发表于 2017-12-26 16:57:22
在Firefly-RK3399开源板上烧录官网下载的Firefly-RK3399_Android7.1.1_MultiCodec_170828,一切正常,但是开机后运行MultiCodecs时候系统跳出报警“MultiCodecs has stopped”,启动应用失败。请问是怎么回事?
下面是我从ADB logcat抓的log,我是小白,哪位大牛帮忙指导下?
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.15063]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\lhu4>cd c:\adb
c:\adb>adb logcat
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
--------- beginning of main
01-18 08:50:01.896 235 235 W auditd : type=2000 audit(0.0:1): initialized
01-18 08:50:03.593 235 235 I auditd : type=1403 audit(0.0:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
01-18 08:50:03.843 180 180 I ueventd : type=1400 audit(0.0:3): avc: denied { relabelfrom } for name="event3" dev="tmpfs" ino=7724 scontext=u:r:ueventd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:input_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:03.843 180 180 I ueventd : type=1400 audit(0.0:4): avc: denied { relabelto } for name="event3" dev="tmpfs" ino=7724 scontext=u:r:ueventd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:input_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:04.663 1 1 I init : type=1400 audit(0.0:5): avc: denied { setattr } for name="cifsmanager" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=86 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:cifsmanager_exec:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
01-18 08:50:04.703 1 1 I init : type=1400 audit(0.0:6): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:04.706 237 237 I init : type=1400 audit(0.0:7): avc: denied { execute } for name="vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:04.706 237 237 I init : type=1400 audit(0.0:8): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:04.706 237 237 I init : type=1400 audit(0.0:9): avc: denied { transition } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=process permissive=1
01-18 08:50:04.706 237 237 I init : type=1400 audit(0.0:10): avc: denied { entrypoint } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
--------- beginning of system
01-18 08:50:04.747 243 243 E DrmService: get prop_board_platform,prop_board_platform = rk3399 , diff=0
01-18 08:50:04.747 243 243 E DrmService: rknand_sys_storage open fail
01-18 08:50:04.747 243 243 E DrmService: Get HID data:
01-18 08:50:04.762 243 243 E DrmService: ----------serianno =GB8ZAOOWPF
01-18 08:50:04.777 244 244 I AKMD2 : start in akmd
01-18 08:50:04.780 244 244 I AKMD2 : AKMD PG and DOEPlus v20140729 (Library for AK8963: v7.2.0.729.314) started.
01-18 08:50:04.780 244 244 I AKMD2 : Debug: ON
01-18 08:50:04.781 244 244 E AKMD2 : AKD_InitDevice:94 open Error (No such file or directory).
01-18 08:50:04.781 244 244 I AKMD2 : AKMD end (-2).
01-18 08:50:04.787 262 262 I log-watch: Loading /vendor/etc/log-watch-kmsg.cfg
01-18 08:50:04.788 264 264 I perfprofd: starting Android Wide Profiling daemon
01-18 08:50:04.789 264 264 E perfprofd: unable to open configuration file /data/data/com.google.android.gms/files/perfprofd.conf
01-18 08:50:04.789 264 264 I perfprofd: random seed set to 1190170576
01-18 08:50:04.790 243 243 E DrmService: Unable to open path (/sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial),error is(No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:04.790 243 243 E DrmService: try /config/usb_gadget/g1/strings/0x409/serialnumber
01-18 08:50:04.790 243 243 E DrmService: auto generate serialno,serialno = GB8ZAOOWPF
01-18 08:50:04.793 262 262 D log-watch: Start pattern added: Timed out waiting for .+\.coldboot_done
01-18 08:50:04.793 262 262 I log-watch: Watch[0]:
01-18 08:50:04.793 262 262 D log-watch: Start pattern added: 0x([0-9a-zA-Z]+) \| (ADVANCED_SYSASSERT|NMI_...)
01-18 08:50:04.793 262 262 D log-watch: End pattern added: ieee80211 phy.: Hardware restart
01-18 08:50:04.793 262 262 I log-watch: Watch[1]:
01-18 08:50:04.793 262 262 I log-watch: Starting Wifi Recovery thread
01-18 08:50:04.799 255 255 I Netd : Netd 1.0 starting
01-18 08:50:04.799 262 262 I log-watch: Starting coldboot-timeout thread
01-18 08:50:04.801 255 255 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
01-18 08:50:04.828 250 250 I keystore: Found keymaster0 module Keymaster OpenSSL HAL, version 2
01-18 08:50:04.830 250 250 I SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 131: Creating device
01-18 08:50:04.830 250 250 D SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 132: Device address: 0x741e23e000
01-18 08:50:04.830 250 250 I keystore: Keymaster0 module is software-only. Using SoftKeymasterDevice instead.
01-18 08:50:04.830 250 250 I SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 131: Creating device
01-18 08:50:04.830 250 250 D SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 132: Device address: 0x741e23e400
01-18 08:50:04.834 263 263 I gatekeeperd: Starting gatekeeperd...
01-18 08:50:04.835 263 263 W gatekeeperd: falling back to software GateKeeper
01-18 08:50:04.843 249 249 I : installd firing up
01-18 08:50:04.843 261 261 I CRASHLOG: Logs root property set: [persist.crashlogd.root]: [/data/logs]
01-18 08:50:04.853 261 261 D CRASHLOG: sdcard_allowed : Current crashlog mode is NOMINAL MODE - SDCard storage disabled.
01-18 08:50:04.853 261 261 E CRASHLOG: get_device_id: Could not get mmc id: -2 (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:04.853 261 261 E CRASHLOG: get_device_id: Could not find DeviceId, set it to 'UnknownId'
01-18 08:50:04.854 261 261 I CRASHLOG: Current crashlogd mode is MINIMAL MODE
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 W CRASHLOG: notify_crashreport: Crashreport notification (CRASH_NOTIFY) skipped!
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 E CRASHLOG: REBOOT 5a379dba7bf323dcf347 2013-01-18/08:50:04 UNKNOWN
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 W CRASHLOG: notify_crashreport: Crashreport notification (CRASH_NOTIFY) skipped!
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 E CRASHLOG: STATE 9999ce0aae7969844ab2 2013-01-18/08:50:04 EMMC
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'LOST_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/system/dropbox
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'SYSSERVER_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/system/dropbox
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'ANR_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/system/dropbox
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'TOMBSTONE_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/tombstones
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'JAVATOMBSTONE_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/system/dropbox
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'JAVACRASH_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/system/dropbox
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'JAVACRASH_TYPE2' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/system/dropbox
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'APCORE_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/core
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'HPROF_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/core
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'APLOGTRIG_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/logs/aplogs
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'CMDTRIG_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/logs/aplogs
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'UPTIME_TYPE' disabled : Don't add watch on /data/logs/uptime
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'SYSSERVER_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'ANR_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'TOMBSTONE_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'JAVATOMBSTONE_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'JAVACRASH_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'JAVACRASH_TYPE2' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'HPROF_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'STATTRIG_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'INFOTRIG_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'ERRORTRIG_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 E CRASHLOG: inotify: set_watch_entry_callback: Cannot set the callback for type 13 (max is 12)
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'APCORE_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 E CRASHLOG: inotify: set_watch_entry_callback: Cannot set the callback for type 12 (max is 12)
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 D CRASHLOG: inotify: event type 'LOST_TYPE' is disabled : Don't set callback function
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 E CRASHLOG: inotify: set_watch_entry_callback: Cannot set the callback for type 14 (max is 12)
01-18 08:50:04.857 261 261 I CRASHLOG: enable_watchdog - Crashlog watchdog enabled!
