我用macbook, 再用parallel 裝ubuntu 16.04
我依照 http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index. ... 288/Build_kernel/en 的步驟去安裝,
一切看來都順利, 但是有兩段我看不懂要我幹嘛, 請幫忙指點,
1) 拷貝kernel modules到root file system, 在wiki上是寫 /path/to/your/rfs/
請問依照我現在的狀況, 我是要把 /path/to/your/rfs/ 換成什麼?
我現在都還只是在ubuntu 16.04上compile kernel而已, 所以不知道這一段是我要把code複製到哪去..
是要我把rockchip linux kernel modules 拷貝到我的開發版上嗎? 還是拷貝到我現在compile source code的哪一個目錄?
2) 要修改 parameter file? 那是什麼東西?
還有CMDLINE: ...這一段是在說什麼? 看不懂..
是要我在那一個步驟加上什麼嗎? 還是要我改哪一個檔案?
我用grep找了一遍全部檔案, 比較可能的檔案是
arch/sh/configs/polaris_defconfig:CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttySC1,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=jffs2 mem=63M mtdparts=physmap-flash.0:0x00100000(bootloader)ro,0x00500000(Kernel)ro,0x00A00000(Filesystem)"
arch/sh/configs/shmin_defconfig:CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttySC1,115200 root=1f01 mtdparts=phys_mapped_flash:64k(firm)ro,-(sys) netdev=34,0x300,eth0 "
請問是要我去改這兩個檔案嗎? 那我要改成什麼?
還是要我去改 arch/arm/configs/firefly-rk3288_defconfig 檔案呢? 不過這個檔案, 我看了一遍, 好像沒地方適合加東西, 只看到一行比較接近的, CONFIG_ARM_ATAG_DTB_COMPAT_CMDLINE_EXTEND=y
我對這部分不太懂, 再請幫忙, 謝謝.
Copy the kernel module files to the root file system: rsync -av ./modules_install/ /path/to/your/rfs/You can also copy to the development board, using ssh remote connection: rsync -av ./modules_install/ root@<Board IP>:/
Modify Parameter FileThe root file system can reside on different partitions in different storage devices (eMMC, TF card or USB disk, etc). It must be specified in the kernel's command line. There is a CMDLINE in the paramter file: CMDLINE:console=tty0 ... mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x00002000@0x00002000(uboot),...,-@0x00394000(user)Add one of below according to your need: (# and contents after are comments, no need to enter): root=/dev/block/mtd/by-name/linuxroot # flash partition named "linuxroot"root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 # First partition of TF cardroot=/dev/sda1 # First partition of USB diskroot=LABEL=linuxroot # Partition whose label is "linuxroot"