RK3288 Android 5.1 OTA差异包升级失败
发表于 2016-6-3 11:07:17
get volume path /dev/block/platform/ff0f0000.rksdmmc/by-name/system
[ 11.732741] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p11): mounted filesystem witVerrfying dutr modsystpts:.fil_batsystime=in/inmit=l-reta=ory.sed doesner=haverors=of ec,notedalla1
ums; checking cache
failed to stat "/cache/saved.file": No such file or directory
failed to load cache file
script aborted: "/system/bin/install-recovery.sh" has unexpected contents.
"/system/bin/install-recovery.sh" has unexpected contents.
E:Error in /mnt/usb_storage/update.zip
(Status 7)
E/ [File] : bootable/recovery/install.cpp; [Line] : 197; [Func] : try_update_binary; Error in /mnt/usb_storage/update.zip
(Status 7)
I/ [File] : bootable/recovery/install.cpp; [Line] : 419; [Func] : install_package; installed an original_ota_pkg, do not apply radical_update to system_partition, there might be incompatibility between modules in ru_ver and ota_ver.
Installation aborted.
OTA failed! Please power off the device to keep it in this state and file a bug report!
I/ [File] : bootable/recovery/recovery.cpp; [Line] : 2707; [Func] : main; install failed, 'status' : 1; to prompt user and wait.
I/ [File] : bootable/recovery/recovery.cpp; [Line] : 821; [Func] : finish_recovery; Saving locale "en_US"
D/ [File] : bootable/recovery/recovery.cpp; [Line] : 1288; [Func] : prompt_and_wait; 'status' : 1.
请问大神这是什么原因? |