01-18 08:50:04.900 247 247 I cameraserver: ServiceManager: 0xf2619400
01-18 08:50:04.900 247 247 I CameraService: CameraService started (pid=247)
01-18 08:50:04.900 247 247 I CameraService: CameraService process starting
01-18 08:50:04.901 247 247 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:04.901 247 247 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:04.904 251 251 I mediacodec: @@@ mediacodecservice starting
01-18 08:50:04.906 251 251 W /system/bin/mediacodec: libminijail: allowing syscall: clock_gettime
01-18 08:50:04.906 251 251 W /system/bin/mediacodec: libminijail: allowing syscall: connect
01-18 08:50:04.906 251 251 W /system/bin/mediacodec: libminijail: allowing syscall: fcntl64
01-18 08:50:04.906 251 251 W /system/bin/mediacodec: libminijail: allowing syscall: socket
01-18 08:50:04.906 251 251 W /system/bin/mediacodec: libminijail: allowing syscall: writev
01-18 08:50:04.907 251 251 W /system/bin/mediacodec: libminijail: logging seccomp filter failures
01-18 08:50:05.022 246 246 I : sMaxFastTracks = 8
01-18 08:50:05.023 246 246 I audioserver: ServiceManager: 0xf2119400
01-18 08:50:05.024 246 246 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:05.024 246 246 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
01-18 08:50:05.024 246 246 I AudioPolicyService: AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
01-18 08:50:05.043 246 246 I APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
01-18 08:50:05.044 253 253 V MediaUtils: physMem: 2087604224
01-18 08:50:05.044 253 253 V MediaUtils: requested limit: 417520840
01-18 08:50:05.044 253 253 V MediaUtils: actual limit: 417520840
01-18 08:50:05.044 253 253 V MediaUtils: original limits: 4294967295/4294967295
01-18 08:50:05.044 253 253 V MediaUtils: new limits: 417520840/4294967295
01-18 08:50:05.044 253 253 W /system/bin/mediaextractor: libminijail: allowing syscall: clock_gettime
01-18 08:50:05.045 253 253 W /system/bin/mediaextractor: libminijail: allowing syscall: connect
01-18 08:50:05.045 253 253 W /system/bin/mediaextractor: libminijail: allowing syscall: fcntl64
01-18 08:50:05.045 253 253 W /system/bin/mediaextractor: libminijail: allowing syscall: socket
01-18 08:50:05.045 253 253 W /system/bin/mediaextractor: libminijail: allowing syscall: writev
01-18 08:50:05.053 246 246 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: cardStrategy = 0 , hasSpdif() = 1
01-18 08:50:05.053 253 253 W /system/bin/mediaextractor: libminijail: logging seccomp filter failures
01-18 08:50:05.054 246 246 W APM::Devices: DeviceVector::add device 00080000 already in
01-18 08:50:05.054 246 246 W APM::Devices: DeviceVector::add device 00000400 already in
01-18 08:50:05.060 300 300 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:21): avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.060 300 300 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:22): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.060 300 300 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:23): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.060 300 300 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:24): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.063 300 300 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:25): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.070 300 300 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:26): avc: denied { execute } for name="toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.070 300 300 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:27): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.070 300 300 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:28): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.091 252 252 W linker : /system/lib/libffmpeg.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
01-18 08:50:05.093 252 252 I mediadrmserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:29): avc: denied { execmod } for path="/system/lib/libffmpeg.so" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=1705 scontext=u:r:mediadrmserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.112 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: ALSA Audio Version: V1.1.0
01-18 08:50:05.112 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[0] = ROCKCHIPRT5640C
01-18 08:50:05.112 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[1] = ROCKCHIPSPDIF
01-18 08:50:05.112 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: card[2] = RKHDMIDPSOUND
01-18 08:50:05.112 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: PCM_CARD=0, PCM_CARD_SPDIF=1, PCM_CARD_HDMI=2, PCM_BT=3
01-18 08:50:05.120 307 307 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:30): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.120 307 307 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:31): avc: denied { execute } for name="vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.123 245 245 I mediaserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:32): avc: denied { execmod } for path="/system/lib/libffmpeg.so" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=1705 scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.123 245 245 W linker : /system/lib/libffmpeg.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
01-18 08:50:05.126 309 309 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:33): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.130 309 309 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:34): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.136 311 311 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:35): avc: denied { write } for name="server" dev="tmpfs" ino=13781 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.136 311 311 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:36): avc: denied { connectto } for path="/dev/com.koushikdutta.superuser.daemon/server" scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 313 313 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:37): avc: denied { sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 313 313 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:38): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 313 313 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:39): avc: denied { search } for name="311" dev="proc" ino=15385 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 313 313 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:40): avc: denied { read } for name="exe" dev="proc" ino=14085 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 315 315 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:41): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/307/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=15379 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 315 315 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:42): avc: denied { setuid } for capability=7 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 315 315 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:43): avc: denied { setgid } for capability=6 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 315 315 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:44): avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 315 315 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:45): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.143 315 315 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:46): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.146 315 315 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:47): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.146 315 315 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:48): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=6505 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 315 315 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:49): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 316 316 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:50): avc: denied { execute } for name="app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 316 316 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:51): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 316 316 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:52): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 316 316 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:53): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 315 315 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:54): avc: denied { execute } for name="toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 315 315 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:55): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.150 315 315 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:56): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.156 315 315 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:57): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.176 315 315 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:58): avc: denied { setattr } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.180 246 246 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:59): avc: denied { read write } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 D alsa_route: Get route table for sound card0 rockchiprt5640c
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: pthread_create error
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Manta audio HW HAL (audio) handle 10
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 I AudioFlinger: openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: audio hal adev_open_output_stream devices = 0x2, flags = 2, samplerate = 48000
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: out->config.rate = 44100, out->config.channels = 2
01-18 08:50:05.265 246 246 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 512 frames, normal sink buffer size 1024 frames
01-18 08:50:05.274 246 246 I BufferProvider: found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
01-18 08:50:05.274 246 246 I AudioFlinger: Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
01-18 08:50:05.274 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: adev_set_mode: set_mode = 0
01-18 08:50:05.279 252 252 I vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib success
01-18 08:50:05.283 246 334 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf1b83a00 ready to run
01-18 08:50:05.288 246 334 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:05.288 252 252 I mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xeaa99460
01-18 08:50:05.289 246 334 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:05.290 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: pcm_config->rate:44100,in->requested_rate:48000,in->channel_mask:2
01-18 08:50:05.290 246 334 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:05.290 246 334 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
01-18 08:50:05.291 246 246 D AudioHardwareTiny: in->mSpeexFrameSize:560
01-18 08:50:05.293 246 338 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf1783e40 ready to run
01-18 08:50:05.296 246 246 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
01-18 08:50:05.296 246 246 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
01-18 08:50:05.298 202 202 I vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib success
01-18 08:50:05.299 246 246 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
01-18 08:50:05.301 246 246 I r_submix: adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
01-18 08:50:05.301 246 246 I r_submix: adev_init_check()
01-18 08:50:05.301 246 246 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
01-18 08:50:05.301 246 246 D r_submix: adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
01-18 08:50:05.301 246 246 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
01-18 08:50:05.301 246 246 D r_submix: now using address 0 for route 9
01-18 08:50:05.302 246 339 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf1703f80 ready to run
01-18 08:50:05.303 246 246 D r_submix: adev_close_input_stream()
01-18 08:50:05.303 246 246 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
01-18 08:50:05.303 246 246 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
01-18 08:50:05.303 245 245 I vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib success
01-18 08:50:05.304 246 246 I RadioService: RadioService
01-18 08:50:05.304 246 246 I RadioService: onFirstRef
01-18 08:50:05.304 246 246 E RadioService: couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:05.304 246 246 E SoundTriggerHwService: couldn't load sound trigger module sound_trigger.primary (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:05.310 245 245 I mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xf4299460
01-18 08:50:05.311 245 245 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-18 08:50:05.358 202 202 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit uid 0 <<<<<<
01-18 08:50:05.373 202 202 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-18 08:50:05.373 201 201 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[0]=-Xzygote
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[1]=-Xstacktracefile:/data/anr/traces.txt
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[2]=exit
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[3]=vfprintf
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[4]=sensitiveThread
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[5]=-verbose:gc
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[6]=-Xms16m
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[7]=-Xmx512m
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[8]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=192m
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[9]=-XX:HeapMinFree=512k
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[10]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[11]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[12]=-Xusejit:true
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[13]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[14]=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[15]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[16]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[17]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[18]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[19]=-Xms64m
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[20]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[21]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[22]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[23]=-Xmx64m
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[24]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[25]=--image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[26]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[27]=--compiled-classes=/system/etc/compiled-classes
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[28]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.379 202 202 I art : option[29]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[30]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[31]=-Xms64m
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[32]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[33]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[34]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[35]=-Xmx512m
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[36]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[37]=-j2
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[38]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[39]=-j2
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[40]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[41]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a15
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[42]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[43]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a15
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[44]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[45]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[46]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[47]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[48]=-Duser.locale=en-US
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[49]=--cpu-abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi
01-18 08:50:05.380 202 202 I art : option[50]=-Xfingerprint:rockchip/rk3399_firefly_box/rk3399_firefly_box:7.1.1/NMF26X/liangk08281034:userdebug/test-keys
01-18 08:50:05.446 201 201 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit uid 0 <<<<<<
01-18 08:50:05.466 201 201 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-18 08:50:05.474 201 201 I art : option[0]=-Xzygote
01-18 08:50:05.474 201 201 I art : option[1]=-Xstacktracefile:/data/anr/traces.txt
01-18 08:50:05.474 201 201 I art : option[2]=exit
01-18 08:50:05.474 201 201 I art : option[3]=vfprintf
01-18 08:50:05.474 201 201 I art : option[4]=sensitiveThread
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[5]=-verbose:gc
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[6]=-Xms16m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[7]=-Xmx512m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[8]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=192m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[9]=-XX:HeapMinFree=512k
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[10]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[11]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[12]=-Xusejit:true
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[13]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[14]=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[15]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[16]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[17]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[18]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[19]=-Xms64m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[20]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[21]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[22]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[23]=-Xmx64m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[24]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[25]=--image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[26]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[27]=--compiled-classes=/system/etc/compiled-classes
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[28]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[29]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[30]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[31]=-Xms64m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[32]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[33]=--runtime-arg
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[34]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[35]=-Xmx512m
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[36]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[37]=-j2
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[38]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[39]=-j2
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[40]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[41]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[42]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[43]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[44]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[45]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[46]=-Xcompiler-option
01-18 08:50:05.475 201 201 I art : option[47]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-18 08:50:05.476 201 201 I art : option[48]=-Duser.locale=en-US
01-18 08:50:05.476 201 201 I art : option[49]=--cpu-abilist=arm64-v8a
01-18 08:50:05.476 201 201 I art : option[50]=-Xfingerprint:rockchip/rk3399_firefly_box/rk3399_firefly_box:7.1.1/NMF26X/liangk08281034:userdebug/test-keys
01-18 08:50:05.603 316 316 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
01-18 08:50:05.618 316 316 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
01-18 08:50:05.626 316 316 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-18 08:50:05.692 202 202 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
01-18 08:50:05.703 247 247 I vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib success
01-18 08:50:05.755 247 247 D CameraHal: createInstance(1015): open xml file(/etc/cam_board.xml) success
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 E CameraHal: cam_board.xml version(v0.0.0) != xml parser version(v0.15.0)
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: Cam_board.xml Version Check:
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: /etc/cam_board.xml : v0.0xf.0
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: CameraHal_board_xml_parser: v0.15.0
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV13850)
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.757 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(28000000) max(28000000)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(12000000) max(12000000)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(180)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 0 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.758 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.759 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(1920x1080)!
