发表于 2015-6-8 19:43:40
- W/SystemServer( 1978): ***********************************************
- I/RC522ServiceJNI( 1978): Initializing HAL stub rc522......
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal class_id:rc522
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal name:rc522
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal load start status:-2 path:/system/lib/hw/rc522.default.so
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dlopen start
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dlopen end. handle:0x7147a800
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR start
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR end hmi:0x77801e50
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal check module id
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dso start
- I/SystemServer( 1978): RC522 service
- V/KeyguardService( 2033): onCreate()
- I/AwesomePlayer( 1727): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
- I/ ( 1727): new RKOMXPlugin
- I/AwesomePlayer( 1727): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
- I/FrameQueueManage( 1727): use_iommu = 0x1
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): OMXCodec::Create mime: audio/vorbis
- I/MediaCodecList( 1727): register mediacode *****************
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create OMX.google.vorbis.decoder codec
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged set true
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): found informat change
- I/FrameQueueManage( 1727): FrameQueueManage::~FrameQueueManage end!
- I/AwesomePlayer( 1727): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
- I/AwesomePlayer( 1727): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
- I/FrameQueueManage( 1727): use_iommu = 0x1
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): OMXCodec::Create mime: audio/vorbis
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create OMX.google.vorbis.decoder codec
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged set true
- I/OMXCodec( 1727): found informat change
- I/FrameQueueManage( 1727): FrameQueueManage::~FrameQueueManage end!
- D/Ethernet( 1978): interfaceAdded
- D/Tethering( 1978): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
- D/Tethering( 1978): InitialState.processMessage what=4
- D/Tethering( 1978): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
- D/UsbDeviceManager( 1978): -----get MSG_UPDATE_STATE_RETRY,but not BootComplete,send MSG_UPDATE_STATE_RETRY after 500ms---
- D/UsbDeviceManager( 1978): -----get MSG_UPDATE_STATE_RETRY,but not BootComplete,send MSG_UPDATE_STATE_RETRY after 500ms---
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dso end
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal load success
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal load end
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal class_id:gralloc
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal name:gralloc
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal load start status:-2 path:/system/lib/hw/gralloc.rk30board.so
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dlopen start
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dlopen end. handle:0x7147a6dc
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR start
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR end hmi:0x777b3014
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal check module id
- E/HAL ( 1978): ####hal dso start
- F/libc ( 1978): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x77801e68 (code=2), thread 1978 (system_server)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
- I/DEBUG ( 170): Build fingerprint: 'rockchip/rk3288/rk3288:4.4.4/KTU84Q/eng.yaolun.20150607.191203:eng/test-keys'
- I/DEBUG ( 170): Revision: '0'
- I/DEBUG ( 170): pid: 1978, tid: 1978, name: system_server >>> system_server <<<
- I/DEBUG ( 170): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 77801e68
- I/DEBUG ( 170): r0 00000000 r1 4022e9a4 r2 0000029f r3 530a60e2
- I/DEBUG ( 170): r4 4022e9a4 r5 77801e50 r6 761b8083 r7 7147a800
- I/DEBUG ( 170): r8 be89c2e0 r9 400ff384 sl 00000000 fp 77800aa0
- I/DEBUG ( 170): ip 7147a800 sp be8992a8 lr 400df3e3 pc 4022e88e cpsr 00070030
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d0 206f7364206c6173 d1 656c75646f6d2074
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d2 5f4d59535f4f4661 d3 65205254535f5372
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d4 6d4ca9d86d48e2b0 d5 6d4caa806d4caa48
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d6 6d4cab286d4caab8 d7 6d4cabd06d4cab98
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d16 4000000000000000 d17 0000000000000007
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d18 3fa553f27a00d94e d19 bf56c0a14d9d2fed
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d20 3e21ee6e0a7e5a72 d21 3ff0000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d22 be927e4f809c52ad d23 3f0e67f023c8f217
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d24 3ec443f9944f8cb6 d25 547d42aea2879f2e
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d26 40c3880000000000 d27 3ff0000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d28 40c3880000000000 d29 0000000000000001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): d30 4024000000000000 d31 4000000000000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): scr 80000010
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): backtrace:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #00 pc 0000088e /system/lib/libhardware.so (hw_get_module_by_class+521)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #01 pc 0000f69f /system/lib/libandroid_servers.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #02 pc 0001db4c /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #03 pc 0004e093 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+398)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #04 pc 00026f60 /system/lib/libdvm.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #05 pc 0002df78 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmMterpStd(Thread*)+76)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #06 pc 0002b5dc /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #07 pc 00060799 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+392)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #08 pc 000687cb /system/lib/libdvm.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #09 pc 00026f60 /system/lib/libdvm.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #10 pc 0002df78 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmMterpStd(Thread*)+76)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #11 pc 0002b5dc /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #12 pc 000604b5 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+336)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #13 pc 00049c7b /system/lib/libdvm.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #14 pc 0004d1db /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #15 pc 0004deff /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+354)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #16 pc 0000105b /system/bin/app_process
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #17 pc 0000e3e7 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init+50)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #18 pc 00000d7c /system/bin/app_process
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): stack:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899268 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89926c 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899270 00000001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899274 4022eaa1 /system/lib/libhardware.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899278 7147a800
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89927c 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899280 77801e50 /system/lib/hw/rc522.default.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899284 7147a800
