Content Conveyor Belt: A Comprehensive Content Management Tool
_ Includes Ideation tools, Writing area, and a Writing and Update Tracker.
_ Includes a Content Calendar for a comprehensive view of content posting.
_ Offers 7 one-click templates for various article types,
including universal articles, how-to articles, affiliate roundups, opinion articles, reviews, comparisons, listicles, and
Click to DOWNLOAD - Content Conveyor Belt: A Comprehensive Content Management
Tool -
_ The Content Manager provides a central place for managing articles, assigning articles,
and viewing deadlines.
_ Provides an Affiliate Link Management area for
managing affiliate links.
_ Includes AI prompts for most article types, including affiliate
reviews, how-tos, and common myths.
_ Includes 21 swipe-and-deploy content briefs for hiring writers.
_ Allows assigning content to a writer, with their assigned article appearing in their writing desk area.
_ Includes a 26-point publishing checklist for ensuring quality articles.
Click to DOWNLOAD - Content Conveyor Belt: A Comprehensive Content
Management Tool -
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