OV5648 mipi摄像头打开显示黑的
发表于 2017-6-12 15:08:23
本帖最后由 xi0325 于 2017-6-12 15:09 编辑
rk3288 Android5.1上边调试OV5648 mipi camera,打开显示全黑。现象如图所示:
[ 11.957312] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 11.957334] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 11.957351] D1:camsys_open(739): camsys_marvin(ddd80710) is opened!
[ 11.957518] E:camsys_ioctl(1028): iommu status not consistent,check the dts file ! isp:1,vpu:0
[ 11.961728] D1:camsys_mrv_clkin_cb(350): camsys_marvin clock(f: 420000000 Hz) in turn on
[ 11.961743] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 1
[ 11.961850] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 11.961865] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 11.962202] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 1
[ 11.964314] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 11.964877] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
[ 11.964975] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 0
[ 11.965063] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 11.966128] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 11.966145] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 11.966296] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
[ 11.966405] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 0
[ 11.966514] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 11.967586] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 11.967605] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 11.967650] D1:camsys_mrv_clkout_cb(392): camsys_marvin clock out(rate: 24000000Hz) turn on
[ 11.967740] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 1
[ 11.967827] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 1
[ 11.967916] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 1
[ 11.968987] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 11.969003] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 12.146467] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(109): mipi phy 1 standby!
[ 12.146491] W:camsys_phy_ops(478): mipiphy->phy_index(-1216159724) != extdev->phy.info.mipi.phy_index(1)!
[ 12.146701] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(219): mipi phy(1) turn on(lane: 0x3 bit_rate: 420Mbps)
[ 12.251154] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(109): mipi phy 1 standby!
[ 12.255208] D1:camsys_mrv_clkout_cb(404): camsys_marvin clock out turn off
[ 12.255306] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
[ 12.255391] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 0
[ 12.255475] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 12.256534] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 12.256544] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 12.271518] D1:camsys_mrv_clkin_cb(374): camsys_marvin clock in turn off
[ 12.271621] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
[ 12.271706] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 0
[ 12.271789] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 12.272844] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 12.272853] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 12.272886] D1:camsys_irq_disconnect(664): All thread disconnect camsys_marvin irq success!
[ 12.272898] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 12.272905] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(36): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn off
[ 12.272914] D1:camsys_release(763): camsys_marvin(ddd80710) is closed
[ 149.823280] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 149.823337] D1:camsys_mipiphy_clkin_cb(34): camsys_marvin mipi phy clk in turn on
[ 149.823346] D1:camsys_open(739): camsys_marvin(ddd80710) is opened!
[ 149.823507] E:camsys_ioctl(1028): iommu status not consistent,check the dts file ! isp:1,vpu:0
[ 149.830499] D1:camsys_mrv_clkin_cb(350): camsys_marvin clock(f: 420000000 Hz) in turn on
[ 149.830519] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 1
[ 149.830624] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 149.830637] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 149.830706] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 1
[ 149.832754] D1:camsys_rk3288_cfg(267): Isp_SoftRst: 0
[ 149.833117] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
[ 149.833202] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 0
[ 149.833284] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 149.834348] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 149.834360] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 149.834456] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 0
[ 149.835178] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 0
[ 149.835601] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 0
[ 149.836830] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 149.836843] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 149.836883] D1:camsys_mrv_clkout_cb(392): camsys_marvin clock out(rate: 24000000Hz) turn on
[ 149.836980] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(360): Sysctl 11 success, gpio(17) set 1
[ 149.837066] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 7 success, gpio(77) set 1
[ 149.837246] D1:camsys_sysctl_extdev(364): Sysctl 8 success, gpio(78) set 1
[ 149.838318] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 9 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 149.838331] E:camsys_sysctl_extdev(367): Sysctl 10 failed, because gpio is NULL!
[ 150.022324] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(109): mipi phy 1 standby!
[ 150.022353] W:camsys_phy_ops(478): mipiphy->phy_index(-1216157364) != extdev->phy.info.mipi.phy_index(1)!