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899288 4022e82b /system/lib/libhardware.so (hw_get_module_by_class+422)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89928c 530a60e2 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899290 4022e9a4 /system/lib/libhardware.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899294 77801e50 /system/lib/hw/rc522.default.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899298 00000001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89929c 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992a0 530a60e2 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992a4 4022e88b /system/lib/libhardware.so (hw_get_module_by_class+518)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #00 be8992a8 be89a2b4 [stack]
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992ac be8992b4 [stack]
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992b0 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992b4 32336b00
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992b8 00003838
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992bc 00000064
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992c0 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992c4 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992c8 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992cc 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992d0 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992d4 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992d8 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992dc 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992e0 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992e4 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): ........ ........
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #01 be89c2e0 4151be78 [anon:libc_malloc]
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2e4 9c300019
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2e8 6d7edce8 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2ec 4151d4a8 [anon:libc_malloc]
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2f0 00000004
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2f4 4153bb50 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+116)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): #02 be89c2f8 6d487bd8
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2fc 00000001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c300 00000008
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c304 418a0020 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c308 41ab2808 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c30c 4156c097 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+402)
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r1:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e984 7ffffd00 7ffffff0 7fffffe4 80b0b0b0
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e994 7fffffe4 00000001 6e6b6e75 006e776f
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9a4 004c4148 23232323 206c6168 73616c63
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9b4 64695f73 0073253a 252e7325 23230073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9c4 61682323 616e206c 253a656d 73250073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9d4 2e73252f 732e7325 762f006f 6f646e65
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9e4 696c2f72 77682f62 79732f00 6d657473
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9f4 62696c2f 0077682f 252f7325 65642e73
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea04 6c756166 6f732e74 23232300 6c616823
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea14 616f6c20 74732064 20747261 74617473
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea24 253a7375 61702064 253a6874 23230073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea34 61682323 6c64206c 6e65706f 61747320
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea44 23007472 68232323 64206c61 65706f6c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea54 6e65206e 68202e64 6c646e61 70253a65
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea64 616f6c00 6d203a64 6c75646f 73253d65
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea74 0073250a 23232323 206c6168 5f4c4148
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r3:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a60c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a60d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a60e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a60f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6130 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6150 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6160 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6170 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6180 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a6190 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a61a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 530a61b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r4:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e984 7ffffd00 7ffffff0 7fffffe4 80b0b0b0
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e994 7fffffe4 00000001 6e6b6e75 006e776f
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9a4 004c4148 23232323 206c6168 73616c63
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9b4 64695f73 0073253a 252e7325 23230073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9c4 61682323 616e206c 253a656d 73250073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9d4 2e73252f 732e7325 762f006f 6f646e65
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9e4 696c2f72 77682f62 79732f00 6d657473
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e9f4 62696c2f 0077682f 252f7325 65642e73
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea04 6c756166 6f732e74 23232300 6c616823
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea14 616f6c20 74732064 20747261 74617473
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea24 253a7375 61702064 253a6874 23230073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea34 61682323 6c64206c 6e65706f 61747320
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea44 23007472 68232323 64206c61 65706f6c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea54 6e65206e 68202e64 6c646e61 70253a65
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea64 616f6c00 6d203a64 6c75646f 73253d65
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022ea74 0073250a 23232323 206c6168 5f4c4148
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r5:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e50 48574d54 00000001 77800aa0 77800aa0
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e60 77800bc7 77802004 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801e90 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801ea0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801eb0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801ec0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801ed0 77800690 00000003 00001fbc 00000002
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801ee0 00000070 00000017 00000564 00000014
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801ef0 00000011 00000011 0000052c 00000012
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801f00 00000038 00000013 00000008 6ffffffa
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801f10 00000007 00000006 00000148 0000000b
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801f20 00000010 00000005 00000308 0000000a
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r6:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8060 696e4900 6c616974 6e697a69 41482067
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8070 7473204c 72206275 32323563 2e2e2e2e
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8080 72002e2e 32323563 76654400 20656369
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8090 32356372 6f662032 00646e75 69766544
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b80a0 72206563 32323563 20736920 6e65706f
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b80b0 6146002e 64656c69 206f7420 6e65706f
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b80c0 76656420 20656369 32356372 46002e32
