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[Linux] rv1126 进入uboot之后发现没有i2c工具,需要怎么移植进去









rv1126 进入uboot之后发现没有i2c工具,需要怎么移植进去

发表于 2022-11-17 15:48:56      浏览:5761 | 回复:2        打印      只看该作者   [复制链接] 楼主
  • 固件类型: 自行编译的固件
  • SDK包名称: sdk
  • SDK更新到哪个COMMIT: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • SDK修改内容: 无,log再下面,文件为空
  • Log日志: log.rar
  1. Net:   eth0: ethernet@ffc40000
  2. Hit key to stop autoboot('CTRL+C'):  0
  3. => i2c
  4. Unknown command 'i2c' - try 'help'
  5. =>
  6. Unknown command 'i2c' - try 'help'
  7. => help
  8. ?       - alias for 'help'
  9. android_print_hdr- print android image header
  10. atags   - Dump all atags
  11. base    - print or set address offset
  12. bdinfo  - print Board Info structure
  13. bidram_dump- Dump bidram layout
  14. boot    - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
  15. boot_android- Execute the Android Bootloader flow.
  16. boot_fit- Boot FIT Image from memory or boot/recovery partition
  17. bootavb - Execute the Android avb a/b boot flow.
  18. bootd   - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
  19. bootm   - boot application image from memory
  20. bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
  21. bootrkp - Boot Linux Image from rockchip image type
  22. bootz   - boot Linux zImage image from memory
  23. cmp     - memory compare
  24. coninfo - print console devices and information
  25. cp      - memory copy
  26. crc32   - checksum calculation
  27. crypto_sum- crypto checksum engine
  28. dhcp    - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
  29. dm      - Driver model low level access
  30. download- enter rockusb/bootrom download mode
  31. dump_irqs- Dump IRQs
  32. dump_resource- dump resource list
  33. echo    - echo args to console
  34. editenv - edit environment variable
  35. env     - environment handling commands
  36. exit    - exit script
  37. ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem
  38. ext2ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
  39. ext4load- load binary file from a Ext4 filesystem
  40. ext4ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
  41. ext4size- determine a file's size
  42. false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
  43. fastboot- use USB or UDP Fastboot protocol
  44. fatinfo - print information about filesystem
  45. fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
  46. fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
  47. fatsize - determine a file's size
  48. fatwrite- write file into a dos filesystem
  49. fdt     - flattened device tree utility commands
  50. fstype  - Look up a filesystem type
  51. go      - start application at address 'addr'
  52. gpt     - GUID Partition Table
  53. help    - print command description/usage
  54. iomem   - Show iomem data by device compatible(high priority) or node name
  55. lcdputs - print string on video framebuffer
  56. load    - load binary file from a filesystem
  57. loop    - infinite loop on address range
  58. ls      - list files in a directory (default /)
  59. md      - memory display
  60. mdio    - MDIO utility commands
  61. mii     - MII utility commands
  62. mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
  63. mmc     - MMC sub system
  64. mmcinfo - display MMC info
  65. mtd     - MTD utils
  66. mtd_blk - MTD Block device sub-system
  67. mw      - memory write (fill)
  68. nand    - NAND sub-system
  69. nboot   - boot from NAND device
  70. nm      - memory modify (constant address)
  71. part    - disk partition related commands
  72. ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
  73. printenv- print environment variables
  74. pxe     - commands to get and boot from pxe files
  75. rbrom   - Perform RESET of the CPU
  76. reboot  - Perform RESET of the CPU, alias of 'reset'
  77. reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
  78. rkimgtest- Test if storage media have rockchip image
  79. rockchip_show_bmp- load and display bmp from resource partition
  80. rockchip_show_logo- load and display log from resource partition
  81. rockusb - Use the rockusb Protocol
  82. run     - run commands in an environment variable
  83. save    - save file to a filesystem
  84. setcurs - set cursor position within screen
  85. setenv  - set environment variables
  86. sf      - SPI flash sub-system
  87. showvar - print local hushshell variables
  88. size    - determine a file's size
  89. source  - run script from memory
  90. sspi    - SPI utility command
  91. sysboot - command to get and boot from syslinux files
  92. sysmem_dump- Dump sysmem layout
  93. sysmem_search- Search a available sysmem region
  94. test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
  95. tftp    - download image via network using TFTP protocol
  96. tftpbootm- tftpbootm aosp/uImage/FIT image via network using TFTP protocol
  97. tftpflash- flash image via network using TFTP protocol
  98. tftpput - TFTP put command, for uploading files to a server
  99. true    - do nothing, successfully
  100. ums     - Use the UMS [USB Mass Storage]
  101. usb     - USB sub-system
  102. usbboot - boot from USB device
  103. version - print monitor, compiler and linker version


74 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 下载积分: 灯泡 -1 , 经验 -1


使用道具 举报








Rank: 8Rank: 8



发表于 2022-11-26 17:59:47        只看该作者  沙发
uboot 里面打开 i2c 就可以了。进入到 uboot 目录执行: make ARCH=arm menuconfig。找到 i2c 配置,将其打开。编译烧录就能在uboot看到i2c工具了。

使用道具 举报








发表于 2022-12-9 10:37:04        只看该作者  板凳
799959745 发表于 2022-11-26 17:59
uboot 里面打开 i2c 就可以了。进入到 uboot 目录执行: make ARCH=arm menuconfig。找到 i2c 配置,将其打 ...


使用道具 举报

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