInfo:  rxIdleCur=0 rxCur=0 txCur=0 voltage=0.0 on_time=323 tx_time=1774 tx_time_per_level=[] rx_time=0 rxIdleTime=-1451 energy=0
12-29 16:19:06.850   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.851   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.851   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.851   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 135
12-29 16:19:06.851   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.851   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=135,share_attr_fd=136
12-29 16:19:06.719   523   539 D AutofillManagerService: onBackKeyPressed()
12-29 16:19:06.851   523   541 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi
12-29 16:19:06.851   523   541 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth
12-29 16:19:06.852   807   807 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] queryModemActivityInfo: Empty response
12-29 16:19:06.860   523   541 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
12-29 16:19:06.862   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.864   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.864   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.864   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 19 for fd 56
12-29 16:19:06.864   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.864   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=56,share_attr_fd=127
12-29 16:19:06.870  5569  5666 D BatteryInfo: time for getStats: 41ms
12-29 16:19:06.874  5569  5771 D BatteryInfo: time for regular BatteryInfo: 2ms
12-29 16:19:06.875  5569  5771 D BatteryInfo: time for getBatteryInfo: 0ms
12-29 16:19:06.876   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.877   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.877   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.877   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 20 for fd 139
12-29 16:19:06.877   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.877   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=139,share_attr_fd=141
12-29 16:19:06.879  5569  5590 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:19:06.902   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.903   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.903   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.903   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 20 for fd 122
12-29 16:19:06.903   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.903   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=122,share_attr_fd=139
12-29 16:19:06.904  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 85
12-29 16:19:06.904  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.904  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=85,share_attr_fd=87
12-29 16:19:06.907   523   795 D SntpClient: request time failed: Poll timed out
12-29 16:19:06.914  5569  5569 D DashboardSummary: Listening for condition changes
12-29 16:19:06.914  5569  5569 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
12-29 16:19:06.915  5569  5569 D DashboardAdapter: adapter setConditions called
12-29 16:19:06.916  5569  5569 D DashboardSummary: conditions refreshed
12-29 16:19:06.917  5569  5569 D APM_Condition: APM condition refreshed
12-29 16:19:06.919  5569  5569 D APM_Condition: setActive was called with false
12-29 16:19:06.919   523 22142 I WifiService: getWifiApEnabledState uid=1000
12-29 16:19:06.920  5569  5772 D SuggestionParser: Day 119 for
12-29 16:19:06.925  5569  5569 D BatteryInfo: time for callback: 0ms
12-29 16:19:06.939  5569  5772 I SuggestionParser: 使用指纹 requires unavailable feature android.hardware.fingerprint
12-29 16:19:06.943  5569  5772 I SuggestionParser: 添加其他指纹 requires unavailable feature android.hardware.fingerprint
12-29 16:19:06.953   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:06.955   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.955   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:06.962   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 19 for fd 132
12-29 16:19:06.962   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.962   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=132,share_attr_fd=134
12-29 16:19:06.962  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 89
12-29 16:19:06.962  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.962  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=89,share_attr_fd=90
12-29 16:19:06.981   273  1042 E BufferQueueProducer: [$SystemDashboardActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:19:06.981  5569  5590 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76c3aa1010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:19:06.998   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 75
12-29 16:19:06.998   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:06.998   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=75,share_attr_fd=87
12-29 16:19:07.516   523 19684 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=4 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
12-29 16:19:07.518   523   599 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4 down=true repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
12-29 16:19:07.592   523 19684 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=4 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
12-29 16:19:07.592   523   599 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4 down=false repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
12-29 16:19:07.592   523   539 D AutofillManagerService: onBackKeyPressed()
12-29 16:19:07.610   523  6789 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{}
12-29 16:19:07.637   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:07.638   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1152, h : 583, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x333. size=2686464,pixel_stride=1152,byte_stride=4608
12-29 16:19:07.638   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:07.638   523  6789 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 242
12-29 16:19:07.638   523  6789 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1152, h : 583, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x333. size=2686464,pixel_stride=1152,byte_stride=4608
12-29 16:19:07.638   523  6789 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=242,share_attr_fd=243
12-29 16:19:07.639   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 44
12-29 16:19:07.639   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1152, h : 583, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x333. size=2686464,pixel_stride=1152,byte_stride=4608
12-29 16:19:07.639   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=44,share_attr_fd=104
12-29 16:19:07.684  5569  5569 D DashboardSummary: Stopped listening for condition changes
12-29 16:19:07.723   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:07.724   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 17 for handle 2
12-29 16:19:07.726   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.726   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=18
12-29 16:19:07.726   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.726   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=17,share_attr_fd=19
12-29 16:19:07.726   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 90
12-29 16:19:07.726   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.726   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=90,share_attr_fd=91
12-29 16:19:07.726   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 127
12-29 16:19:07.726   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.726   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=127,share_attr_fd=128
12-29 16:19:07.727  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 77
12-29 16:19:07.727  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.727  5569  5590 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=77,share_attr_fd=78
12-29 16:19:07.739   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:07.741   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.741   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:07.742   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 104
12-29 16:19:07.742   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.742   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=104,share_attr_fd=105
12-29 16:19:07.749   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 52
12-29 16:19:07.749   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.749   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=52,share_attr_fd=53
12-29 16:19:07.756   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:07.757   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.757   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:07.757   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 102
12-29 16:19:07.757   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.757   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=102,share_attr_fd=136
12-29 16:19:07.768   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:07.769   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.769   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:07.770   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 29
12-29 16:19:07.770   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.770   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=142
12-29 16:19:07.772  1106  1218 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:19:07.796   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:07.797   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.797   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:07.798   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 29
12-29 16:19:07.798   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.798   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=32
12-29 16:19:07.798  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 71
12-29 16:19:07.798  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.798  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=71,share_attr_fd=72
12-29 16:19:07.831   273  1042 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:19:07.831  5569  5590 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76b13d2010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:19:07.833   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 67
12-29 16:19:07.833   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1920, format : 0x2,internal_format : 0x2, usage : 0x933. size=14745600,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.833   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=67,share_attr_fd=70
12-29 16:19:07.833   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 89
12-29 16:19:07.833   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:07.833   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=89,share_attr_fd=90
12-29 16:19:08.070   523   538 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty for 3913s
12-29 16:19:08.071   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2635, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:19:08.114   523   540 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:08.154   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2635, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:19:08.154   523   540 I system_server: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10002 pid 2635 in 83ms
12-29 16:19:08.298  1106  1218 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
12-29 16:19:08.327   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:08.329   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.329   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:08.329   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 68
12-29 16:19:08.329   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.329   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=68,share_attr_fd=97
12-29 16:19:08.330  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 74
12-29 16:19:08.330  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.330  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=74,share_attr_fd=75
12-29 16:19:08.367   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 53
12-29 16:19:08.367   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.367   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=53,share_attr_fd=54
12-29 16:19:08.930   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:08.932   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.932   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:08.932   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 104
12-29 16:19:08.932   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.932   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=104,share_attr_fd=105
12-29 16:19:08.933  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 78
12-29 16:19:08.933  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.933  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=78,share_attr_fd=79
12-29 16:19:08.965   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 10 for fd 58
12-29 16:19:08.965   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:08.965   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=58,share_attr_fd=63
12-29 16:19:09.023   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:09.024   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:09.024   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:09.025   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 90
12-29 16:19:09.025   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:09.025   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=90,share_attr_fd=91
12-29 16:19:09.026  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 81
12-29 16:19:09.026  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:09.026  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=81,share_attr_fd=82
12-29 16:19:09.066   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 65
12-29 16:19:09.066   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:19:09.066   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=65,share_attr_fd=66
12-29 16:19:10.645   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:19:10.646   256   483 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-29 16:19:10.728   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-29 16:19:18.186   523  6789 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/.MainActivity bnds=[646,579][960,734]} from uid 10015
12-29 16:19:18.192   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: 1212121 start_output_stream
12-29 16:19:18.192   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: vicent r 44100  c 2  ps 512 pc 6
12-29 16:19:18.193   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[0] = ROCKCHIPRT5640C
12-29 16:19:18.193   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[1] = ROCKCHIPSPDIF
12-29 16:19:18.193   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[2] = RKHDMIDPSOUND
12-29 16:19:18.193   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PCM_CARD=0, PCM_CARD_SPDIF=1, PCM_CARD_HDMI=2, PCM_BT=4
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device     : 0x80408
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels   : 2
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate    : 0
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream() >>>> PCM_CARD_HDMI:2, PCM_CARD:0, HdmiIn_snd_config.config:4<
12-29 16:19:18.194   256   963 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0  
12-29 16:19:18.195   256   963 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 8
12-29 16:19:18.198   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:19:18.207   523  6789 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity}----com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:19:18.223   523 20396 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity}----com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:19:18.242   523 20396 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5788:com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/u0a72 for activity com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/.MainActivity
12-29 16:19:18.253  5788  5788 I zygote64: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-29 16:19:18.256   523   537 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
12-29 16:19:18.256   523   537 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
12-29 16:19:18.262   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:19:18.263   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:19:18.271   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:18.272   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:18.272   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:18.272   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 134
12-29 16:19:18.272   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:18.272   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=134,share_attr_fd=136
12-29 16:19:18.273   523   573 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 249
12-29 16:19:18.273   523   573 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:18.273   523   573 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=249,share_attr_fd=250
12-29 16:19:18.345  5788  5795 E zygote64: Failed sending reply to debugger: Broken pipe
12-29 16:19:18.346  5788  5795 I zygote64: Debugger is no longer active
12-29 16:19:18.373   273   367 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:19:18.373  1106  1218 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76b177c010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:19:18.382   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 17 for fd 31
12-29 16:19:18.382   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:18.382   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=31,share_attr_fd=56
12-29 16:19:18.460  5788  5793 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=20KB
12-29 16:19:18.461  5788  5793 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=30KB, data=20KB
12-29 16:19:18.461  5788  5793 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
12-29 16:19:18.503  5805  5805 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:140): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/xbin/su" dev="dm-0" ino=2638 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-29 16:19:18.591  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: Attr count: 6
12-29 16:19:18.686  5788  5793 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=60KB, data=39KB
12-29 16:19:18.687  5788  5793 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=58KB, data=38KB
12-29 16:19:18.687  5788  5793 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
12-29 16:19:18.753  5788  5788 D ssd     : Loaded box priors!
12-29 16:19:18.755  5788  5788 D ssd     : Loaded label!
12-29 16:19:18.757  5788  5807 W linker  : /data/app/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo-H4zZdegSviSeZvhPMC8drA==/lib/arm64/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
12-29 16:19:18.759  5788  5807 I rkssd4j : Loaded model /data/user/0/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/cache/mobilenet_ssd300_1.0.tflite
12-29 16:19:18.759  5788  5807 I rkssd4j : resolved reporter
12-29 16:19:18.762  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to get library list
12-29 16:19:18.765  5788  5788 E OpenCV/StaticHelper: OpenCV error: Cannot load info library for OpenCV
12-29 16:19:18.765  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Library list: ""
12-29 16:19:18.765  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: First attempt to load libs
12-29 16:19:18.765  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to init OpenCV libs
12-29 16:19:18.765  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to load library opencv_java3
12-29 16:19:18.770  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Library opencv_java3 loaded
12-29 16:19:18.770  5788  5788 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: First attempt to load libs is OK
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper: General configuration for OpenCV 3.1.0 =====================================
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Version control:               3.1.0
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Platform:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Host:                        Darwin 15.0.0 x86_64
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Target:                      Android 1 aarch64
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     CMake:                       3.3.2
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     CMake generator:             Ninja
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     CMake build tool:            /usr/local/bin/ninja
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Configuration:               Release
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   C/C++:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Built as dynamic libs?:      NO
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C++ Compiler:                /usr/local/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++ (ver 4.9)
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C++ flags (Release):         -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C++ flags (Debug):           -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C Compiler:                  /usr/local/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C flags (Release):           -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wno-narrowing -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C flags (Debug):             -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wno-narrowing -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Linker flags (Release):      -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Linker flags (Debug):        -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Precompiled headers:         NO
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Extra dependencies:          z dl m log
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     3rdparty dependencies:       libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf tbb
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   OpenCV modules:
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     To be built:                 core flann imgproc ml photo video imgcodecs shape videoio highgui objdetect superres features2d calib3d java stitching videostab
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Disabled:                    world
12-29 16:19:18.771  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Disabled by dependency:      -
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Unavailable:                 cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev python2 ts viz
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Android:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Android ABI:                 arm64-v8a
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     STL type:                    gnustl_static
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Native API level:            android-21
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     SDK target:                  android-21
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Android NDK:                 /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e (toolchain: aarch64-linux-android-4.9)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     android tool:                /opt/android/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android (Android SDK Tools, revision 24.1.2.)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Google Play manager:         NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Android examples:            YES
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   GUI:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GTK+:                        NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GThread :                    NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GtkGlExt:                    NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     OpenGL support:              NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     VTK support:                 NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Media I/O:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     ZLib:                        z (ver 1.2.3)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     JPEG:                        build (ver 90)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     WEBP:                        build (ver 0.3.1)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     PNG:                         build (ver 1.6.19)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     TIFF:                        build (ver 42 - 4.0.2)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     JPEG 2000:                   build (ver 1.900.1)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     OpenEXR:                     build (ver 1.7.1)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GDAL:                        NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Video I/O:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Parallel framework:            TBB (ver 4.3 interface 8002)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Other third-party libraries:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use IPP:                     NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use Eigen:                   NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use Cuda:                    NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use OpenCL:                  NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use custom HAL:              NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Python 2:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Interpreter:                 /opt/pythonenv/build/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.10)
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Python 3:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Interpreter:                 NO
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Python (for build):            /opt/pythonenv/build/bin/python2.7
12-29 16:19:18.772  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Java:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     ant:                         /usr/local/bin/ant (ver 1.9.4)
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Java wrappers:               YES
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Java tests:                  NO
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Matlab:                        NO
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Tests and samples:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Tests:                       NO
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Performance tests:           NO
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C/C++ Examples:              NO
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Install path:                  /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/build/o4a/install
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   cvconfig.h is in:              /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/build/o4a
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 I OpenCV/StaticHelper: -----------------------------------------------------------------
12-29 16:19:18.773  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:19:18.783  5788  5808 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
12-29 16:19:18.832  5788  5808 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/rockchip/mali_so_src_of_midgard/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 876; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-29 16:19:18.832  5788  5808 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r18p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '7@0'.
12-29 16:19:18.832  5788  5808 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/rockchip/mali_so_src_of_midgard/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 881; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-29 16:19:18.832  5788  5808 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
12-29 16:19:18.839  5788  5808 I com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
12-29 16:19:18.839  5788  5808 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-29 16:19:18.839  5788  5808 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
12-29 16:19:18.845  5788  5808 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call surfaceChanged event
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 0
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 1
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call onEnterStartedState
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Connecting to camera
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Initialize java camera
12-29 16:19:18.847  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Trying to open camera with old open()
12-29 16:19:18.848   388   479 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:19:18.848   388   479 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:19:18.849   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:18.852   388   479 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
12-29 16:19:18.853   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:18.854   396   396 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319800) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:19:18.860   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:19:18.860   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:19:18.864   396  5819 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319800), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:18.864   396   396 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319a00) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:19:18.869   394   394 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:19:18.870   394   394 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:19:18.875   396  5821 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319a00), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:18.876   396   396 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319700) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:19:18.882   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:19:18.882   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:19:18.886   396  5823 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319700), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:18.888   388   479 I CameraHardwareInterface: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:19:18.889   258   432 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:19:18.889   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:18.889   258   432 I CameraHal: camera_device_open(567): camera_device open
12-29 16:19:18.889   258   432 D CameraHal: gCameraHalLogLevel: 0
12-29 16:19:18.889   258   432 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
12-29 16:19:18.891   258   432 D CameraHal: CameraHal(102): it is a uvc camera!