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV13850)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1B)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(33554432)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(28000000) max(28000000)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(12000000) max(12000000)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.760 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(180)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(368): SensorPhy: phyindex: 1,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 1 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(1920x1080)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.761 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV8858)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(176): lensName(LG-9569A2)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.762 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(247): SensorGpioPwdn0(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(253): SensorGpioPwdn1(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 0 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(0) rated current(100) vcm max(100) step mode(4) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.763 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(0x0)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(973): Gammaout support 0(mGamma:1.000000,mOffSet:0)!
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV8858)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(176): lensName(LG-9569A2)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1B)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(33554432)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(247): SensorGpioPwdn0(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(253): SensorGpioPwdn1(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.764 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(368): SensorPhy: phyindex: 1,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 1 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(0) rated current(100) vcm max(100) step mode(4) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.765 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(0x0)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(973): Gammaout support 0(mGamma:1.000000,mOffSet:0)!
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV5640)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.766 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(front)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(CCIR601)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(401): SensorPhy: CIF sensor_d0_to_cif_d: 0 cifnum: 0 fmt: 0x1e
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(405): SensorPhy: phyindex: 0,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.767 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(800x600)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (0)!
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: number of camdevice (5)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 D CameraHal: now DV size(7)
01-18 08:50:05.768 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(772): board profiles cam num 5
01-18 08:50:05.769 247 247 D CameraHal: read cam name from xml(/data/camera/media_profiles.xml)
01-18 08:50:05.772 247 247 D CameraHal: videoname0="UVC Camera" index=5 facing=0 -->
01-18 08:50:05.772 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.773 247 247 D CameraHal: find camera count(1) cam1(UVC Camera) cam2()
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV13850) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV13850) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV8858) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV8858) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV5640) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(837): Open /dev/video0 failed! strr: No such file or directory
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 D CameraHal: judge the media profile xml fileexit = 0
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 D CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(1224): camera_get_number_of_cameras(1224): Current board have 0 cameras attached.
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 D CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(1227): meida_profiles_xml_control time (21684)us
01-18 08:50:05.774 247 247 I CameraService: Loaded "RK29_ICS_CameraHal_Module" camera module
01-18 08:50:05.775 247 247 D CameraHal: createInstance(1015): open xml file(/etc/cam_board.xml) success
01-18 08:50:05.775 247 247 E CameraHal: cam_board.xml version(v0.0.0) != xml parser version(v0.15.0)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: Cam_board.xml Version Check:
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: /etc/cam_board.xml : v0.0xf.0
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: CameraHal_board_xml_parser: v0.15.0
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV13850)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(28000000) max(28000000)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(12000000) max(12000000)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(180)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 0 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.776 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.777 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(1920x1080)!
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV13850)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1B)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(33554432)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(28000000) max(28000000)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(12000000) max(12000000)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.778 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(180)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(368): SensorPhy: phyindex: 1,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 1 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.779 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(1920x1080)!
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV8858)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(176): lensName(LG-9569A2)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(247): SensorGpioPwdn0(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.780 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(253): SensorGpioPwdn1(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 0 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(0) rated current(100) vcm max(100) step mode(4) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.781 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(0x0)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(973): Gammaout support 0(mGamma:1.000000,mOffSet:0)!
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV8858)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(176): lensName(LG-9569A2)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1B)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(33554432)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.782 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(247): SensorGpioPwdn0(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(253): SensorGpioPwdn1(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(368): SensorPhy: phyindex: 1,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 1 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(0) rated current(100) vcm max(100) step mode(4) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.783 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(0x0)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(973): Gammaout support 0(mGamma:1.000000,mOffSet:0)!
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.784 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV5640)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(front)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(CCIR601)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(401): SensorPhy: CIF sensor_d0_to_cif_d: 0 cifnum: 0 fmt: 0x1e
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(405): SensorPhy: phyindex: 0,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.785 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(800x600)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (0)!
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.786 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: number of camdevice (5)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: now DV size(7)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(772): board profiles cam num 5
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: read cam name from xml(/data/camera/media_profiles.xml)
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal: videoname0="UVC Camera" index=5 facing=0 -->
01-18 08:50:05.787 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 D CameraHal: find camera count(1) cam1(UVC Camera) cam2()
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV13850) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV13850) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV8858) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV8858) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV5640) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(837): Open /dev/video0 failed! strr: No such file or directory
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 D CameraHal: judge the media profile xml fileexit = 0
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 D CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(1224): camera_get_number_of_cameras(1224): Current board have 0 cameras attached.
01-18 08:50:05.788 247 247 D CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(1227): meida_profiles_xml_control time (14189)us
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: createInstance(1015): open xml file(/etc/cam_board.xml) success
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 E CameraHal: cam_board.xml version(v0.0.0) != xml parser version(v0.15.0)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: Cam_board.xml Version Check:
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: /etc/cam_board.xml : v0.0xf.0
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: CameraHal_board_xml_parser: v0.15.0
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV13850)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(28000000) max(28000000)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(12000000) max(12000000)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.790 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(180)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 0 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.791 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(1920x1080)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV13850)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1B)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(33554432)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.792 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(28000000) max(28000000)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(12000000) max(12000000)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(180)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(368): SensorPhy: phyindex: 1,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 1 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.793 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(1920x1080)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV8858)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(176): lensName(LG-9569A2)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.794 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(247): SensorGpioPwdn0(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(253): SensorGpioPwdn1(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 0 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.795 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(0) rated current(100) vcm max(100) step mode(4) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.795 201 201 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
01-18 08:50:05.795 316 316 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(0x0)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(973): Gammaout support 0(mGamma:1.000000,mOffSet:0)!
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.796 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV8858)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(176): lensName(LG-9569A2)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1B)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(33554432)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(RK30_PIN0_PB0) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(247): SensorGpioPwdn0(RK30_PIN2_PD4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(253): SensorGpioPwdn1(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(back)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(MIPI)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.797 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(368): SensorPhy: phyindex: 1,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(377): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(385): SensorPhy: MIPI lane: 2 phyindex: 1 fmt: 0x2b
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(BuiltInSensor)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(0) rated current(100) vcm max(100) step mode(4) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(Internal)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.798 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(0x0)!
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (1)!
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(973): Gammaout support 0(mGamma:1.000000,mOffSet:0)!
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(170): SensorName(OV5640)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(178): SensorDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(189): SensorDevID(16777216)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(191): SensorHostDevID(CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(206): Sensori2cBusNum(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(209): SensorI2cAddrByte(2)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(212): SensorI2cRate(100000)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(220): SensorAvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(234): SensorDvdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(227): SensorDovdd(NC) min(18000000) max(18000000)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(215): SensorMclk(24000000)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(265): SensorGpioPwen(RK30_PIN1_PC7) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(259): SensorGpioRst(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(241): SensorGpioPwdn(RK30_PIN2_PB4) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.799 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(271): SensorFacing(front)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(280): SensorInterface(CCIR601)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(293): SensorMirrorFlip(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(296): SensorOrientation(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(415): SensorFovParemeter fov_h(60.0)(60.000000) fov_v(60.0)(60.000000)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(418): SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps(15)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(401): SensorPhy: CIF sensor_d0_to_cif_d: 0 cifnum: 0 fmt: 0x1e
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 E CameraHal: ParserSensorInfo(405): SensorPhy: phyindex: 0,open /dev/camsys_marvin1
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(430): VCMDrvName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(433): VCMName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(436): VCMI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(439): VCMI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(442): VCMI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(457): VCMVdd(NC) min(0) max(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(451): VCMGpioPower(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(445): VCMGpioPwdn(NC) active(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserVCMInfo(470): start current(20) rated current(80) vcm max(100) step mode(13) drv max(100)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(489): FlashName(NC)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(492): FlashI2cBusNum(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(495): FlashI2cAddrByte(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(498): FlashI2cRate(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(501): FlashTrigger(NC) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(505): FlashEn(NC) active(1)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(512): FlashLuminance(0)
01-18 08:50:05.800 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserFlashInfo(515): FlashColorTemp(0)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(944): HDR(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(948): ZSL(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(952): zoom(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(994): Continue_SnapShot(1)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(997): InterpolationRes(0)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(982): PreviewSize(800x600)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: StartElementHandler(978): face detect config(0),max face num is (0)!
