定制 Android 固件到RK3128不能正常启动
发表于 2016-12-26 10:16:12
:Can92716] t /cak0:/recor -110 st_lon
status command, retrying
[ 13.792760] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.792798] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[E 13.7e] : bommable0: errory/re0osendingp; [Lus command; [Furying
[ n_pat93397] m cblk0: cache -110vsendingt_logu
:Can'nd, ret/cache/re 13.79last_lmm
blk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 13.793686] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.793728] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status commanile] tryingab[ 13.very/7] mmcbl.cpp;rror -110 s29; [g status coy_log, abortCan't op 13.794he/recoverk0: errlog-110 faileng stateate /mand, rir,erng
il 13sts!
74] mmcblE:faerror - moune /cac status/block/p, retryi1021c 0.rks94412] -name/ca error val0 anding s)atus command, aborting
[ 13.794979] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.795022] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.795060] mmcblk0: erroE/ [10 send boottatu/recomand, aoortcpp; [ 13.: 168; [Fmcblk0:ensure_pa10 sendted; faiue commanunt /cache /
[ 13ck/5672]orm/1lk0: er.or -1mc/bynding stahe (Iommand,argumenng
[ n'.79571t /cache/0: erroy/last sending status command, aborting
[ 13.796273] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.796316] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.796357] mmcblk0: error -/ [Fiending ootabs commavery/boroing
cpp; 3.796916] mm; [Fu: error -110path;ing statuunt /mand, recoverg
[ insta69
0E:mmcblkopen rorc-110 coveryg stt_inscomm
nd, retrying
[ 13.796998] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 13.797560] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.797603] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status comFile] retryiabl
[ 1very/641]vmmcblkp; [Lror -:10 se [Fun status y_lognd, aboCan't
[ 13ache/06c mmcb/lasterror -l
sending status command, retrying
[ 13.798249] mmcblk0: error ailedsendingate /us commir,erretryinexist
3.798287] Emcblk0: to mr -1 / sendi/dev/atuc commaform/borting
rksdm3.79897ame/cablk0: evalid 110 sent)ng status command, retrying
[ 13.799019] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.799058] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 13.799640] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status comE/ [Filetryingot[b 13.cover3] mmtblkpp; [ror -11 138; ing sta: ensureand, reounteg
f 13 to m22] mmcbche /error -ck/plending 1021cs c.mmandmc/byrtine
ache 3.80029d amgumen0:
E:Cr -110 unt /cgche/rus comm/lastretry
[ 13.800342] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.800380] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 13.800946] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.800991]E/ [Flk0: erboota110 senoverystatoverymmand, rene] : 249; [F13.8010f0] n_patk0: errtr -110 /cacing status /lastnd, a
[ en /c0che/r mmcblk/last_or -
10 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.801636] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 13.801674] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 13.802197] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status commanE, retle] :
[ 1le/re239] mmrecov: error; [Li sen:ing s [Fun commande_kerrying
; Can'.802278/cachblr0: erry/la110 sen
ing status command, fbortinto cr 13.811che dimcblk0: le er -11! sending stafaileommand,unt /ying
[dev/b.8c166la mmcblk0:1erro.rksd0 sendina e/cacs commaalid atryingt)[ 13.811709] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 13.811757] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p11): unable to read superblock
[ 14.229004] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 14.229059] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status comile] retrying
recov4.229104] mpp; [0: erro 38; sendin: ensure commanounteor fng
[ to mo229159] he /dfs (mmck/klatfo unablec000.rkd supery-nam
c 14.Inval3] mmcblk0:)error -ile] ending ble/rs comma/recoetry.cpp
[ 14] : 535] mmcbl] : firor -11coverding statunlinmmand, retrcover
[ 14nd
453D/mmcblk0 : boorable/ sendiny/recous y.cppnd, abo] in968; [F14.3175p4ompt_4-fs (mt; 'ktatus unabl
V/ read ] : bblock
/reco4.41474c] ery.ck0: errne] : 97sendingc] : pr command_waitrying
[ back.414794] mmNO_k0: erD.
-110 sending status command, retrying
[ 14.414839] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 14.414893] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p9): unable to read superblock
[ 14.526041] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 14.526095] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 14.526141] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 14.526196] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p9): unable to read superblock
[ 14.635480] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ V14.63le] : mmcblkle/reror -11recoveryg statuLine] :n9, retryic] : p 14.6and_w] mmctlk0: menu -11ectioning status command, aborting
[ 14.640441] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 14.640494] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, retrying
[ 14.640539] mmcblk0: error -110 sending status command, aborting
[ 14.640584] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p9): unable to read superblock
[ 61.104656] healthd: battery l=50 v=3 t=2.6 h=2 st=3 chg=au
[ 120.144590] healthd: battery l=50 v=3 t=2.6 h=2 st=3 chg=au