发表于 2016-9-30 20:32:11
本帖最后由 wangdongx40423p 于 2016-9-30 22:25 编辑
这个是rockchip 给的制作ubuntu的方法,链接如下
另外rockchip 也给出来比较简单的方法,已经制作成文件了,只要运行两条命令就可以了,给大家做个参考
但是要注意rockchip 的说明
usage This repo contains rockchip rootfs build script. It will download linaro releases and set up enviroment for our chip based on the download releases.
apt-get install qemu-user-static to installing the build tools because we will chroot to this base rootfs.
./mk-rootfs.sh to build rk-debian rootfs
./mk-image.sh to create the ext4 image(linaro-rootfs.img).
other spackages-rebuild./rebuild-packages.sh is the script help to rebuild rockchip supplied packages.To rebuild the packages, the environment must be set up properly.I recommend to chroot to a clean Stretch Debian.
build-ubuntuSince a lot of peoples want to get other distributions, such as ubuntu, so i write mk-rootfs-ubuntu.sh to help.But please notice this script is not well maintenance and the rootfs built by this script can be easily broken because the script don't use package manager to install packages, it just unpack packages.