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(782): DV_QCIF(qcif) resolution(176x144) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(794): DV_QVGA(qvga) resolution(320x240) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(806): DV_CIF(cif) resolution(352x288) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(818): DV_VGA(480p) resolution(640x480) fps(10) support(1)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(830): DV_480P(480p) resolution(720x480) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(854): DV_720P(720p) resolution(1280x720) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: ParserDVConfig(866): DV_1080P(1080p) resolution(1920x1080) fps(10) support(0)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: number of camdevice (5)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: now DV size(7)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(772): board profiles cam num 5
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: read cam name from xml(/data/camera/media_profiles.xml)
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal: videoname0="UVC Camera" index=5 facing=0 -->
01-18 08:50:05.801 247 247 D CameraHal:
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 D CameraHal: find camera count(1) cam1(UVC Camera) cam2()
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV13850) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV13850) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV8858) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV8858) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(779): load sensor name(OV5640) connect 0
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 E CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(837): Open /dev/video0 failed! strr: No such file or directory
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 D CameraHal: judge the media profile xml fileexit = 0
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 D CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(1224): camera_get_number_of_cameras(1224): Current board have 0 cameras attached.
01-18 08:50:05.802 247 247 D CameraHal: camera_get_number_of_cameras(1227): meida_profiles_xml_control time (14189)us
01-18 08:50:05.803 247 247 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service media.camera.proxy...
01-18 08:50:05.816 329 329 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
01-18 08:50:05.821 329 329 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
01-18 08:50:05.823 329 329 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-18 08:50:05.862 329 329 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
01-18 08:50:05.917 202 202 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:05.918 202 202 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
01-18 08:50:05.921 202 202 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
01-18 08:50:05.932 329 329 W art : Failed to stat, will retry: /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@am.jar@classes.dex.flock: No such file or directory
01-18 08:50:05.949 202 202 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
01-18 08:50:05.951 202 202 D Zygote : begin preload
01-18 08:50:05.951 202 202 I Zygote : Installing ICU cache reference pinning...
01-18 08:50:05.951 202 202 I Zygote : Preloading ICU data...
01-18 08:50:06.034 202 202 I Zygote : Preloading classes...
01-18 08:50:06.037 202 202 W Zygote : Class not found for preloading: [Landroid.view.Display$ColorTransform;
01-18 08:50:06.046 201 201 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:06.046 201 201 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
01-18 08:50:06.046 329 329 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:06.046 329 329 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
01-18 08:50:06.046 316 316 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:06.046 316 316 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
01-18 08:50:06.049 329 329 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
01-18 08:50:06.049 201 201 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
01-18 08:50:06.049 316 316 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
01-18 08:50:06.052 367 367 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
01-18 08:50:06.057 367 367 I BootAnimation: Boot_animation_process entered now!
01-18 08:50:06.068 201 201 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
01-18 08:50:06.073 367 434 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so
01-18 08:50:06.073 201 201 I art : Starting a blocking GC Background
01-18 08:50:06.100 367 434 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:06.100 367 434 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
01-18 08:50:06.101 367 434 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:06.101 367 434 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
01-18 08:50:06.101 201 201 I Zygote : System server process 441 has been created
01-18 08:50:06.104 201 201 D Zygote : begin preload
01-18 08:50:06.104 201 201 I Zygote : Installing ICU cache reference pinning...
01-18 08:50:06.104 201 201 I Zygote : Preloading ICU data...
01-18 08:50:06.108 367 434 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:06.128 329 329 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
01-18 08:50:06.128 316 316 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
01-18 08:50:06.144 316 316 I art : System.exit called, status: 1
01-18 08:50:06.144 316 316 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1.
01-18 08:50:06.145 329 329 I art : System.exit called, status: 1
01-18 08:50:06.145 329 329 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1.
01-18 08:50:06.147 441 441 D Zygote : --------call waitForSecondaryZygote,skip this---,abiList= arm64-v8a
01-18 08:50:06.155 441 441 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
01-18 08:50:06.158 249 249 I : new connection
01-18 08:50:06.174 201 201 I Zygote : Preloading classes...
01-18 08:50:06.177 201 201 W Zygote : Class not found for preloading: [Landroid.view.Display$ColorTransform;
01-18 08:50:06.187 441 441 I InstallerConnection: disconnecting...
01-18 08:50:06.189 249 249 E : eof
01-18 08:50:06.189 249 249 E : failed to read size
01-18 08:50:06.189 249 249 I : closing connection
01-18 08:50:06.216 441 441 W art : Found duplicate classes, falling back to interpreter mode for /system/framework/wifi-service.jar
01-18 08:50:06.216 441 441 W art : Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'Lcom/google/protobuf/nano/MessageNano;' in /system/framework/services.jar and /system/framework/wifi-service.jar
01-18 08:50:06.281 441 441 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
01-18 08:50:06.382 202 202 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
01-18 08:50:06.388 201 201 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
01-18 08:50:06.534 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.Installer
01-18 08:50:06.538 441 441 I Installer: Waiting for installd to be ready.
01-18 08:50:06.538 441 441 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
01-18 08:50:06.539 249 249 I : new connection
01-18 08:50:06.539 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:06.575 441 441 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 192
01-18 08:50:06.579 441 528 I ServiceThread: Enabled StrictMode logging for ActivityManager looper.
01-18 08:50:06.581 441 529 I ServiceThread: Enabled StrictMode logging for android.ui looper.
01-18 08:50:06.607 201 201 I art : Thread[1,tid=201,Native,Thread*=0x794e095a00,peer=0x75886000,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:06.607 201 201 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
01-18 08:50:06.607 201 201 I art : Thread[1,tid=201,Native,Thread*=0x794e095a00,peer=0x75886000,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:06.608 201 201 I art : Thread[1,tid=201,Native,Thread*=0x794e095a00,peer=0x75886000,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:06.610 201 201 D MediaProfiles: CameraGroupFound(622): media_profiles_id: 0x0
01-18 08:50:06.610 201 201 D MediaProfiles: getInstance(716): Create instance from /data/camera/media_profiles.xml
01-18 08:50:06.633 202 202 I art : Thread[1,tid=202,Native,Thread*=0xe9e85400,peer=0x12c070d0,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:06.635 202 202 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
01-18 08:50:06.635 202 202 I art : Thread[1,tid=202,Native,Thread*=0xe9e85400,peer=0x12c070d0,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:06.635 202 202 I art : Thread[1,tid=202,Native,Thread*=0xe9e85400,peer=0x12c070d0,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:06.638 202 202 D MediaProfiles: CameraGroupFound(622): media_profiles_id: 0x0
01-18 08:50:06.638 202 202 D MediaProfiles: getInstance(716): Create instance from /data/camera/media_profiles.xml
01-18 08:50:06.659 441 441 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
01-18 08:50:06.695 201 201 W Zygote : Class not found for preloading: android.view.Display$ColorTransform
01-18 08:50:06.695 201 201 W Zygote : Class not found for preloading: android.view.Display$ColorTransform$1
01-18 08:50:06.712 546 546 I vpu_api : dlclose vpu lib
01-18 08:50:06.733 202 202 W Zygote : Class not found for preloading: android.view.Display$ColorTransform
01-18 08:50:06.733 202 202 W Zygote : Class not found for preloading: android.view.Display$ColorTransform$1
01-18 08:50:06.754 441 441 W ProcessCpuTracker: Skipping unknown process pid 549
01-18 08:50:06.760 441 441 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
01-18 08:50:06.767 441 558 I ServiceThread: Enabled StrictMode logging for android.display looper.
01-18 08:50:06.775 441 441 D AppOps : AppOpsService published
01-18 08:50:06.776 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService
01-18 08:50:06.780 441 561 I ServiceThread: Enabled StrictMode logging for PowerManagerService looper.
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 D RKPowerHAL: version 4.0
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clus0_freqs:408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1416000 1512000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL:
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[0]:408000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[1]:600000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[2]:816000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[3]:1008000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[4]:1200000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[5]:1416000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[6]:1512000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust0 available freq[7]:
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL:
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clus1_freqs:408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1416000 1608000 1800000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL:
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[0]:408000
01-18 08:50:06.783 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[1]:600000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[2]:816000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[3]:1008000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[4]:1200000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[5]:1416000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[6]:1608000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[7]:1800000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: cpu_clust1 available freq[8]:
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL:
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu_freqs:200000000 297000000 400000000 500000000 594000000 800000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL:
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu available freq[0]:200000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu available freq[1]:297000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu available freq[2]:400000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu available freq[3]:500000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu available freq[4]:594000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL: gpu available freq[5]:800000000
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I RKPowerHAL:
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 W libsuspend: Error writing 'on' to /sys/power/state: Invalid argument
01-18 08:50:06.784 441 441 I libsuspend: Selected wakeup count
01-18 08:50:06.803 247 247 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service media.camera.proxy...
