发表于 2022-1-20 09:24:38
本帖最后由 陈杰文 于 2022-1-20 09:37 编辑
执行步骤:./build.sh aio-3399j-ubuntu.mk./build.sh
Image: image in rockdev is ready
Make image ok!
File name is AIO-3399J-UBUNTU-GPT
Rename the file? [N|y]
Make update.img
start to make update.img...
Resize rootfs partition size
dumpe2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
dumpe2fs: No such file or directory while trying to open /home/cjw/work/rk3399_linux_release_v2.5.1_20210301/rockdev/rootfs.img
./mkupdate.sh: line 37: >>9: syntax error: operand expected (error token is ">>9")
Android Firmware Package Tool v1.66
------ PACKAGE ------
Add file: ./package-file
Add file: ./package-file done,offset=0x800,size=0x136,userspace=0x1
Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin
Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin done,offset=0x1000,size=0x7194e,userspace=0xe4
Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt
Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt done,offset=0x73000,size=0x1f0,userspace=0x1
Add file: ./Image/trust.img
Add file: ./Image/trust.img done,offset=0x73800,size=0x400000,userspace=0x800
Add file: ./Image/uboot.img
Add file: ./Image/uboot.img done,offset=0x473800,size=0x400000,userspace=0x800
Add file: ./Image/boot.img
Add file: ./Image/boot.img done,offset=0x873800,size=0x1f2d800,userspace=0x3e5b
Add file: ./Image/misc.img
Add file: ./Image/misc.img done,offset=0x27a1000,size=0xc000,userspace=0x18
Add file: ./Image/recovery.img
Add file: ./Image/recovery.img done,offset=0x27ad000,size=0x1f09800,userspace=0x3e13
Add file: ./Image/rootfs.img
Error:<AddFile> open file failed,err=2!
------ FAILED ------
Press any key to quit:
ERROR: Running build_updateimg failed!
ERROR: exit code 1 from line 1259: