rk3288 reload lvds与hdmi 双屏异显
发表于 2018-6-26 10:38:28
硬件平台:rk3288 reload
软件平台:android 5.1
问题:已实现hdmi与lvds接口屏幕 双屏同显,但是想要hdmi主屏,lvds为副屏时,hdmi正常显示,lvds黑屏(通过修改dts文件,见附件)
- [color=Yellow]#firefly-rk3288-reload.dts[/color]
- /dts-v1/;
- #include "rk3288.dtsi"
- //#include "lcd-box.dtsi"
- #include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
- #include "lcd-b101ew05.dtsi"
- / {
- fiq-debugger {
- status = "disabled";
- };
- hsic-usb-hub{
- compatible = "hub_reset";
- reset,pin =<&gpio7 GPIO_A6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; // hub reset pin
- status = "disabled";
- };
- wireless-wlan {
- compatible = "wlan-platdata";
- /* wifi_chip_type - wifi chip define
- * bcmwifi ==> like ap6xxx, rk90x;
- * rtkwifi ==> like rtl8188xx, rtl8723xx,rtl8812auv;
- * esp8089 ==> esp8089;
- * other ==> for other wifi;
- */
- wifi_chip_type = "bcmwifi";
- sdio_vref = <1800>; //1800mv or 3300mv
- //keep_wifi_power_on;
- //power_ctrl_by_pmu;
- power_pmu_regulator = "act_ldo3";
- power_pmu_enable_level = <1>; //1->HIGH, 0->LOW
- //vref_ctrl_enable;
- //vref_ctrl_gpio = <&gpio0 GPIO_A2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- vref_pmu_regulator = "act_ldo3";
- vref_pmu_enable_level = <1>; //1->HIGH, 0->LOW
- WIFI,poweren_gpio = <&gpio4 GPIO_D4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- WIFI,host_wake_irq = <&gpio4 GPIO_D6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- //WIFI,reset_gpio = <&gpio0 GPIO_A2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- wireless-bluetooth {
- compatible = "bluetooth-platdata";
- //wifi-bt-power-toggle;
- uart_rts_gpios = <&gpio4 GPIO_C3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- pinctrl-names = "default","rts_gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_rts>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&uart0_rts_gpio>;
- BT,power_gpio = <&gpio8 GPIO_A7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- BT,reset_gpio = <&gpio4 GPIO_D5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- BT,wake_gpio = <&gpio4 GPIO_D2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- BT,wake_host_irq = <&gpio4 GPIO_D7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- pwm_regulator {
- compatible = "rockchip_pwm_regulator";
- pwms = <&pwm1 0 2000>;
- rockchip,pwm_id= <1>;
- rockchip,pwm_voltage_map= <925000 950000 975000 1000000 1025000 1050000 1075000 1100000 1125000 1150000 1175000 1200000 1225000 1250000 1275000 1300000 1325000 1350000 1375000 1400000>;
- rockchip,pwm_voltage= <1100000>;
- rockchip,pwm_min_voltage= <925000>;
- rockchip,pwm_max_voltage= <1400000>;
- rockchip,pwm_suspend_voltage= <950000>;
- rockchip,pwm_coefficient= <475>;
- regulators {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pwm_reg0: regulator@0 {
- regulator-compatible = "pwm_dcdc1";
- regulator-name= "vdd_logic";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <925000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1400000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- };
- };
- codec_hdmi_i2s: codec-hdmi-i2s {
- compatible = "hdmi-i2s";
- };
- codec_hdmi_spdif: codec-hdmi-spdif {
- compatible = "hdmi-spdif";
- };
- rockchip-hdmi-i2s {
- status = "disabled";
- compatible = "rockchip-hdmi-i2s";
- dais {
- dai0 {
- audio-codec = <&codec_hdmi_i2s>;
- audio-controller = <&i2s>;
- format = "i2s";
- //continuous-clock;
- //bitclock-inversion;
- //frame-inversion;
- //bitclock-master;
- //frame-master;
- };
- };
- };
- rockchip-spdif-card {
- compatible = "rockchip-spdif-card";
- dais {
- dai0 {
- audio-codec = <&codec_hdmi_spdif>;
- audio-controller = <&spdif>;
- };
- };
- };
- rockchip-es8323 {
- compatible = "rockchip-es8323";
- dais {
- dai0 {
- audio-codec = <&es8323>;
- audio-controller = <&i2s>;
- format = "i2s";
- //continuous-clock;
- //bitclock-inversion;
- //frame-inversion;
- //bitclock-master;
- //frame-master;
- };
- };
- };
- rkxx-remotectl{
- compatible = "rockchip,remotectl";
- module-gpios = <&gpio7 GPIO_A0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- led-power = <&gpio8 GPIO_A1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- leds {
- compatible = "gpio-leds";
- power {
- label = "firefly:blue:power";
- linux,default-trigger = "ir-power-click";
- default-state = "on";
- gpios = <&gpio8 GPIO_A1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- };
- user {
- label = "firefly:yellow:user";
- linux,default-trigger = "ir-user-click";
- default-state = "off";
- gpios = <&gpio8 GPIO_A2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- };
- sata {
- label = "firefly:blue:sata";
- //linux,default-trigger = "ir-user-click";
- default-state = "on";
- gpios = <&gpio0 GPIO_C1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- };
- };
- usb_control {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-usb-control";
- host_drv_gpio = <&gpio0 GPIO_B6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- otg_drv_gpio = <&gpio0 GPIO_B4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- rockchip,remote_wakeup;
- rockchip,usb_irq_wakeup;
- };
- test-power{
- status = "disabled";
- };
- rgb2hdmi {
- compatible = "firefly,rgb2hdmi";
- power-gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_A2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- lcdc-gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_A3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- hpd-gpio = <&gpio4 GPIO_D3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- rockchip,source = <0>; //0: LCDC0; 1: LCDC1
- rockchip,prop = <PRMRY>;//<EXTEND>
- status = "disabled";
- };
- };
- &gmac {
- // pmu_regulator = "act_ldo5";
- // pmu_enable_level = <1>; //1->HIGH, 0->LOW
- // power-gpio = <&gpio0 GPIO_A6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- reset-gpio = <&gpio4 GPIO_B0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- phy-mode = "rgmii";
- clock_in_out = "input";
- tx_delay = <0x30>;
- rx_delay = <0x20>;
- };
- &uart_dbg {
- status = "okay";
- };
- &pinctrl {
- //used for init some gpio
- init-gpios = <&gpio4 GPIO_B0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- gpio0_gpio {
- gpio0_c2: gpio0-c2 {
- rockchip,pins = <GPIO0_C2>;
- rockchip,pull = <VALUE_PULL_DOWN>;
- };
- //to add
- };
- gpio7_gpio {
- gpio7_b7: gpio7-b7 {
- rockchip,pins = <GPIO7_B7>;
- rockchip,pull = <VALUE_PULL_UP>;
- };
- //to add
- };
- //could add other pinctrl definition such as gpio
- // gmac drive strength
- gpio4_gmac {
- mac_clk: mac-clk {
- rockchip,drive = <VALUE_DRV_12MA>;
- };
- mac_txpins: mac-txpins {
- rockchip,drive = <VALUE_DRV_12MA>;
- };
- mac_rxpins: mac-rxpins {
- rockchip,drive = <VALUE_DRV_12MA>;
- };
- mac_crs: mac-crs {
- rockchip,drive = <VALUE_DRV_12MA>;
- };
- mac_mdpins: mac-mdpins {
- rockchip,drive = <VALUE_DRV_12MA>;
- };
- };
- };
- &nandc0 {
- status = "okay"; // used nand set "okay" ,used emmc set "disabled"
- };
- &nandc1 {
- status = "disabled"; // used nand set "okay" ,used emmc set "disabled"
- };
- &nandc0reg {
- status = "disabled"; // used nand set "okay" ,used emmc set "disabled"
- };
- &emmc {
- clock-frequency = <100000000>;
- clock-freq-min-max = <400000 100000000>;
- supports-highspeed;
- supports-emmc;
- bootpart-no-access;
- //supports-tSD;//only tsd-sdcard mode
- supports-DDR_MODE;
- caps2-mmc-hs200;
- ignore-pm-notify;
- keep-power-in-suspend;
- //poll-hw-reset
- status = "okay";
- };
- &sdmmc {
- clock-frequency = <50000000>;
- lock-freq-min-max = <400000 50000000>;
- supports-highspeed;
- supports-sd;
- broken-cd;
- card-detect-delay = <200>;
- ignore-pm-notify;
- keep-power-in-suspend;
- vmmc-supply = <&ldo1_reg>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- &sdio {