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b80d0 656c6961 6f742064 74656720 4c414820
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b80e0 75747320 63722062 2e323235 35637200
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b80f0 775f3232 65746972 636f6c62 2e2e2e6b
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8100 35637200 725f3232 62646165 6b636f6c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8110 002e2e2e 32356372 65735f32 7463656c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8120 64726163 002e2e2e 2f6d6f63 72646e61
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8130 2f64696f 76726573 522f7265 32323543
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8140 76726553 00656369 65527369 5f796461
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 761b8150 6974616e 72006576 74657365 64726143
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r7:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a7e0 777ae000 7147a6dc 777b2e4c 7147a904
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a7f0 7147a6bc 00000001 777ae000 00000100
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a800 32356372 65642e32 6c756166 6f732e74
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a830 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a840 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a850 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a860 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a870 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a880 77800034 00000008 00000000 77800000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a890 00003000 00000000 77801ed4 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8a0 00000000 00000000 00000001 77800308
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8b0 77800148 00000011 0000001c 77800478
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8c0 778004bc 77801fbc 77800564 0000000e
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8d0 7780052c 00000007 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r8:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2c0 4151d4a8 761b8083 6d487be0 be89c2f8
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2d0 6d487bd8 4151d4b8 be89c30c 761b46a3
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2e0 4151be78 9c300019 6d7edce8 4151d4a8
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c2f0 00000004 4153bb50 6d487bd8 00000001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c300 00000008 418a0020 41ab2808 4156c097
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c310 6d487bd8 6faf67c6 761b4685 4151d4b8
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c320 415c8c84 6ef945cc 9c300019 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c330 6f487000 400ff384 00000007 be89c428
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c340 00000000 be89c47c 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c350 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c360 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c370 be89c3dc 6d7edcfc 00000001 418a0020
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c380 00000003 00000001 6d7edce8 6fb5025c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c390 be89c3dc 00000038 00000001 41589e3b
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c3a0 6fb5025c 6f93e438 418a0020 6fb5025c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be89c3b0 6fc5c000 000017cf 00000002 400ff384
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r9:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff364 00001000 00001000 00010000 00200000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff374 00000003 400d67c9 be89c928 be89c9cd
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff384 530a60e2 be89c8bc 00000000 4009acf0
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff394 00000007 00000008 7774ed78 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff3a4 40afa000 00000009 0000000a 00000002
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff3b4 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff3c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff3d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff3e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff3f4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff404 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff414 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff424 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff434 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff444 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400ff454 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near fp:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800a80 7ffffdd0 80b107a9 7ffffdf8 80a8b0b0
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800a90 7ffffe8c 8022adb0 7fffffd0 00000001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800aa0 32356372 61660032 64656c69 206f7420
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800ab0 6e65706f 76656420 20656369 656c6966
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800ac0 2d732520 7325202d 642f002e 732f7665
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800ad0 725f6970 32323563 00302e30 6c696166
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800ae0 74206465 6c61206f 20636f6c 63617073
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800af0 6f662065 63722072 5f323235 746e6f63
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b00 5f6c6f72 69766564 745f6563 65706f00
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b10 6564206e 65636976 6c696620 73252065
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b20 63757320 73736563 6c6c7566 77002e79
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b30 65746972 64726163 6572002e 61636461
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b40 002e6472 6e616863 6c626567 2e6b636f
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b50 6c616800 72616374 72002e64 74657365
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b60 64726163 7369002e 64616572 73002e79
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800b70 63656c65 72616374 73002e64 63656c65
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near ip:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a7e0 777ae000 7147a6dc 777b2e4c 7147a904
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a7f0 7147a6bc 00000001 777ae000 00000100
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a800 32356372 65642e32 6c756166 6f732e74
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a830 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a840 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a850 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a860 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a870 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a880 77800034 00000008 00000000 77800000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a890 00003000 00000000 77801ed4 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8a0 00000000 00000000 00000001 77800308
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8b0 77800148 00000011 0000001c 77800478
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8c0 778004bc 77801fbc 77800564 0000000e
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 7147a8d0 7780052c 00000007 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near sp:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899288 4022e82b 530a60e2 4022e9a4 77801e50
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899298 00000001 00000000 530a60e2 4022e88b
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992a8 be89a2b4 be8992b4 00000000 32336b00
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992b8 00003838 00000064 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992c8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992d8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992e8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be8992f8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899308 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899318 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899328 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899338 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899348 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899358 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899368 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): be899378 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): code around pc:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e86c 46334621 f7ff447a e02cee92 46214a38
