发表于 2016-5-30 22:02:27
[ 8.931100] hp mic use intern
[ 23.208470] warning: `main' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
[ 37.846106] healthd: battery none chg=
[ 38.050189] lowmemorykiller: lowmem_shrink: convert oom_adj to oom_score_adj:
[ 38.050214] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 0 => oom_score_adj 0
[ 38.050222] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 1 => oom_score_adj 58
[ 38.050228] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 2 => oom_score_adj 117
[ 38.050234] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 3 => oom_score_adj 176
[ 38.050240] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 9 => oom_score_adj 529
[ 38.050247] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 15 => oom_score_adj 1000
[ 67.100979] acc_open
[ 67.101006] acc_release
[ 68.219199] phy_power_on: enable = 1
[ 68.258604] Read the Ethernet MAC address from IDB:00:00:00:00:00:00
[ 68.258642] eth0: device MAC address c2:bb:e8:5c:f5:f2
[ 68.263067] libphy: stmmac: probed
[ 68.263080] eth0: PHY ID 001cc915 at 0 IRQ 0 (stmmac-0:00) active
[ 68.263088] eth0: PHY ID 001cc915 at 1 IRQ 0 (stmmac-0:01) active
[ 69.928238] dwc_otg_hcd_resume, usb device mode
[ 69.928390] dwc_otg_hcd_suspend, usb device mode
[ 69.928455] ff540000.usb resume, HPRT0:0x1485
[ 69.978380] ff540000.usb suspend, HPRT0:0x1485
[ 70.076871] FAT-fs (mmcblk0p14): bogus number of reserved sectors
[ 70.076891] FAT-fs (mmcblk0p14): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem
[ 70.544222] pm policy 0 -> 1
[ 71.128434] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 71.128451] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 71.128460] D1:camsys_open(739): camsys_marvin(deb6ae10) is opened!
[ 71.128545] D1:camsys_extdev_register(243): Get RK30_PIN2_PB6(78) gpio(active: 0) for dev_id 0x2000000 success!
[ 71.128558] D1:camsys_extdev_register(243): Get RK30_PIN2_PB7(79) gpio(active: 0) for dev_id 0x2000000 success!
[ 71.128568] D1:camsys_extdev_register(243): Get RK30_PIN0_PB3(11) gpio(active: 1) for dev_id 0x2000000 success!
[ 71.128604] rockchip_gpio_set:GPIO7-13 level = 1
[ 71.128610] rockchip_gpio_direction_output:set GPIO7-13 level 1
[ 71.128620] rk32_iomux_bit_op:GPIO7-13,reg=0x70,data=0xc000000,result=0x0
[ 71.128628] rockchip_pmx_gpio_set_direction:gpio_direction for pin 237 as gpio7-13 to output,data=0x7600,result=0x7600
[ 71.128637] D1:camsys_mrv_iomux_cb(90): marvin pinctrl select: isp_mipi_fl
[ 71.128650] D1:camsys_extdev_register(268): Extdev(dev_id: 0x2000000 dev_name: OV13850) register success
[ 71.133740] D1:camsys_mrv_clkin_cb(350): camsys_marvin clock(f: 210000000 Hz) in turn on
[ 71.133755] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 1
[ 71.133875] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 71.133910] D1:camsys_mrv_clkout_cb(392): camsys_marvin clock out(rate: 24000000Hz) turn on
[ 71.135304] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(11) set 1
[ 71.136401] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(79) set 1
[ 71.137485] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(78) set 1
[ 71.140748] E:camsys_i2c_write(78): i2c write dev(addr:0x20) failed!
[ 71.145074] E:camsys_i2c_write(78): i2c write dev(addr:0x6c) failed!
[ 71.145166] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 71.145182] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(79) set 0
[ 71.145195] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(11) set 0
[ 71.146302] D1:camsys_mrv_clkin_cb(374): camsys_marvin clock in turn off
[ 71.146338] D1:camsys_mrv_clkout_cb(404): camsys_marvin clock out turn off
[ 71.148407] D1:camsys_extdev_deregister(331): Extdev(dev_id: 0x2000000) is deregister success
[ 71.148425] D1:camsys_irq_disconnect(664): All thread disconnect camsys_marvin irq success!
[ 71.148438] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 71.148446] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 71.148453] D1:camsys_release(763): camsys_marvin(deb6ae10) is closed
[ 71.152811] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 71.152825] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 71.152834] D1:camsys_open(739): camsys_marvin(deb6ae10) is opened!
[ 71.152916] E:camsys_extdev_register(208): Get NC\狒O伃脵臇括劺tg regulator for dev_id 0x2000000 failed!
[ 71.152943] D1:camsys_irq_disconnect(664): All thread disconnect camsys_marvin irq success!
[ 71.152954] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 71.152985] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 71.152994] D1:camsys_release(763): camsys_marvin(deb6ae10) is closed
[ 72.723105] Current WiFi chip is AP6210.
[ 72.920062] Current WiFi chip is AP6210.
[ 72.925611] Current WiFi chip is AP6210.
[ 72.949928] [BT_RFKILL]: bt shut off power
[ 72.986753] type=1400 audit(1293883514.860:3): avc: denied { write } for pid=2388 comm="chip.devicetest" name="force_usb_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=12262 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[ 72.987692] force_usb_mode_store 2->1
[ 73.086208] Using Buffer DMA mode
[ 73.086229] Periodic Transfer Interrupt Enhancement - disabled
[ 73.086237] Multiprocessor Interrupt Enhancement - disabled
[ 73.086247] OTG VER PARAM: 0, OTG VER FLAG: 0
[ 73.086254] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Host Mode
[ 73.087121] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
[ 73.127065] Init: Power Port (0)
[ 73.127079] rk_battery_charger_detect_cb , battery_charger_detect 5
[ 73.127112] ff580000.usb resume, HPRT0:0x1000
[ 73.127174] ff580000.usb suspend, HPRT0:0x1000
[ 73.668372] [BT_RFKILL]: bt turn on power
[ 74.423407] Current WiFi chip is AP6210.
[ 74.556140] force_usb_mode_store 1->1
[ 74.887393] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 74.887415] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 74.887425] D1:camsys_open(739): camsys_marvin(deb6ae10) is opened!
[ 74.887744] E:camsys_extdev_register(208): Get NC regulator for dev_id 0x2000000 failed!
[ 74.887767] D1:camsys_irq_disconnect(664): All thread disconnect camsys_marvin irq success!
[ 74.887777] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 74.887792] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 74.887800] D1:camsys_release(763): camsys_marvin(deb6ae10) is closed
[ 75.695274] [BT_RFKILL]: bt shut off power
[ 82.978794] switch:en=0,lcdc_id=0,screen type=1,cur type=1
[ 83.176429] VGA SUSPEND
[ 83.201119] rk3288-lcdc lcdc0: blank mode:4
[ 83.210406] IRQ110 no longer affine to CPU1
[ 83.213183] CPU1: shutdown |