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RV1126使用v4l2 USB摄像头出mjpeg怎么转yuvattachment Core-1126-JD4 Predestined 2024-5-24 21261 jyarmy 2024-9-26 14:13
rv1126硬件解码Jpeg/MJpeg 1920x1080大小耗时500msattachment Core-1126-JD4 Predestined 2024-5-23 01321 Predestined 2024-5-23 18:17
Decryption high performance :IPQ8072 and IPQ8072A chips detailed comparative ...attach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-23 01048 wallysyiyi 2024-5-23 13:36
RV1126抓取豪威ov02b1b摄像头原图格式不对问题attach_img Core-1126-JD4 superxs 2024-5-23 01167 superxs 2024-5-23 10:35
repo下载失败attach_img Core-3588J linxiaoliang 2024-5-22 21186 sidneyz 2024-6-4 08:33
RK3588通过PCIE连接Xilinx FPGA,加载XDMA驱动失败attach_img AIO-3588Q asmallpotato 2024-5-22 41803 gaoren002 2024-9-4 14:54
Qualcomm IPQ4028 and IPQ5018 chips: Innovation drives the future of wirele...attach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-21 01158 wallysyiyi 2024-5-21 10:30
ROC-RK3588S-PC Ubuntu20.4使用HDMI TO MIPI CSI驱动板转接提示找不到/dev/video0设备 ITX-3588J liujing 2024-5-21 21530 qq号2317783075 2024-5-22 15:42
瑞芯微RKisp使用attach_img ROC-RK3588S-PC hhl5617 2024-5-20 21777 viroen_ed 2024-8-25 20:48
Technical comparison of IPQ4019, IPQ4029, and IPQ4018 chipsattach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-20 01102 wallysyiyi 2024-5-20 16:17
高抗干扰液晶驱动IC/段式液晶驱动芯片VK1024B段码液晶屏驱动芯片attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-20 01224 杨桃 2024-5-20 15:35
高性价比液晶驱动防静电抗干扰段码驱动VKL128原厂技术支持attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-18 01338 杨桃 2024-5-18 16:09
aio-3588SG的串口不能启用的问题attach_img AIO-3588JQ jiuxian 2024-5-17 01316 jiuxian 2024-5-17 17:10
VKL144超小封装液晶驱动抗干扰抗静电LCD液晶驱动段码液晶驱动原厂attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-17 01293 杨桃 2024-5-17 14:37
IPQ5322 and IPQ9531-Technical comparison and application analysisattach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-17 01313 wallysyiyi 2024-5-17 13:18
抗干扰段码屏驱动VK2C24液晶LCD显示驱动芯片attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-16 01149 杨桃 2024-5-16 10:54
QCN6274 and QCN6024: RF module CPU performance comparison analysisattach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-16 01145 wallysyiyi 2024-5-16 10:08
防静电LCD驱动芯片VK2C23适用于多功能电表/电力仪表 原厂FAE支持attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-15 01127 杨桃 2024-5-15 14:36
Qualcomm QCN9274 and QCN6224: Performance comparison and application scenario...attach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-15 01208 wallysyiyi 2024-5-15 11:45
Qualcomm QCA9531 and QCA9880: The core and pioneer in network devicesattach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-14 01131 wallysyiyi 2024-5-14 16:08
RK3399attachment ROC-RK3399-PC wyt990 2024-5-14 31380 wyt990 2024-5-14 18:00
插上电没反应attachment ROC-RK3566-PC 晚安 2024-5-14 01252 晚安 2024-5-14 14:06
抗噪液晶驱动段码液晶屏驱动芯片VK2C22原厂FAE支持attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-14 01207 杨桃 2024-5-14 10:22
