[RK3568] AP6275S上电后panic
发表于 2022-3-10 16:58:15
我们移植 AP6275S芯片驱动在自研的板子上:
busybox ifconfig wlan0设备可以看见,但是wlan0不能正常工作,还会OOPS。
<4>[ 48.843818] [dhd] F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x1042aae8
<4>[ 48.846019] [dhd] F1 signature OK, socitype:0x1 chip:0xaae8 rev:0x2 pkg:0x4
<4>[ 48.846536] [dhd] DHD: dongle ram size is set to 1310720(orig 1310720) at 0x170000
<4>[ 48.846601] [dhd] dhd_bus_devreset: making DHD_BUS_DOWN
<4>[ 48.846640] [dhd] dhdsdio_probe_init: making DHD_BUS_DOWN
<3>[ 48.848228] [dhd] dhd_conf_read_config : Ignore config file /vendor/etc/firmware/config.txt
<3>[ 48.848300] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_path_params : Final fw_path=/vendor/etc/firmware/fw_bcm43752a2_ag.bin
<3>[ 48.848312] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_path_params : Final nv_path=/vendor/etc/firmware/nvram_ap6275s.txt
<3>[ 48.848323] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_path_params : Final clm_path=/vendor/etc/firmware/clm_bcm43752a2_ag.blob
<3>[ 48.848333] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_path_params : Final conf_path=/vendor/etc/firmware/config.txt
<4>[ 48.849124] [dhd] dhd_os_open_image1: /vendor/etc/firmware/fw_bcm43752a2_ag.bin (757448 bytes) open success
<4>[ 48.909026] [dhd] dhd_os_open_image1: /vendor/etc/firmware/nvram_ap6275s.txt (8354 bytes) open success
<4>[ 48.910042] [dhd] NVRAM version: AP6275S_NVRAM_V1.4_20201116
<4>[ 48.910796] [dhd] dhdsdio_write_vars: Download, Upload and compare of NVRAM succeeded.
<4>[ 48.971430] [dhd] dhd_bus_init: enable 0x06, ready 0x06 (waited 0us)
<4>[ 48.971806] [dhd] bcmsdh_oob_intr_register: HW_OOB irq=111 flags=0x4
<4>[ 48.972254] [dhd] get_mem_val_from_file: File [/data/misc/wifi/.memdump.info] doesn't exist
<4>[ 48.972278] [dhd] dhd_get_memdump_info: MEMDUMP ENABLED = 3
<4>[ 48.974671] [dhd] dhd_tcpack_suppress_set: TCP ACK Suppress mode 2 -> mode 1
<4>[ 48.977877] [dhd] dhd_os_open_image1: /vendor/etc/firmware/clm_bcm43752a2_ag.blob (28865 bytes) open success
<4>[ 48.979993] [dhd] dhd_check_current_clm_data: ----- This FW is not included CLM data -----
<4>[ 49.021840] [dhd] dhd_check_current_clm_data: ----- This FW is included CLM data -----
<4>[ 49.027026] [dhd] Firmware up: op_mode=0x0005, MAC=10:2c:6b:c5:73:49
<4>[ 49.035951] [dhd] dhd_preinit_ioctls: event_log_max_sets: 26 ret: 0
<4>[ 49.060795] [dhd] Driver: 100.10.545.12 (r826445-20200708-1)
<4>[ 49.060795] Firmware: wl0: Oct 23 2020 15:06:26 version 18.35.387.23.14 (70c9ec1@shgit) (wlan=r880297) FWID 01-217b144d
<4>[ 49.060795] CLM: 9.9.5_SS (2019-12-04 01:26:12)
<4>[ 49.062898] [dhd] dhd_txglom_enable: enable 1
<3>[ 49.062934] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params : txglom_mode=copy
<3>[ 49.062941] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params : txglomsize=36, deferred_tx_len=0
<3>[ 49.062947] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params : txinrx_thres=128, dhd_txminmax=-1
<3>[ 49.063022] [dhd] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params : tx_max_offset=0, txctl_tmo_fix=300
<3>[ 49.063039] [dhd] dhd_conf_get_disable_proptx : fw_proptx=1, disable_proptx=-1
<4>[ 49.067614] [dhd] dhd_wlfc_hostreorder_init(): successful bdcv2 tlv signaling, 64
<4>[ 49.071272] [dhd] dhd_pno_init: Support Android Location Service
<4>[ 49.072902] [dhd] INTERNAL ERROR: FIRMWARE HALTED : set BUS DOWN
CONSOLE: 000000.001
<4>[ 49.074402] [dhd] CONSOLE: RTE (SDIO-PCIE-CDC) 18.35.387.23.14 (70c9ec1@shgit) (wlan=r880297) on BCM43752 r2 @ 37.4/160.0/400.0MHz
<4>[ 49.074414] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.001 nvram_init: called again without calling nvram_exit()
<4>[ 49.074424] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.001 sdpcmdcdc0: Broadcom SDPCMD CDC driver
<4>[ 49.074435] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.001 nvram_init: called again without calling nvram_exit()
<4>[ 49.074445] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.004 Reclaim section 0: returned 78376 bytes (pre-reclaim: 543640)
<4>[ 49.074454] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.006 wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
<4>[ 49.074464] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.045 wl0: Broadcom BCM43752 802.11 Wireless Controller 18.35.387.23.14 (70c9ec1@shgit) (wlan=r880297)
<4>[ 49.074474] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.045 TCAM: 512 used: 213 exceed:0
<4>[ 49.074483] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.045 Reclaim section 1: returned 199832 bytes (pre-reclaim: 477492)
<4>[ 49.074493] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.046 ThreadX v5.6 initialized
<4>[ 49.074502] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 AXI slave error
<4>[ 49.074512] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 CoreID: 135
<4>[ 49.074521] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 errlog: lo 0x18001120, hi 0x00000000, id 0x00030003, flags 0x01111200, status 0x00000001
<4>[ 49.074531] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 THREADX TRAP INFO:
<4>[ 49.074541] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 Thread: main_thread(ID:0x54485244) run cnt:146
<4>[ 49.074550] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 Thread: Stack:002aff24 Start Addr:002adff0 End Addr:002affef Size:8192
<4>[ 49.074561] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 Thread: Entry func:00198821
<4>[ 49.074570] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 Thread: Timer:001e3e9c
<4>[ 49.074580] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137
<4>[ 49.074589] [dhd] CONSOLE: FWID 01-217b144d
<4>[ 49.074594] [dhd] CONSOLE: flags 1
<4>[ 49.074598] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137
<4>[ 49.074603] [dhd] CONSOLE: TRAP 4(2afae0): pc b914a, lr b9147, sp 2afb38, cpsr 80000193, spsr 80000033
<4>[ 49.074608] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 dfsr 1c06, dfar 0
<4>[ 49.074618] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 srpwr: 0x100b0800 clk:0xb0040 pmu:0x13e 0x1e4bc7cf 0x0
<4>[ 49.074628] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 r0 2339dc, r1 0, r2 18001000, r3 18001000, r4 2339dc, r5 2339dc, r6 0
<4>[ 49.074638] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 r7 1, r8 0, r9 24a340, r10 24a928, r11 1c06, r12 0
<4>[ 49.074647] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137
<4>[ 49.074658] [dhd] CONSOLE: sp+0 00000000 00230050 002339dc 00000000
<4>[ 49.074668] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+10 00249f50 000b9c65 00000000 00230050
<4>[ 49.074678] [dhd] CONSOLE:
<4>[ 49.074688] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+14 000b9c65
<4>[ 49.074700] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+24 0008f42f
<4>[ 49.074710] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+34 00071283
<4>[ 49.074721] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+40 00070559
<4>[ 49.074726] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+44 000707e5
<4>[ 49.074737] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+54 00070559
<4>[ 49.074747] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+68 00070559
<4>[ 49.074757] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+cc 00080afb
<4>[ 49.074765] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+dc 00087a8d
<4>[ 49.074774] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+e4 0008c5cb
<4>[ 49.074784] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+104 0019be1f
<4>[ 49.074794] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+114 00083c87
<4>[ 49.074803] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+118 0015bf4b
<4>[ 49.074811] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+17c 0009dd93
<4>[ 49.074819] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+1a4 0007e459
<4>[ 49.074826] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 sp+1ac 0019bb69
<4>[ 49.074832] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 initing the fatal buf block: 001c9ce8(99077)
<4>[ 49.074839] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 RO overwritten 00073967
<4>[ 49.074847] [dhd] CONSOLE: 000000.137 RO overwritten 00001259
<4>[ 49.074862] [dhd] dhdsdio_checkdied: msgtrace address : 0x00000000