12-29 16:19:18.891   258   432 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:19:18.891   258   432 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:19:19.051   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(370): Camera driver: uvcvideo  Card Name:Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 430  Driver version: 4.4.126  CameraHal version: 1.81.11
12-29 16:19:19.051   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 1448695129(YUYV 4:2:2),index = 0
12-29 16:19:19.064   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 0(36315752-1a66-a242-9065-d01814a),index = 1
12-29 16:19:19.064   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(415): cameraCreate(415): mCamDriverPreviewFmt(YUYV) is cameraHal and camera driver is also supported!!
12-29 16:19:19.065   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(417): mCamDriverPreviewFmt  = 1448695129
12-29 16:19:19.065   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(423): cameraCreate(423): Current driver is uvcvideo, v4l2 memory is V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP
12-29 16:19:19.068   258   432 E CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(503): initDefaultParameters(503): mCamDriverCapability.card is error!
12-29 16:19:19.069   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(568): Support video sizes:(null)
12-29 16:19:19.069   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(583): Support Preview format: yuv420sp,yuv420p .. yuv420sp
12-29 16:19:19.069   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(585): Support Preview sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080     640x480
12-29 16:19:19.069   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(586): Support Preview FPS range: (15000,15000),(30000,30000)
12-29 16:19:19.069   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(587): Support Preview framerate: 10,15,20,30
12-29 16:19:19.069   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(588): Support Picture sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(590): Support white balance: auto,incandescent,fluorescent,daylight,cloudy-daylight
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(592): Support color effect: none,mono,sepia
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(598): Support focus: fixed  focus zone: 0
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(600): Support zoom: true(ratios: 100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,150,155,160,165,170,175,180,185,190,195,200,205,210,215,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275,280,285,290,295,300,)
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(604): Support exposure: (-3 -> 3)
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(608): Support anti-banding: off,50hz,60hz,auto  anti-banding: off
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(610): Support hardware faces detecte: 2
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(611): Support software faces detecte: 0
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(612): Support video stabilization: false
12-29 16:19:19.070   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(613): Support recording hint: false
12-29 16:19:19.072   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(745): cameraConfig(745): Set framerate(30 fps) success
12-29 16:19:19.072   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(788): cameraConfig(788): Set white balance(auto) success
12-29 16:19:19.072   258   432 E CameraHal: cameraConfig(818): cameraConfig(818): Set effect(none) fail
12-29 16:19:19.073   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(865): cameraConfig(865): Set anti-banding Disabled
12-29 16:19:19.073   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(946): cameraConfig(946): Set exposure 0 0
12-29 16:19:19.073   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.073   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.073   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.081   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:19.091  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: getSupportedPreviewSizes()
12-29 16:19:19.094  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Set preview size to 640x480
12-29 16:19:19.101   258  5831 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:19:19.101   258  5831 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.101   258  5831 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.101   258  5831 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.117  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: startPreview
12-29 16:19:19.118   388   433 I CameraHardwareInterface: Destroying camera 0
12-29 16:19:19.119   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(984): commandThread(984):receive CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW
12-29 16:19:19.119   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(1000): commandThread(1000): CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW out
12-29 16:19:19.119   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(875): commandThread(875):receive CMD_PREVIEW_START
12-29 16:19:19.120   258  5831 D CameraHal: startPreview(177): startPreview177:preview_w = 640,preview_h = 480,drv_w = 640,drv_h = 480
12-29 16:19:19.122   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.123   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.123   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.123  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Starting processing thread
12-29 16:19:19.124   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 29
12-29 16:19:19.124   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.124   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=31
12-29 16:19:19.125   258  5831 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b040, vir_addr 0xe9572000,fd 29
12-29 16:19:19.128   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.129   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.129   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.131   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 33
12-29 16:19:19.131   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.131   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=33,share_attr_fd=34
12-29 16:19:19.133   258  5831 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b180, vir_addr 0xe94dc000,fd 33
12-29 16:19:19.135   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.136   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.136   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.137   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 36
12-29 16:19:19.137   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.137   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=36,share_attr_fd=37
12-29 16:19:19.140   258  5831 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b2a0, vir_addr 0xe9446000,fd 36
12-29 16:19:19.142   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.143   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.143   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.143   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 39
12-29 16:19:19.144   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.144   258  5831 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=39,share_attr_fd=40
12-29 16:19:19.145   258  5831 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b140, vir_addr 0xe93b0000,fd 39
12-29 16:19:19.146   258  5831 D CameraHal: cameraSetSize(472): cameraSetSize(472):IN, w = 640,h = 480
12-29 16:19:19.151   258  5831 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 1
12-29 16:19:19.155   258  5831 D CameraHal: startPreview(219): startPreview(219):OUT
12-29 16:19:19.156   258  5825 D CameraHal: displayThread(624): displayThread(624): receive CMD_DISPLAY_START
12-29 16:19:19.156   258  5825 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:19:19.182   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.184   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.184   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.184   273   367 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 57
12-29 16:19:19.184   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.184   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=57,share_attr_fd=69
12-29 16:19:19.185  5788  5808 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 57
12-29 16:19:19.185  5788  5808 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.185  5788  5808 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=57,share_attr_fd=58
12-29 16:19:19.194   263   369 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.196   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.197   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.198   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.198  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.198  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 54
12-29 16:19:19.198  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.198  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=54,share_attr_fd=55
12-29 16:19:19.199   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.199   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 15
12-29 16:19:19.199   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.199   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=15,share_attr_fd=16
12-29 16:19:19.200   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.200   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 27
12-29 16:19:19.200   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.200   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=27,share_attr_fd=28
12-29 16:19:19.200   263   369 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.203   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.204   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.204   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.218   523   545 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/.MainActivity: +991ms
12-29 16:19:19.230  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.230  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 62
12-29 16:19:19.230  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.230  5788  5802 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=62,share_attr_fd=63
12-29 16:19:19.231   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.231   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 19
12-29 16:19:19.231   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.231   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=19,share_attr_fd=20
12-29 16:19:19.231   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.231   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 43
12-29 16:19:19.231   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.231   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=43,share_attr_fd=44
12-29 16:19:19.232   263   369 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.234   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.235   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.235   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.235  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.235  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 64
12-29 16:19:19.235  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.236  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=64,share_attr_fd=65
12-29 16:19:19.238   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.238   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 22
12-29 16:19:19.238   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.238   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=22,share_attr_fd=23
12-29 16:19:19.238   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.238   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 46
12-29 16:19:19.238   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.238   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=46,share_attr_fd=47
12-29 16:19:19.239   263   369 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.241   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.242   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.242   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.243  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.243  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 69
12-29 16:19:19.243  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.243  5788  5800 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=69,share_attr_fd=70
12-29 16:19:19.243   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.244   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 25
12-29 16:19:19.244   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.244   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=25,share_attr_fd=26
12-29 16:19:19.245   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.245   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 49
12-29 16:19:19.245   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.245   258  5825 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=49,share_attr_fd=50
12-29 16:19:19.250   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(952): commandThread(952): CMD_PREVIEW_START out
12-29 16:19:19.260  5788  5832 E Output  : none
12-29 16:19:19.272   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.274   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.274   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.274   273   367 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 108
12-29 16:19:19.274   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.274   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=108,share_attr_fd=114
12-29 16:19:19.275  5788  5832 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 75
12-29 16:19:19.275  5788  5832 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.275  5788  5832 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=75,share_attr_fd=76
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.float32Performance.execTime].
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.float32Performance.powerUsage].
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.quantized8Performance.execTime].
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.quantized8Performance.powerUsage].
12-29 16:19:19.277 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:19:19.282   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 70
12-29 16:19:19.282   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.282   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=70,share_attr_fd=71
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call surfaceChanged event
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 1
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Disconnecting from camera
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Notify thread
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Wating for thread
12-29 16:19:19.298  5788  5832 D JavaCameraView: Finish processing thread
12-29 16:19:19.299   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(958): commandThread(958):receive CMD_PREVIEW_STOP
12-29 16:19:19.299   258  5825 D CameraHal: displayThread(638): displayThread(638): receive CMD_DISPLAY_PAUSE
12-29 16:19:19.300   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 101
12-29 16:19:19.300   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.300   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=101,share_attr_fd=108
12-29 16:19:19.301   258  5831 D CameraHal: stopPreview(231): stopPreview(231):IN
12-29 16:19:19.301   258  5831 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 0
12-29 16:19:19.302   258  5833 E CameraHal: getFrame(640): getFrame(640): VIDIOC_DQBUF Failed!!! err[Invalid argument]
12-29 16:19:19.304   258  5831 D CameraHal: stopPreview(251): stopPreview(251):OUT
12-29 16:19:19.304   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(979): commandThread(979): CMD_PREVIEW_STOP out
12-29 16:19:19.304   258   432 D CameraHal: stopPreview(398): stop preview OK.
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(958): commandThread(958):receive CMD_PREVIEW_STOP
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: stopPreview(231): stopPreview(231):IN
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: stopPreview(251): stopPreview(251):OUT
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(979): commandThread(979): CMD_PREVIEW_STOP out
12-29 16:19:19.306   258 18818 D CameraHal: stopPreview(398): stop preview OK.
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(1030): commandThread(1030): receive CMD_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_CANCEL
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.306   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(1038): commandThread(1038): CMD_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_CANCEL out
12-29 16:19:19.307   258 18818 D CameraHal: cancelPicture(603): cancel picture OK.
12-29 16:19:19.307   258   432 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Closing camera 0
12-29 16:19:19.307   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_device_close(455): camera_device_close
12-29 16:19:19.307   258  5825 D CameraHal: displayThread(650): displayThread(650): receive CMD_DISPLAY_STOP
12-29 16:19:19.307   258  5825 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:19:19.307   258  5827 D CameraHal: encProcessThread(2152): encProcessThread(2152): receive CMD_ENCPROCESS_EXIT
12-29 16:19:19.308   258  5830 D CameraHal: autofocusThread(860): wait out
12-29 16:19:19.308   258  5831 D CameraHal: commandThread(1141): commandThread(1141): receive CMD_EXIT
12-29 16:19:19.308   258   432 D CameraHal: ~CameraHal(329): CameraHal destory success
12-29 16:19:19.310   388   479 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 5788
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 0
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 0
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 1
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call onEnterStartedState
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Connecting to camera
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Initialize java camera
12-29 16:19:19.311  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Trying to open camera with old open()
12-29 16:19:19.311   388 20397 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:19:19.311   388  1563 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:19:19.311   396   396 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe4319800) at state 4
12-29 16:19:19.312   396   396 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319800), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:19.312   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:19.312   396  5819 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe4319800)
12-29 16:19:19.314   396  1008 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe4319a00) at state 4
12-29 16:19:19.314   396  1008 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319a00), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:19.315   396  5821 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe4319a00)
12-29 16:19:19.315   395  9066 D MediaAnalyticsService: MediaAnalyticsService::newSummarizerSet
12-29 16:19:19.316   388  1563 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
12-29 16:19:19.316   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe4319700) at state 4
12-29 16:19:19.316   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319700), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:19.317   396  5823 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe4319700)
12-29 16:19:19.319   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:19.319   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe40b8000) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:19:19.327   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:19:19.327   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:19:19.332   396  5842 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8000), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:19.333   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319700) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:19:19.338   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:19:19.338   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:19:19.341   396  5844 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319700), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:19.341   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319480) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:19:19.348   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:19:19.348   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:19:19.355   396  5846 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319480), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:19:19.357   388  1563 I CameraHardwareInterface: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:19:19.357   258   432 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:19:19.357   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:19.357   258   432 I CameraHal: camera_device_open(567): camera_device open
12-29 16:19:19.357   258   432 D CameraHal: gCameraHalLogLevel: 0
12-29 16:19:19.357   258   432 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
12-29 16:19:19.358   258   432 D CameraHal: CameraHal(102): it is a uvc camera!
12-29 16:19:19.358   258   432 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:19:19.359   258   432 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:19:19.430   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(370): Camera driver: uvcvideo  Card Name:Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 430  Driver version: 4.4.126  CameraHal version: 1.81.11
12-29 16:19:19.430   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 1448695129(YUYV 4:2:2),index = 0
12-29 16:19:19.435   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 0(36315752-1a66-a242-9065-d01814a),index = 1
12-29 16:19:19.435   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(415): cameraCreate(415): mCamDriverPreviewFmt(YUYV) is cameraHal and camera driver is also supported!!
12-29 16:19:19.435   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(417): mCamDriverPreviewFmt  = 1448695129
12-29 16:19:19.435   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(423): cameraCreate(423): Current driver is uvcvideo, v4l2 memory is V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 E CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(503): initDefaultParameters(503): mCamDriverCapability.card is error!