[ 150.022566] D1:camsys_rk3288_mipihpy_cfg(219): mipi phy(1) turn on(lane: 0x3 bit_rate: 420Mbps)
[ 150.096360] D1:camsys_irq_connect(542): Thread(pid: 1424) connect camsys_marvin irq success! mis: 0x5c4 icr: 0x5c8
[ 150.096432] D1:camsys_irq_connect(542): Thread(pid: 1425) connect camsys_marvin irq success! mis: 0x1500 icr: 0x1504
W/AudioTrack( 468): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
D/AudioHardwareTiny( 166): start_output_stream
D/alsa_route( 166): route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0
D/alsa_route( 166): route_set_controls() set route 0
W/AudioTrack( 468): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
--------- beginning of system
I/ActivityStackSupervisor( 468): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher (has extras)} from uid 10031 on display 0
D/WindowManagerService( 468): null ==========setInputFocusLw ========== =======
D/ViewRootImpl( 1608): 1366<<<<<< BACK FROM relayoutnull
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): START onNewIntent: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): Intent Action = android.intent.action.MAIN
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): END onNewIntent: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): START onRestart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): END onRestart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): START onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): END onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): START onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
V/CAM_CameraActivity( 1608): Build info: rk3288-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY49F eng.xxl.20170504.055614 test-keys
D/CAM_Storage( 1608): External storage state=mounted
V/Sensors ( 468): int poll__setDelay(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): int sensors_poll_context_t::setDelay(int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 66 ms (15.00 Hz)
E/Sensors ( 468): MPU is not available
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): requestCameraOpen
V/CAM_CameraController( 1608): requestCamera
V/CAM_CameraController( 1608): checkAndOpenCamera
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
I/CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp( 1608): Opening camera 0 with camera1 API
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
D/CameraHal( 166): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
D/CameraHal( 166): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
W/AudioFlinger( 166): acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 1608 for session 25
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): setDataSource_l(<no-scheme URI suppressed>)
D/DisplayManager( 1608): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
V/Sensors ( 468): int poll__setDelay(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): int sensors_poll_context_t::setDelay(int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 66 ms (15.00 Hz)
E/Sensors ( 468): MPU is not available
I/OMXCodec( 166): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create OMX.google.vorbis.decoder codec
V/Sensors ( 468): int poll__activate(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int)
V/Sensors ( 468): int sensors_poll_context_t::activate(int, int)
V/Sensors ( 468): enable - sensor MagneticField (handle 5) dis -> en
E/Sensors ( 468): MPU is not available
V/Sensors ( 468): int poll__setDelay(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): int sensors_poll_context_t::setDelay(int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): setDelay - sensor MagneticField (handle 5), rate 200 ms (5.00 Hz)
E/Sensors ( 468): MPU is not available
V/CAM_QuickActivity( 1608): END onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@b0e982e
I/OMXCodec( 166): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
D/WindowManagerService( 468): Window{360067d1 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} ==========setInputFocusLw ========== =======
I/OMXCodec( 166): mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged set true
I/OMXCodec( 166): found informat change ComponentName = OMX.google.vorbis.decoder
I/OMXCodec( 166): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create OMX.google.vorbis.decoder codec
D/ViewRootImpl( 1608): 1366<<<<<< BACK FROM relayoutWM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill)mPosX=0mPosY=0mHScale=1.0mVScale=1.0 align=UNDEFINE taskId=6 sim=#123 ty=1 fl=#81810580 wanim=0x1030469 rotAnim=1 vsysui=0x501 sysuil=true surfaceInsets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) needsMenuKey=2packageName=com.android.camera2token=android.os.BinderProxy@1220cc1f}
I/OMXCodec( 166): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
W/AudioFlinger( 166): acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 1608 for session 26
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): setDataSource_l(<no-scheme URI suppressed>)
I/OMXCodec( 166): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create OMX.google.vorbis.decoder codec
I/OMXCodec( 166): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
I/CameraClient( 166): Opening camera 0
D/CameraHal( 166): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
I/CameraHal( 166): camera_device_open(500): camera_device open
D/mmk ( 780): onStatusChangedLocked.+++++++
D/CameraHal( 166): gCameraHalLogLevel: 0
E/CameraManagerGlobal( 780): Camera id 0 has status changed to 0x80000000
D/mmk ( 780): postSingleUpdate.+++++++++ status = -2147483648
D/mmk ( 780): postSingleUpdate.+++++++++ status = -2147483648
D/mmk ( 1608): onStatusChangedLocked.+++++++
E/CameraManagerGlobal( 1608): Camera id 0 has status changed to 0x80000000
I/FrameQueueManage( 166): FrameQueueManage::~FrameQueueManage end!
D/CameraHal( 166): CameraHal(133): it is a isp camera
D/CameraHal( 166): Calling process is: com.android.camera2
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, open_vpu_memory_pool:473: success
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()in
I/AwesomePlayer( 166): AwesomePlayer::AwesomePlayer()aftermClient.connect()
V/CAM_CameraActivity( 1608): ignoring storage callback after activity pause
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (80000)
I/OMXCodec( 166): --->InstantiateSoftwareCodec create OMX.google.vorbis.decoder codec
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 43
E/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): HAL-MOCKUP: CAMSYS_QUREYIOMMU failed !!!!
I/OMXCodec( 166): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (160000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 47
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (240000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 48
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (320000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 49
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (400000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 50
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (480000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 51
V/CAM_TexViewHelper( 1608): updateTransform
V/CAM_CameraController( 1608): getCurrentCameraId without an open camera... returning requested id
I/OMXCodec( 166): mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged set true
E/CameraHal( 166): disconnectCamera(1717): getFocusLimits failed!
V/CAM_CameraAppUI( 1608): SurfaceTexture is available
I/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): onPreviewUIReady
I/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): attempted to start preview before camera device
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (560000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 53
I/OMXCodec( 166): found informat change ComponentName = OMX.google.vorbis.decoder
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (640000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 46
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (720000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 56
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:717: vpu memory pool size (800000)
I/vpu_mem_pool( 166): pid 166, vpu_mem_allocator:720: ion_alloc_fd success, memory fd 57
I/FrameQueueManage( 166): FrameQueueManage::~FrameQueueManage end!