Qualcomm CPU: IPQ9574, IPQ9554 and IPQ5322, what do you know?attach_img Core-3568J wallysyiyi 2024-5-13 01285 wallysyiyi 2024-5-13 16:51
Firefly-RK3288_Android5.1.1_Public_201023+固件烧写不了attach_img Firefly-RK3288 yaofigo 2024-5-13 01287 yaofigo 2024-5-13 11:42
防静电液晶驱动芯片VK2C22抗干扰液晶驱动芯片ICLCD驱动设计attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-13 01353 杨桃 2024-5-13 09:19
ffmedia不能正常运行python demoattachment ROC-RK3588S-PC oranger 2024-5-11 01359 oranger 2024-5-11 15:14
HDMI 接音频转换器后输出问题attachment ITX-3588J 橘子不甜~ 2024-5-11 81658 橘子不甜~ 2024-5-13 18:52
抗干扰低功耗段码LCD液晶显示屏驱动芯片(IC)-VK2C21Aattach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-11 01118 杨桃 2024-5-11 09:20
液晶段码屏驱动VK2C23超强抗干扰LCD驱动attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-10 01224 杨桃 2024-5-10 09:15
rk3568 usb用不了,求大佬help EC-R3568PC abdaadf 2024-5-9 11324 abdaadf 2024-5-9 17:25
按官方wiki步骤编译Buildroot时报./rk3588_sdk/app/rkadk No such file or dir.的问题attachment ITX-3588J 陈教峰Jeff 2024-5-9 62579 陈教峰Jeff 2024-11-14 20:56
防静电液晶驱动芯片VK2C22抗干扰液晶驱动芯片ICLCD驱动设计attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-9 01203 杨桃 2024-5-9 09:15
怎么编译ubuntu minimal rootfsattachment ROC-RK3568-PC ggsnpdsn 2024-5-8 31543 zhangzhenzhao 2024-5-10 08:56
rk3588 rockit 初始化报错 Core-3588J 原廣朔 2024-5-8 01194 原廣朔 2024-5-8 17:29
根据文档步骤进行自行编译固件出现问题attach_img ROC-RK3568-PC 冬天不赖床 2024-5-9 11284 冬天不赖床 2024-5-9 14:30
VKL060是一款15*4段的超低电流低功耗省电液晶驱动IC,多用于水电表等显示驱动attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-8 01266 杨桃 2024-5-8 14:25
求助 ROC-RK3399-PC Pro刷官方固件USBadb没反应的问题attach_img Firefly-RK3399 hongri_xiao 2024-5-8 61463 hongri_xiao 2024-5-13 18:34
RK3588 制作gome的ubuntu 20.04 rootfs 开机默认蓝屏attach_img Core-3588L 岁月如故 2024-5-8 11805 京治弘 2024-5-15 17:27
段码液晶屏驱动抗干扰LCD驱动芯片VK1C21原厂LCD液晶段码屏驱动attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-8 01162 杨桃 2024-5-8 09:15
roc-rk3328-pc ubuntu18.04 没办法开机attach_img ROC-RK3328-PC 嘟~嘟xfwu 2024-5-7 51559 mkyx 2024-8-16 15:35
LCD液晶段码显示驱动IC- VK2C24高抗干扰/抗噪attachment Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-7 01332 杨桃 2024-5-7 11:11
Core-3588L将官方Android固件解压,重新编译并只烧写了kernel到设备后,启动报错attach_img - [回帖奖励 9 ] Core-3588L xcx 2024-5-6 31647 xcx 2024-5-7 10:16
官网下载的uos系统的user和root密码分别是多少?attachment ROC-RK3568-PC wyt990 2024-5-6 21598 wyt990 2024-5-7 09:27
通过SFTP上传大于20M的文件就传输错误,无法从ADB模式切换到Load模式等问题attachment ROC-RK3308-CC chenjuchuan 2024-5-6 01245 chenjuchuan 2024-5-6 17:45
安装JMB582的sata转接板,在linux系统中无法识别attachment ROC-RK3399-PC wyt990 2024-5-6 01337 wyt990 2024-5-6 16:45
LCD液晶屏抗干扰驱动IC-VK2C21多用于水电气表,工控仪等产品attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-6 01341 杨桃 2024-5-6 16:30
抗干扰液晶段式驱动芯片高抗干扰段码驱动VK2C22液晶驱动芯片厂家attach_img Cluster Server R2 杨桃 2024-5-6 01172 杨桃 2024-5-6 10:11
ITX-3588J Android12 wlan和ap同时开启 ITX-3588J hfc1234 2024-4-30 01489 hfc1234 2024-4-30 16:40
启动过程中卡住attachment Firefly-RK3399 wx__h6Xlb2 2024-4-30 01410 wx__h6Xlb2 2024-4-30 14:32
友情链接 : 爱板网 电子发烧友论坛 云汉电子社区 粤ICP备14022046号-2