<教程>怎样安装和运行云存储服务器 seafile
发表于 2015-7-22 11:12:55
本帖最后由 busybee 于 2015-7-22 11:21 编辑
1 <教程>怎样安装和运行云存储服务器 seafile
seafile (海文云存储) 是一个开源的文件云存储服务,更多介绍见其官方网站。
官网: [https://www.seafile.com/home/]
下载: [https://www.seafile.com/download/]
源码: [https://github.com/haiwen]
seafile 是专注于文件存储的,核心用 C 语言实现,也算是小巧高效,而且还
带 Web 服务端界面。
1.1 安装
以下是在 FirePrime 开发板上安装 seafile 的过程。
│ # 以 firefly 用户登录
│ # 创建目录
│ mkdir ~/haiwen
│ cd ~/haiwen
│ # 下载安装包
│ sudo apt-get update
│ sudo apt-get install wget
│ wget https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-rpi/releases/download/v4.2.3/seafile-server_4.2.3_pi.tar.gz
│ # 解压
│ tar xzvf seafile-server_4.2.3_pi.tar.gz
│ mkdir installed
│ mv seafile-server_4.2.3_pi.tar.gz installed/
│ cd seafile-server-4.2.3/
│ # 安装 web 服务端的信赖库
│ apt-get install python2.7 python-setuptools python-imaging sqlite3
1.2 配置
│ cd ~/haiwen/seafile-server-4.2.3/
│ ./setup-seafile.sh
│ # 此处会提示输入一些服务器的配置信息
│ What would you like to use as the name of this seafile server?
│ Your seafile users will be able to see the name in their seafile client.
│ You can use a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -, and the length should be 3 ~ 15
│ [server name]: firefly
│ # 填写服务器名称,只能用3~15位的英文、数字、减号和下划线,例如 "firefly"
│ What is the ip or domain of this server?
│ For example, www.mycompany.com, or,
│ [This server's ip or domain]:
│ # 填写服务器的 IP 或域名
│ What tcp port do you want to use for ccnet server?
│ 10001 is the recommended port.
│ [default: 10001 ]
│ # ccnet 服务器的 TCP 端口,采用默认的即可
│ Where would you like to store your seafile data?
│ Note: Please use a volume with enough free space.
│ [default: /home/firefly/firefly/seafile-data ]
│ # 文件数据的存储路径,可以指定为外挂磁盘的路径
│ What tcp port would you like to use for seafile server?
│ 12001 is the recommended port.
│ [default: 12001 ]
│ # seafile 服务器的 TCP 端口,采用默认的即可
│ What tcp port do you want to use for seafile fileserver?
│ 8082 is the recommended port.
│ [default: 8082 ]
│ # seafile 文件服务器的 TCP 端口,采用默认的即可
1.3 启动服务
│ $ cd ~/haiwen/seafile-server-latest
│ $ ./seafile.sh start
│ Starting seafile server, please wait ...
│ Seafile server started
│ Done.
│ $ ./seahub.sh start
│ Starting seahub at port 8000 ...
│ ----------------------------------------
│ It's the first time you start the seafile server. Now let's create the admin account
│ ----------------------------------------
│ What is the email for the admin account?
│ [ admin email ] admin@www.cloudfly.com
│ # 初次运行,输入管理员邮箱
│ What is the password for the admin account?
│ [ admin password ]
│ # 输入管理员密码
│ Enter the password again:
│ [ admin password again ]
│ # 再次输入管理员密码
│ ----------------------------------------
│ Successfully created seafile admin
│ ----------------------------------------
│ Seahub is started
│ Done.
在浏览器输入 [] (替换成板子实际的 IP) ,即可见
Windows 或手机客户端可以到 [https://www.seafile.com/download/] 下载,以下是 Windows 客户端的运行截图: