本帖最后由 qw1031150349 于 2024-4-24 16:25 编辑 下载sdk后解压 git reset --hard7z x rk3399-android10.0-bundle.7z -r -o. && mv rk3399-android10.0-bundle/ .bundle/.bundle/update git rebase FETCH_HEAD 在.bundle/update会报错 zme@zme-System-Product-Name:/mnt/ssd/work/rk3399_board/Firefly-RK3399_Android10.0_git_20211222/rk3399_Android10.0$ .bundle/update [Info]Update Bundle repo... fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. ------------------------------------------- [Info]Update to FETCH_HEAD: From .bundle/7.bundle * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD [Info]Fetch .bundle/7.bundle successfully!! |
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