01-18 08:50:06.815 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.lights.LightsService
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:backlight
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:keyboard
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:buttons
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:battery
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:notifications
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:attention
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:bluetooth
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> undefine light id
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> Enter light_device_open:wifi
01-18 08:50:06.820 441 441 I Lights Hal: >>> undefine light id
01-18 08:50:06.820 201 201 I System : Loaded time zone names for "" in 37ms (36ms in ICU)
01-18 08:50:06.822 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService
01-18 08:50:06.828 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
01-18 08:50:06.834 201 201 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 13ms (11ms in ICU)
01-18 08:50:06.834 441 558 I DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1920 x 1080, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1920, height=1080, fps=127.000015}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], HdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@a69d6308, density 213, 92.015 x 91.44 dpi, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 7874015, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
01-18 08:50:06.836 441 558 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:06.836 441 558 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:06.836 441 441 I SystemServer: StartPackageManagerService
01-18 08:50:06.836 441 558 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
01-18 08:50:06.871 441 441 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/etc/sysconfig, skipping
01-18 08:50:06.877 202 202 I System : Loaded time zone names for "" in 36ms (34ms in ICU)
01-18 08:50:06.885 201 201 I Zygote : ...preloaded 4158 classes in 710ms.
01-18 08:50:06.885 201 201 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
01-18 08:50:06.886 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
01-18 08:50:06.892 202 202 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 14ms (12ms in ICU)
01-18 08:50:06.897 441 441 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
01-18 08:50:06.898 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
01-18 08:50:06.910 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
01-18 08:50:06.930 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -F natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING) res=0
01-18 08:50:06.931 202 202 I Zygote : ...preloaded 4158 classes in 898ms.
01-18 08:50:06.932 202 202 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
01-18 08:50:06.945 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
01-18 08:50:06.953 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
01-18 08:50:06.962 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -X natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
01-18 08:50:06.971 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -X natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
01-18 08:50:06.974 201 201 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings total=284315 before=36618 after=36618
01-18 08:50:06.974 201 201 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types total=23603 before=7877 after=7904
01-18 08:50:06.974 201 201 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields total=112336 before=41009 after=41223
01-18 08:50:06.974 201 201 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods total=197928 before=82541 after=83101
01-18 08:50:06.974 201 201 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
01-18 08:50:06.976 201 201 I Zygote : Preloading resources...
01-18 08:50:06.980 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -N natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
01-18 08:50:06.990 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -N natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
01-18 08:50:07.006 255 255 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t mangle -A natctrl_mangle_FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu) res=0
01-18 08:50:07.011 202 202 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings total=284315 before=36618 after=36618
01-18 08:50:07.011 202 202 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types total=23603 before=7877 after=7904
01-18 08:50:07.011 202 202 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields total=112336 before=41009 after=41223
01-18 08:50:07.011 202 202 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods total=197928 before=82541 after=83101
01-18 08:50:07.011 202 202 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
01-18 08:50:07.013 202 202 I Zygote : Preloading resources...
01-18 08:50:07.017 201 201 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108025c (android:drawable/dialog_background_material) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.025 201 201 W Resources: Preloaded color resource #0x10600e2 (android:color/material_grey_800) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.025 201 201 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c9 (android:drawable/floating_popup_background_dark) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.049 441 441 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
01-18 08:50:07.049 441 441 W PackageManager: Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
01-18 08:50:07.057 202 202 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108025c (android:drawable/dialog_background_material) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.063 441 441 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
01-18 08:50:07.063 441 441 W PackageManager: Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
01-18 08:50:07.068 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /vendor/overlay
01-18 08:50:07.068 202 202 W Resources: Preloaded color resource #0x10600e2 (android:color/material_grey_800) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.069 202 202 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c9 (android:drawable/floating_popup_background_dark) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.142 201 201 I Zygote : ...preloaded 114 resources in 167ms.
01-18 08:50:07.145 201 201 W Resources: Preloaded color resource #0x106010b (android:color/background_cache_hint_selector_material_dark) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.145 201 201 W Resources: Preloaded color resource #0x1060110 (android:color/btn_default_material_dark) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.146 201 201 I Zygote : ...preloaded 41 resources in 4ms.
01-18 08:50:07.147 202 202 I Zygote : ...preloaded 114 resources in 134ms.
01-18 08:50:07.147 201 201 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so
01-18 08:50:07.147 255 255 E Netd : cannot find interface dummy0
01-18 08:50:07.149 255 255 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
01-18 08:50:07.149 202 202 W Resources: Preloaded color resource #0x106010b (android:color/background_cache_hint_selector_material_dark) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.149 255 604 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
01-18 08:50:07.150 202 202 W Resources: Preloaded color resource #0x1060110 (android:color/btn_default_material_dark) that varies with configuration!!
01-18 08:50:07.150 255 604 D MDnsDS : Going to poll with pollCount 1
01-18 08:50:07.150 202 202 I Zygote : ...preloaded 41 resources in 4ms.
01-18 08:50:07.151 202 202 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so
01-18 08:50:07.160 201 201 I Zygote : Preloading shared libraries...
01-18 08:50:07.170 202 202 I Zygote : Preloading shared libraries...
01-18 08:50:07.173 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package: com.rockchip.devicetest at: Binary XML file line #27
01-18 08:50:07.173 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION in package: com.rockchip.devicetest at: Binary XML file line #28
01-18 08:50:07.173 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package: com.rockchip.devicetest at: Binary XML file line #34
01-18 08:50:07.174 201 201 I Zygote : Uninstalled ICU cache reference pinning...
01-18 08:50:07.179 201 201 I Zygote : Installed AndroidKeyStoreProvider in 5ms.
01-18 08:50:07.187 202 202 I Zygote : Uninstalled ICU cache reference pinning...
01-18 08:50:07.196 201 201 I Zygote : Warmed up JCA providers in 18ms.
01-18 08:50:07.196 201 201 D Zygote : end preload
01-18 08:50:07.196 201 201 I art : Waiting for a blocking GC Explicit
01-18 08:50:07.197 202 202 I Zygote : Installed AndroidKeyStoreProvider in 10ms.
01-18 08:50:07.198 201 201 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
01-18 08:50:07.199 441 441 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION from package com.android.providers.downloads in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
01-18 08:50:07.206 201 201 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2541(109KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 110us total 8.071ms
01-18 08:50:07.206 201 201 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
01-18 08:50:07.211 202 202 I Zygote : Warmed up JCA providers in 14ms.
01-18 08:50:07.211 202 202 D Zygote : end preload
01-18 08:50:07.211 202 202 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
01-18 08:50:07.214 201 201 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 66(3KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 82us total 7.118ms
01-18 08:50:07.230 201 201 I Zygote : Accepting command socket connections
01-18 08:50:07.232 202 202 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 39222(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 133(2MB) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 206us total 19.354ms
01-18 08:50:07.235 202 202 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
01-18 08:50:07.244 202 202 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4822(178KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 142us total 8.816ms
01-18 08:50:07.256 202 202 I Zygote : Accepting command socket connections
01-18 08:50:07.321 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #53
01-18 08:50:07.321 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #58
01-18 08:50:07.321 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #59
01-18 08:50:07.337 441 441 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Settings/Settings.apk Binary XML file line #3173
01-18 08:50:07.357 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS in package: com.android.shell at: Binary XML file line #102
01-18 08:50:07.404 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY in package: com.android.systemui at: Binary XML file line #123
01-18 08:50:07.460 441 441 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: supports-gl-texture at /system/priv-app/app-debug/app-debug.apk Binary XML file line #17
01-18 08:50:07.460 441 441 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: supports-gl-texture at /system/priv-app/app-debug/app-debug.apk Binary XML file line #18
01-18 08:50:07.474 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS in package: com.android.bluetooth at: Binary XML file line #61
01-18 08:50:07.475 441 441 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #223
01-18 08:50:07.521 441 441 W PackageManager: Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.521 441 441 W PackageManager: Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.521 441 441 W PackageManager: Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.522 441 441 W PackageManager: Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.522 441 441 W PackageManager: Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.554 441 441 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #245
01-18 08:50:07.554 441 441 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #248
01-18 08:50:07.587 441 441 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher3.permission.READ_SETTINGS from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
01-18 08:50:07.587 441 441 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher3.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
01-18 08:50:07.587 441 441 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
01-18 08:50:07.638 441 441 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <intent-filter>: categary at /system/app/RFTestTool/RFTestTool.apk Binary XML file line #18
01-18 08:50:07.650 441 441 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.DEVICE_POWER in package: android.rk.RockVideoPlayer at: Binary XML file line #25
01-18 08:50:07.722 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /system/vendor/app
01-18 08:50:07.722 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /oem/app
01-18 08:50:07.722 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /system/vendor/bundled_uninstall_gone-app
01-18 08:50:07.722 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /system/vendor/bundled_uninstall_back-app
01-18 08:50:07.722 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /system/vendor/bundled_persist-app
01-18 08:50:07.723 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/app
01-18 08:50:07.723 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/app-private
01-18 08:50:07.723 441 441 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/app-ephemeral
01-18 08:50:07.723 441 441 E PackageManager: There should probably be exactly one storage manager; found 0: matches=[]
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 W PackageManager: Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 W PackageManager: Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 W PackageManager: Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 W PackageManager: Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim activity: com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim.InstallPriority origPrio: 100
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 W PackageManager: Package com.android.gallery3d desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring!
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 W PackageManager: Package com.android.gallery3d desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring!