- clock-frequency = <50000000>;
- clock-freq-min-max = <200000 50000000>;
- supports-highspeed;
- supports-sdio;
- ignore-pm-notify;
- keep-power-in-suspend;
- //cap-sdio-irq;
- status = "okay";
- };
- &spi0 {
- status = "disabled";
- max-freq = <48000000>;
- /*
- spi_test@00 {
- compatible = "rockchip,spi_test_bus0_cs0";
- reg = <0>;
- spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
- //spi-cpha;
- //spi-cpol;
- poll_mode = <0>;
- type = <0>;
- enable_dma = <0>;
- };
- spi_test@01 {
- compatible = "rockchip,spi_test_bus0_cs1";
- reg = <1>;
- spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
- spi-cpha;
- spi-cpol;
- poll_mode = <0>;
- type = <0>;
- enable_dma = <0>;
- };
- */
- };
- &spi1 {
- status = "disabled";
- max-freq = <48000000>;
- /*
- spi_test@10 {
- compatible = "rockchip,spi_test_bus1_cs0";
- reg = <0>;
- spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
- //spi-cpha;
- //spi-cpol;
- poll_mode = <0>;
- type = <0>;
- enable_dma = <0>;
- };
- */
- //dtv: connect to dtv demodulator for control signal
- /*tstv-ctrl@00 {
- compatible = "rockchip,dtv_spi_ctrl";
- gpio-powerup = <&gpio0 GPIO_D7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- gpio-powerdown = <&gpio2 GPIO_B6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- gpio-reset = <&gpio2 GPIO_B7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- gpio-nreset = <&gpio2 GPIO_B4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- spi-max-frequency = <12000000>;
- reg = <0>;
- poll_mode = <0>;
- type = <0>;
- enable_dma = <0>;
- };*/
- };
- &spi2 {
- status = "disabled";
- max-freq = <48000000>;
- /*
- spi_test@20 {
- compatible = "rockchip,spi_test_bus2_cs0";
- reg = <0>;
- spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
- //spi-cpha;
- //spi-cpol;
- poll_mode = <0>;
- type = <0>;
- enable_dma = <0>;
- };
- spi_test@21 {
- compatible = "rockchip,spi_test_bus2_cs1";
- reg = <1>;
- spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
- //spi-cpha;
- //spi-cpol;
- poll_mode = <0>;
- type = <0>;
- enable_dma = <0>;
- };
- */
- };
- &uart_bt {
- status = "okay";
- dma-names = "!tx", "!rx";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_xfer &uart0_cts>;
- };
- &uart_bb {
- status = "okay";
- };
- &uart_gps {
- status = "okay";
- };
- &i2c0 {
- status = "okay";
- rk808: rk808@1b {
- reg = <0x1b>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- syr827: syr827@40 {
- compatible = "silergy,syr82x";
- reg = <0x40>;
- status = "okay";
- regulators {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- syr827_dc1: regulator@0 {
- reg = <0>;
- regulator-compatible = "syr82x_dcdc1";
- regulator-name = "vdd_arm";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <712500>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- regulator-initial-mode = <0x2>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-mode = <0x2>;
- regulator-state-enabled;
- regulator-state-uv = <900000>;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- syr828: syr828@41 {
- compatible = "silergy,syr82x";
- reg = <0x41>;
- status = "okay";
- regulators {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- syr828_dc1: regulator@0 {
- reg = <0>;
- regulator-compatible = "syr82x_dcdc1";
- regulator-name = "vdd_gpu";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <712500>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- regulator-initial-mode = <0x2>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-mode = <0x2>;
- regulator-state-disabled;
- regulator-state-uv = <900000>;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- act8846: act8846@5a {
- reg = <0x5a>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- rtc@51 {
- compatible = "rtc,hym8563";
- reg = <0x51>;
- irq_gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_A4 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
- };
- };
- &i2c1 {
- status = "okay";
- rtc@51 {
- compatible = "nxp,pcf8563";
- reg = <0x51>;
- };
- tc358749@0f {
- compatible = "rockchip,tc358749";
- reg = <0x0f>;
- gpio-power = <&gpio7 GPIO_C5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;//264
- gpio-stanby = <&gpio7 GPIO_A5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;//238
- gpio-reset = <&gpio8 GPIO_B0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;//262
- gpio-int = <&gpio8 GPIO_B1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;//239
- status = "okay";
- };
- };
- &i2c2 {
- status = "okay";
- es8323: es8323@10 {
- compatible = "es8323";
- reg = <0x10>;
- spk-con-gpio = <&gpio0 GPIO_B2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- hp-det-gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_B7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- hp-mic-only = <1>;
- clocks = <&clk_i2s>, <&clk_i2s_out>;
- clock-names = "i2s_clk","i2s_mclk";
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2s_mclk>;
- };
- };
- &i2c3 {
- status = "okay";
- };
- &i2c4 {
- status = "okay";
- vga_ddc@50 {
- compatible = "firefly,vga_ddc";
- reg = <0x50>;
- rockchip,source = <0>; //0: LCDC0; 1: LCDC1
- rockchip,prop = <EXTEND>;//<EXTEND>
- status = "disabled";
- };
- mt@40 {
- status = "disabled";
- compatible = "firefly,gsl3680";
- reg = <0x40>;
- touch-gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_B5 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
- //reset-gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_B1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- max-y = <2048>;
- max-x = <1536>;
- flip-x = <1>;
- flip-y = <1>;
- swap-xy = <0>;
- };
- mpu6050:mpu@68{
- status = "disabled";
- compatible = "mpu6050";
- reg = <0x68>;
- mpu-int_config = <0x10>;
- mpu-level_shifter = <0>;
- mpu-orientation = <0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1>;
- orientation-x= <1>;
- orientation-y= <1>;
- orientation-z= <1>;
- irq-gpio = <&gpio7 GPIO_B1 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
- mpu-debug = <0>;
- };
- };
- &i2c5 {
- status = "disabled";
- };
- &fb {
- rockchip,disp-mode = <DUAL>;
- rockchip,uboot-logo-on = <1>;
- rockchip,disp-policy = <DISPLAY_POLICY_SDK>;
- };
- &disp_timings {
- native-mode = <&timing0>;
- };
- &rk_screen {
- display-timings = <&disp_timings>;
- };
- /*lcdc0 as PRMRY(HDMI)*/
- &lcdc0 {
- status = "okay";
- rockchip,iommu-enabled = <1>;
- //rockchip,prop = <PRMRY>;
- rockchip,prop = <EXTEND>;
- power_ctr: power_ctr {
- rockchip,debug = <1>;
- lcd_en:lcd_en {
- rockchip,power_type = <GPIO>;
- gpios = <&gpio7 GPIO_A3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- rockchip,delay = <10>;
- };
- /*
- lcd_cs:lcd_cs {
- rockchip,power_type = <GPIO>;
- gpios = <&gpio7 GPIO_A4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- rockchip,delay = <10>;
- };
- lcd_rst:lcd_rst {
- rockchip,power_type = <GPIO>;
- gpios = <&gpio0 GPIO_B5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- rockchip,delay = <10>;
- };
- */
- };
- };
- &lcdc1 {
- status = "okay";
- rockchip,iommu-enabled = <1>;
- rockchip,prop = <PRMRY>;
- //rockchip,prop = <EXTEND>;
- };
- &hdmi {
- status = "okay";
- rockchip,cec_enable = <0>;
- rockchip,hdcp_enable = <0>;
- rockchip,hdmi_audio_source = <0>;
- rockchip,hdmi_video_source = <DISPLAY_SOURCE_LCDC1>;
- };
- &ion_cma {
- reg = <0x00000000 0x1000000>; /* 16MB */
- };
- &vpu {
- iommu_enabled = <1>;
- };
- &hevc {
- iommu_enabled = <1>;
- };
- &iep {
- iommu_enabled = <1>;
- };
- &adc {
- status = "okay";
- key {
- compatible = "rockchip,key";
- io-channels = <&adc 1>;
- /*
- vol-up-key {
- linux,code = <115>;
- label = "volume up";
- rockchip,adc_value = <1>;
- };
- vol-down-key {
- linux,code = <114>;