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(568): Support video sizes:(null)
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(583): Support Preview format: yuv420sp,yuv420p .. yuv420sp
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(585): Support Preview sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080     640x480
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(586): Support Preview FPS range: (15000,15000),(30000,30000)
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(587): Support Preview framerate: 10,15,20,30
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(588): Support Picture sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(590): Support white balance: auto,incandescent,fluorescent,daylight,cloudy-daylight
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(592): Support color effect: none,mono,sepia
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(598): Support focus: fixed  focus zone: 0
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(600): Support zoom: true(ratios: 100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,150,155,160,165,170,175,180,185,190,195,200,205,210,215,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275,280,285,290,295,300,)
12-29 16:19:19.437   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(604): Support exposure: (-3 -> 3)
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(608): Support anti-banding: off,50hz,60hz,auto  anti-banding: off
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(610): Support hardware faces detecte: 2
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(611): Support software faces detecte: 0
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(612): Support video stabilization: false
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(613): Support recording hint: false
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(745): cameraConfig(745): Set framerate(30 fps) success
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(788): cameraConfig(788): Set white balance(auto) success
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 E CameraHal: cameraConfig(818): cameraConfig(818): Set effect(none) fail
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(865): cameraConfig(865): Set anti-banding Disabled
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(946): cameraConfig(946): Set exposure 0 0
12-29 16:19:19.438   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.439   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.439   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.441   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:19:19.443  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: getSupportedPreviewSizes()
12-29 16:19:19.444  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Set preview size to 640x480
12-29 16:19:19.445   258  5862 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:19:19.446   258  5862 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.446   258  5862 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.446   258  5862 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:19:19.450  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: startPreview
12-29 16:19:19.451   388   434 I CameraHardwareInterface: Destroying camera 0
12-29 16:19:19.451   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(984): commandThread(984):receive CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW
12-29 16:19:19.451   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(1000): commandThread(1000): CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW out
12-29 16:19:19.452   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(875): commandThread(875):receive CMD_PREVIEW_START
12-29 16:19:19.452   258  5862 D CameraHal: startPreview(177): startPreview177:preview_w = 640,preview_h = 480,drv_w = 640,drv_h = 480
12-29 16:19:19.453  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Starting processing thread
12-29 16:19:19.454   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.454   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.454   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.454   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 29
12-29 16:19:19.454   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.454   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=31
12-29 16:19:19.455   258  5862 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b000, vir_addr 0xe9572000,fd 29
12-29 16:19:19.457   263   369 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.458   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.458   263   369 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.458   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 33
12-29 16:19:19.458   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.458   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=33,share_attr_fd=34
12-29 16:19:19.458   258  5862 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b120, vir_addr 0xe94dc000,fd 33
12-29 16:19:19.459   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.460   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.460   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.461   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 36
12-29 16:19:19.461   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.461   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=36,share_attr_fd=37
12-29 16:19:19.461   258  5862 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b240, vir_addr 0xe9446000,fd 36
12-29 16:19:19.463   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.463   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.463   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.463   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 39
12-29 16:19:19.463   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:19:19.463   258  5862 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=39,share_attr_fd=40
12-29 16:19:19.464   258  5862 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b0c0, vir_addr 0xe93b0000,fd 39
12-29 16:19:19.464   258  5862 D CameraHal: cameraSetSize(472): cameraSetSize(472):IN, w = 640,h = 480
12-29 16:19:19.466   258  5862 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 1
12-29 16:19:19.474   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.475   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.475   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.475   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 122
12-29 16:19:19.475   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.475   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=122,share_attr_fd=123
12-29 16:19:19.476  5788  5808 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 65
12-29 16:19:19.476  5788  5808 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.476  5788  5808 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=65,share_attr_fd=66
12-29 16:19:19.477   258  5862 D CameraHal: startPreview(219): startPreview(219):OUT
12-29 16:19:19.477   258  5848 D CameraHal: displayThread(624): displayThread(624): receive CMD_DISPLAY_START
12-29 16:19:19.477   258  5848 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:19:19.487   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.488   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.489   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.489   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.489  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.489  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 62
12-29 16:19:19.489  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.489  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=62,share_attr_fd=63
12-29 16:19:19.489   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.489   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 14
12-29 16:19:19.489   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.489   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=14,share_attr_fd=15
12-29 16:19:19.490   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.490   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 27
12-29 16:19:19.490   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.490   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=27,share_attr_fd=28
12-29 16:19:19.490   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.491   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.491   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.491   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.491  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.492  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 68
12-29 16:19:19.492  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.492  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=68,share_attr_fd=69
12-29 16:19:19.492   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.492   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 18
12-29 16:19:19.492   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.492   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=18,share_attr_fd=19
12-29 16:19:19.492   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.492   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 43
12-29 16:19:19.492   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.492   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=43,share_attr_fd=44
12-29 16:19:19.493   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.493   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.494   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.494   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.494  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.494  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 71
12-29 16:19:19.494  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.494  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=71,share_attr_fd=72
12-29 16:19:19.494   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.494   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 21
12-29 16:19:19.494   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.494   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=21,share_attr_fd=22
12-29 16:19:19.494   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.494   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 46
12-29 16:19:19.494   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.494   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=46,share_attr_fd=47
12-29 16:19:19.495   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.495   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.496   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.496   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.497  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.497  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 74
12-29 16:19:19.497  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.497  5788  5801 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=74,share_attr_fd=75
12-29 16:19:19.497   388   434 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.497   388   434 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 24
12-29 16:19:19.497   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.497   388   434 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=24,share_attr_fd=25
12-29 16:19:19.498   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 85
12-29 16:19:19.498   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:19:19.498   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:19:19.498   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 49
12-29 16:19:19.498   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=85,share_attr_fd=88
12-29 16:19:19.499   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:19:19.499   258  5848 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=49,share_attr_fd=50
12-29 16:19:19.502   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(952): commandThread(952): CMD_PREVIEW_START out
12-29 16:19:19.614   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.615   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.615   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.615   273   367 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 55
12-29 16:19:19.615   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.615   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=55,share_attr_fd=56
12-29 16:19:19.617  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 80
12-29 16:19:19.622  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.622  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=80,share_attr_fd=81
12-29 16:19:19.677   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 58
12-29 16:19:19.677   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.677   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=58,share_attr_fd=60
12-29 16:19:19.685   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.686   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.686   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.686   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 119
12-29 16:19:19.686   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.686   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=119,share_attr_fd=128
12-29 16:19:19.687  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 83
12-29 16:19:19.687  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.687  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=83,share_attr_fd=84
12-29 16:19:19.715   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 43
12-29 16:19:19.715   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.715   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=43,share_attr_fd=45
12-29 16:19:19.725   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:19.726   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.726   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:19.726   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 92
12-29 16:19:19.726   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.726   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=92,share_attr_fd=102
12-29 16:19:19.727  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 86
12-29 16:19:19.727  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.727  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=86,share_attr_fd=87
12-29 16:19:19.765   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 30
12-29 16:19:19.765   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:19.765   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=30,share_attr_fd=31
12-29 16:19:20.037   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253152 Frames, 0.228 FPS
12-29 16:19:20.574   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253184 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:19:21.119   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253216 Frames, 58.667 FPS
12-29 16:19:21.314   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:19:21.315   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:21.315   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:19:21.321   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 19 for fd 80
12-29 16:19:21.321   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:21.322   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=80,share_attr_fd=135
12-29 16:19:21.323  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 10 for fd 89
12-29 16:19:21.323  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:21.323  5788  5866 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=89,share_attr_fd=90
12-29 16:19:21.355   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 35
12-29 16:19:21.355   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:19:21.355   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=35,share_attr_fd=42
12-29 16:19:21.366   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:19:21.366   256   483 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-29 16:19:21.457   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-29 16:19:21.657   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253248 Frames, 59.499 FPS
12-29 16:19:22.147   255   255 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(1080000) returning hidl_memory(0x76a9a2b300, 1080000)
12-29 16:19:22.158   255   255 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(728460) returning hidl_memory(0x76a9a2b300, 728460)
12-29 16:19:22.195   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253280 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:19:22.428  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:22.584  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:22.712  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:22.724   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253312 Frames, 60.460 FPS
12-29 16:19:22.839  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:22.967  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:23.121  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:23.129   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:19:23.262   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253344 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:19:23.273  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:23.425  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:23.579  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:23.715  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 2.0165355
12-29 16:19:23.727  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:23.799   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253376 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:19:23.878  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:24.178  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:24.309  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:24.345   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253408 Frames, 58.611 FPS
12-29 16:19:24.465  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:24.720  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:24.851  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:24.875   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253440 Frames, 60.457 FPS
12-29 16:19:25.004  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:25.129  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.072136
12-29 16:19:25.131  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:25.262  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:25.402  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:25.417   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253472 Frames, 58.995 FPS
12-29 16:19:25.529  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:25.711  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:25.839  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:25.949   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253504 Frames, 60.093 FPS
12-29 16:19:25.990  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:26.298  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:26.445  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:26.487   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253536 Frames, 59.503 FPS
12-29 16:19:26.582  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8823123
12-29 16:19:26.595  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:26.746  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:26.901  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:27.025   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253568 Frames, 59.542 FPS
12-29 16:19:27.051  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:27.331  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:27.481  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:27.562   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253600 Frames, 59.544 FPS
12-29 16:19:27.629  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:27.783  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:27.933  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:28.085  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.65336
12-29 16:19:28.100   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253632 Frames, 59.467 FPS
12-29 16:19:28.108  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:28.414  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:28.539  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:28.638   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253664 Frames, 59.500 FPS
12-29 16:19:28.687  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:28.991  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:29.143  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:29.175   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253696 Frames, 59.609 FPS
12-29 16:19:29.291  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:29.442  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:29.564  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7613254
12-29 16:19:29.565  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:29.712   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253728 Frames, 59.534 FPS
12-29 16:19:29.713  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:30.013  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:30.158  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:30.250   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253760 Frames, 59.505 FPS
12-29 16:19:30.304  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:30.581  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:30.729  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:30.788   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253792 Frames, 59.549 FPS
12-29 16:19:30.882  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:30.992  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.002801
12-29 16:19:31.011  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:31.133  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:31.282  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:31.334   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253824 Frames, 58.592 FPS
12-29 16:19:31.411  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:31.707  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:31.853  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:31.872   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253856 Frames, 59.498 FPS
12-29 16:19:32.006  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:32.124  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:32.273  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:32.385  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.178751
12-29 16:19:32.397  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:32.407   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253888 Frames, 59.783 FPS
12-29 16:19:32.524  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:32.672  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:32.823  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:32.938   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253920 Frames, 60.265 FPS
12-29 16:19:32.977  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:33.230  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:33.361  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:33.475   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253952 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:19:33.530  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:33.652  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:33.795  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.0921984
12-29 16:19:33.801  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:33.950  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:34.013   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 253984 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:19:34.097  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:34.245  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:34.418  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:34.551   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254016 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:19:34.564  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:34.828  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:34.955  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:35.096   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254048 Frames, 58.635 FPS
12-29 16:19:35.113  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:35.220  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.017544
12-29 16:19:35.236  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:35.399  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:35.558  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:35.634   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254080 Frames, 59.478 FPS
12-29 16:19:35.700  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:36.002  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:36.122  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:36.163   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254112 Frames, 60.515 FPS
12-29 16:19:36.270  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:36.420  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:36.570  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:36.621  5788  5793 I zygote64: Do full code cache collection, code=124KB, data=71KB
12-29 16:19:36.622  5788  5793 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=107KB, data=58KB
12-29 16:19:36.701   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254144 Frames, 59.513 FPS
12-29 16:19:36.701  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7521944
12-29 16:19:36.706  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:37.008  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:37.131  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:37.247   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254176 Frames, 58.571 FPS
12-29 16:19:37.280  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:37.578  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:37.730  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:37.776   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254208 Frames, 60.525 FPS
12-29 16:19:37.868  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:38.040  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:38.165  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.830601
12-29 16:19:38.191  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:38.313   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254240 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:19:38.317  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:38.734  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 3 lines
12-29 16:19:38.859  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:38.859   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254272 Frames, 59.405 FPS
12-29 16:19:39.007  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:39.158  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:39.278  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:39.388   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254304 Frames, 59.661 FPS
12-29 16:19:39.426  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:39.568  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.127584
12-29 16:19:39.577  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:39.723  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:39.897  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:39.926   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254336 Frames, 59.500 FPS
12-29 16:19:40.018  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:40.170  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:40.343  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:40.464   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254368 Frames, 59.556 FPS
12-29 16:19:40.489  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:40.790  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:40.938  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:41.007   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254400 Frames, 58.932 FPS
12-29 16:19:41.072  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6489363
12-29 16:19:41.090  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:41.359  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:41.480  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:41.539   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254432 Frames, 60.138 FPS
12-29 16:19:41.607  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:41.926  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:42.075  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:42.076   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254464 Frames, 59.518 FPS
12-29 16:19:42.229  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:42.370  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:42.526  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.877579
12-29 16:19:42.536  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:42.614   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254496 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:19:42.686  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:42.975  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:43.125  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:43.153   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254528 Frames, 59.504 FPS
12-29 16:19:43.256  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:43.425  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:43.592  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:43.694   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254560 Frames, 58.948 FPS
12-29 16:19:43.714  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:43.841   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:19:43.861  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:43.991  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.830601
12-29 16:19:44.016  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:44.166  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:44.235   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254592 Frames, 59.226 FPS
12-29 16:19:44.307  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:44.473  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:44.624  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:44.766   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254624 Frames, 60.276 FPS
12-29 16:19:44.767  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:45.060  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:45.189  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:45.302   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254656 Frames, 59.712 FPS
12-29 16:19:45.360  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:45.469  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7613254
12-29 16:19:45.493  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:45.619  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:45.764  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:45.839   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254688 Frames, 59.520 FPS
12-29 16:19:45.927  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:46.184  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:46.330  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:46.377   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254720 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:19:46.501  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:46.623  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:46.773  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:46.884  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.0671377
12-29 16:19:46.904  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:46.914   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254752 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:19:47.043  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:47.172  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:47.345  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:47.452   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254784 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:19:47.515  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:47.815  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:47.964  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:47.989   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254816 Frames, 59.525 FPS
12-29 16:19:48.083  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:48.238  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:48.373  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7159166
12-29 16:19:48.395  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:48.520  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:48.536   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254848 Frames, 58.502 FPS
12-29 16:19:48.684  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:48.814  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:48.963  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:49.065   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254880 Frames, 60.588 FPS
12-29 16:19:49.089  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:49.374  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:49.528  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:49.538   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:19:49.602   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254912 Frames, 59.539 FPS
12-29 16:19:49.656  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:49.812  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9492702
12-29 16:19:49.828  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:49.955  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:50.132  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:50.140   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254944 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:19:50.266  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:50.390  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:50.567  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:50.677   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 254976 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:19:50.692  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:50.970  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:51.130  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:51.215   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255008 Frames, 59.534 FPS
12-29 16:19:51.264  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8870525
12-29 16:19:51.286  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:51.417   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:19:51.431  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:51.557  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:51.680  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:51.752   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255040 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:19:51.829  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:52.121  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:52.267  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:52.298   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255072 Frames, 58.595 FPS
12-29 16:19:52.414  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:52.563  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:52.692  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.002801
12-29 16:19:52.702  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:52.827   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255104 Frames, 60.491 FPS
12-29 16:19:52.854  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:52.863   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:19:52.998  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:53.155  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:53.300  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:53.365   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255136 Frames, 59.511 FPS
12-29 16:19:53.421  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:53.591  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:53.736  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:53.903   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255168 Frames, 59.546 FPS
12-29 16:19:53.903  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:54.067  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:54.204  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6137567
12-29 16:19:54.212  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:54.341  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:54.443   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255200 Frames, 59.164 FPS
12-29 16:19:54.490  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:54.802  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:54.952  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:54.978   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255232 Frames, 59.900 FPS
12-29 16:19:55.090  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:55.255  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:55.400  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:55.515   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255264 Frames, 59.524 FPS
12-29 16:19:55.554  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:55.698  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6934404
12-29 16:19:55.701  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:55.848  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:55.993  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:56.053   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255296 Frames, 59.536 FPS
12-29 16:19:56.138  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:56.429  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:56.576  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:56.590   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255328 Frames, 59.524 FPS
12-29 16:19:56.724  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:56.888  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:57.013  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:57.128   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255360 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:19:57.162  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.830601
12-29 16:19:57.178  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:57.445  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:57.589  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:57.665   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255392 Frames, 59.525 FPS
12-29 16:19:57.735  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:58.034  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:58.154  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:58.203   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255424 Frames, 59.533 FPS
12-29 16:19:58.311  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:58.484  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:58.591  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9979005
12-29 16:19:58.606  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:58.727  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:58.742   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255456 Frames, 59.366 FPS