01-18 08:50:07.724 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.location.fused to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.725 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.soundrecorder to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.725 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.server.telecom to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.725 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.cghs.stresstest to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.726 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.rk to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.726 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.rockchip.wfd to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.726 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.inputdevices to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.726 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.rockchip.devicetest to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.726 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.wallpaperbackup to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.727 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.settings to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.727 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.providers.settings to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.727 441 441 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for com.android.keychain to arm64-v8a (requirer=android.rockchip.update.service, scannedPackage=null)
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 0.7 seconds
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3809be45)
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3809be45)
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.hardware.camera.autofocus in package com.example.multicosdecs
01-18 08:50:07.729 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.launcher3 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3c4bbe45)
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.apkinstaller
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.Manifest.permission.INJECT_EVENTS in package com.rockchip.devicetest
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.permission.INSTALL_WEARABLE_PACKAGES in package com.android.packageinstaller
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.hardware.camera.autofocus in package com.example.cam
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES in package com.google.android.apps.wallpaper
01-18 08:50:07.730 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.smspush.WAPPUSH_MANAGER_BIND in package com.android.phone
01-18 08:50:07.731 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
01-18 08:50:07.731 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission rockchip.permission.FULL_SCREEN in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:07.731 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.RAISED_THREAD_PRIORITY in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:07.731 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.FULL_SCREEN in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:07.731 441 441 W PackageManager: Unknown permission archos.permission.FULL_SCREEN in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:07.731 441 441 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x3
01-18 08:50:07.735 249 249 I SELinux : SELinux: Loaded file_contexts contexts from /file_contexts.bin.
01-18 08:50:07.804 247 247 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service media.camera.proxy...
01-18 08:50:07.974 441 441 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData finished 65 packages
01-18 08:50:08.027 441 441 E PackageManager: There should probably be a verifier, but, none were found
01-18 08:50:08.031 441 441 D PackageManager: Ephemeral resolver NOT found; no matching intent filters
01-18 08:50:08.032 441 441 I PackageManager: Ephemeral deactivated; missing resolver and installer
01-18 08:50:08.032 441 441 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
01-18 08:50:08.051 441 441 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1270(130KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 400us total 18.349ms
01-18 08:50:08.053 441 441 I SystemServer: StartOtaDexOptService
01-18 08:50:08.055 441 441 I SystemServer: StartUserManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.055 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle
01-18 08:50:08.068 441 441 D SensorService: nuSensorService starting...
01-18 08:50:08.068 441 441 D SensorService: Product do not have sensor,skip----
01-18 08:50:08.069 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BatteryService
01-18 08:50:08.070 246 246 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:86): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=netlink_kobject_uevent_socket permissive=1
01-18 08:50:08.074 441 533 E BatteryStatsService: power: Missing API
01-18 08:50:08.077 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService
01-18 08:50:08.089 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService
01-18 08:50:08.093 441 441 I SystemServer: isBox stop some start....
01-18 08:50:08.093 441 441 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
01-18 08:50:08.093 441 441 I SystemServer: StartSchedulingPolicyService
01-18 08:50:08.094 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService
01-18 08:50:08.095 441 441 I SystemServer: StartTelephonyRegistry
01-18 08:50:08.099 441 441 I SystemServer: StartEntropyMixer
01-18 08:50:08.100 441 441 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
01-18 08:50:08.103 441 441 I SystemServer: Camera Service
01-18 08:50:08.104 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.camera.CameraService
01-18 08:50:08.105 441 626 I ServiceThread: Enabled StrictMode logging for CameraService_proxy looper.
01-18 08:50:08.106 441 441 I SystemServer: StartAccountManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.107 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.113 441 441 I SystemServer: StartContentService
01-18 08:50:08.114 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.116 441 441 I SystemServer: InstallSystemProviders
01-18 08:50:08.121 441 441 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:08.137 441 441 I SystemServer: StartConsumerIrService
01-18 08:50:08.138 441 441 E ConsumerIrService: Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: -2
01-18 08:50:08.139 441 441 I SystemServer: StartAlarmManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.139 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.AlarmManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.145 441 441 I SystemServer: InitWatchdog
01-18 08:50:08.146 441 441 I SystemServer: StartInputManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.147 441 441 I InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
01-18 08:50:08.148 441 441 I SystemServer: StartWindowManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.173 441 558 I WindowManager: No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
01-18 08:50:08.210 441 441 I SystemServer: StartVrManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.211 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.vr.VrManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.212 441 441 W VrManagerService: init_native: Could not open VR hardware module, error No such file or directory (-2).
01-18 08:50:08.214 441 441 I InputManager: Starting input manager
01-18 08:50:08.215 441 637 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'Telink Wireless Receiver'.
01-18 08:50:08.216 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BluetoothService
01-18 08:50:08.219 441 637 I EventHub: New device: id=1, fd=98, path='/dev/input/event4', name='Telink Wireless Receiver', classes=0x80000403, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
01-18 08:50:08.219 441 637 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'rk29-keypad'.
01-18 08:50:08.221 441 637 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event2: Function not implemented
01-18 08:50:08.221 441 637 I EventHub: New device: id=2, fd=99, path='/dev/input/event2', name='rk29-keypad', classes=0x401, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/rk29-keypad.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=true, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
01-18 08:50:08.221 441 637 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'Telink Wireless Receiver'.
01-18 08:50:08.222 441 637 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event3: Function not implemented
01-18 08:50:08.222 441 637 I EventHub: New device: id=3, fd=100, path='/dev/input/event3', name='Telink Wireless Receiver', classes=0x80000529, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
01-18 08:50:08.223 441 637 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'ff420030.pwm'.
01-18 08:50:08.224 441 637 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event0: Function not implemented
01-18 08:50:08.224 441 637 I EventHub: New device: id=4, fd=101, path='/dev/input/event0', name='ff420030.pwm', classes=0x421, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/ff420030_pwm.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
01-18 08:50:08.224 441 637 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'rockchip,rt5640-codec Headphone Jack'.
01-18 08:50:08.224 441 637 I EventHub: New device: id=5, fd=102, path='/dev/input/event1', name='rockchip,rt5640-codec Headphone Jack', classes=0x80, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
01-18 08:50:08.226 441 637 I InputReader: Device added: id=-1, name='Virtual', sources=0x00000301
01-18 08:50:08.226 441 637 I InputReader: Device added: id=5, name='rockchip,rt5640-codec Headphone Jack', sources=0x80000000
01-18 08:50:08.226 441 637 I InputReader: Device added: id=4, name='ff420030.pwm', sources=0x00002303
01-18 08:50:08.227 441 441 D BluetoothManagerService: Loading stored name and address
01-18 08:50:08.227 441 441 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored bluetooth Name=rk3399,Address=22:22:39:07:B1:76
01-18 08:50:08.227 441 441 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth persisted state: 0
01-18 08:50:08.227 441 441 I SystemServer: ConnectivityMetricsLoggerService
01-18 08:50:08.227 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsLoggerService
01-18 08:50:08.228 441 441 I SystemServer: IpConnectivityMetrics
01-18 08:50:08.228 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics
01-18 08:50:08.229 441 441 I SystemServer: PinnerService
01-18 08:50:08.229 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.PinnerService
01-18 08:50:08.230 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.231 441 637 I InputReader: Device added: id=3, name='Telink Wireless Receiver', sources=0x01002313
01-18 08:50:08.231 441 637 I InputReader: Device added: id=0, name='rk29-keypad', sources=0x00002103
01-18 08:50:08.231 441 637 I InputReader: Device added: id=1, name='Telink Wireless Receiver', sources=0x00002103
01-18 08:50:08.237 441 441 I InputMethodManagerService: All the enabled IMEs are gone. Reset default enabled IMEs.
01-18 08:50:08.237 441 441 W InputMethodUtils: Found no fallback locale. imis=[]
01-18 08:50:08.237 441 441 W InputMethodUtils: No software keyboard is found. imis=[] fallbackLocale=null
01-18 08:50:08.240 441 441 I SystemServer: StartAccessibilityManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.247 441 441 I ActivityManager: Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw811dp w1442dp h811dp 213dpi xlrg long land ?uimode ?night -touch qwerty/v/h dpad/v s.2}
01-18 08:50:08.251 441 441 I ActivityManager: Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw811dp w1442dp h739dp 213dpi xlrg long land ?uimode ?night -touch qwerty/v/h dpad/v s.3}
01-18 08:50:08.262 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MountService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.264 441 637 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004
01-18 08:50:08.269 441 441 I SystemServer: start UiModeManagerService.