- label = "volume down";
- rockchip,adc_value = <170>;
- };
- */
- power-key {
- gpios = <&gpio0 GPIO_A5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- linux,code = <116>;
- label = "power";
- gpio-key,wakeup;
- };
- recovery-key {
- linux,code = <113>;
- label = "recovery";
- rockchip,adc_value = <4>;
- };
- /*
- menu-key {
- linux,code = <59>;
- label = "menu";
- rockchip,adc_value = <355>;
- };
- home-key {
- linux,code = <102>;
- label = "home";
- rockchip,adc_value = <746>;
- };
- back-key {
- linux,code = <158>;
- label = "back";
- rockchip,adc_value = <560>;
- };
- camera-key {
- linux,code = <212>;
- label = "camera";
- rockchip,adc_value = <450>;
- };*/
- };
- };
- &pwm0 {
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- &pwm1 {
- status = "okay";
- };
- &clk_core_dvfs_table {
- support-pvtm = <0>;
- pvtm-operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV pvtm margin*/
- 126000 900000 25000
- 216000 900000 25000
- 312000 900000 25000
- 408000 900000 25000
- 600000 950000 50000
- 696000 950000 25000
- 816000 1000000 25000
- 1008000 1050000 25000
- 1200000 1100000 25000
- 1416000 1200000 25000
- 1512000 1300000 25000
- 1608000 1350000 25000
- 1704000 1350000 25000
- 1800000 1350000 25000
- >;
- status="okay";
- };
- &clk_gpu_dvfs_table {
- operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV */
- // 100000 900000
- 200000 900000
- 300000 950000
- 420000 1100000
- 500000 1150000
- // 600000 1250000
- >;
- status="okay";
- };
- &clk_ddr_dvfs_table {
- operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV */
- 200000 1075000
- 300000 1075000
- 456000 1125000
- 533000 1150000
- >;
- freq-table = <
- /*status freq(KHz)*/
- //SYS_STATUS_VIDEO_1080P 240000
- //SYS_STATUS_ISP 400000
- >;
- auto-freq-table = <
- 240000
- 324000
- 456000
- 528000
- >;
- auto-freq=<0>;
- status="okay";
- };
- /include/ "act8846.dtsi"
- &act8846 {
- gpios =<&gpio7 GPIO_B6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>,<&gpio0 GPIO_A6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- cpu_det_gpio =<&gpio7 GPIO_B2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- usb_hub_reset_gpio =<&gpio8 GPIO_A3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- act8846,system-power-controller;
- regulators {
- dcdc1_reg: regulator@0{
- regulator-name= "act_dcdc1";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1200000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1200000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- dcdc2_reg: regulator@1 {
- regulator-name= "vccio";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-enabled;
- regulator-state-uv = <3300000>;
- };
- };
- dcdc3_reg: regulator@2 {
- regulator-name= "vdd_logic";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-enabled;
- regulator-state-uv = <1200000>;
- };
- };
- dcdc4_reg: regulator@3 {
- regulator-name= "act_dcdc4";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <2000000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <2000000>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-enabled;
- regulator-state-uv = <2000000>;
- };
- };
- ldo1_reg: regulator@4 {
- regulator-name= "vccio_sd";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- };
- ldo2_reg: regulator@5 {
- regulator-name= "act_ldo2";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1050000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1050000>;
- };
- ldo3_reg: regulator@6 {
- regulator-name= "act_ldo3";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- };
- ldo4_reg:regulator@7 {
- regulator-name= "act_ldo4";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- };
- ldo5_reg: regulator@8 {
- regulator-name= "act_ldo5";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- };
- ldo6_reg: regulator@9 {
- regulator-name= "act_ldo6";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1100000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-enabled;
- };
- };
- ldo7_reg: regulator@10 {
- regulator-name= "vcc_18";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-initial-state = <3>;
- regulator-state-mem {
- regulator-state-enabled;
- };
- };
- ldo8_reg: regulator@11 {
- regulator-name= "act_ldo8";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1850000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1850000>;
- };
- };
- };
- /include/ "rk808.dtsi"
- &rk808 {
- gpios =<&gpio0 GPIO_A4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,<&gpio0 GPIO_B3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- rk808,system-power-controller;
- regulators {
- rk808_dcdc1_reg: regulator@0{
- regulator-name= "vdd_arm";
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- rk808_dcdc2_reg: regulator@1 {
- regulator-name= "vdd_gpu";
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- rk808_dcdc3_reg: regulator@2 {
- regulator-name= "rk_dcdc3";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1200000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1200000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- rk808_dcdc4_reg: regulator@3 {
- regulator-name= "vccio";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* NO USED, 3.3V*/
- rk808_ldo1_reg: regulator@4 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo1";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* BOX:RK1000s, 3.3V */
- rk808_ldo2_reg: regulator@5 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo2";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* RK3288 PLL,USB PHY, 1.0V */
- rk808_ldo3_reg: regulator@6 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo3";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1000000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* BOX:RK1000S CORE, 1.8V */
- rk808_ldo4_reg:regulator@7 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo4";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* SDMMC IO, 3.3V*/
- rk808_ldo5_reg: regulator@8 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo5";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* CAMERA, 1.8V box modify*/
- rk808_ldo6_reg: regulator@9 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo6";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* RK3288 USB PHY, SAR-ADC, WIFI IO, 1.8V */
- rk808_ldo7_reg: regulator@10 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo7";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- /* DTV, 3.3V box modify*/
- rk808_ldo8_reg: regulator@11 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo8";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- rk808_ldo9_reg: regulator@12 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo9";
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- rk808_ldo10_reg: regulator@13 {
- regulator-name= "rk_ldo10";
- regulator-always-on;
- regulator-boot-on;
- };
- };
- };
- &lcdc_vdd_domain {
- regulator-name = "vcc30_lcd";
- };
- &dpio_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vcc18_cif";
- };
- &flash0_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vcc_flash";
- };
- &flash1_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vcc_flash";
- };
- &apio3_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vccio_wl";
- };
- &apio5_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vccio";
- };
- &apio4_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vccio";
- };
- &apio1_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vccio";
- };
- &apio2_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vccio";
- };
- &sdmmc0_vdd_domain{
- regulator-name = "vcc_sd";
- };
- /*
- * Due to not have the software of PWM for remotectrl.
- * We can _*HACK*_ do that as the following.
