AIO-3399 LVDS屏颜色异常
发表于 2018-9-4 16:59:03
- &dsi {
- status = "okay";
- dsi_panel: panel {
- compatible ="simple-panel-dsi";
- reg = <0>;
- //ddc-i2c-bu
- //power-supply = <&vcc_lcd>;
- //pinctrl-0 = <&lcd_panel_reset &lcd_panel_enable>;
- backlight = <&backlight>;
- /*
- enable-gpios = <&gpio1 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- reset-gpios = <&gpio4 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
- */
- dsi,format = <MIPI_DSI_FMT_RGB666>;
- bus-format = <MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB666_1X18>;
- dsi,lvds-force-clk = <560>; // 500/2/3 ~= 83.5Mhz
- dsi,lanes = <3>;
- dsi,channel = <0>;
- enable-delay-ms = <35>;//takes for the panel to display
- prepare-delay-ms = <6>;//take for the panel to receive video data
- unprepare-delay-ms = <0>;//take for the panel to display off
- disable-delay-ms = <20>;//takes for the panel to power off
- //1024*600 IVO
- /*
- size,width = <222>;
- size,height = <125>;
- */
- //1280*800 IVO
- size,width = <217>;
- size,height = <136>;
- status = "okay";
- panel-init-sequence = [
- 29 02 06 3C 01 09 00 07 00 //PPI_TX_RX_TA,[10:0]=1.5*PPI_LPTXTIMECNT=9,[26:16]=(5*PPI_LPTXTIMECNT-3)*4=7
- 29 02 06 14 01 06 00 00 00 //PPI_LPTXTIMECNT=6
- 29 02 06 64 01 0B 00 00 00 //PPI_D0S_CLRSIPOCOUNT
- 29 02 06 68 01 0B 00 00 00 //PPI_D1S_CLRSIPOCOUNT
- 29 02 06 6C 01 0B 00 00 00 //PPI_D2S_CLRSIPOCOUNT
- 29 02 06 70 01 0B 00 00 00 //PPI_D3S_CLRSIPOCOUNT
- 29 02 06 34 01 0F 00 00 00 //OK //PPI_LANEENABLE
- 29 02 06 10 02 0F 00 00 00 //OK //DSI_LANEENABLE
- 29 02 06 04 01 01 00 00 00 //OK //PPI_STARTPPI
- 29 02 06 04 02 01 00 00 00 //DSI_START,has removed
- 29 02 06 50 04 20 00 F0 03 //OK //VPCTRL, 00000011 11110000 00000001 00100000 = bit0(0:msf disable),bit8(0:RGB666),bit17,18,19(0:hs,de,vs active Low),bit29:20(3F:vs delay 63)
- //1280*800
- 29 02 06 54 04 20 00 50 00 //OK //HTIM1, 00000000 10110100 00000000 00110010 = bit8:0(0x14:hs pulse width 20pixel),bit24:16(0xf0: h back porch 240pixel)
- 29 02 06 58 04 00 05 30 00 //OK //HTIM2, 00000000 01001000 00000111 10000000 = bit10:0(0x400:h active 1024pixel),bit24:16(0x3c: h front porch 60pixel)
- 29 02 06 5C 04 06 00 0e 00 //OK //VTIM1, 00000000 00011001 00000000 00001010 = bit7:0(0x0c:vs pulse width 12pixel),bit23:16(0x14: v back porch 20pixel)
- 29 02 06 60 04 20 03 03 00 //OK //VTIM2, 00000000 00001010 00000100 00111000 = bit10:0(0x258:v active 600pixel),bit23:16(0x0c: v front porch 12pixel)
- 29 02 06 64 04 01 00 00 00 //OK //VFUEN, 1 update timing parameters(HTIM1,HTIM2...)
- 29 02 06 A0 04 06 80 44 00 //OK //LVPHY0, 00000000 01000100 10000000 00000110 = bit4:0(00110:vf 60~85MHZ),bit6:5(00:60~85Mhz),bit10(1:reduced range)
- 29 02 06 A0 04 06 80 04 00 //OK //LVPHY0, bit22(0:normal ,1:reset)
- 29 02 06 04 05 04 00 00 00 //OK //SYSRST,
- 29 02 06 80 04 00 01 02 03 //R0,R1,R2,R3
- 29 02 06 84 04 04 07 05 08 //R4,R7,R5,G0
- 29 02 06 88 04 09 0A 0E 0F //G1,G2,G6,G7
- 29 02 06 8C 04 0B 0C 0D 10 //G3,G4,G5,B0
- 29 02 06 90 04 16 17 11 12 //B6,B7,B1,B2
- 29 02 06 94 04 13 14 15 1B //B3,B4,B5,0
- 29 02 06 98 04 18 19 1A 06 //HS,VS,DE,R6
- 29 02 06 9C 04 41 00 00 00 //LVCFG, 00000000 00000000 00000100 00110001 = bit0(1:lvds enbale),bit1(0:singlelvds,1:duallvds),bit7:4(3:pclk divide option divide by 3),bit11:10(01:DCLK=DSI_CLK/2)
- ];
- panel-exit-sequence = [
- 05 05 01 28
- 05 78 01 10
- ];
- power_ctr: power_ctr {
- rockchip,debug = <0>;
- lcd_pwr_en: lcd-pwr-en {
- gpios = <&gpio3 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&lcd_panel_pwr_en>;
- rockchip,delay = <10>;
- };
- lcd_rst: lcd-rst {
- gpios = <&gpio2 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&lcd_panel_reset>;
- rockchip,delay = <6>;
- };
- };
- disp_timings: display-timings {
- native-mode = <&timing0>;
- timing0: timing0 {
- //1280*800
- clock-frequency = <70000000>; //83460000 @60
- hactive = <1280>;
- vactive = <800>;
- hsync-len = <32>; //20, 50
- hback-porch = <80>; //50, 56
- hfront-porch = <48>;//50, 30 //1580
- vsync-len = <6>;
- vback-porch = <14>;
- vfront-porch = <3>;
- hsync-active = <0>;
- vsync-active = <0>;
- de-active = <0>;
- pixelclk-active = <1>;
- };
- };
- };
- };