12-29 16:19:58.894  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:59.047  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:19:59.184  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:59.278   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255488 Frames, 59.666 FPS
12-29 16:19:59.330  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:59.652  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:19:59.773  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:19:59.816   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255520 Frames, 59.559 FPS
12-29 16:19:59.921  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:00.001   523   523 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty for 2336s
12-29 16:20:00.002   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2617, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:20:00.004   523   537 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
12-29 16:20:00.004   523   537 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
12-29 16:20:00.047   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2617, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:20:00.052  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.844627
12-29 16:20:00.072  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:00.076   523   537 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
12-29 16:20:00.076   523   537 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
12-29 16:20:00.090   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2617, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:20:00.128   523   537 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
12-29 16:20:00.128   523   537 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
12-29 16:20:00.128   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2617, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:20:00.173   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2617, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:20:00.174   523   540 I system_server: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10020 pid 2617 in 171ms
12-29 16:20:00.216  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:00.341  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:00.353   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255552 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:20:00.506  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:00.651  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:00.798  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:00.891   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255584 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:20:00.942  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:01.239  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:01.381  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:01.428   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255616 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:20:01.515  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.83527
12-29 16:20:01.535  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:01.822  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:01.963  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:01.966   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255648 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:20:02.108  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:02.256  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:02.395  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:02.471   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:20:02.503   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255680 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:20:02.540  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:02.684  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:02.830  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:02.961  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9156294
12-29 16:20:02.988  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:03.041   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255712 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:20:03.106  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:03.418  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:03.564  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:03.579   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255744 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:03.728  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:03.873  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:04.017  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:04.116   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255776 Frames, 59.539 FPS
12-29 16:20:04.161  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:04.325  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:04.462  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6622252
12-29 16:20:04.470  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:04.642  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:04.645  5788  5793 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=124KB, data=69KB
12-29 16:20:04.646  5788  5793 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=124KB, data=69KB
12-29 16:20:04.646  5788  5793 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB
12-29 16:20:04.654   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255808 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:04.786  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:04.924  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:05.070  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:05.200   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255840 Frames, 58.596 FPS
12-29 16:20:05.221  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:05.533  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:05.693  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:05.729   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255872 Frames, 60.472 FPS
12-29 16:20:05.860  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:06.013  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.447453
12-29 16:20:06.023  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:06.190  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:06.267   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255904 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:20:06.335  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:06.616  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:06.763  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:06.804   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255936 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:20:06.912  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:07.179  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:07.349  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:07.349   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 255968 Frames, 58.702 FPS
12-29 16:20:07.482  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8119893
12-29 16:20:07.490  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:07.655  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:07.819  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:07.879   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256000 Frames, 60.399 FPS
12-29 16:20:07.990  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:08.156  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:08.325  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:08.417   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256032 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:20:08.455  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:08.726  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:08.897  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:08.960   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256064 Frames, 58.854 FPS
12-29 16:20:09.007  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.55308
12-29 16:20:09.021  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:09.314  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:09.454  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:09.492   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256096 Frames, 60.207 FPS
12-29 16:20:09.601  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:09.745  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:09.892  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:10.029   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256128 Frames, 59.513 FPS
12-29 16:20:10.055  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:10.200  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:10.368  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:10.496  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7159166
12-29 16:20:10.505  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:10.576   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256160 Frames, 58.584 FPS
12-29 16:20:10.673  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:10.816  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:10.960  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:11.106   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256192 Frames, 60.376 FPS
12-29 16:20:11.123  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:11.433  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:11.576  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:11.642   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256224 Frames, 59.665 FPS
12-29 16:20:11.735  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:11.884  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:12.021  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.557377
12-29 16:20:12.025  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:12.180   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256256 Frames, 59.506 FPS
12-29 16:20:12.194  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:12.483  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:12.653  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:12.717   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256288 Frames, 59.562 FPS
12-29 16:20:12.800  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:13.087  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:13.210  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:13.263   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256320 Frames, 58.566 FPS
12-29 16:20:13.381  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:13.489  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8119893
12-29 16:20:13.500  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:13.647  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:13.792   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256352 Frames, 60.523 FPS
12-29 16:20:13.793  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:14.061  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:14.199  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:14.330   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256384 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:20:14.346  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:14.613  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:14.754  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:14.876   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256416 Frames, 58.623 FPS
12-29 16:20:14.886  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.158196
12-29 16:20:14.900  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:15.198  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:15.322  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:15.405   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256448 Frames, 60.457 FPS
12-29 16:20:15.483  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:15.627  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:15.793  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:15.942   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256480 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:20:15.980  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:16.122  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:16.248  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:16.377  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7114096
12-29 16:20:16.385  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:16.480   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256512 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:20:16.531  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:16.840  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:16.983  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:17.017   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256544 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:20:17.127  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:17.276  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:17.443  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:17.556   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256576 Frames, 59.385 FPS
12-29 16:20:17.584  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:17.730  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:17.876  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6666665
12-29 16:20:17.878  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:18.029  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:18.093   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256608 Frames, 59.654 FPS
12-29 16:20:18.202  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:18.345  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:18.485  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:18.630   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256640 Frames, 59.544 FPS
12-29 16:20:18.651  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:18.934  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:19.078  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:19.168   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256672 Frames, 59.509 FPS
12-29 16:20:19.224  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:19.366  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7114096
12-29 16:20:19.391  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:19.503   270   270 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 13 channels
12-29 16:20:19.513   270   270 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 9 channels
12-29 16:20:19.515   270   270 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 4 channels
12-29 16:20:19.539  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:19.680  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:19.705   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256704 Frames, 59.552 FPS
12-29 16:20:19.853  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:20.027  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:20.195  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:20.243   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256736 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:20:20.339  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:20.500  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:20.628  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:20.780   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256768 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:20:20.789  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:20.913  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.464124
12-29 16:20:20.916  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:21.068  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:21.229  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:21.318   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256800 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:20:21.375  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:21.520  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:21.672  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:21.702   523 31730 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event
12-29 16:20:21.832  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:21.855   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256832 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:20:21.997  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:22.148  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:22.294  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:22.393   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256864 Frames, 59.506 FPS
12-29 16:20:22.444  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.5316787
12-29 16:20:22.465  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:22.729  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:22.851  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:22.931   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256896 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:20:23.021  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:23.287  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:23.424  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:23.468   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256928 Frames, 59.514 FPS
12-29 16:20:23.569  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:23.757  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:23.881  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9589424
12-29 16:20:23.887  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:24.006   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256960 Frames, 59.546 FPS
12-29 16:20:24.057  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:24.328  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:24.496  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:24.520   523   795 D SntpClient: request time failed: Poll timed out
12-29 16:20:24.543   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 256992 Frames, 59.547 FPS
12-29 16:20:24.640  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:24.912  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:25.055  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:25.089   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257024 Frames, 58.606 FPS
12-29 16:20:25.205  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:25.336  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8728523
12-29 16:20:25.358  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:25.477  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:25.618   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257056 Frames, 60.472 FPS
12-29 16:20:25.624  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:25.932  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:26.076  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:26.156   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257088 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:20:26.220  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:26.547  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:26.687  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:26.694   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257120 Frames, 59.524 FPS
12-29 16:20:26.848  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6137567
12-29 16:20:26.850  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:27.020  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:27.141  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:27.231   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257152 Frames, 59.511 FPS
12-29 16:20:27.288  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:27.579  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:27.724  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:27.769   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257184 Frames, 59.552 FPS
12-29 16:20:27.845  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:27.989  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:28.133  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:28.267  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.052186
12-29 16:20:28.278  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:28.306   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257216 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:20:28.437  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:28.584  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:28.709  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:28.845   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257248 Frames, 59.394 FPS
12-29 16:20:28.880  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:29.170  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:29.317  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:29.381   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257280 Frames, 59.666 FPS
12-29 16:20:29.485  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:29.631  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:29.755  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7159166
12-29 16:20:29.770  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:29.916  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:29.919   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257312 Frames, 59.489 FPS
12-29 16:20:30.068  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:30.218  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:30.362  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:30.465   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257344 Frames, 58.661 FPS
12-29 16:20:30.518  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:30.803  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:30.948  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:30.994   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257376 Frames, 60.461 FPS
12-29 16:20:31.101  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:31.245  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7114096
12-29 16:20:31.247  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:31.418  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:31.541   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257408 Frames, 58.539 FPS
12-29 16:20:31.587  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:31.729  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:31.752   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:20:31.855  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:32.004  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:32.069   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257440 Frames, 60.534 FPS
12-29 16:20:32.147  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:32.419  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:32.568  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:32.607   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257472 Frames, 59.539 FPS
12-29 16:20:32.691  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9156294
12-29 16:20:32.691  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:33.002  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:33.124  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:33.145   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257504 Frames, 59.479 FPS
12-29 16:20:33.290  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:33.458  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:33.620  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:33.682   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257536 Frames, 59.560 FPS
12-29 16:20:33.770  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:33.917  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:34.064  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:34.200  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6269054
12-29 16:20:34.207  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:34.219   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257568 Frames, 59.549 FPS
12-29 16:20:34.353  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:34.476  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:34.646  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:34.757   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257600 Frames, 59.534 FPS
12-29 16:20:34.767  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:35.116  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:35.260  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:35.294   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257632 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:35.428  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:35.607  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:35.746  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.468305
12-29 16:20:35.750  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:35.832   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257664 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:35.922  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:36.253  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:36.371  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:36.378   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257696 Frames, 58.613 FPS
12-29 16:20:36.524  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:36.607   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:20:36.644  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:36.798  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:36.907   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257728 Frames, 60.474 FPS
12-29 16:20:36.943  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:37.105  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:37.247  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6622252
12-29 16:20:37.251  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:37.396  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:37.445   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257760 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:20:37.544  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:37.739  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:37.858  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:37.982   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257792 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:20:38.022  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:38.308  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:38.479  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:38.528   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257824 Frames, 58.586 FPS
12-29 16:20:38.597  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:38.737  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7159166
12-29 16:20:38.743  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:38.889  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:39.047  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:39.057   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257856 Frames, 60.486 FPS
12-29 16:20:39.212  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:39.400  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:39.523  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:39.604   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257888 Frames, 58.607 FPS
12-29 16:20:39.692  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:39.955  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:40.101  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:40.133   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257920 Frames, 60.483 FPS
12-29 16:20:40.232  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.684492
12-29 16:20:40.242  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:40.535  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:40.676  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:40.679   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257952 Frames, 58.584 FPS
12-29 16:20:40.826  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:40.973  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:41.117  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:41.216   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 257984 Frames, 59.563 FPS
12-29 16:20:41.265  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:41.413  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:41.555  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:41.691  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8540096
12-29 16:20:41.702  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:41.747   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258016 Frames, 60.316 FPS
12-29 16:20:41.846  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:42.012  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:42.161  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:42.283   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258048 Frames, 59.688 FPS
12-29 16:20:42.311  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:42.599  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:42.720  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:42.820   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258080 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:20:42.871  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:43.015  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:43.147  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8681316
12-29 16:20:43.167  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:43.310  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:43.358   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258112 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:20:43.453  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:43.598  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:43.765  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:43.895   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258144 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:43.926  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.090  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.132   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:20:44.235  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.378  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.433   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258176 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:44.529  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.651  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.65336
12-29 16:20:44.652  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.801  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:44.964  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:44.970   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258208 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:20:45.110  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:45.253  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:45.404  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:45.508   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258240 Frames, 59.520 FPS
12-29 16:20:45.550  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:45.850  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:45.982  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:46.046   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258272 Frames, 59.538 FPS
12-29 16:20:46.126  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.775068
12-29 16:20:46.136  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:46.435  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:46.582  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:46.584   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258304 Frames, 59.473 FPS
12-29 16:20:46.705  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:46.877  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:46.997  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:47.121   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258336 Frames, 59.576 FPS
12-29 16:20:47.162  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:47.311  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:47.440  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:47.595  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.807352
12-29 16:20:47.614  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:47.658   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258368 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:20:47.750  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:47.900  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:48.046  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:48.196   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258400 Frames, 59.539 FPS
12-29 16:20:48.211  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:48.507  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:48.660  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:48.733   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258432 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:20:48.780  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:48.943  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:49.079  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7385445
12-29 16:20:49.087  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:49.235  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:49.271   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258464 Frames, 59.509 FPS
12-29 16:20:49.400  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:49.551  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:49.692  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:49.808   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258496 Frames, 59.549 FPS
12-29 16:20:49.813  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:50.123  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:50.291  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:50.346   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258528 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:20:50.407  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:50.548  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8119893
12-29 16:20:50.548  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:50.722  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:50.869  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:50.884   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258560 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:20:51.009  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:51.156  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:51.299  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:51.421   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258592 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:20:51.442  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:51.748  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:51.901  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:51.959   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258624 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:20:52.025  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7658997
12-29 16:20:52.027  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:52.323  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:52.470  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:52.496   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258656 Frames, 59.524 FPS
12-29 16:20:52.620  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:52.769  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:52.890  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:53.034   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258688 Frames, 59.502 FPS
12-29 16:20:53.048  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:53.190  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:53.334  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:53.371   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:20:53.475  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8965516
12-29 16:20:53.477  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:53.571   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258720 Frames, 59.553 FPS
12-29 16:20:53.640  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:53.929  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:54.099  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:54.109   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258752 Frames, 59.534 FPS
12-29 16:20:54.242  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:54.412  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:54.570  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:54.647   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258784 Frames, 59.500 FPS
12-29 16:20:54.741  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:54.857  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:54.999  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.56168
12-29 16:20:55.001  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:55.165  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:55.187   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258816 Frames, 59.288 FPS
12-29 16:20:55.310  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:55.460  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:55.612  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:55.722   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258848 Frames, 59.790 FPS
12-29 16:20:55.761  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:56.082  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:56.250  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:56.259   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258880 Frames, 59.537 FPS
12-29 16:20:56.397  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:56.543  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.476684
12-29 16:20:56.561  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:56.704  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:56.797   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258912 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:20:56.838  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:57.134  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:57.283  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:57.335   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258944 Frames, 59.459 FPS
12-29 16:20:57.402  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:57.692  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:57.825  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:57.872   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 258976 Frames, 59.598 FPS
12-29 16:20:57.885   388   433 W CameraClient: lockIfMessageWanted(16): dropped unwanted message
12-29 16:20:57.986  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.930007
12-29 16:20:57.993  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:58.166  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:58.288  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:58.411   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259008 Frames, 59.401 FPS
12-29 16:20:58.413  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:58.706  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:58.831  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:58.947   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259040 Frames, 59.659 FPS