- */
- &pwm0 {
- compatible = "rockchip,remotectl-pwm";
- remote_pwm_id = <0>;
- handle_cpu_id = <1>;
- status = "okay";
- ir_key1{
- rockchip,usercode = <0xff00>;
- rockchip,key_table =
- <0xeb KEY_POWER>,
- <0xec KEY_MENU>,
- <0xfe KEY_BACK>,
- <0xb7 KEY_HOME>,
- <0xa3 250>,
- <0xf4 KEY_VOLUMEUP>,
- <0xf8 KEY_REPLY>,
- <0xfc KEY_UP>,
- <0xfd KEY_DOWN>,
- <0xf1 KEY_LEFT>,
- <0xe5 KEY_RIGHT>;
- };
- };
- #include <dt-bindings/clock/rk_system_status.h>
- #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
- #include <dt-bindings/rkfb/rk_fb.h>
- #include <dt-bindings/rkmipi/mipi_dsi.h>
- #include <dt-bindings/suspend/rockchip-pm.h>
- #include <dt-bindings/sensor-dev.h>
- #include "skeleton.dtsi"
- #include "rk3288-pinctrl.dtsi"
- #include "rk3288-clocks.dtsi"
- / {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288";
- rockchip,sram = <&sram>;
- interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
- aliases {
- serial0 = &uart_bt;
- serial1 = &uart_bb;
- serial2 = &uart_dbg;
- serial3 = &uart_gps;
- serial4 = &uart_exp;
- i2c0 = &i2c0;
- i2c1 = &i2c1;
- i2c2 = &i2c2;
- i2c3 = &i2c3;
- i2c4 = &i2c4;
- i2c5 = &i2c5;
- lcdc0 = &lcdc0;
- lcdc1 = &lcdc1;
- spi0 = &spi0;
- spi1 = &spi1;
- spi2 = &spi2;
- };
- cpus {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- cpu@0 {
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
- reg = <0x500>;
- };
- cpu@1 {
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
- reg = <0x501>;
- };
- cpu@2 {
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
- reg = <0x502>;
- };
- cpu@3 {
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
- reg = <0x503>;
- };
- };
- gic: interrupt-controller@ffc01000 {
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15-gic";
- interrupt-controller;
- #interrupt-cells = <3>;
- #address-cells = <0>;
- reg = <0xffc01000 0x1000>,
- <0xffc02000 0x1000>;
- };
- arm-pmu {
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a12-pmu";
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 151 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
- };
- cpu_axi_bus: cpu_axi_bus {
- compatible = "rockchip,cpu_axi_bus";
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- ranges;
- qos {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- ranges;
- /* service core */
- cpup {
- reg = <0xffa80000 0x20>;
- };
- cpum_r {
- reg = <0xffa80080 0x20>;
- };
- cpum_w {
- reg = <0xffa80100 0x20>;
- };
- /* service dmac */
- bus_dmac {
- reg = <0xffa90000 0x20>;
- };
- host {
- reg = <0xffa90080 0x20>;
- };
- crypto {
- reg = <0xffa90100 0x20>;
- };
- ccp {
- reg = <0xffa90180 0x20>;
- };
- ccs {
- reg = <0xffa90200 0x20>;
- };
- /* service gpu */
- gpu_r {
- reg = <0xffaa0000 0x20>;
- };
- gpu_w {
- reg = <0xffaa0080 0x20>;
- };
- /* service peri */
- peri {
- reg = <0xffab0000 0x20>;
- };
- /* service vio */
- vio1_vop {
- reg = <0xffad0000 0x20>;
- rockchip,priority = <2 2>;
- };
- vio1_isp_w0 {
- reg = <0xffad0100 0x20>;
- rockchip,priority = <2 2>;
- };
- vio1_isp_w1 {
- reg = <0xffad0180 0x20>;
- };
- vio0_vop {
- reg = <0xffad0400 0x20>;
- rockchip,priority = <2 2>;
- };
- vio0_vip {
- reg = <0xffad0480 0x20>;
- };
- vio0_iep {
- reg = <0xffad0500 0x20>;
- };
- vio2_rga_r {
- reg = <0xffad0800 0x20>;
- };
- vio2_rga_w {
- reg = <0xffad0880 0x20>;
- };
- vio1_isp_r {
- reg = <0xffad0900 0x20>;
- };
- /* service video */
- video {
- reg = <0xffae0000 0x20>;
- };
- /* service hevc */
- hevc_r {
- reg = <0xffaf0000 0x20>;
- };
- hevc_w {
- reg = <0xffaf0080 0x20>;
- };
- };
- msch {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- ranges;
- msch@0 {
- reg = <0xffac0000 0x40>;
- rockchip,read-latency = <0x34>;
- };
- msch@1 {
- reg = <0xffac0080 0x40>;
- rockchip,read-latency = <0x34>;
- };
- };
- };
- sram: sram@ff710000 {
- compatible = "mmio-sram";
- reg = <0xff710000 0x8000>; /* 32k */
- map-exec;
- };
- timer {
- compatible = "arm,armv7-timer";
- clock-frequency = <24000000>;
- };
- timer@ff810000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,timer";
- reg = <0xff810000 0x20>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 72 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- rockchip,broadcast = <1>;
- };
- watchdog: wdt@2004c000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,watch dog";
- reg = <0xff800000 0x100>;
- clocks = <&pclk_pd_alive>;
- clock-names = "pclk_wdt";
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 79 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- rockchip,irq = <1>;
- rockchip,timeout = <60>;
- rockchip,atboot = <1>;
- rockchip,debug = <0>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- amba {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- compatible = "arm,amba-bus";
- interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
- ranges;
- pdma0: pdma@ffb20000 {
- compatible = "arm,pl330", "arm,primecell";
- reg = <0xffb20000 0x4000>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates10 12>;
- clock-names = "apb_pclk";
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 0 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
- #dma-cells = <1>;
- };
- pdma1: pdma@ff250000 {
- compatible = "arm,pl330", "arm,primecell";
- reg = <0xff250000 0x4000>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates6 3>;
- clock-names = "apb_pclk";
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 2 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
- #dma-cells = <1>;
- };
- };
- reset: reset@ff7601b8{
- compatible = "rockchip,reset";
- reg = <0xff7601b8 0x30>;
- rockchip,reset-flag = <ROCKCHIP_RESET_HIWORD_MASK>;
- #reset-cells = <1>;
- };
- nandc0: nandc@0xff400000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-nandc";
- reg = <0xff400000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 38 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- nandc_id = <0>;
- clocks = <&clk_nandc0>, <&clk_gates5 5>, <&clk_gates7 14>;
- clock-names = "clk_nandc", "g_clk_nandc", "hclk_nandc";
- };
- nandc1: nandc@0xff410000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-nandc";
- reg = <0xff410000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 40 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- nandc_id = <1>;
- clocks = <&clk_nandc1>, <&clk_gates5 6>, <&clk_gates7 15>;
- clock-names = "clk_nandc", "g_clk_nandc", "hclk_nandc";
- };
- nandc0reg: nandc0@0xff400000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-nandc";
- reg = <0xff400000 0x4000>;
- };
- emmc: rksdmmc@ff0f0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk_mmc", "rockchip,rk32xx-sdmmc";
- reg = <0xff0f0000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 35 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- //pinctrl-names = "default",,"suspend";
- //pinctrl-0 = <&sd0_clk &sd0_cmd &sd0_cd &sd0_wp &sd0_pwr &sd0_bus1 &sd0_bus4>;
- clocks = <&clk_emmc>, <&clk_gates8 6>;
- clock-names = "clk_mmc", "hclk_mmc";
- num-slots = <1>;
- fifo-depth = <0x100>;
- bus-width = <8>;
- tune_regsbase = <0x218>;
- cru_regsbase = <0x1d8>;
- cru_reset_offset = <3>;
- };
- sdmmc: rksdmmc@ff0c0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk_mmc", "rockchip,rk32xx-sdmmc";
- reg = <0xff0c0000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 32 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "idle";
- pinctrl-0 = <&sdmmc0_clk &sdmmc0_cmd &sdmmc0_dectn &sdmmc0_bus4>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&sdmmc0_gpio>;
- cd-gpios = <&gpio6 GPIO_C6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;/*CD GPIO*/
- clocks = <&clk_sdmmc>, <&clk_gates8 3>;
- clock-names = "clk_mmc", "hclk_mmc";
- num-slots = <1>;
- fifo-depth = <0x100>;
- bus-width = <4>;
- tune_regsbase = <0x200>;
- cru_regsbase = <0x1d8>;
- cru_reset_offset = <0>;
- };
- sdio: rksdmmc@ff0d0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk_mmc", "rockchip,rk32xx-sdmmc";
- reg = <0xff0d0000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 33 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default","idle";
- pinctrl-0 = <&sdio0_clk &sdio0_cmd &sdio0_wrprt &sdio0_pwr &sdio0_bkpwr
- &sdio0_intn &sdio0_bus4>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&sdio0_gpio>;
- clocks = <&clk_sdio0>, <&clk_gates8 4>;
- clock-names = "clk_mmc", "hclk_mmc";
- num-slots = <1>;
- fifo-depth = <0x100>;
- bus-width = <4>;
- tune_regsbase = <0x208>;
- cru_regsbase = <0x1d8>;
- cru_reset_offset = <1>;
- };
- sdio1: rksdmmc@ff0e0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk_mmc", "rockchip,rk32xx-sdmmc";