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e87c 447a2006 ee8af7ff f7ff2001 4a35eebe
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e88c 61af4621 447a2006 ee80f7ff 46214a32
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e89c 46542006 f7ff447a 4930ee7a 5000f8c8
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e8ac 4a2f2006 447a4479 ee70f7ff f06fe001
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e8bc f50d0401 46205240 6811320c 3000f8d9
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e8cc d0094299 4638e006 ee9cf7ff 0415f06f
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e8dc e7e22500 ee9cf7ff f50db005 e8bd5d40
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e8ec bf008ff0 0000191e fffffffc 000002fa
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e8fc 000002f4 000002ec 000002b2 000002ce
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e90c 00000306 000017a2 000002a2 000002aa
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e91c 00000293 0000026c 00000257 000001e2
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e92c 00000247 0000025c 00000259 0000019e
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e93c 0000019a 00000259 0000025a 00000281
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e94c 0000026d 0000028b 0000029f 00000295
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 4022e95c 000002a1 0000029f 000002a1 000000f0
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): code around lr:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df3c0 681a2000 f00f4601 b507bb59 bfb82800
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df3d0 4000f06f 46692300 46689000 f7f29301
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df3e0 b138ed58 f86af7e6 29046801 9800bf0c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df3f0 30fff04f 460abd0e f00f2158 b570bb47
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df400 4606460c fcd0f7f4 bf3842a0 1c604604
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df410 fc3af7df b1284605 46224631 ede2f7f3
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df420 552b2300 bd704628 b800f000 43f0e92d
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df430 4c3f18c3 447c4d3f f8d45964 4298c000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df440 d2144604 30017805 0605eb0c f0077877
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df450 b2f70608 d1f22f00 d0012d2d d1072d2b
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df460 002df1b5 eb554245 34010700 2700e000
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df470 1ca2b9aa d207429a 2e307826 7860d104
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df480 d01b2878 d0192858 429d1c65 7822d219
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df490 bf0c2a30 220a2208 462cbf08 2a10e014
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df4a0 1ca6d112 d20f429e 28307820 7865d10c
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 400df4b0 d0082d78 bf082d58 e0054634 22104614
- I/DEBUG ( 170):
- I/DEBUG ( 170): memory map around fault addr 77801e68:
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77800000-77801000 r-x /system/lib/hw/rc522.default.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77801000-77802000 r-- /system/lib/hw/rc522.default.so
- I/DEBUG ( 170): 77802000-77803000 rw- /system/lib/hw/rc522.default.so
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'entropy' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'sensorservice' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'account' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'package' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'activity' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'procstats' died
- W/AudioFlinger( 1727): power manager service died !!!
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'user' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'meminfo' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'cpuinfo' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'notification' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'power' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'batterystats' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'usagestats' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'display' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'appops' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'telephony.registry' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'scheduling_policy' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'content' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'lock_settings' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'gfxinfo' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'dbinfo' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'permission' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'textservices' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'netstats' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'alarm' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'vibrator' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'consumer_ir' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'battery' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'hardware' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'bluetooth_manager' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'statusbar' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'window' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'input' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'netpolicy' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'backup' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'samplingprofiler' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'appwidget' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'diskstats' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'clipboard' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'wifi' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'device_policy' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'input_method' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'accessibility' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'network_management' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'mount' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'wifip2p' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'connectivity' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'search' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'dropbox' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'wallpaper' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'country_detector' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'ethernet' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'devicestoragemonitor' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'servicediscovery' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'location' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'updatelock' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'audio' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'usb' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'serial' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'uimode' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'dreams' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'commontime_management' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'assetatlas' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'print' died
- I/ServiceManager( 167): service 'media_router' died
- E/installd( 176): eof
- E/installd( 176): failed to read size
- I/installd( 176): closing connection
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