12-29 16:20:58.978  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:59.121  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:20:59.286  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:59.414  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.002801
12-29 16:20:59.428  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:59.485   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259072 Frames, 59.492 FPS
12-29 16:20:59.576  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:20:59.869  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:20:59.994  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:00.022   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259104 Frames, 59.564 FPS
12-29 16:21:00.149  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:00.311  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:00.476  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:00.560   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259136 Frames, 59.520 FPS
12-29 16:21:00.615  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:00.762  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:00.894  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.756757
12-29 16:21:00.905  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:01.056  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:01.097   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259168 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:21:01.199  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:01.350  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:01.500  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:01.635   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259200 Frames, 59.493 FPS
12-29 16:21:01.659  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:01.940  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:02.084  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:02.172   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259232 Frames, 59.567 FPS
12-29 16:21:02.227  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:02.376  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.747638
12-29 16:21:02.402  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:02.482   388   433 W CameraClient: lockIfMessageWanted(16): dropped unwanted message
12-29 16:21:02.516  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:02.669  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:02.710   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259264 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:21:02.820  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:03.090  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:03.236  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:03.247   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259296 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:21:03.407  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:03.524  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:03.671  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:03.785   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259328 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:21:03.805  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9979005
12-29 16:21:03.810  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:04.103  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:04.295  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:04.323   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259360 Frames, 59.533 FPS
12-29 16:21:04.443  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:04.608  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:04.755  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:04.860   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259392 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:21:04.874  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:04.881   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:21:05.019  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:05.165  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:05.284  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7613254
12-29 16:21:05.288  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:05.398   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259424 Frames, 59.524 FPS
12-29 16:21:05.473  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:05.776  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:05.898  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:05.944   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259456 Frames, 58.624 FPS
12-29 16:21:06.047  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:06.191  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:06.328  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:06.473   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259488 Frames, 60.466 FPS
12-29 16:21:06.479  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:06.643  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:06.787  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.65336
12-29 16:21:06.810  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:06.949  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:07.010   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259520 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:21:07.092  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:07.233  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:07.379  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:07.548   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259552 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:21:07.560  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:07.833  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:07.979  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:08.085   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259584 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:21:08.105  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:08.247  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.849315
12-29 16:21:08.250  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:08.439  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:08.585  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:08.623   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259616 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:21:08.739  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:08.912  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:09.081  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:09.161   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259648 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:21:09.226  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:09.376  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:09.558  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:09.698   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259680 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:21:09.708  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:09.815  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.377551
12-29 16:21:09.837  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:09.987  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:10.131  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:10.236   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259712 Frames, 59.496 FPS
12-29 16:21:10.278  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:10.589  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:10.761  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:10.773   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259744 Frames, 59.553 FPS
12-29 16:21:10.905  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:11.049  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:11.230  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:11.311   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259776 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:21:11.360  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.4724917
12-29 16:21:11.371  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:11.674  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:11.827  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:11.849   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259808 Frames, 59.500 FPS
12-29 16:21:11.947  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:12.089  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:12.256  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:12.386   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259840 Frames, 59.568 FPS
12-29 16:21:12.395  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:12.563  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:12.710  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:12.841  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7521944
12-29 16:21:12.850  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:12.932   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259872 Frames, 58.618 FPS
12-29 16:21:12.994  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:13.142  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:13.288  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:13.461   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259904 Frames, 60.466 FPS
12-29 16:21:13.481   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:21:13.484  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:13.770  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:13.887  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:14.001   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259936 Frames, 59.275 FPS
12-29 16:21:14.038  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:14.199  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:14.336  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6889634
12-29 16:21:14.346  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:14.495  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:14.536   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 259968 Frames, 59.790 FPS
12-29 16:21:14.647  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:14.909  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:15.029  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:15.074   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260000 Frames, 59.525 FPS
12-29 16:21:15.201  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:15.341  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:15.481  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:15.611   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260032 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:21:15.620  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:15.747  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.087172
12-29 16:21:15.776  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:15.889  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:16.034  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:16.149   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260064 Frames, 59.452 FPS
12-29 16:21:16.203  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:16.489  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:16.633  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:16.686   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260096 Frames, 59.598 FPS
12-29 16:21:16.822  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:16.949  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:17.077  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:17.224   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260128 Frames, 59.509 FPS
12-29 16:21:17.224  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7704806
12-29 16:21:17.248  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:17.533  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:17.677  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:17.762   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260160 Frames, 59.536 FPS
12-29 16:21:17.824  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:18.113  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:18.264  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:18.299   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260192 Frames, 59.546 FPS
12-29 16:21:18.406  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:18.572  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:18.690  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8212824
12-29 16:21:18.714  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:18.837   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260224 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:21:18.839  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:19.134  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:19.260  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:19.374   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260256 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:21:19.407  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:19.702  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:19.865  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:19.914   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260288 Frames, 59.311 FPS
12-29 16:21:20.033  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:20.146  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8681316
12-29 16:21:20.152  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:20.303  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:20.447  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:20.449   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260320 Frames, 59.738 FPS
12-29 16:21:20.597  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:20.713  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:20.860  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:20.987   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260352 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:21:21.028  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:21.166  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:21.329  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:21.358   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:21:21.474  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:21.524   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260384 Frames, 59.535 FPS
12-29 16:21:21.606  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.849315
12-29 16:21:21.617  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:21.901  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:22.052  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:22.062   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260416 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:21:22.192  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:22.337  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:22.507  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:22.600   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260448 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:21:22.629  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:22.790  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:22.938  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:23.087  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7521944
12-29 16:21:23.098  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:23.137   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260480 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:23.243  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:23.376  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:23.523  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:23.676   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260512 Frames, 59.446 FPS
12-29 16:21:23.686  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:23.999  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:24.121  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:24.212   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260544 Frames, 59.600 FPS
12-29 16:21:24.269  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:24.387  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:24.516  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9979005
12-29 16:21:24.539  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:24.659  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:24.750   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260576 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:24.829  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:25.109  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:25.255  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:25.287   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260608 Frames, 59.539 FPS
12-29 16:21:25.403  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:25.697  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:25.821  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:25.825   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260640 Frames, 59.526 FPS
12-29 16:21:25.945  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9979005
12-29 16:21:25.969  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:26.086  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:26.251  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:26.362   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260672 Frames, 59.533 FPS
12-29 16:21:26.431  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:26.718  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:26.885  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:26.900   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260704 Frames, 59.518 FPS
12-29 16:21:27.024  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:27.173  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:27.318  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:27.438   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260736 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:21:27.441  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.684492
12-29 16:21:27.444  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:27.737  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:27.881  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:27.975   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260768 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:28.049  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:28.313  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:28.482  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:28.513   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260800 Frames, 59.519 FPS
12-29 16:21:28.622  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:28.769  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:28.912  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7980967
12-29 16:21:28.932  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:29.050   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260832 Frames, 59.540 FPS
12-29 16:21:29.072  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:29.343  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:29.504  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:29.588   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260864 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:29.677  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:29.962  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:30.119  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:30.125   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260896 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:21:30.245  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:30.377  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8259387
12-29 16:21:30.396  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:30.537  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:30.663   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260928 Frames, 59.515 FPS
12-29 16:21:30.685  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:30.997  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:31.151  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:31.201   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260960 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:21:31.316  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:31.578  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:31.725  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:31.738   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 260992 Frames, 59.543 FPS
12-29 16:21:31.886  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6269054
12-29 16:21:31.889  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:32.030  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:32.175  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:32.276   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261024 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:32.323  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:32.629  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:32.770  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:32.813   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261056 Frames, 59.513 FPS
12-29 16:21:32.917  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:33.088  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:33.207  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:33.351   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261088 Frames, 59.537 FPS
12-29 16:21:33.354  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8166327
12-29 16:21:33.358  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:33.686  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:33.851  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:33.898   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261120 Frames, 58.453 FPS
12-29 16:21:34.016  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:34.133  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:34.280  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:34.426   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261152 Frames, 60.653 FPS
12-29 16:21:34.428  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:34.617  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:34.756  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:34.892  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.497726
12-29 16:21:34.902  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:34.963   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261184 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:21:35.045  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:35.357  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:35.503  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:35.509   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261216 Frames, 58.631 FPS
12-29 16:21:35.650  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:35.815  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:35.961  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:36.038   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261248 Frames, 60.457 FPS
12-29 16:21:36.129  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:36.247  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:36.388  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.684492
12-29 16:21:36.393  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:36.576   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261280 Frames, 59.514 FPS
12-29 16:21:36.577  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:36.866  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:37.055  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:37.114   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261312 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:21:37.196  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:37.360  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:37.526  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:37.651   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261344 Frames, 59.542 FPS
12-29 16:21:37.665  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:37.831  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:37.965  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.341154
12-29 16:21:37.974  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:38.152  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:38.189   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261376 Frames, 59.518 FPS
12-29 16:21:38.273  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:38.563  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:38.701  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:38.728   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261408 Frames, 59.359 FPS
12-29 16:21:38.868  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:39.014  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:39.157  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:39.265   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261440 Frames, 59.602 FPS
12-29 16:21:39.285  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:39.429  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.830601
12-29 16:21:39.432  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:39.587  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:39.712  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:39.803   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261472 Frames, 59.476 FPS
12-29 16:21:39.878  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:40.146  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:40.309  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:40.349   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261504 Frames, 58.567 FPS
12-29 16:21:40.453  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:40.578  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:40.721  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:40.724   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:21:40.762   679   685 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=59KB, data=51KB
12-29 16:21:40.763   679   685 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=59KB, data=51KB
12-29 16:21:40.763   679   685 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
12-29 16:21:40.872  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.930007
12-29 16:21:40.877   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261536 Frames, 60.681 FPS
12-29 16:21:40.894  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:41.169  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:41.289  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:41.414   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261568 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:41.436  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:41.732  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:41.875  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:41.952   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261600 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:21:42.017  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:42.184  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:42.322  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8965516
12-29 16:21:42.327  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:42.471  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:42.489   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261632 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:21:42.623  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:42.762  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:42.915  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:43.027   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261664 Frames, 59.533 FPS
12-29 16:21:43.061  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:43.333  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:43.498  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:43.565   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261696 Frames, 59.498 FPS
12-29 16:21:43.620  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:43.765  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.930007
12-29 16:21:43.787  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:43.934  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:44.076  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:44.103   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261728 Frames, 59.487 FPS
12-29 16:21:44.246  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:44.394  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:44.512  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:44.524   258  5849 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:21:44.641   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261760 Frames, 59.476 FPS
12-29 16:21:44.664  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:44.925  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:45.046  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:45.154   388   431 W CameraClient: lockIfMessageWanted(16): dropped unwanted message
12-29 16:21:45.176  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.087172
12-29 16:21:45.177   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261792 Frames, 59.643 FPS
12-29 16:21:45.192  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:45.520  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:45.683  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:45.714   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261824 Frames, 59.541 FPS
12-29 16:21:45.829  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:45.975  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:46.139  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:46.252   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261856 Frames, 59.523 FPS
12-29 16:21:46.287  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:46.411  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:46.582  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:46.705  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.557377
12-29 16:21:46.720  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:46.790   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261888 Frames, 59.525 FPS
12-29 16:21:46.867  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:47.156  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:47.319  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:47.328   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261920 Frames, 59.501 FPS
12-29 16:21:47.468  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:47.614  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:47.760  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:47.865   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261952 Frames, 59.566 FPS
12-29 16:21:47.900  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:48.046  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:48.188  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.7249494
12-29 16:21:48.190  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:48.355  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:48.402   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 261984 Frames, 59.520 FPS
12-29 16:21:48.517  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:48.808  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:48.931  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:48.940   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262016 Frames, 59.537 FPS
12-29 16:21:49.096  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:49.268  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:49.387  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:49.477   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262048 Frames, 59.521 FPS
12-29 16:21:49.549  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:49.698  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6225166
12-29 16:21:49.725  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:49.859  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:50.003  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:50.015   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262080 Frames, 59.527 FPS
12-29 16:21:50.170  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:50.312  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:50.463  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:50.553   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262112 Frames, 59.537 FPS
12-29 16:21:50.579  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:50.878  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:51.000  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:51.090   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262144 Frames, 59.525 FPS
12-29 16:21:51.145  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.91085
12-29 16:21:51.151  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:51.439  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:51.583  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:51.628   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262176 Frames, 59.500 FPS
12-29 16:21:51.749  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:51.890  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:52.056  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:52.165   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262208 Frames, 59.562 FPS
12-29 16:21:52.204  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:52.342  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:52.497  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:52.630  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.734007
12-29 16:21:52.643  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:52.703   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262240 Frames, 59.500 FPS
12-29 16:21:52.793  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:53.075  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:53.231  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:53.240   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262272 Frames, 59.556 FPS
12-29 16:21:53.380  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:53.536  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:53.658  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:53.778   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262304 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:21:53.834  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:53.954  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:54.098  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8119893
12-29 16:21:54.124  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:54.245  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:54.316   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262336 Frames, 59.463 FPS
12-29 16:21:54.390  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:54.676  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:54.821  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:54.853   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262368 Frames, 59.594 FPS
12-29 16:21:54.990  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:55.278  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:55.397  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:55.399   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262400 Frames, 58.554 FPS
12-29 16:21:55.544  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9156294
12-29 16:21:55.566  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:55.680  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:55.719   388   431 W CameraClient: lockIfMessageWanted(16): dropped unwanted message
12-29 16:21:55.823  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:55.928   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262432 Frames, 60.529 FPS
12-29 16:21:55.972  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:56.264  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:56.388  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:56.466   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262464 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:21:56.543  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:56.689  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:56.845  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:56.967  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.0274067
12-29 16:21:56.980  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:57.004   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262496 Frames, 59.501 FPS
12-29 16:21:57.122  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:57.268  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:57.414  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:57.541   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262528 Frames, 59.558 FPS
12-29 16:21:57.579  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:57.849  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:57.990  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:58.078   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262560 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:21:58.176  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:58.319  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:58.465  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.6800265
12-29 16:21:58.491  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:58.613  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:58.616   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262592 Frames, 59.533 FPS
12-29 16:21:58.776  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:58.928  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:21:59.055  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:59.154   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262624 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:21:59.194  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:59.481  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:21:59.629  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:59.691   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262656 Frames, 59.521 FPS
12-29 16:21:59.796  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:21:59.926  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.844627
12-29 16:21:59.935  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:00.007   523   537 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
12-29 16:22:00.008   523   537 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
12-29 16:22:00.084  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:00.229   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262688 Frames, 59.534 FPS
12-29 16:22:00.253  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:00.514  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:00.666  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:00.766   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262720 Frames, 59.506 FPS
12-29 16:22:00.791  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:01.076  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:01.219  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:01.304   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262752 Frames, 59.555 FPS