- reg = <0xff0e0000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 34 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- //pinctrl-names = "default","suspend";
- //pinctrl-0 = <&sd1_clk &sd1_cmd &sd1_cd &sd1_wp &sd1_bus1 &sd1_bus4>;
- /*gate8_0 --hclk_sdmmc_ahb_arbi_gate_en, gate13_2 --clk_sdio1_src_gate_en*/
- clocks = <&clk_sdio1>, <&clk_gates8 5>;
- clock-names = "clk_mmc", "hclk_mmc";
- num-slots = <1>;
- fifo-depth = <0x100>;
- bus-width = <4>;
- cru_regsbase = <0x1d8>;
- cru_reset_offset = <2>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- spi0: spi@ff110000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rockchip-spi";
- reg = <0xff110000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 44 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&spi0_txd &spi0_rxd &spi0_clk &spi0_cs0 &spi0_cs1>;
- rockchip,spi-src-clk = <0>;
- num-cs = <2>;
- clocks =<&clk_spi0>, <&clk_gates6 4>;
- clock-names = "spi","pclk_spi0";
- dmas = <&pdma1 11>, <&pdma1 12>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- dma-names = "tx", "rx";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- spi1: spi@ff120000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rockchip-spi";
- reg = <0xff120000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 45 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&spi1_txd &spi1_rxd &spi1_clk &spi1_cs0>;
- rockchip,spi-src-clk = <1>;
- num-cs = <1>;
- clocks = <&clk_spi1>, <&clk_gates6 5>;
- clock-names = "spi","pclk_spi1";
- dmas = <&pdma1 13>, <&pdma1 14>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- dma-names = "tx", "rx";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- spi2: spi@ff130000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rockchip-spi";
- reg = <0xff130000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 46 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&spi2_txd &spi2_rxd &spi2_clk &spi2_cs0 &spi2_cs1>;
- rockchip,spi-src-clk = <2>;
- num-cs = <2>;
- clocks = <&clk_spi2>, <&clk_gates6 6>;
- clock-names = "spi","pclk_spi2";
- dmas = <&pdma1 15>, <&pdma1 16>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- dma-names = "tx", "rx";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- uart_bt: serial@ff180000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,serial";
- reg = <0xff180000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 55 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clock-frequency = <24000000>;
- clocks = <&clk_uart0>, <&clk_gates6 8>;
- clock-names = "sclk_uart", "pclk_uart";
- reg-shift = <2>;
- reg-io-width = <4>;
- dmas = <&pdma1 1>, <&pdma1 2>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_xfer &uart0_cts &uart0_rts>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- uart_bb: serial@ff190000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,serial";
- reg = <0xff190000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 56 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clock-frequency = <24000000>;
- clocks = <&clk_uart1>, <&clk_gates6 9>;
- clock-names = "sclk_uart", "pclk_uart";
- current-speed = <921600>;
- reg-shift = <2>;
- reg-io-width = <4>;
- dmas = <&pdma1 3>, <&pdma1 4>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_xfer &uart1_cts &uart1_rts>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- uart_dbg: serial@ff690000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,serial";
- reg = <0xff690000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 57 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clock-frequency = <24000000>;
- clocks = <&clk_uart2>, <&clk_gates11 9>;
- clock-names = "sclk_uart", "pclk_uart";
- current-speed = <115200>;
- reg-shift = <2>;
- reg-io-width = <4>;
- dmas = <&pdma0 4>, <&pdma0 5>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_xfer>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- uart_gps: serial@ff1b0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,serial";
- reg = <0xff1b0000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 58 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clock-frequency = <24000000>;
- clocks = <&clk_uart3>, <&clk_gates6 11>;
- clock-names = "sclk_uart", "pclk_uart";
- current-speed = <115200>;
- reg-shift = <2>;
- reg-io-width = <4>;
- dmas = <&pdma1 7>, <&pdma1 8>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_xfer &uart3_cts &uart3_rts>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- uart_exp: serial@ff1c0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,serial";
- reg = <0xff1c0000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 59 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clock-frequency = <24000000>;
- clocks = <&clk_uart4>, <&clk_gates6 12>;
- clock-names = "sclk_uart", "pclk_uart";
- reg-shift = <2>;
- reg-io-width = <4>;
- dmas = <&pdma1 9>, <&pdma1 10>;
- #dma-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_xfer &uart4_cts &uart4_rts>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- fiq-debugger {
- compatible = "rockchip,fiq-debugger";
- rockchip,serial-id = <2>;
- rockchip,signal-irq = <106>;
- rockchip,wake-irq = <0>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- rockchip_clocks_init: clocks-init{
- compatible = "rockchip,clocks-init";
- rockchip,clocks-init-parent =
- <&clk_core &clk_apll>, <&aclk_bus_src &clk_gpll>,
- <&aclk_peri &clk_gpll>, <&uart_pll_mux &clk_gpll>,
- <&clk_i2s_pll &clk_gpll>, <&clk_spdif_pll &clk_gpll>,
- <&usbphy_480m &otgphy2_480m>;
- rockchip,clocks-init-rate =
- <&clk_core 792000000>, <&clk_gpll 594000000>,
- /*<&clk_cpll 47000000>,*/ <&clk_npll 1250000000>,
- <&aclk_bus_src 300000000>, <&aclk_bus 300000000>,
- <&hclk_bus 150000000>, <&pclk_bus 75000000>,
- <&clk_crypto 150000000>, <&aclk_peri 300000000>,
- <&hclk_peri 150000000>, <&pclk_peri 75000000>,
- <&clk_gpu 200000000>, /*<&aclk_vio0 300000000>,
- <&aclk_vio1 300000000>, <&hclk_vio 75000000>,*/
- <&pclk_pd_alive 100000000>, <&pclk_pd_pmu 100000000>,
- <&aclk_hevc 400000000>, <&hclk_hevc 200000000>,
- <&clk_hevc_cabac 300000000>, <&clk_hevc_core 300000000>,
- <&aclk_rga 300000000>, <&clk_rga 300000000>,
- <&clk_vepu 300000000>, <&clk_vdpu 300000000>,
- <&clk_edp 200000000>, <&clk_isp 200000000>,
- <&clk_isp_jpe 400000000>, <&clk_tsp 80000000>,
- <&clk_tspout 80000000>, <&clk_mac 125000000>,
- <&aclk_vio0 594000000>;
- /* rockchip,clocks-uboot-has-init = <&aclk_vio0>; */
- };
- clocks-enable {
- compatible = "rockchip,clocks-enable";
- clocks =
- /*PLL*/
- <&clk_dpll>, <&clk_gpll>,
- /*PD_CORE*/
- <&clk_gates0 2>, <&clk_core0>,
- <&clk_core1>, <&clk_core2>,
- <&clk_core3>, <&clk_l2ram>,
- <&aclk_core_m0>, <&aclk_core_mp>,
- <&atclk_core>, <&pclk_dbg_src>,
- <&clk_gates12 9>, <&clk_gates12 10>,
- <&clk_gates12 11>,
- /*PD_BUS*/
- <&aclk_bus>, <&clk_gates0 3>,
- <&hclk_bus>, <&pclk_bus>,
- <&clk_gates13 8>,
- <&clk_gates0 7>,
- /*TIMER*/
- <&clk_gates1 0>, <&clk_gates1 1>,
- <&clk_gates1 2>, <&clk_gates1 3>,
- <&clk_gates1 4>, <&clk_gates1 5>,
- <&pclk_pd_alive>, <&pclk_pd_pmu>,
- /*PD_PERI*/
- <&aclk_peri>, <&hclk_peri>,
- <&pclk_peri>,
- /*JTAG*/
- /*<&clk_gates4 14>,*/
- /*aclk_bus*/
- <&clk_gates10 5>,/*aclk_intmem0*/
- <&clk_gates10 6>,/*aclk_intmem1*/
- <&clk_gates10 7>,/*aclk_intmem2*/
- /*<&clk_gates10 12>,*//*aclk_dma1*/
- <&clk_gates10 13>,/*aclk_strc_sys*/
- <&clk_gates10 4>,/*aclk_intmem*/
- /*hclk_bus*/
- <&clk_gates10 9>,/*hclk_rom*/
- /*pclk_bus*/
- <&clk_gates10 1>,/*pclk_timer*/
- <&clk_gates10 9>,/*rom*/
- <&clk_gates10 13>,/*aclk strc*/
- <&clk_gates12 8>,/*aclk strc*/
- /*aclk_peri*/
- <&clk_gates6 2>,/*aclk_peri_axi_matrix*/
- /*<&clk_gates6 3>,*//*aclk_dmac2*/
- <&clk_gates7 11>,/*aclk_peri_niu*/
- <&clk_gates8 12>,/*aclk_peri_mmu*/
- /*hclk_peri*/
- <&clk_gates6 0>,/*hclk_peri_matrix*/
- <&clk_gates7 10>,/*hclk_peri_ahb_arbi*/
- <&clk_gates7 12>,/*hclk_emem_peri*/
- <&clk_gates7 13>,/*hclk_mem_peri*/
- /*pclk_peri*/
- <&clk_gates6 1>,/*pclk_peri_axi_matrix*/
- /*pclk_pd_alive*/
- <&clk_gates14 11>,/*pclk_grf*/
- <&clk_gates14 12>,/*pclk_alive_niu*/
- /*pclk_pd_pmu*/
- <&clk_gates17 0>,/*pclk_pmu*/
- <&clk_gates17 1>,/*pclk_intmem1*/
- <&clk_gates17 2>,/*pclk_pmu_niu*/
- <&clk_gates17 3>,/*pclk_sgrf*/
- /*UART*/
- <&clk_gates11 9>,/*pclk_uart2*/
- /*480M*/
- <&usbphy_480m>;
- };
- i2c0: i2c@ff650000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk30-i2c";
- reg = <0xff650000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 60 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_sda &i2c0_scl>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c0_gpio>;
- gpios = <&gpio0 GPIO_B7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio0 GPIO_C0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates10 2>;