01-18 08:50:08.269 441 641 D MountService: Thinking about init, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
01-18 08:50:08.269 441 641 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
01-18 08:50:08.269 441 641 D MountService: Thinking about init, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
01-18 08:50:08.269 441 641 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
01-18 08:50:08.270 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.UiModeManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.270 441 641 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield SystemLocale}
01-18 08:50:08.271 441 643 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 1 -1}
01-18 08:50:08.272 441 441 I ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw811dp w1442dp h739dp 213dpi xlrg long land -touch qwerty/v/h dpad/v s.4}
01-18 08:50:08.273 441 641 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
01-18 08:50:08.273 441 641 D VoldConnector: SND -> {1 asec list}
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 1 asec operation succeeded}
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 641 I PackageManager: No secure containers found
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 641 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 641 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3809be45)
01-18 08:50:08.274 441 641 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3809be45)
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.hardware.camera.autofocus in package com.example.multicosdecs
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.launcher3 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3c4bbe45)
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.apkinstaller
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.Manifest.permission.INJECT_EVENTS in package com.rockchip.devicetest
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.permission.INSTALL_WEARABLE_PACKAGES in package com.android.packageinstaller
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.hardware.camera.autofocus in package com.example.cam
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES in package com.google.android.apps.wallpaper
01-18 08:50:08.275 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.smspush.WAPPUSH_MANAGER_BIND in package com.android.phone
01-18 08:50:08.276 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
01-18 08:50:08.276 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission rockchip.permission.FULL_SCREEN in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:08.276 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.RAISED_THREAD_PRIORITY in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:08.276 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.FULL_SCREEN in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:08.276 441 641 W PackageManager: Unknown permission archos.permission.FULL_SCREEN in package android.rk.RockVideoPlayer
01-18 08:50:08.299 441 483 E BatteryStatsService: power: Missing API
01-18 08:50:08.300 441 641 W MountService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub
01-18 08:50:08.300 441 641 W MountService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub
01-18 08:50:08.301 441 641 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
01-18 08:50:08.301 441 641 D VoldConnector: SND -> {2 asec list}
01-18 08:50:08.302 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 2 asec operation succeeded}
01-18 08:50:08.302 441 441 I SystemServer: StartLockSettingsService
01-18 08:50:08.303 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.312 441 526 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2013-01-19 08:50:08(1358585408256)
01-18 08:50:08.314 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DeviceIdleController
01-18 08:50:08.317 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.325 441 441 I SystemServer: StartStatusBarManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.326 441 441 I SystemServer: StartClipboardService
01-18 08:50:08.327 441 441 I SystemServer: StartNetworkManagementService
01-18 08:50:08.329 441 644 I NetworkManagement: onDaemonConnected()
01-18 08:50:08.331 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.332 441 441 W TextServicesManagerService: no available spell checker services found
01-18 08:50:08.333 441 441 I SystemServer: StartNetworkScoreService
01-18 08:50:08.334 441 441 I SystemServer: StartNetworkStatsService
01-18 08:50:08.340 441 441 I SystemServer: StartNetworkPolicyManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.344 441 441 I SystemServer: No Wi-Fi NAN Service (NAN support Not Present)
01-18 08:50:08.346 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService
01-18 08:50:08.376 441 441 I WifiP2pService: Registering wifip2p
01-18 08:50:08.377 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.WifiService
01-18 08:50:08.431 441 441 D HS20 : Passpoint is disabled
01-18 08:50:08.456 255 608 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
01-18 08:50:08.457 441 650 D IpManager.wlan0: CMD_SET_MULTICAST_FILTER wlan0/-1 0 0 true [rcvd_in=StoppedState, proc_in=StoppedState]
01-18 08:50:08.457 441 441 E WifiLogger: no ring buffers found
01-18 08:50:08.457 441 441 E WifiLogger: Failed to start packet fate monitoring
01-18 08:50:08.458 441 649 D WifiApConfigStore: 2G band allowed channels are:1,6,11
01-18 08:50:08.464 441 441 D WifiController: isAirplaneModeOn = false, isWifiEnabled = false, isScanningAvailable = false
01-18 08:50:08.465 441 441 I WifiService: Registering wifi
01-18 08:50:08.466 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService
01-18 08:50:08.466 441 441 I WifiScanningService: Creating wifiscanner
01-18 08:50:08.469 441 441 I WifiScanningService: Publishing wifiscanner
01-18 08:50:08.470 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.RttService
01-18 08:50:08.470 441 441 I RttService: Creating rttmanager
01-18 08:50:08.471 441 441 I RttService: Starting rttmanager
01-18 08:50:08.472 441 441 I SystemServer: StartEthernetService
01-18 08:50:08.472 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService
01-18 08:50:08.472 441 441 I EthernetServiceImpl: Creating EthernetConfigStore
01-18 08:50:08.473 441 441 E IpConfigStore: Error parsing configuration: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/misc/ethernet/ipconfig.txt (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.473 441 441 W EthernetConfigStore: No Ethernet configuration found. Using default.
01-18 08:50:08.473 441 441 I EthernetServiceImpl: Read stored IP configuration: IP assignment: DHCP
01-18 08:50:08.473 441 441 I EthernetServiceImpl: Proxy settings: NONE
01-18 08:50:08.473 441 441 I EthernetService: Registering service ethernet
01-18 08:50:08.474 441 441 I SystemServer: StartPppoeService
01-18 08:50:08.474 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pppoe.PppoeService
01-18 08:50:08.476 441 441 D PppoeServiceImpl: PppoeServiceImpl() : Entered.
01-18 08:50:08.476 441 441 D PppoeServiceImpl: PppoeObserver() : to start observing, to catch uevent with 'SUBSYSTEM=net'.
01-18 08:50:08.477 441 441 D PppoeServiceImpl: mIface = eth0
01-18 08:50:08.477 441 441 I PppoeService: Registering service pppoe
01-18 08:50:08.477 441 441 I SystemServer: StartConnectivityService
01-18 08:50:08.483 441 441 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting up
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: wifiOnly=false
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=wifi,1,1,2,-1,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@40db9f7
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile,0,0,0,-1,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@48ba064
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_mms,2,0,2,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@ba9f2cd
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_supl,3,0,2,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@6e50782
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_dun,4,0,2,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@859fe93
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_hipri,5,0,3,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@2945ed0
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_fota,10,0,2,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@2efeec9
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_ims,11,0,2,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@36019ce
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=mobile_cbs,12,0,2,60000,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@b1bf0ef
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=bluetooth,7,7,0,-1,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@62897fc
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: naString=ethernet,9,9,9,-1,true config=android.net.NetworkConfig@67fae85
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 D ConnectivityService: mNetworksDefined=12
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
01-18 08:50:08.485 441 441 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
01-18 08:50:08.492 441 441 I SystemServer: StartNsdService
01-18 08:50:08.508 441 441 I SystemServer: StartUpdateLockService
01-18 08:50:08.510 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.RecoverySystemService
01-18 08:50:08.512 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.524 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: new ScheduleConditionProvider()
01-18 08:50:08.527 441 441 D ZenLog : config: readXml,ZenModeConfig[user=0,allowCalls=true,allowRepeatCallers=false,allowMessages=false,allowCallsFrom=contacts,allowMessagesFrom=contacts,allowReminders=true,allowEvents=true,allowWhenScreenOff=true,allowWhenScreenOn=true,automaticRules={2eeb8b303fcc4885bfdb4136499c3d8d=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weeknight,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider},id=2eeb8b303fcc4885bfdb4136499c3d8d,creationTime=1358499662342,enabler=null], d1aa1d6a6c174b0590d95d497dc86b65=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Event,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider},id=d1aa1d6a6c174b0590d95d497dc86b65,creationTime=1358499662343,enabler=null], c2907bda06034d0e8a84053ae97ea8aa=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weekend,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider},id=c2907bda06034d0e8a84053ae97ea8aa,creationTime=1358499662342,enabler=null]},manualRule=null],Diff[automaticRule[128c2cff48df4edf9a0e46335a8b235b]:delete,automaticRule[eb72461c7fd742f09c02728b13a9defa]:delete,automaticRule[2eeb8b303fcc4885bfdb4136499c3d8d]:insert,automaticRule[d1aa1d6a6c174b0590d95d497dc86b65]:insert,automaticRule[3b2b8d1855974b5abfdf3e2c681ef74a]:delete,automaticRule[c2907bda06034d0e8a84053ae97ea8aa]:insert]
01-18 08:50:08.531 441 441 D ZenLog : set_zen_mode: off,init
01-18 08:50:08.533 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService
01-18 08:50:08.535 441 441 I SystemServer: StartLocationManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.538 441 441 I SystemServer: StartCountryDetectorService
01-18 08:50:08.540 441 441 I SystemServer: StartSearchManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.540 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.541 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.542 441 441 I SystemServer: StartWallpaperManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.543 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.545 441 441 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/users/0/wallpaper_orig (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.545 441 441 E WallpaperManagerService: Invalid wallpaper data
01-18 08:50:08.545 441 441 E WallpaperManagerService: Unable to apply new wallpaper
01-18 08:50:08.546 441 441 I SystemServer: StartAudioService
01-18 08:50:08.546 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.549 441 441 W Vibrator: Failed to vibrate; no vibrator service.
01-18 08:50:08.551 246 341 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1000 => granted (404 us)
01-18 08:50:08.553 441 441 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found.