12-29 16:22:01.368  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.930007
12-29 16:22:01.385  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:01.528  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:01.679  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:01.842   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262784 Frames, 59.521 FPS
12-29 16:22:01.849  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:02.152  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:02.300  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:02.379   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262816 Frames, 59.543 FPS
12-29 16:22:02.442  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:02.611  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:02.757  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:02.898  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.535948
12-29 16:22:02.905  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:02.926   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262848 Frames, 58.528 FPS
12-29 16:22:03.073  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:03.194  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:03.336  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:03.454   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262880 Frames, 60.555 FPS
12-29 16:22:03.501  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:03.812  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:03.976  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:03.992   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262912 Frames, 59.430 FPS
12-29 16:22:04.126  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:04.249  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:04.386  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.72043
12-29 16:22:04.396  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:04.537   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262944 Frames, 58.713 FPS
12-29 16:22:04.549  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:04.810  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:04.954  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:05.067   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 262976 Frames, 60.474 FPS
12-29 16:22:05.126  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:05.390  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:05.537  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:05.604   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263008 Frames, 59.529 FPS
12-29 16:22:05.700  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:05.821  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.9735007
12-29 16:22:05.825  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:05.998  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:06.125  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:06.152   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263040 Frames, 58.461 FPS
12-29 16:22:06.247  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:06.551  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:06.667  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:06.679   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263072 Frames, 60.632 FPS
12-29 16:22:06.729   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 10 for fd 93
12-29 16:22:06.730   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:06.730   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=93,share_attr_fd=94
12-29 16:22:06.730   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 97
12-29 16:22:06.730   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 72, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=552960,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:06.730   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=97,share_attr_fd=98
12-29 16:22:06.833  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:06.976  5788  5866 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:07.128  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:07.153   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: 1212121 start_output_stream
12-29 16:22:07.153   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: vicent r 44100  c 2  ps 512 pc 6
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[0] = ROCKCHIPRT5640C
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[1] = ROCKCHIPSPDIF
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[2] = RKHDMIDPSOUND
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PCM_CARD=0, PCM_CARD_SPDIF=1, PCM_CARD_HDMI=2, PCM_BT=4
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device     : 0x80408
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels   : 2
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate    : 0
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream() >>>> PCM_CARD_HDMI:2, PCM_CARD:0, HdmiIn_snd_config.config:4<
12-29 16:22:07.155   256   963 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0  
12-29 16:22:07.156   256   963 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 8
12-29 16:22:07.162   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:22:07.182   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 87
12-29 16:22:07.182   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 72, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=552960,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.182   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=87,share_attr_fd=90
12-29 16:22:07.198   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 13 for fd 92
12-29 16:22:07.198   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 72, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=552960,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.198   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=92,share_attr_fd=96
12-29 16:22:07.214   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 14 for fd 61
12-29 16:22:07.214   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 72, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=552960,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.214   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=61,share_attr_fd=68
12-29 16:22:07.217   258  5868 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263104 Frames, 59.530 FPS
12-29 16:22:07.217   523 19684 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10022
12-29 16:22:07.221   523 19684 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{}
12-29 16:22:07.237   679   950 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:22:07.239   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.239   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.239   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.240   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 126
12-29 16:22:07.240   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.240   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=126,share_attr_fd=132
12-29 16:22:07.244   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:22:07.245   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:22:07.247   679   950 E BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-679-6] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:22:07.247   679   950 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76b159e010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:22:07.247   679   679 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-679-6] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
12-29 16:22:07.255   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.255   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1125, h : 583, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x333. size=2649152,pixel_stride=1136,byte_stride=4544
12-29 16:22:07.255   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.256   523 19684 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 245
12-29 16:22:07.256   523 19684 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1125, h : 583, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x333. size=2649152,pixel_stride=1136,byte_stride=4544
12-29 16:22:07.256   523 19684 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=245,share_attr_fd=246
12-29 16:22:07.256   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 120
12-29 16:22:07.256   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1125, h : 583, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x333. size=2649152,pixel_stride=1136,byte_stride=4544
12-29 16:22:07.256   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=120,share_attr_fd=138
12-29 16:22:07.271  5788  5807 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.891799
12-29 16:22:07.311   523  2517 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 247
12-29 16:22:07.311   523  2517 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.311   523  2517 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=247,share_attr_fd=251
12-29 16:22:07.320   523   543 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs
12-29 16:22:07.380   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.382   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.382   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.383   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 136
12-29 16:22:07.383   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.383   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=136,share_attr_fd=66
12-29 16:22:07.392   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.392   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.392   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.393   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 20 for fd 141
12-29 16:22:07.393   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.393   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=141,share_attr_fd=142
12-29 16:22:07.405   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.406   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.406   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.406   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 22 for fd 91
12-29 16:22:07.406   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.406   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=91,share_attr_fd=133
12-29 16:22:07.417   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.418   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.418   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.418   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 23 for fd 140
12-29 16:22:07.418   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.418   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=140,share_attr_fd=147
12-29 16:22:07.419   679   950 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:22:07.421   679   950 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:22:07.422   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.422   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.422   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.423   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 141
12-29 16:22:07.423   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.423   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=141,share_attr_fd=142
12-29 16:22:07.428   679   950 E BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-679-7] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:22:07.428   679   950 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76a892a010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:22:07.428   679   679 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-679-7] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
12-29 16:22:07.445   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.446   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.446   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.446   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 23 for fd 159
12-29 16:22:07.446   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.446   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=159,share_attr_fd=161
12-29 16:22:07.447   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 13 for fd 145
12-29 16:22:07.447   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.447   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=145,share_attr_fd=146
12-29 16:22:07.463   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 24 for fd 154
12-29 16:22:07.463   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.463   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=154,share_attr_fd=156
12-29 16:22:07.482   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 100
12-29 16:22:07.482   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1920, format : 0x2,internal_format : 0x2, usage : 0x933. size=14745600,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.482   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=100,share_attr_fd=103
12-29 16:22:07.483   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 113
12-29 16:22:07.483   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.483   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=113,share_attr_fd=114
12-29 16:22:07.483   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 17 for fd 117
12-29 16:22:07.483   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.483   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=117,share_attr_fd=118
12-29 16:22:07.488   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.488   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.488   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.488   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 22 for fd 133
12-29 16:22:07.489   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.489   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=133,share_attr_fd=134
12-29 16:22:07.489   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 14 for fd 152
12-29 16:22:07.489   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.489   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=152,share_attr_fd=153
12-29 16:22:07.512  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:22:07.512  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 1
12-29 16:22:07.512  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Disconnecting from camera
12-29 16:22:07.512  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Notify thread
12-29 16:22:07.512  5788  5788 D JavaCameraView: Wating for thread
12-29 16:22:07.518   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 18 for fd 80
12-29 16:22:07.518   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.518   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=80,share_attr_fd=82
12-29 16:22:07.518   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 19 for fd 107
12-29 16:22:07.518   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.518   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=107,share_attr_fd=111
12-29 16:22:07.523   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.524   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.524   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.524   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 20 for fd 152
12-29 16:22:07.524   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.524   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=152,share_attr_fd=155
12-29 16:22:07.524   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 155
12-29 16:22:07.524   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.524   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=155,share_attr_fd=156
12-29 16:22:07.550  5788  5866 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:07.557   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 20 for fd 138
12-29 16:22:07.557   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.557   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=138,share_attr_fd=139
12-29 16:22:07.557   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 21 for fd 141
12-29 16:22:07.557   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 36, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=276480,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.557   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=141,share_attr_fd=142
12-29 16:22:07.565  5788  5866 D JavaCameraView: Finish processing thread
12-29 16:22:07.567   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(958): commandThread(958):receive CMD_PREVIEW_STOP
12-29 16:22:07.567   258  5848 D CameraHal: displayThread(638): displayThread(638): receive CMD_DISPLAY_PAUSE
12-29 16:22:07.569   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:07.570   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.570   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:07.570   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 65
12-29 16:22:07.570   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.570   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=65,share_attr_fd=66
12-29 16:22:07.571   679   950 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 158
12-29 16:22:07.571   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.571   679   950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=158,share_attr_fd=159
12-29 16:22:07.581   258  5862 D CameraHal: stopPreview(231): stopPreview(231):IN
12-29 16:22:07.581   258  5862 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 0
12-29 16:22:07.581   258  5868 E CameraHal: getFrame(640): getFrame(640): VIDIOC_DQBUF Failed!!! err[Invalid argument]
12-29 16:22:07.585   258  5862 D CameraHal: stopPreview(251): stopPreview(251):OUT
12-29 16:22:07.586   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(979): commandThread(979): CMD_PREVIEW_STOP out
12-29 16:22:07.587   258 18818 D CameraHal: stopPreview(398): stop preview OK.
12-29 16:22:07.592   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 22 for fd 122
12-29 16:22:07.592   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:07.592   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=122,share_attr_fd=123
12-29 16:22:07.593   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(958): commandThread(958):receive CMD_PREVIEW_STOP
12-29 16:22:07.593   258  5862 D CameraHal: stopPreview(231): stopPreview(231):IN
12-29 16:22:07.593   258  5862 D CameraHal: stopPreview(251): stopPreview(251):OUT
12-29 16:22:07.593   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(979): commandThread(979): CMD_PREVIEW_STOP out
12-29 16:22:07.593   258 18818 D CameraHal: stopPreview(398): stop preview OK.
12-29 16:22:07.595   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(1030): commandThread(1030): receive CMD_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_CANCEL
12-29 16:22:07.595   258  5862 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:22:07.595   258  5862 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:07.596   258  5862 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:07.596   258  5862 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:22:07.596   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(1038): commandThread(1038): CMD_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_CANCEL out
12-29 16:22:07.596   258 18818 D CameraHal: cancelPicture(603): cancel picture OK.
12-29 16:22:07.599   258 18818 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Closing camera 0
12-29 16:22:07.599   258 18818 D CameraHal: camera_device_close(455): camera_device_close
12-29 16:22:07.599   258  5848 D CameraHal: displayThread(650): displayThread(650): receive CMD_DISPLAY_STOP
12-29 16:22:07.599   258  5848 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:22:07.599   258  5850 D CameraHal: encProcessThread(2152): encProcessThread(2152): receive CMD_ENCPROCESS_EXIT
12-29 16:22:07.601   258  5861 D CameraHal: autofocusThread(860): wait out
12-29 16:22:07.603   258  5862 D CameraHal: commandThread(1141): commandThread(1141): receive CMD_EXIT
12-29 16:22:07.603   258 18818 D CameraHal: ~CameraHal(329): CameraHal destory success
12-29 16:22:07.607   388 20397 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 5788
12-29 16:22:07.608  5788  5788 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 0
12-29 16:22:07.614   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe40b8000) at state 4
12-29 16:22:07.614   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8000), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:07.614   396  5842 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe40b8000)
12-29 16:22:07.615   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe4319700) at state 4
12-29 16:22:07.615   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319700), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:07.615   396  5844 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe4319700)
12-29 16:22:07.616   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe4319480) at state 4
12-29 16:22:07.616   396   909 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319480), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:07.616   396  5846 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe4319480)
12-29 16:22:07.644   273   288 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:22:07.645  5788  5808 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76c3b7e010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:22:07.668   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 23 for fd 59
12-29 16:22:07.668   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 888, h : 96, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x300. size=344064,pixel_stride=896,byte_stride=3584
12-29 16:22:07.668   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=59,share_attr_fd=121
12-29 16:22:08.773   523   543 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs
12-29 16:22:08.775   523 22142 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty for 2463s
12-29 16:22:08.775   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:08.784   523 22142 I ActivityManager: Killing 5788:com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/u0a72 (adj 900): remove task
12-29 16:22:08.789   523 19684 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000} from uid 10022
12-29 16:22:08.794   523 19684 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{}
12-29 16:22:08.820   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:08.821   523 22142 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 900): remove task
12-29 16:22:08.852   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.853   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.853   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.853   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 92
12-29 16:22:08.853   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.853   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=92,share_attr_fd=104
12-29 16:22:08.862   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.863   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:08.864   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.864   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.864   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 53
12-29 16:22:08.864   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.864   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=53,share_attr_fd=57
12-29 16:22:08.878   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.879   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.879   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.879   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 102
12-29 16:22:08.879   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.879   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=102,share_attr_fd=105
12-29 16:22:08.890   523   599 W InputDispatcher: channel '268d066 com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
12-29 16:22:08.890   523   599 E InputDispatcher: channel '268d066 com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
12-29 16:22:08.895   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.896   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.896   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.896   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 123
12-29 16:22:08.896   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x900. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.897   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=123,share_attr_fd=127
12-29 16:22:08.898  1106  1218 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:22:08.903   273  1042 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:22:08.904   679   950 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76b159e010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:22:08.904   679   950 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x76b13df400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x76b52daf00
12-29 16:22:08.905   523 19684 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{268d066 u0 com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity}
12-29 16:22:08.905   523 19684 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '268d066 com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity (server)'
12-29 16:22:08.907   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:08.915   523   545 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 5788
12-29 16:22:08.922   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.923   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.923   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.923   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 74
12-29 16:22:08.923   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.923   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=74,share_attr_fd=100
12-29 16:22:08.923  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 71
12-29 16:22:08.923  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.923  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=71,share_attr_fd=72
12-29 16:22:08.950   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:08.951   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.952   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.952   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.952   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 122
12-29 16:22:08.952   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.952   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=122,share_attr_fd=123
12-29 16:22:08.953  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 74
12-29 16:22:08.953  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.953  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=74,share_attr_fd=75
12-29 16:22:08.962   679  2556 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 61453(2037KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 137us total 76.139ms
12-29 16:22:08.972   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:08.973   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.973   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:08.973   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 36
12-29 16:22:08.974   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.974   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=36,share_attr_fd=37
12-29 16:22:08.974  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 78
12-29 16:22:08.974  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.974  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=78,share_attr_fd=79
12-29 16:22:08.975   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 54
12-29 16:22:08.975   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:08.975   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=54,share_attr_fd=55
12-29 16:22:09.000   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:09.010   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:09.011   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:09.011   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:09.011   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 102
12-29 16:22:09.011   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:09.011   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=102,share_attr_fd=104
12-29 16:22:09.012  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 81
12-29 16:22:09.012  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:09.012  1106  1218 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=81,share_attr_fd=82
12-29 16:22:09.017   523   610 D WifiService: Client connection lost with reason: 4
12-29 16:22:09.017   523   545 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 5569
12-29 16:22:09.021   523   545 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 2558
12-29 16:22:09.026   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 46
12-29 16:22:09.026   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:09.026   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=46,share_attr_fd=47
12-29 16:22:09.043   523   540 W system_server: kill(-2558, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:09.044   523   540 I system_server: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10017 pid 2558 in 268ms
12-29 16:22:09.044   523   540 W system_server: kill(-5788, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:09.044   523   540 I system_server: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10072 pid 5788 in 0ms
12-29 16:22:09.044   523   540 W system_server: kill(-5569, 9) failed: No such process
12-29 16:22:09.044   523   540 I system_server: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 5569 in 0ms
12-29 16:22:09.048   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 57
12-29 16:22:09.048   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:09.048   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=57,share_attr_fd=58
12-29 16:22:09.064   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 59
12-29 16:22:09.065   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1920, h : 1080, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=8294400,pixel_stride=1920,byte_stride=7680
12-29 16:22:09.065   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=59,share_attr_fd=60
12-29 16:22:09.414  1106  1218 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
12-29 16:22:10.386   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:22:10.386   256   483 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-29 16:22:10.467   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-29 16:22:16.036   523  9266 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/.MainActivity bnds=[646,579][960,734]} from uid 10015
12-29 16:22:16.043   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: 1212121 start_output_stream
12-29 16:22:16.043   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: vicent r 44100  c 2  ps 512 pc 6
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[0] = ROCKCHIPRT5640C
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[1] = ROCKCHIPSPDIF
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[2] = RKHDMIDPSOUND
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PCM_CARD=0, PCM_CARD_SPDIF=1, PCM_CARD_HDMI=2, PCM_BT=4
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device     : 0x80408
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels   : 2
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate    : 0
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 E AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream() >>>> PCM_CARD_HDMI:2, PCM_CARD:0, HdmiIn_snd_config.config:4<
12-29 16:22:16.045   256   963 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0  
12-29 16:22:16.047   523  9266 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity}----com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:22:16.048   256   963 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 8
12-29 16:22:16.050   256   963 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:22:16.058   523  9266 E ActivityManager: getPackageFerformanceMode--ComponentInfo{com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo.MainActivity}----com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:22:16.076   523  9266 I ActivityManager: Start proc 9267:com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/u0a72 for activity com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/.MainActivity
12-29 16:22:16.080  9267  9267 I zygote64: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-29 16:22:16.094   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.095   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.095   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.095   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 91
12-29 16:22:16.095   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.095   273  1042 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=91,share_attr_fd=115
12-29 16:22:16.096   523   573 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 248
12-29 16:22:16.096   523   573 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.096   523   573 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=248,share_attr_fd=249
12-29 16:22:16.118   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:22:16.118   256   963 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
12-29 16:22:16.196   273   367 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
12-29 16:22:16.196  1106  1218 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x76b177c010 disconnect failed
12-29 16:22:16.198   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 33
12-29 16:22:16.199   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0x933. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.199   264 22531 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=33,share_attr_fd=45
12-29 16:22:16.296  9267  9272 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=20KB
12-29 16:22:16.296  9267  9272 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=30KB, data=20KB
12-29 16:22:16.296  9267  9272 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
12-29 16:22:16.346  9298  9298 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:141): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/xbin/su" dev="dm-0" ino=2638 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-29 16:22:16.432  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: Attr count: 6
12-29 16:22:16.501  9267  9272 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=59KB, data=38KB
12-29 16:22:16.502  9267  9272 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=58KB, data=38KB
12-29 16:22:16.502  9267  9272 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
12-29 16:22:16.565  9267  9267 D ssd     : Loaded box priors!
12-29 16:22:16.567  9267  9267 D ssd     : Loaded label!
12-29 16:22:16.571  9267  9300 W linker  : /data/app/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo-H4zZdegSviSeZvhPMC8drA==/lib/arm64/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
12-29 16:22:16.575  9267  9300 I rkssd4j : Loaded model /data/user/0/com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/cache/mobilenet_ssd300_1.0.tflite
12-29 16:22:16.575  9267  9300 I rkssd4j : resolved reporter
12-29 16:22:16.575  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to get library list
12-29 16:22:16.578  9267  9267 E OpenCV/StaticHelper: OpenCV error: Cannot load info library for OpenCV
12-29 16:22:16.578  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Library list: ""
12-29 16:22:16.578  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: First attempt to load libs
12-29 16:22:16.578  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to init OpenCV libs
12-29 16:22:16.578  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to load library opencv_java3
12-29 16:22:16.584  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: Library opencv_java3 loaded
12-29 16:22:16.584  9267  9267 D OpenCV/StaticHelper: First attempt to load libs is OK
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper: General configuration for OpenCV 3.1.0 =====================================
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Version control:               3.1.0
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Platform:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Host:                        Darwin 15.0.0 x86_64
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Target:                      Android 1 aarch64
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     CMake:                       3.3.2
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     CMake generator:             Ninja
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     CMake build tool:            /usr/local/bin/ninja
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Configuration:               Release
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   C/C++:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Built as dynamic libs?:      NO
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C++ Compiler:                /usr/local/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++ (ver 4.9)
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C++ flags (Release):         -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C++ flags (Debug):           -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C Compiler:                  /usr/local/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C flags (Release):           -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wno-narrowing -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C flags (Debug):             -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wno-narrowing -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Linker flags (Release):      -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Linker flags (Debug):        -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Precompiled headers:         NO
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Extra dependencies:          z dl m log
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     3rdparty dependencies:       libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf tbb
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   OpenCV modules:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     To be built:                 core flann imgproc ml photo video imgcodecs shape videoio highgui objdetect superres features2d calib3d java stitching videostab
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Disabled:                    world
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Disabled by dependency:      -
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Unavailable:                 cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev python2 ts viz
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Android:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Android ABI:                 arm64-v8a
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     STL type:                    gnustl_static
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Native API level:            android-21
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     SDK target:                  android-21
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Android NDK:                 /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e (toolchain: aarch64-linux-android-4.9)
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     android tool:                /opt/android/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android (Android SDK Tools, revision 24.1.2.)