- rockchip,check-idle = <1>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- i2c1: i2c@ff140000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk30-i2c";
- reg = <0xff140000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 62 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_sda &i2c1_scl>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c1_gpio>;
- gpios = <&gpio8 GPIO_A4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio8 GPIO_A5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates6 13>;
- rockchip,check-idle = <1>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- i2c2: i2c@ff660000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk30-i2c";
- reg = <0xff660000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 61 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_sda &i2c2_scl>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c2_gpio>;
- gpios = <&gpio6 GPIO_B1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio6 GPIO_B2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates10 3>;
- rockchip,check-idle = <1>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- i2c3: i2c@ff150000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk30-i2c";
- reg = <0xff150000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 63 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c3_sda &i2c3_scl>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c3_gpio>;
- gpios = <&gpio2 GPIO_C1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 GPIO_C0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates6 14>;
- rockchip,check-idle = <1>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- i2c4: i2c@ff160000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk30-i2c";
- reg = <0xff160000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 64 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c4_sda &i2c4_scl>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c4_gpio>;
- gpios = <&gpio7 GPIO_C1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio7 GPIO_C2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates6 15>;
- rockchip,check-idle = <1>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- i2c5: i2c@ff170000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk30-i2c";
- reg = <0xff170000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 65 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c5_sda &i2c5_scl>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c5_gpio>;
- gpios = <&gpio7 GPIO_C3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio7 GPIO_C4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates7 0>;
- rockchip,check-idle = <1>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- fb: fb{
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-fb";
- rockchip,disp-mode = <DUAL>;
- };
- rk_screen: rk_screen{
- compatible = "rockchip,screen";
- };
- dsihost0: mipi@ff960000{
- compatible = "rockchip,rk32-dsi";
- rockchip,prop = <0>;
- reg = <0xff960000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 19 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates5 15>, <&clk_gates16 4> , <&pd_mipidsi>;
- clock-names = "clk_mipi_24m", "pclk_mipi_dsi", "pd_mipi_dsi";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- dsihost1: mipi@ff964000{
- compatible = "rockchip,rk32-dsi";
- rockchip,prop = <1>;
- reg = <0xff964000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 20 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates5 15>, <&clk_gates16 5>, <&pd_mipidsi>;
- clock-names = "clk_mipi_24m", "pclk_mipi_dsi", "pd_mipi_dsi";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- lvds: lvds@ff96c000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk32-lvds";
- reg = <0xff96c000 0x4000>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates16 7>;
- clock-names = "pclk_lvds";
- };
- edp: edp@ff970000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk32-edp";
- reg = <0xff970000 0x4000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 98 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_edp>, <&clk_edp_24m>, <&clk_gates16 8>;
- clock-names = "clk_edp", "clk_edp_24m", "pclk_edp";
- };
- hdmi: hdmi@ff980000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-hdmi";
- reg = <0xff980000 0x20000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 103 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2c5_sda &i2c5_scl &hdmi_cec>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2c5_gpio>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates16 9>, <&clk_gates5 12>, <&clk_gates5 11>;
- clock-names = "pclk_hdmi", "hdcp_clk_hdmi", "cec_clk_hdmi";
- rockchip,hdmi_video_source = <DISPLAY_SOURCE_LCDC1>;
- rockchip,hdmi_audio_source = <0>;
- rockchip,hdcp_enable = <0>;
- rockchip,cec_enable = <0>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- hdmi_hdcp2: hdmi_hdcp2@ff974000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-hdmi-hdcp2";
- reg = <0xff974000 0x4000>,
- <0xff978000 0x4000>;
- clocks = <&aclk_hdcp>, <&clk_hdcp>, <&clk_gates15 12>;
- clock-names = "aclk_hdcp2", "hdcp2_clk_hdmi", "pclk_hdcp2";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- lcdc0: lcdc@ff930000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-lcdc";
- rockchip,prop = <PRMRY>;
- rockchip,pwr18 = <0>;
- rockchip,iommu-enabled = <0>;
- reg = <0xff930000 0x10000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 15 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
- pinctrl-0 = <&lcdc0_lcdc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&lcdc0_gpio>;
- status = "disabled";
- clocks = <&clk_gates15 5>, <&dclk_lcdc0>, <&clk_gates15 6>, <&pd_vop0>;
- clock-names = "aclk_lcdc", "dclk_lcdc", "hclk_lcdc", "pd_lcdc";
- };
- lcdc1: lcdc@ff940000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-lcdc";
- rockchip,prop = <EXTEND>;
- rockchip,pwr18 = <0>;
- rockchip,iommu-enabled = <0>;
- reg = <0xff940000 0x10000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- status = "disabled";
- clocks = <&clk_gates15 7>, <&dclk_lcdc1>, <&clk_gates15 8>, <&pd_vop1>;
- clock-names = "aclk_lcdc", "dclk_lcdc", "hclk_lcdc", "pd_lcdc";
- };
- adc: adc@ff100000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,saradc";
- reg = <0xff100000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 36 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #io-channel-cells = <1>;
- io-channel-ranges;
- rockchip,adc-vref = <1800>;
- clock-frequency = <1000000>;
- clocks = <&clk_saradc>, <&clk_gates7 1>;
- clock-names = "saradc", "pclk_saradc";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- rga@ff920000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rga2";
- reg = <0xff920000 0x1000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 18 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates15 1>, <&aclk_rga>, <&clk_rga>;
- clock-names = "hclk_rga", "aclk_rga", "clk_rga";
- };
- i2s: rockchip-i2s@0xff890000 {
- compatible = "rockchip-i2s";
- reg = <0xff890000 0x10000>;
- i2s-id = <0>;
- clocks = <&clk_i2s>, <&clk_i2s_out>, <&clk_gates10 8>;
- clock-names = "i2s_clk","i2s_mclk", "i2s_hclk";
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 85 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- dmas = <&pdma0 0>, <&pdma0 1>;
- //#dma-cells = <2>;
- dma-names = "tx", "rx";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
- pinctrl-0 = <&i2s_mclk &i2s_sclk &i2s_lrckrx &i2s_lrcktx &i2s_sdi &i2s_sdo0 &i2s_sdo1 &i2s_sdo2 &i2s_sdo3>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&i2s_gpio>;
- };
- spdif: rockchip-spdif@0xff8b0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip-spdif";
- //reg = <0xff8b0000 0x10000>; //8channel
- reg = <0xff880000 0x10000>;//2channel
- clocks = <&clk_spdif>, <&clk_spdif_8ch>,<&clk_gates10 10>;
- clock-names = "spdif_mclk","spdif_8ch_mclk","spdif_hclk";
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 54 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- //dmas = <&pdma0 3>;
- dmas = <&pdma0 2>; //2channel
- //#dma-cells = <1>;
- dma-names = "tx";
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&spdif_tx>;
- };
- vop1pwm: pwm@ff9401a0 {
- compatible = "rockchip,vop-pwm";
- reg = <0xff9401a0 0x10>;
- #pwm-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&vop1_pwm_pin>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates13 11>, <&clk_gates15 7>, <&clk_gates15 8>;
- clock-names = "pclk_pwm", "aclk_lcdc", "hclk_lcdc";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- vop0pwm: pwm@ff9301a0 {
- compatible = "rockchip,vop-pwm";
