移植新 sensor ov8858 , 执行rkmedia_vi_get_frame_test 无法抓图, 请教分析思路
发表于 2021-11-17 18:39:14
sensor id 已经读到, ov8858.c 也是用 firefly codebase 自带的,并且和 ovt fae 确认量产的 setting.
但执行./rkmedia_vi_get_frame_test 只有如下结果, 卡在 main init finish 上面.
完整串口 log 在如下路径, 请问该从哪里入手分析呢?
https://klg.668168.xyz/home/shar ... f4e6eb87cbe650d4ed2
- [root@RV1126_RV1109:/oem/usr/bin]# ./rkmedia_vi_get_frame_test -a /oem/etc/iqfi
- les/ -w 1920 -h 1080 -d rkispp_scale0 -o /tmp/1080p.nv12 -c 10
- media get entity by name: rkcif-lvds-subdev is null
- media get entity by name: rkcif-lite-lvds-subdev is null
- [18:30:18.639108][CAMHW]:XCAM ERROR CamHwIsp20.cpp:160: @get_sensor_caps /dev/v4l-subdev3: Enum sensor frame interval failed
- media get entity by name: rkisp-mpfbc-subdev is null
- media get entity by name: rkisp_dmapath is null
- media get entity by name: rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx is null
- Rga built version:1.04 c7ccf9c+2021-11-15 17:32:12
- #####Device: rkispp_scale0
- #####Resolution: 1920x1080
- #####Frame Count to save: 10
- #####Output Path: /tmp/1080p.nv12
- #CameraIdx: 0
- #####Aiq xml dirpath: /oem/etc/iqfiles/
- #bMultictx: 0
- ID: 0, sensor_name is m01_f_ov8858 1-0036, iqfiles is /oem/etc/iqfiles/
- [18:30:19.054996][XCORE]:XCAM ERROR v4l2_device.cpp:196: open device(/dev/video0) failed
- [18:30:19.055389][XCORE]:XCAM ERROR v4l2_device.cpp:196: open device(/dev/video1) failed
- [18:30:19.055531][XCORE]:XCAM ERROR v4l2_device.cpp:196: open device(/dev/video2) failed
- [18:30:19.056253][CAMHW]:XCAM ERROR SensorHw.cpp:854: failed to set hflip (val: 0)
- [18:30:19.058453][CAMHW]:XCAM ERROR SensorHw.cpp:834: failed to set hdr mode 0
- [18:30:19.058536][XCORE]:XCAM ERROR RkAiqManager.cpp:258: camhw prepare error -9
- [18:30:19.058565][XCORE]:XCAM ERROR rk_aiq_user_api_sysctl.cpp:258: prepare failed !
- rkaiq engine prepare failed !
- SAMPLE_COMM_ISP_SetFrameRate : CamId is over 3 or not init
- ##RKMEDIA Log level: 2
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:text is all=2
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:module is all, log_level is 2
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn: Enable VI[0:0]:rkispp_scale0, 1920x1080 Start...
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media0
- media get entity by name: rkcif-lvds-subdev is null
- media get entity by name: rkcif-lite-lvds-subdev is null
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media1
- media get entity by name: rkisp-mpfbc-subdev is null
- media get entity by name: rkisp_dmapath is null
- media get entity by name: rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx is null
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: model(rkisp0): isp_info(0): isp-subdev entity name: /dev/v4l-subdev5
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media2
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: model(rkispp0): ispp_info(0): ispp-subdev entity name: /dev/v4l-subdev0
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4l2Stream: camraID:0, Device:rkispp_scale0
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Warn]:camera_id: 0, chn: rkispp_scale0
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Warn]:camera_id: 0, chn: rkispp_scale0, idx: 0
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4l2Stream: camera id:0, VideoNode:/dev/video19
- Using mplane plugin for capture
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4L2Ctx: open /dev/video19, fd 23
- [RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn: Enable VI[0:0]:rkispp_scale0, 1920x1080 End...
- main initial finish
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