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Google Play manager:         NO
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Android examples:            YES
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   GUI:
12-29 16:22:16.585  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GTK+:                        NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GThread :                    NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GtkGlExt:                    NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     OpenGL support:              NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     VTK support:                 NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Media I/O:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     ZLib:                        z (ver 1.2.3)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     JPEG:                        build (ver 90)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     WEBP:                        build (ver 0.3.1)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     PNG:                         build (ver 1.6.19)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     TIFF:                        build (ver 42 - 4.0.2)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     JPEG 2000:                   build (ver 1.900.1)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     OpenEXR:                     build (ver 1.7.1)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     GDAL:                        NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Video I/O:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Parallel framework:            TBB (ver 4.3 interface 8002)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Other third-party libraries:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use IPP:                     NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use Eigen:                   NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use Cuda:                    NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use OpenCL:                  NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Use custom HAL:              NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Python 2:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Interpreter:                 /opt/pythonenv/build/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.10)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Python 3:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Interpreter:                 NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Python (for build):            /opt/pythonenv/build/bin/python2.7
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Java:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     ant:                         /usr/local/bin/ant (ver 1.9.4)
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Java wrappers:               YES
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Java tests:                  NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Matlab:                        NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Tests and samples:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Tests:                       NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     Performance tests:           NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:     C/C++ Examples:              NO
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   Install path:                  /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/build/o4a/install
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper:   cvconfig.h is in:              /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/build/o4a
12-29 16:22:16.586  9267  9267 I OpenCV/StaticHelper: -----------------------------------------------------------------
12-29 16:22:16.587  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:22:16.599  9267  9301 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
12-29 16:22:16.644  9267  9301 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/rockchip/mali_so_src_of_midgard/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 876; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-29 16:22:16.644  9267  9301 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r18p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '7@0'.
12-29 16:22:16.644  9267  9301 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/rockchip/mali_so_src_of_midgard/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 881; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-29 16:22:16.644  9267  9301 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
12-29 16:22:16.652  9267  9301 I com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
12-29 16:22:16.652  9267  9301 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-29 16:22:16.652  9267  9301 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
12-29 16:22:16.657  9267  9301 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-29 16:22:16.663  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call surfaceChanged event
12-29 16:22:16.663  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:22:16.663  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 0
12-29 16:22:16.663  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 1
12-29 16:22:16.663  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call onEnterStartedState
12-29 16:22:16.664  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Connecting to camera
12-29 16:22:16.664  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Initialize java camera
12-29 16:22:16.664  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Trying to open camera with old open()
12-29 16:22:16.664   388 20397 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:22:16.665   388 20397 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:22:16.665   258 18818 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:16.667   388 20397 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
12-29 16:22:16.668   258 18818 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:16.669   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319f80) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:22:16.674   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:22:16.674   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:22:16.677   396  9312 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319f80), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:16.678   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe40b8380) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:22:16.683   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:22:16.683   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:22:16.689   396  9314 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8380), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:16.690   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe40b8200) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:22:16.698   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:22:16.698   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:22:16.704   396  9317 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8200), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:16.707   388 20397 I CameraHardwareInterface: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:22:16.707   258 18818 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:22:16.707   258 18818 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:16.707   258 18818 I CameraHal: camera_device_open(567): camera_device open
12-29 16:22:16.707   258 18818 D CameraHal: gCameraHalLogLevel: 0
12-29 16:22:16.707   258 18818 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
12-29 16:22:16.708   258 18818 D CameraHal: CameraHal(102): it is a uvc camera!
12-29 16:22:16.709   258 18818 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:22:16.709   258 18818 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:22:16.844   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(370): Camera driver: uvcvideo  Card Name:Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 430  Driver version: 4.4.126  CameraHal version: 1.81.11
12-29 16:22:16.844   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 1448695129(YUYV 4:2:2),index = 0
12-29 16:22:16.850   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 0(36315752-1a66-a242-9065-d01814a),index = 1
12-29 16:22:16.850   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(415): cameraCreate(415): mCamDriverPreviewFmt(YUYV) is cameraHal and camera driver is also supported!!
12-29 16:22:16.850   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(417): mCamDriverPreviewFmt  = 1448695129
12-29 16:22:16.850   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(423): cameraCreate(423): Current driver is uvcvideo, v4l2 memory is V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 E CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(503): initDefaultParameters(503): mCamDriverCapability.card is error!
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(568): Support video sizes:(null)
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(583): Support Preview format: yuv420sp,yuv420p .. yuv420sp
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(585): Support Preview sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080     640x480
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(586): Support Preview FPS range: (15000,15000),(30000,30000)
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(587): Support Preview framerate: 10,15,20,30
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(588): Support Picture sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(590): Support white balance: auto,incandescent,fluorescent,daylight,cloudy-daylight
12-29 16:22:16.852   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(592): Support color effect: none,mono,sepia
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(598): Support focus: fixed  focus zone: 0
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(600): Support zoom: true(ratios: 100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,150,155,160,165,170,175,180,185,190,195,200,205,210,215,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275,280,285,290,295,300,)
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(604): Support exposure: (-3 -> 3)
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(608): Support anti-banding: off,50hz,60hz,auto  anti-banding: off
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(610): Support hardware faces detecte: 2
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(611): Support software faces detecte: 0
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(612): Support video stabilization: false
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(613): Support recording hint: false
12-29 16:22:16.853   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(745): cameraConfig(745): Set framerate(30 fps) success
12-29 16:22:16.854   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(788): cameraConfig(788): Set white balance(auto) success
12-29 16:22:16.854   258 18818 E CameraHal: cameraConfig(818): cameraConfig(818): Set effect(none) fail
12-29 16:22:16.854   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(865): cameraConfig(865): Set anti-banding Disabled
12-29 16:22:16.854   258 18818 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(946): cameraConfig(946): Set exposure 0 0
12-29 16:22:16.855   258 18818 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:16.855   258 18818 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:16.855   258 18818 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:22:16.858   258 18818 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:16.863  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: getSupportedPreviewSizes()
12-29 16:22:16.865  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Set preview size to 640x480
12-29 16:22:16.868   258  9333 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:22:16.868   258  9333 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:16.868   258  9333 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:16.868   258  9333 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:22:16.875  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: startPreview
12-29 16:22:16.876   388   433 I CameraHardwareInterface: Destroying camera 0
12-29 16:22:16.876   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(984): commandThread(984):receive CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW
12-29 16:22:16.876   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(1000): commandThread(1000): CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW out
12-29 16:22:16.877   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(875): commandThread(875):receive CMD_PREVIEW_START
12-29 16:22:16.877   258  9333 D CameraHal: startPreview(177): startPreview177:preview_w = 640,preview_h = 480,drv_w = 640,drv_h = 480
12-29 16:22:16.877  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Starting processing thread
12-29 16:22:16.879   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.879   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.879   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.880   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 29
12-29 16:22:16.880   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.880   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=31
12-29 16:22:16.882   258  9333 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b060, vir_addr 0xe9572000,fd 29
12-29 16:22:16.883   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.884   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.884   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.884   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 33
12-29 16:22:16.885   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.885   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=33,share_attr_fd=34
12-29 16:22:16.886   258  9333 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b180, vir_addr 0xe94dc000,fd 33
12-29 16:22:16.888   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.888   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.888   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.888   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 36
12-29 16:22:16.889   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.889   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=36,share_attr_fd=37
12-29 16:22:16.889   258  9333 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b2a0, vir_addr 0xe9446000,fd 36
12-29 16:22:16.891   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.892   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.892   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.893   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 39
12-29 16:22:16.893   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:16.893   258  9333 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=39,share_attr_fd=40
12-29 16:22:16.894   258  9333 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b140, vir_addr 0xe93b0000,fd 39
12-29 16:22:16.894   258  9333 D CameraHal: cameraSetSize(472): cameraSetSize(472):IN, w = 640,h = 480
12-29 16:22:16.902   258  9333 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 1
12-29 16:22:16.921   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.922   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.922   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.922   273   288 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 74
12-29 16:22:16.922   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.922   273   288 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=74,share_attr_fd=75
12-29 16:22:16.923   258  9333 D CameraHal: startPreview(219): startPreview(219):OUT
12-29 16:22:16.923   258  9322 D CameraHal: displayThread(624): displayThread(624): receive CMD_DISPLAY_START
12-29 16:22:16.923   258  9322 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:22:16.931  9267  9301 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 58
12-29 16:22:16.931  9267  9301 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.931  9267  9301 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=58,share_attr_fd=59
12-29 16:22:16.945   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.947   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.947   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.947   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.950  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.951  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 53
12-29 16:22:16.951  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.951  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=53,share_attr_fd=57
12-29 16:22:16.955   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.956   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 15
12-29 16:22:16.956   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.956   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=15,share_attr_fd=16
12-29 16:22:16.956   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.957   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 27
12-29 16:22:16.957   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.957   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=27,share_attr_fd=28
12-29 16:22:16.958   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.959   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.959   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.959   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.962   523   545 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo/.MainActivity: +899ms
12-29 16:22:16.977  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.977  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 56
12-29 16:22:16.977  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.977  9267  9281 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=56,share_attr_fd=63
12-29 16:22:16.977   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.978   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 19
12-29 16:22:16.978   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.978   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=19,share_attr_fd=20
12-29 16:22:16.978   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.978   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 43
12-29 16:22:16.978   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.978   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=43,share_attr_fd=44
12-29 16:22:16.979   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.980   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.980   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.980   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.982  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.982  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 65
12-29 16:22:16.982  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.982  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=65,share_attr_fd=66
12-29 16:22:16.982   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.982   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 22
12-29 16:22:16.982   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.983   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=22,share_attr_fd=23
12-29 16:22:16.983   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.983   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 46
12-29 16:22:16.983   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.983   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=46,share_attr_fd=47
12-29 16:22:16.986   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.987   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:16.987   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.987   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:16.988  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.988  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 54
12-29 16:22:16.988  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.988  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=54,share_attr_fd=71
12-29 16:22:16.990   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.991   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 25
12-29 16:22:16.991   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.991   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=25,share_attr_fd=26
12-29 16:22:16.991   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:16.991   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 49
12-29 16:22:16.991   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:16.991   258  9322 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=49,share_attr_fd=50
12-29 16:22:16.994   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(952): commandThread(952): CMD_PREVIEW_START out
12-29 16:22:16.999   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 60
12-29 16:22:16.999   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:16.999   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=60,share_attr_fd=62
12-29 16:22:17.000  9267  9334 E Output  : none
12-29 16:22:17.010   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.011   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.011   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.011   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 122
12-29 16:22:17.011   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.011   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=122,share_attr_fd=123
12-29 16:22:17.012  9267  9334 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 76
12-29 16:22:17.012  9267  9334 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.012  9267  9334 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=76,share_attr_fd=77
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.float32Performance.execTime].
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.float32Performance.powerUsage].
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.quantized8Performance.execTime].
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 W ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Could not find property [ArmNN.quantized8Performance.powerUsage].
12-29 16:22:17.015 12137 12137 D ArmnnDriver: ArmnnDriver::ParseSystemProperty(): Falling back to default value [1]
12-29 16:22:17.032   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 47
12-29 16:22:17.032   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 972, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3670272,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.032   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=47,share_attr_fd=48
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call surfaceChanged event
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 1
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Disconnecting from camera
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Notify thread
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Wating for thread
12-29 16:22:17.048  9267  9334 D JavaCameraView: Finish processing thread
12-29 16:22:17.049   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(958): commandThread(958):receive CMD_PREVIEW_STOP
12-29 16:22:17.049   258  9322 D CameraHal: displayThread(638): displayThread(638): receive CMD_DISPLAY_PAUSE
12-29 16:22:17.050   258  9333 D CameraHal: stopPreview(231): stopPreview(231):IN
12-29 16:22:17.050   258  9333 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 0
12-29 16:22:17.051   258  9336 E CameraHal: getFrame(640): getFrame(640): VIDIOC_DQBUF Failed!!! err[Invalid argument]
12-29 16:22:17.055   258  9333 D CameraHal: stopPreview(251): stopPreview(251):OUT
12-29 16:22:17.055   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(979): commandThread(979): CMD_PREVIEW_STOP out
12-29 16:22:17.055   258 18818 D CameraHal: stopPreview(398): stop preview OK.
12-29 16:22:17.056   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(958): commandThread(958):receive CMD_PREVIEW_STOP
12-29 16:22:17.056   258  9333 D CameraHal: stopPreview(231): stopPreview(231):IN
12-29 16:22:17.056   258  9333 D CameraHal: stopPreview(251): stopPreview(251):OUT
12-29 16:22:17.056   258   432 D CameraHal: stopPreview(398): stop preview OK.
12-29 16:22:17.056   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(979): commandThread(979): CMD_PREVIEW_STOP out
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(1030): commandThread(1030): receive CMD_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_CANCEL
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9333 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9333 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9333 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9333 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.057   258   432 D CameraHal: cancelPicture(603): cancel picture OK.
12-29 16:22:17.057   258   432 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Closing camera 0
12-29 16:22:17.057   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_device_close(455): camera_device_close
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(1038): commandThread(1038): CMD_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_CANCEL out
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9322 D CameraHal: displayThread(650): displayThread(650): receive CMD_DISPLAY_STOP
12-29 16:22:17.057   258  9322 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:22:17.058   258  9324 D CameraHal: encProcessThread(2152): encProcessThread(2152): receive CMD_ENCPROCESS_EXIT
12-29 16:22:17.058   258  9332 D CameraHal: autofocusThread(860): wait out
12-29 16:22:17.059   258  9333 D CameraHal: commandThread(1141): commandThread(1141): receive CMD_EXIT
12-29 16:22:17.059   258   432 D CameraHal: ~CameraHal(329): CameraHal destory success
12-29 16:22:17.061   388 20397 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 9267
12-29 16:22:17.061  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 0
12-29 16:22:17.061  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call checkCurrentState
12-29 16:22:17.061  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call processExitState: 0
12-29 16:22:17.061  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call processEnterState: 1
12-29 16:22:17.061  9267  9267 D CameraBridge: call onEnterStartedState
12-29 16:22:17.061  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Connecting to camera
12-29 16:22:17.062  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Initialize java camera
12-29 16:22:17.062  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Trying to open camera with old open()
12-29 16:22:17.062   388  1563 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:22:17.062   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe4319f80) at state 4
12-29 16:22:17.062   388  1563 D CameraService: CameraService mNumberOfNormalCameras:1
12-29 16:22:17.062   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319f80), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:17.062   396  9312 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe4319f80)
12-29 16:22:17.063   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:17.063   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe40b8380) at state 4
12-29 16:22:17.063   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8380), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:17.064   396  9314 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe40b8380)
12-29 16:22:17.064   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe40b8200) at state 4
12-29 16:22:17.064   396   486 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8200), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:17.065   396  9317 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe40b8200)
12-29 16:22:17.065   388 20397 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
12-29 16:22:17.066   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:17.066   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe40b8380) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:22:17.072   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:22:17.073   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:22:17.076   396  9344 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8380), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:17.076   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4319c80) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:22:17.082   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:22:17.082   394  1200 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:22:17.089   396  9346 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4319c80), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:17.089   396  1009 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe40b8300) created, clientPid(388)
12-29 16:22:17.093   394   836 E ffmExtractor: Cannot load library dlerror = dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-29 16:22:17.093   394   836 E ffmExtractor: lib open failed
12-29 16:22:17.097   396  9348 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe40b8300), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
12-29 16:22:17.100   388 20397 I CameraHardwareInterface: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:22:17.101   258   432 I CamDev@1.0-impl: Opening camera 0
12-29 16:22:17.101   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:17.101   258   432 I CameraHal: camera_device_open(567): camera_device open
12-29 16:22:17.101   258   432 D CameraHal: gCameraHalLogLevel: 0
12-29 16:22:17.101   258   432 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
12-29 16:22:17.103   258   432 D CameraHal: CameraHal(102): it is a uvc camera!