- reg = <0xff9301a0 0x10>;
- #pwm-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&vop0_pwm_pin>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates13 10>, <&clk_gates15 5>, <&clk_gates15 6>;
- clock-names = "pclk_pwm", "aclk_lcdc", "hclk_lcdc";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- pwm0: pwm@ff680000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-pwm";
- reg = <0xff680000 0x10>;
- /* used by driver on remotectl'pwm */
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #pwm-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_pin>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates11 11>;
- clock-names = "pclk_pwm";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- pwm1: pwm@ff680010 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-pwm";
- reg = <0xff680010 0x10>;
- /* used by driver on remotectl'pwm */
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #pwm-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&pwm1_pin>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates11 11>;
- clock-names = "pclk_pwm";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- pwm2: pwm@ff680020 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-pwm";
- reg = <0xff680020 0x10>;
- /* used by driver on remotectl'pwm */
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #pwm-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&pwm2_pin>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates11 11>;
- clock-names = "pclk_pwm";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- pwm3: pwm@ff680030 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk-pwm";
- reg = <0xff680030 0x10>;
- /* used by driver on remotectl'pwm */
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #pwm-cells = <2>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&pwm3_pin>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates11 11>;
- clock-names = "pclk_pwm";
- status = "disabled";
- };
- dvfs {
- vd_arm: vd_arm {
- regulator_name = "vdd_arm";
- suspend_volt = <1000>; //mV
- pd_core {
- clk_core_dvfs_table: clk_core {
- operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV */
- 312000 1100000
- 504000 1100000
- 816000 1100000
- 1008000 1100000
- >;
- channel = <0>;
- temp-limit-enable = <1>;
- target-temp = <80>;
- min_temp_limit = <48>;
- normal-temp-limit = <
- /*delta-temp delta-freq*/
- 3 96000
- 6 144000
- 9 192000
- 15 384000
- >;
- performance-temp-limit = <
- /*temp freq*/
- 100 816000
- >;
- status = "okay";
- regu-mode-table = <
- /*freq mode*/
- 1008000 4
- 0 3
- >;
- regu-mode-en = <0>;
- };
- };
- };
- vd_logic: vd_logic {
- regulator_name = "vdd_logic";
- suspend_volt = <1000>; //mV
- pd_ddr {
- clk_ddr_dvfs_table: clk_ddr {
- operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV */
- 200000 1200000
- 300000 1200000
- 400000 1200000
- >;
- bd-freq-table = <
- /* bandwidth freq */
- 5000 800000
- 3500 456000
- 2600 396000
- 2000 324000
- >;
- channel = <2>;
- status = "disabled";
- };
- };
- pd_vio {
- aclk_vio1_dvfs_table: aclk_vio1 {
- operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV */
- 100000 1100000
- 500000 1100000
- >;
- status = "okay";
- };
- };
- };
- vd_gpu: vd_gpu {
- regulator_name = "vdd_gpu";
- suspend_volt = <1000>; //mV
- pd_gpu {
- clk_gpu_dvfs_table: clk_gpu {
- operating-points = <
- /* KHz uV */
- 200000 1200000
- 300000 1200000
- 400000 1200000
- >;
- channel = <1>;
- temp-limit-enable = <0>;
- target-temp = <90>;
- min_temp_limit = <200>;
- normal-temp-limit = <
- /*delta-temp delta-freq*/
- 3 50000
- 6 150000
- 15 250000
- >;
- status = "okay";
- regu-mode-table = <
- /*freq mode*/
- 200000 4
- 0 3
- >;
- regu-mode-en = <0>;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- ion {
- compatible = "rockchip,ion";
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <0>;
- ion_drm: rockchip,ion-heap@5 {
- compatible = "rockchip,ion-heap";
- rockchip,ion_heap = <5>;
- reg = <0x00000000 0x00000000>;
- };
- ion_cma: rockchip,ion-heap@4 { /* CMA HEAP */
- compatible = "rockchip,ion-heap";
- rockchip,ion_heap = <4>;
- reg = <0x00000000 0x28000000>; /* 640MB */
- };
- rockchip,ion-heap@0 { /* VMALLOC HEAP */
- compatible = "rockchip,ion-heap";
- rockchip,ion_heap = <0>;
- };
- };
- vpu: vpu_service@ff9a0000 {
- compatible = "vpu_service";
- iommu_enabled = <0>;
- reg = <0xff9a0000 0x800>;
- interrupt-names = "irq_enc", "irq_dec";
- clocks = <&clk_vdpu>, <&hclk_vdpu>;
- clock-names = "aclk_vcodec", "hclk_vcodec";
- resets = <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_VCODEC_H>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_VCODEC_A>;
- reset-names = "video_h", "video_a";
- name = "vpu_service";
- dev_mode = <0>;
- //status = "disabled";
- };
- hevc: hevc_service@ff9c0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,hevc_service";
- iommu_enabled = <0>;
- reg = <0xff9c0000 0x800>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 12 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "irq_dec";
- clocks = <&aclk_hevc>, <&hclk_hevc>, <&clk_hevc_core>, <&clk_hevc_cabac>;
- clock-names = "aclk_vcodec", "hclk_vcodec", "clk_core", "clk_cabac";
- resets = <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_VCODEC_H>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_VCODEC_A>,
- <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_HEVC>;
- reset-names = "video_h", "video_a", "video";
- dev_mode = <1>;
- name = "hevc_service";
- //status = "disabled";
- };
- iep: iep@ff900000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,iep";
- iommu_enabled = <0>;
- reg = <0xff900000 0x800>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates15 2>, <&clk_gates15 3>;
- clock-names = "aclk_iep", "hclk_iep";
- status = "okay";
- };
- dwc_control_usb: dwc-control-usb@ff770284 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-dwc-control-usb";
- reg = <0xff770284 0x04>, <0xff770288 0x04>,
- <0xff7702cc 0x04>, <0xff7702d4 0x04>,
- <0xff770320 0x14>, <0xff770334 0x14>,
- <0xff770348 0x10>, <0xff770358 0x08>,
- <0xff770360 0x08>;
- reg-names = "GRF_SOC_STATUS1" ,"GRF_SOC_STATUS2",
- interrupt-names = "otg_id", "otg_bvalid",
- "otg_linestate", "host0_linestate",
- "host1_linestate";
- clocks = <&clk_gates7 9>, <&usbphy_480m>,
- <&otgphy1_480m>, <&otgphy2_480m>;
- clock-names = "hclk_usb_peri", "usbphy_480m",
- "usbphy1_480m", "usbphy2_480m";
- usb_bc {
- compatible = "synopsys,phy";
- /* offset bit mask */
- rk_usb,bvalid = <0x288 14 1>;
- rk_usb,iddig = <0x288 17 1>;
- rk_usb,dcdenb = <0x328 14 1>;
- rk_usb,vdatsrcenb = <0x328 7 1>;
- rk_usb,vdatdetenb = <0x328 6 1>;
- rk_usb,chrgsel = <0x328 5 1>;
- rk_usb,chgdet = <0x2cc 23 1>;
- rk_usb,fsvminus = <0x2cc 25 1>;
- rk_usb,fsvplus = <0x2cc 24 1>;
- };
- };
- usb0: usb@ff580000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288_usb20_otg";
- reg = <0xff580000 0x40000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 23 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates13 4>, <&clk_gates7 4>;
- clock-names = "clk_usbphy0", "hclk_usb0";
- resets = <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBOTG_H>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBOTGPHY>,
- <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBOTGC>;
- reset-names = "otg_ahb", "otg_phy", "otg_controller";
- /*0 - Normal, 1 - Force Host, 2 - Force Device*/
- rockchip,usb-mode = <0>;
- };
- usb1: usb@ff540000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288_usb20_host";
- reg = <0xff540000 0x40000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 25 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates13 6>, <&clk_gates7 7>,
- <&usbphy_480m>;
- clock-names = "clk_usbphy1", "hclk_usb1",
- "usbphy_480m";
- resets = <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBHOST1_H>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBHOST1PHY>,
- <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBHOST1C>;
- reset-names = "host1_ahb", "host1_phy", "host1_controller";
- };
- usb2: usb@ff500000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288_rk_ehci_host";
- reg = <0xff500000 0x20000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 24 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates13 5>, <&clk_gates7 6>;
- clock-names = "clk_usbphy2", "hclk_usb2";
- resets = <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBHOST0_H>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBHOST0PHY>,
- <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USBHOST0C>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_USB_HOST0>;