D/DisplayManager( 1608): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
D/ViewRootImpl( 1004): 1366<<<<<< BACK FROM relayoutnull
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166):
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166):
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166):
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): CameraHal Version Check:
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): CamSys_Head.h version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): kernel: (0x) v0.b.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): libisp_siliconimage_isp.so: (0x) v0.b.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): LibIsp version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): local: (0x) v1.27.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): camera.rk30board.so: (0x) v1.27.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): Sensor ISI version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): libisp_isi_drv_XXX: (0x) v0.a.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): libisp_siliconimage_isp.so: (0x) v0.a.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): Tunning XML version:
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): libisp_isi_drv_XXX: (22-May-2014_OUYANG_OV5648_FX288_v1.0)
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): Calibdb: (11-04-2014_Rockchip-Gv0.3.0_OV5648_CHT-842B-MD_v0.3.0)
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): sensor name OV5648:
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): sensor drv version: (0x) v0.4.0
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166):
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166):
D/CameraHal_Marvin( 166):
D/CameraHal( 166): setupPreview(248): isp out put format is YUV420SP.
D/DisplayManager( 1608): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
D/DisplayManager( 780): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
D/CameraHal( 166): initDefaultParameters(914): ------mHardInfo.mVcmInfo.mVcmDrvName in not NC-----
D/CameraHal( 166): enableSensor(213): orientation = 0xb87063a0 (MPL accel)
V/Sensors ( 468): int poll__setDelay(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): int sensors_poll_context_t::setDelay(int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 20 ms (50.00 Hz)
E/Sensors ( 468): MPU is not available
V/Sensors ( 468): int poll__setDelay(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): int sensors_poll_context_t::setDelay(int, int64_t)
V/Sensors ( 468): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 66 ms (15.00 Hz)
E/Sensors ( 468): MPU is not available
W/CameraService( 166): CameraService::connect X (id 0, this pid is 166, name com.android.camera2)
D/CameraHal( 166): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_get_camera_info(1311): camera_0 facing(0), orientation(0)
V/CAM_CameraController( 1608): onCameraOpened
V/CAM_CameraActivity( 1608): onCameraOpened
I/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): onCameraAvailable
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
V/CAM_SettingsManager( 1608): listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@32da394b, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@2cf255d4, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@30ad272, com.android.camera.PhotoModule@2d62f258]
D/DisplayManager( 1608): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): setDisplayOrientation (screen:preview) 0:0
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): returning override focus: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
D/CAM_SettingsUtil( 1608): Selected 2592x1944 resolution: 2592x1944
D/CameraHal( 166): commandThread(1081): commandThread(1081): receive CMD_AF_CANCEL
D/DisplayManager( 1608): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): setting preview size. optimal: Size: (800 x 600)original: Size: (1296 x 972)
V/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): updating aspect ratio
V/CAM_TexViewHelper( 1608): updateAspectRatio
V/CAM_TexViewHelper( 1608): setAspectRatio: 1.3333334
V/CAM_TexViewHelper( 1608): updateTransform
D/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): Preview size is Size: (800 x 600)
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
I/CAM_PhotoModule( 1608): startPreview
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
V/CAM_FocusOverlayMgr( 1608): focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
V/CAM_CameraAppUI( 1608): onPreviewStarted
V/CAM_CameraActivity( 1608): invoking onChangeCamera
W/CAM_IndicatorIconCtrlr( 1608): Trying to sync a pano indicator that is not initialized.
D/CameraHal( 166): commandThread(937): commandThread(937):receive CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW
D/CameraHal( 166): commandThread(953): commandThread(953): CMD_SET_PREVIEW_WINDOW out
D/CameraHal( 166): commandThread(832): commandThread(832):receive CMD_PREVIEW_START
D/DisplayManager( 1608): getDisplayInfo: displayId=0, info=DisplayInfo{"内置屏幕", uniqueId "local:0", app 1366 x 720, real 1366 x 768, largest app 1366 x 1293, smallest app 768 x 695, 60.37 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.37], rotation 0, density 160 (159.89124 x 159.89508) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17564519, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
D/CameraHal( 166): stop(1792): m_camDevice->stopPreview success!
E/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): OV5648: Sensor_IsiChangeSensorResolutionIss (enter) Resolution: 1296x972@30fps
E/CameraHal_Marvin( 166): OV5648: Sensor_IsiChangeSensorResolutionIss (Resolution:1011942348;pSensorCtx->Config.Resolution:1011942348)
D/CameraHal( 166): setupPreview(248): isp out put format is YUV420SP.
D/CameraHal( 166): start(1747): m_camDevice->startPreview success
D/CameraHal( 166): displayThread(596): displayThread(596): receive CMD_DISPLAY_START
D/CameraHal( 166): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(399): cameraDisplayBufferDestory(399): mANativeWindow is NULL, destory is ignore
D/CameraHal( 166): commandThread(905): commandThread(905): CMD_PREVIEW_START out |