12-29 16:22:17.103   258   432 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:22:17.104   258   432 D CameraHal: getCallingProcess(62): Calling process from is: com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo
12-29 16:22:17.157   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(370): Camera driver: uvcvideo  Card Name:Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 430  Driver version: 4.4.126  CameraHal version: 1.81.11
12-29 16:22:17.157   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 1448695129(YUYV 4:2:2),index = 0
12-29 16:22:17.179   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(377): mCamDriverSupportFmt: fmt = 0(36315752-1a66-a242-9065-d01814a),index = 1
12-29 16:22:17.179   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(415): cameraCreate(415): mCamDriverPreviewFmt(YUYV) is cameraHal and camera driver is also supported!!
12-29 16:22:17.179   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(417): mCamDriverPreviewFmt  = 1448695129
12-29 16:22:17.180   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraCreate(423): cameraCreate(423): Current driver is uvcvideo, v4l2 memory is V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 E CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(503): initDefaultParameters(503): mCamDriverCapability.card is error!
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(568): Support video sizes:(null)
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(583): Support Preview format: yuv420sp,yuv420p .. yuv420sp
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(585): Support Preview sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080     640x480
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(586): Support Preview FPS range: (15000,15000),(30000,30000)
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(587): Support Preview framerate: 10,15,20,30
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(588): Support Picture sizes: 320x180,320x240,424x240,640x360,640x480,848x480,960x540,1280x720,1920x1080
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(590): Support white balance: auto,incandescent,fluorescent,daylight,cloudy-daylight
12-29 16:22:17.181   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(592): Support color effect: none,mono,sepia
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(598): Support focus: fixed  focus zone: 0
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(600): Support zoom: true(ratios: 100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,150,155,160,165,170,175,180,185,190,195,200,205,210,215,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275,280,285,290,295,300,)
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(604): Support exposure: (-3 -> 3)
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(608): Support anti-banding: off,50hz,60hz,auto  anti-banding: off
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(610): Support hardware faces detecte: 2
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(611): Support software faces detecte: 0
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(612): Support video stabilization: false
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: initDefaultParameters(613): Support recording hint: false
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(745): cameraConfig(745): Set framerate(30 fps) success
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(788): cameraConfig(788): Set white balance(auto) success
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 E CameraHal: cameraConfig(818): cameraConfig(818): Set effect(none) fail
12-29 16:22:17.182   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(865): cameraConfig(865): Set anti-banding Disabled
12-29 16:22:17.183   258   432 D CameraHal: cameraConfig(946): cameraConfig(946): Set exposure 0 0
12-29 16:22:17.183   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.183   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.183   258   432 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.186   258   432 D CameraHal: camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_get_camera_info(1447): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
12-29 16:22:17.189  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: getSupportedPreviewSizes()
12-29 16:22:17.190  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Set preview size to 640x480
12-29 16:22:17.192   258  9356 D CameraHal: setParameters(672): suppport focus modes:fixed, expect:fixed
12-29 16:22:17.192   258  9356 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(143): mPreviewFrame2AppW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.192   258  9356 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(144): mCamPreviewW (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.192   258  9356 D CameraHal: isNeedToRestartPreview(145): video width (640x480)
12-29 16:22:17.197  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: startPreview
12-29 16:22:17.198   388   431 I CameraHardwareInterface: Destroying camera 0
12-29 16:22:17.198   258  9356 D CameraHal: commandThread(984): commandThread(984):receive CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW
12-29 16:22:17.198   258  9356 D CameraHal: commandThread(1000): commandThread(1000): CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW out
12-29 16:22:17.198   258  9356 D CameraHal: commandThread(875): commandThread(875):receive CMD_PREVIEW_START
12-29 16:22:17.198   258  9356 D CameraHal: startPreview(177): startPreview177:preview_w = 640,preview_h = 480,drv_w = 640,drv_h = 480
12-29 16:22:17.199  9267  9267 D JavaCameraView: Starting processing thread
12-29 16:22:17.203   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.204   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.204   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.204   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 29
12-29 16:22:17.205   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.205   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=29,share_attr_fd=31
12-29 16:22:17.205   258  9356 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b000, vir_addr 0xe9572000,fd 29
12-29 16:22:17.207   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.207   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.207   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.208   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 33
12-29 16:22:17.208   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.208   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=33,share_attr_fd=34
12-29 16:22:17.209   258  9356 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b140, vir_addr 0xe94dc000,fd 33
12-29 16:22:17.211   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.211   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.211   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.212   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 36
12-29 16:22:17.212   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.212   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=36,share_attr_fd=37
12-29 16:22:17.214   258  9356 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b260, vir_addr 0xe9446000,fd 36
12-29 16:22:17.215   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.216   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.216   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.216   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 39
12-29 16:22:17.216   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 307200, h : 1, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x60033. size=614400,pixel_stride=307200,byte_stride=614400
12-29 16:22:17.216   258  9356 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=39,share_attr_fd=40
12-29 16:22:17.217   258  9356 D CameraHal: cam_mem_gralloc_ops_alloc(401): alloc graphic buffer sucess,mem 0xea08b0e0, vir_addr 0xe93b0000,fd 39
12-29 16:22:17.217   258  9356 D CameraHal: cameraSetSize(472): cameraSetSize(472):IN, w = 640,h = 480
12-29 16:22:17.219   258  9356 D CameraHal: cameraStream(494): cameraStream(494):on = 1
12-29 16:22:17.222   258  9356 D CameraHal: startPreview(219): startPreview(219):OUT
12-29 16:22:17.222   258  9350 D CameraHal: displayThread(624): displayThread(624): receive CMD_DISPLAY_START
12-29 16:22:17.222   258  9350 D CameraHal: cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(417): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
12-29 16:22:17.223   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.224   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:17.225   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.225   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 11 for fd 100
12-29 16:22:17.225   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:17.225   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=100,share_attr_fd=102
12-29 16:22:17.225   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.226  9267  9301 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 64
12-29 16:22:17.226  9267  9301 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:17.226  9267  9301 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=64,share_attr_fd=65
12-29 16:22:17.226   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.227   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.227   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.227  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.227  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 57
12-29 16:22:17.227  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.227  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=57,share_attr_fd=62
12-29 16:22:17.228   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.228   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 1 for fd 14
12-29 16:22:17.228   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.228   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=14,share_attr_fd=15
12-29 16:22:17.228   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.228   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 27
12-29 16:22:17.228   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.228   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=27,share_attr_fd=28
12-29 16:22:17.229   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.230   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.231   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.231   263 12950 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.231  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.231  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 68
12-29 16:22:17.231  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.231  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=68,share_attr_fd=69
12-29 16:22:17.231   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.231   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 2 for fd 18
12-29 16:22:17.231   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.231   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=18,share_attr_fd=19
12-29 16:22:17.232   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.232   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 43
12-29 16:22:17.232   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.232   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=43,share_attr_fd=44
12-29 16:22:17.232   263   263 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.233   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.234   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.234   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.235  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.235  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 72
12-29 16:22:17.235  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.235  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=72,share_attr_fd=73
12-29 16:22:17.236   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.236   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 21
12-29 16:22:17.236   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.236   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=21,share_attr_fd=22
12-29 16:22:17.236   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.236   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 46
12-29 16:22:17.236   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.236   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=46,share_attr_fd=47
12-29 16:22:17.236   263   263 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.238   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.238   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.238   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.239  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.239  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 6 for fd 75
12-29 16:22:17.239  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.239  9267  9337 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=75,share_attr_fd=76
12-29 16:22:17.239   388   433 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.239   388   433 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 4 for fd 24
12-29 16:22:17.239   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.239   388   433 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=24,share_attr_fd=25
12-29 16:22:17.240   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: for nv12, w : 640, h : 480, pixel_stride : 640, byte_stride : 640, size : 614400; internalHeight : 480.
12-29 16:22:17.240   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 49
12-29 16:22:17.240   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 640, h : 480, format : 0x15,internal_format : 0x21, usage : 0x333. size=614400,pixel_stride=640,byte_stride=640
12-29 16:22:17.240   258  9350 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=49,share_attr_fd=50
12-29 16:22:17.241   258  9356 D CameraHal: commandThread(952): commandThread(952): CMD_PREVIEW_START out
12-29 16:22:17.275   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 5 for fd 72
12-29 16:22:17.275   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 1008, format : 0x1,internal_format : 0x1, usage : 0xb00. size=7612416,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=7552
12-29 16:22:17.275   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=72,share_attr_fd=73
12-29 16:22:17.336   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.338   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.339   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.340   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 39
12-29 16:22:17.340   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.340   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=39,share_attr_fd=53
12-29 16:22:17.344  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 80
12-29 16:22:17.344  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.344  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=80,share_attr_fd=81
12-29 16:22:17.378   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 7 for fd 82
12-29 16:22:17.378   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.378   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=82,share_attr_fd=83
12-29 16:22:17.397   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.397   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.397   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.397   273   367 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 12 for fd 92
12-29 16:22:17.397   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.397   273   367 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=92,share_attr_fd=97
12-29 16:22:17.398  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 83
12-29 16:22:17.398  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.398  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=83,share_attr_fd=84
12-29 16:22:17.428   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 3 for fd 58
12-29 16:22:17.429   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.429   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=58,share_attr_fd=77
12-29 16:22:17.446   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263136 Frames, 3.128 FPS
12-29 16:22:17.514   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:17.515   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.515   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:17.515   273   604 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 15 for fd 73
12-29 16:22:17.515   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.515   273   604 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=73,share_attr_fd=80
12-29 16:22:17.523  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 86
12-29 16:22:17.523  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.523  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=86,share_attr_fd=87
12-29 16:22:17.563   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 8 for fd 35
12-29 16:22:17.563   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:17.563   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=35,share_attr_fd=42
12-29 16:22:17.983   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263168 Frames, 59.539 FPS
12-29 16:22:18.521   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263200 Frames, 59.518 FPS
12-29 16:22:19.058   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263232 Frames, 59.528 FPS
12-29 16:22:19.239   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: Now set mixer audio_mode is 0 for drm
12-29 16:22:19.239   256   483 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-29 16:22:19.320   256   483 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-29 16:22:19.596   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263264 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:22:19.808   255   255 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(1080000) returning hidl_memory(0x76a9a2b300, 1080000)
12-29 16:22:19.819   255   255 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(728460) returning hidl_memory(0x76a9a2b300, 728460)
12-29 16:22:20.080  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:20.133   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263296 Frames, 59.534 FPS
12-29 16:22:20.240  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:20.374  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:20.518  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:20.572   258  9351 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:22:20.622  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:20.671   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263328 Frames, 59.531 FPS
12-29 16:22:20.756  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:21.052  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:21.198  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:21.209   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263360 Frames, 59.506 FPS
12-29 16:22:21.277   258  9351 E CamDev@1.0-impl: sGetMemory: duplicate MemoryId 10 returned by client!
12-29 16:22:21.328  9267  9300 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 2.1021652
12-29 16:22:21.352  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:21.485  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:21.618  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:21.752   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263392 Frames, 58.934 FPS
12-29 16:22:21.772  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:21.910  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:21.918   263   263 I [Gralloc]: Got fd 16 for handle 1
12-29 16:22:21.919   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:21.919   263   263 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=16,share_attr_fd=17
12-29 16:22:21.919   273   287 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 16 for fd 135
12-29 16:22:21.919   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:21.919   273   287 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=135,share_attr_fd=136
12-29 16:22:21.920  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 10 for fd 94
12-29 16:22:21.920  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:21.920  9267  9357 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=94,share_attr_fd=95
12-29 16:22:21.957   264   264 I [Gralloc]: Got handle 9 for fd 47
12-29 16:22:21.957   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave, w : 1875, h : 876, format : 0x4,internal_format : 0x4, usage : 0x933. size=3307776,pixel_stride=1888,byte_stride=3776
12-29 16:22:21.957   264   264 I [Gralloc]: leave: prime_fd=47,share_attr_fd=53
12-29 16:22:22.051  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:22.205  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:22.283   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263424 Frames, 60.155 FPS
12-29 16:22:22.365  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:22.494  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:22.654  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:22.786  9267  9300 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.8540096
12-29 16:22:22.814  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:22.821   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263456 Frames, 59.522 FPS
12-29 16:22:22.950  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:23.208  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:23.365  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:23.366   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263488 Frames, 58.722 FPS
12-29 16:22:23.498  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:23.650  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 1 line
12-29 16:22:23.785  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:23.896   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263520 Frames, 60.356 FPS
12-29 16:22:23.940  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:24.103  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:24.216  9267  9300 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 6.993007
12-29 16:22:24.232  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:24.367  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:24.434   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263552 Frames, 59.511 FPS
12-29 16:22:24.498  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:24.795  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:24.927  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:24.971   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263584 Frames, 59.552 FPS
12-29 16:22:25.064  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:25.335  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:25.444  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:25.509   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263616 Frames, 59.532 FPS
12-29 16:22:25.575  9267  9300 D ssd     : current ssd fps = 7.3637705
12-29 16:22:25.579  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:25.861  9267  9357 I chatty  : uid=10072(com.rockchip.gpadc.ssddemo) Thread-4 identical 2 lines
12-29 16:22:26.021  9267  9357 E validCount: -1
12-29 16:22:26.046   258  9358 D CameraHal: debugShowFPS(620): Camera 263648 Frames, 59.524 FPS
12-29 16:22:26.158  9267  9357 E validCount: -1


使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 16:28:14        只看该作者  14#
lkd 发表于 2018-12-29 16:05


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发表于 2018-12-29 16:53:30        只看该作者  15#
LiCheng 发表于 2018-12-29 10:39
您好~我将TFLiteSSDDemo编译之后生成apk,在RK3399上运行,发现并没有检测目标,并且在Android Studio上打 ...


使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 16:56:30        只看该作者  16#
lkd 发表于 2018-12-29 16:53

没有,我直接将源码解压缩之后,用Android Studio导入的。

使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 17:04:15        只看该作者  17#

使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 17:06:11        只看该作者  18#

我直接百度云下载下来,然后解压缩之后导入,只是修改了NDK和SDK路径,之前用的是Android Studio3.2.1,然后现在换成2.2了,一样的情况。

使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 17:08:51        只看该作者  19#

使用道具 举报








发表于 2018-12-29 17:12:35        只看该作者  20#
lkd 发表于 2018-12-29 17:08

因为ndk-bundle的是NDK R18,会提示:
Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: mipsel-linux-android
所以我将其换成了NDK R16b

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