- reset-names = "ehci_ahb", "ehci_phy", "ehci_controller", "ehci";
- };
- usb3: usb@ff520000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288_rk_ohci_host";
- reg = <0xff520000 0x20000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 41 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates13 5>, <&clk_gates7 6>;
- clock-names = "clk_usbphy3", "hclk_usb3";
- status = "okay";
- };
- usb4: usb@ff5c0000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288_rk_ehci1_host";
- reg = <0xff5c0000 0x40000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 26 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&ehci1phy_480m>, <&clk_gates7 8>,
- <&ehci1phy_12m>, <&usbphy_480m>,
- <&otgphy1_480m>, <&otgphy2_480m>;
- clock-names = "ehci1phy_480m", "hclk_ehci1",
- "ehci1phy_12m", "usbphy_480m",
- "ehci1_usbphy1", "ehci1_usbphy2";
- resets = <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_EHCI1>, <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_EHCI1_AUX>,
- <&reset RK3288_SOFT_RST_EHCI1PHY>;
- reset-names = "ehci1_ahb", "ehci1_aux", "ehci1_phy";
- };
- gmac: eth@ff290000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-gmac";
- reg = <0xff290000 0x10000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 27 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /*irq=59*/
- interrupt-names = "macirq";
- clocks = <&clk_mac>, <&clk_gates5 0>,
- <&clk_gates5 1>, <&clk_gates5 2>,
- <&clk_gates5 3>, <&clk_gates8 0>,
- <&clk_gates8 1>;
- clock-names = "clk_mac", "mac_clk_rx",
- "mac_clk_tx", "clk_mac_ref",
- "clk_mac_refout", "aclk_mac",
- "pclk_mac";
- phy-mode = "rgmii";
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&mac_clk &mac_txpins &mac_rxpins &mac_mdpins>;
- };
- gpu {
- compatible = "arm,malit764",
- "arm,malit76x",
- "arm,malit7xx",
- "arm,mali-midgard";
- reg = <0xffa30000 0x10000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
- interrupt-names = "JOB", "MMU", "GPU";
- };
- iep_mmu {
- dbgname = "iep";
- compatible = "rockchip,iep_mmu";
- reg = <0xff900800 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "iep_mmu";
- };
- vip_mmu {
- dbgname = "vip";
- compatible = "rockchip,vip_mmu";
- reg = <0xff950800 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 13 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "vip_mmu";
- };
- vopb_mmu {
- dbgname = "vopb";
- compatible = "rockchip,vopb_mmu";
- reg = <0xff930300 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 15 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "vopb_mmu";
- };
- vopl_mmu {
- dbgname = "vopl";
- compatible = "rockchip,vopl_mmu";
- reg = <0xff940300 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "vopl_mmu";
- };
- hevc_mmu {
- dbgname = "hevc";
- compatible = "rockchip,hevc_mmu";
- reg = <0xff9c0440 0x40>,
- <0xff9c0480 0x40>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 111 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "hevc_mmu";
- };
- vpu_mmu {
- dbgname = "vpu";
- compatible = "rockchip,vpu_mmu";
- reg = <0xff9a0800 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 11 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "vpu_mmu";
- };
- isp_mmu {
- dbgname = "isp_mmu";
- compatible = "rockchip,isp_mmu";
- reg = <0xff914000 0x100>,
- <0xff915000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 14 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- interrupt-names = "isp_mmu";
- };
- rockchip_suspend {
- rockchip,ctrbits = <
- (0
- )
- >;
- rockchip,pmic-suspend_gpios = <
- >;
- rockchip,pmic-resume_gpios = <
- >;
- };
- isp: isp@ff910000{
- compatible = "rockchip,isp";
- reg = <0xff910000 0x10000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 14 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&clk_gates16 2>, <&clk_gates16 1>, <&clk_isp>, <&clk_isp_jpe>, <&clkin_isp>, <&clk_cif_out>, <&clk_gates5 15>, <&clk_cif_pll>, <&pd_isp>, <&clk_gates16 6>;
- clock-names = "aclk_isp", "hclk_isp", "clk_isp", "clk_isp_jpe", "pclkin_isp", "clk_cif_out", "clk_mipi_24m", "clk_cif_pll", "pd_isp", "hclk_mipiphy1";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "isp_dvp8bit2", "isp_dvp10bit", "isp_dvp12bit", "isp_dvp8bit0", "isp_mipi_fl", "isp_mipi_fl_prefl","isp_flash_as_gpio","isp_flash_as_trigger_out";
- pinctrl-0 = <&isp_mipi>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&isp_mipi &isp_dvp_d2d9>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&isp_mipi &isp_dvp_d2d9 &isp_dvp_d0d1>;
- pinctrl-3 = <&isp_mipi &isp_dvp_d2d9 &isp_dvp_d0d1 &isp_dvp_d10d11>;
- pinctrl-4 = <&isp_mipi &isp_dvp_d0d7>;
- pinctrl-5 = <&isp_mipi>;
- pinctrl-6 = <&isp_mipi &isp_prelight>;
- pinctrl-7 = <&isp_flash_trigger_as_gpio>;
- pinctrl-8 = <&isp_flash_trigger>;
- rockchip,isp,mipiphy = <2>;
- rockchip,isp,cifphy = <1>;
- rockchip,isp,mipiphy1,reg = <0xff968000 0x4000>;
- rockchip,gpios = <&gpio7 GPIO_B5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- //FireFly
- gpios-cifpower = <&gpio7 GPIO_B4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- gpios-dvppower = <&gpio0 GPIO_B3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- rockchip,isp,iommu_enable = <1>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- cif: cif@ff950000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,cif";
- reg = <0xff950000 0x10000>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 13 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- clocks = <&pd_isp>,<&clk_gates15 14>,<&clk_gates15 15>,<&clkin_cif>,<&clk_gates16 0>,<&clk_cif_out>;
- clock-names = "pd_cif0", "aclk_cif0","hclk_cif0","cif0_in","g_pclkin_cif","cif0_out";
- pinctrl-names = "cif_pin_all";
- pinctrl-0 = <&isp_mipi &isp_dvp_d2d9 &isp_dvp_d10d11>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- tsadc: tsadc@ff280000 {
- compatible = "rockchip,tsadc";
- reg = <0xff280000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <GIC_SPI 37 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
- #io-channel-cells = <1>;
- io-channel-ranges;
- clock-frequency = <10000>;
- clocks = <&clk_tsadc>, <&clk_gates7 2>;
- clock-names = "tsadc", "pclk_tsadc";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "tsadc_int";
- pinctrl-0 = <&tsadc_gpio>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&tsadc_int>;
- tsadc-ht-temp = <120>;
- tsadc-ht-reset-cru = <1>;
- tsadc-ht-pull-gpio = <0>;
- status = "okay";
- };
- lcdc_vdd_domain: lcdc-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&lcdc_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&lcdc_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&lcdc_vcc_33>;
- };
- dpio_vdd_domain: dpio-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&dvp_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&dvp_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&dvp_vcc_33>;
- };
- flash0_vdd_domain: flash0-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&flash0_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&flash0_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&flash0_vcc_33>;
- };
- flash1_vdd_domain: flash1-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&flash1_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&flash1_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&flash1_vcc_33>;
- };
- apio3_vdd_domain: apio3-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&wifi_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&wifi_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&wifi_vcc_33>;
- };
- apio5_vdd_domain: apio5-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&bb_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&bb_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&bb_vcc_33>;
- };
- apio4_vdd_domain: apio4-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&audio_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&audio_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&audio_vcc_33>;
- };
- apio1_vdd_domain: apio0-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&gpio30_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&gpio30_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&gpio30_vcc_33>;
- };
- apio2_vdd_domain: apio2-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&gpio1830_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&gpio1830_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&gpio1830_vcc_33>;
- };
- sdmmc0_vdd_domain: sdmmc0-vdd-domain {
- compatible = "rockchip,io_vol_domain";
- pinctrl-names = "default", "1.8V", "3.3V";
- pinctrl-0 = <&sdcard_vcc>;
- pinctrl-1 = <&sdcard_vcc_18>;
- pinctrl-2 = <&sdcard_vcc_33>;
- };
- chosen {
- bootargs = "vmalloc=496M";
- };
- };