01-18 08:50:08.555 246 334 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
01-18 08:50:08.563 441 441 V AudioService: monitoring device orientation
01-18 08:50:08.563 246 661 D AudioHardwareTiny: adev_set_parameters: kvpairs = orientation=undefined
01-18 08:50:08.564 441 441 I SystemServer: StartWiredAccessoryManager
01-18 08:50:08.565 441 441 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have wired headset support
01-18 08:50:08.565 441 441 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support
01-18 08:50:08.565 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.570 441 441 E UsbDeviceManager: failed to write to /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_rndis/ethaddr
01-18 08:50:08.574 441 441 I SystemServer: StartSerialService
01-18 08:50:08.574 441 441 E HardwarePropertiesManagerService-JNI: Couldn't load thermal module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.575 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService
01-18 08:50:08.575 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService
01-18 08:50:08.580 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService
01-18 08:50:08.582 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.584 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService
01-18 08:50:08.589 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.591 441 441 I SystemServer: Gesture Launcher Service
01-18 08:50:08.591 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.GestureLauncherService
01-18 08:50:08.591 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.SensorNotificationService
01-18 08:50:08.591 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ContextHubSystemService
01-18 08:50:08.592 441 441 E ContextHubService: ** Could not load context_hub module : err No such file or directory
01-18 08:50:08.592 441 441 W ContextHubService: No Context Hub Module present
01-18 08:50:08.593 441 441 I SystemServer: StartDiskStatsService
01-18 08:50:08.593 441 441 I SystemServer: StartSamplingProfilerService
01-18 08:50:08.596 441 441 I SystemServer: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService
01-18 08:50:08.597 441 441 I SystemServer: StartCommonTimeManagementService
01-18 08:50:08.598 441 441 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
01-18 08:50:08.598 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService
01-18 08:50:08.599 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.600 441 441 I SystemServer: StartAssetAtlasService
01-18 08:50:08.602 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.603 441 663 D AssetAtlas: Loaded configuration: SliceMinArea (576x576) flags=0x2 count=98
01-18 08:50:08.605 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService
01-18 08:50:08.608 441 663 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so
01-18 08:50:08.611 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService
01-18 08:50:08.614 441 441 E HdmiCecControllerJni: Error acquiring hardware module: -2
01-18 08:50:08.614 441 441 I HdmiControlService: Device does not support HDMI-CEC.
01-18 08:50:08.615 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.618 441 441 E TvInputHal: Couldn't load tv_input module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.620 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService
01-18 08:50:08.621 441 441 I SystemServer: StartMediaRouterService
01-18 08:50:08.622 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.626 441 663 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:08.626 441 663 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
01-18 08:50:08.626 441 663 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:08.626 441 663 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
01-18 08:50:08.626 441 441 I SystemServer: StartBackgroundDexOptService
01-18 08:50:08.628 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle
01-18 08:50:08.634 441 663 D AssetAtlas: Rendered atlas in 25.60ms (0.00+25.60ms)
01-18 08:50:08.634 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService
01-18 08:50:08.636 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService
01-18 08:50:08.638 441 441 V MediaRouter: Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=null types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
01-18 08:50:08.639 441 441 V MediaRouter: Updating audio routes: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }
01-18 08:50:08.640 441 441 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=null types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
01-18 08:50:08.641 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker
01-18 08:50:08.670 441 441 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.671 441 441 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.671 441 441 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.671 441 441 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.671 441 441 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.671 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
01-18 08:50:08.675 441 441 I DevicePolicyManagerService: Set ro.device_owner property to false
01-18 08:50:08.677 441 441 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
01-18 08:50:08.679 441 441 D ConnectivityMetricsLoggerService: onBootPhase: PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY
01-18 08:50:08.682 441 441 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:1000/441 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
01-18 08:50:08.685 441 441 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
01-18 08:50:08.686 441 441 I WifiScanningService: Starting wifiscanner
01-18 08:50:08.693 441 441 I RttService: Registering rttmanager
01-18 08:50:08.695 441 441 I EthernetServiceImpl: Starting Ethernet service
01-18 08:50:08.697 441 441 D EthernetNetworkFactory: EthernetNetworkFactory start eth\d
01-18 08:50:08.697 441 441 D Ethernet: Registering NetworkFactory
01-18 08:50:08.697 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Ethernet
01-18 08:50:08.697 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkFactory connected
01-18 08:50:08.697 441 676 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-18 08:50:08.698 441 441 D EthernetNetworkFactory: Started tracking interface eth0
01-18 08:50:08.698 441 441 D EthernetNetworkFactory: setInterfaceUp: eth0
01-18 08:50:08.700 255 608 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
01-18 08:50:08.700 255 608 D CommandListener: Trying to bring up eth0
01-18 08:50:08.826 441 441 I PppoeServiceImpl: Starting Pppoe service
01-18 08:50:08.827 441 441 D ZenLog : config: cleanUpZenRules,ZenModeConfig[user=0,allowCalls=true,allowRepeatCallers=false,allowMessages=false,allowCallsFrom=contacts,allowMessagesFrom=contacts,allowReminders=true,allowEvents=true,allowWhenScreenOff=true,allowWhenScreenOn=true,automaticRules={2eeb8b303fcc4885bfdb4136499c3d8d=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weeknight,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider},id=2eeb8b303fcc4885bfdb4136499c3d8d,creationTime=1358499662342,enabler=null], d1aa1d6a6c174b0590d95d497dc86b65=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Event,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider},id=d1aa1d6a6c174b0590d95d497dc86b65,creationTime=1358499662343,enabler=null], c2907bda06034d0e8a84053ae97ea8aa=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weekend,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider},id=c2907bda06034d0e8a84053ae97ea8aa,creationTime=1358499662342,enabler=null]},manualRule=null],Diff[]
01-18 08:50:08.827 441 441 D ZenLog : set_zen_mode: off,onSystemReady
01-18 08:50:08.829 246 341 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=1000 => granted (158 us)
01-18 08:50:08.829 441 441 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, # of modules=0
01-18 08:50:08.829 441 441 D ContextHubSystemService: onBootPhase: PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY
01-18 08:50:08.832 441 441 W TvInputHardwareManager: HdmiControlService is not available
01-18 08:50:08.846 441 441 V UserManagerService: Found /data/user_de/0 with serial number 0
01-18 08:50:08.846 441 441 V UserManagerService: Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0
01-18 08:50:08.846 441 441 V UserManagerService: Found /data/system_de/0 with serial number 0
01-18 08:50:08.846 441 441 V UserManagerService: Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0
01-18 08:50:08.847 441 561 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
01-18 08:50:08.847 441 441 D ActivityManager: OK, system ready!
01-18 08:50:08.847 441 441 I ActivityManager: System now ready
01-18 08:50:08.866 441 528 I SystemServer: Making services ready
01-18 08:50:08.866 441 528 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
01-18 08:50:08.870 441 441 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0
01-18 08:50:08.870 441 441 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
01-18 08:50:08.882 441 441 I Zygote : Process: zygote socket opened, supported ABIS: arm64-v8a
01-18 08:50:08.882 201 454 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
01-18 08:50:08.888 441 441 I ActivityManager: Start proc 681:com.android.phone/1001 for added application com.android.phone
01-18 08:50:08.899 441 441 I ActivityManager: Start proc 693:com.android.systemui/u0a15 for added application com.android.systemui
01-18 08:50:08.900 441 441 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.settings/.FallbackHome} from uid 0 on display 0
01-18 08:50:08.901 441 441 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
01-18 08:50:08.901 441 441 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:08.902 441 441 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64:/system/priv-app/Settings/Settings.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x7951ee7160
01-18 08:50:08.906 441 441 I ActivityManager: Loaded persisted task ids for user 0
01-18 08:50:08.920 441 441 I ActivityManager: Start proc 709:com.android.settings/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.FallbackHome
01-18 08:50:08.922 441 441 I SystemServer: Enabled StrictMode for system server main thread.
01-18 08:50:08.928 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onConnected
01-18 08:50:08.928 441 441 D ZenLog : set_zen_mode: off,readXml
01-18 08:50:08.929 441 441 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days= with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider}
01-18 08:50:08.929 441 441 D ZenLog : subscribe: condition://android/schedule?days=,ok
01-18 08:50:08.929 441 441 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1 with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider}
01-18 08:50:08.929 441 441 D ZenLog : subscribe: condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,ok
01-18 08:50:08.929 441 441 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider}
01-18 08:50:08.929 441 441 D ZenLog : subscribe: condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,ok
01-18 08:50:08.947 441 528 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth boot completed
01-18 08:50:08.948 441 441 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1
01-18 08:50:08.948 441 651 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded
01-18 08:50:08.949 441 528 E InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring updateSystemUiLocked due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
01-18 08:50:08.949 441 441 D ZenLog : set_zen_mode: off,cleanUpZenRules
01-18 08:50:08.949 441 528 I InputMethodManagerService: All the enabled IMEs are gone. Reset default enabled IMEs.
01-18 08:50:08.949 441 528 W InputMethodUtils: Found no fallback locale. imis=[]
01-18 08:50:08.949 441 528 W InputMethodUtils: No software keyboard is found. imis=[] systemLocale=en_US fallbackLocale=null
01-18 08:50:08.949 441 641 D MountService: Thinking about init, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
01-18 08:50:08.950 441 641 D MountService: Setting up emulation state, initlocked=false
01-18 08:50:08.950 441 641 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {2 cryptfs unlock_user_key 0 0 ! !}
01-18 08:50:08.950 441 528 W TextServicesManagerService: no available spell checker services found
01-18 08:50:08.950 441 528 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/users/0/wallpaper_orig (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:08.950 441 528 E WallpaperManagerService: Invalid wallpaper data
01-18 08:50:08.950 441 528 E WallpaperManagerService: Unable to apply new wallpaper
01-18 08:50:08.951 441 643 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 2 Command succeeded}
01-18 08:50:08.953 441 641 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
01-18 08:50:08.954 441 641 D VoldConnector: SND -> {3 volume reset}
01-18 08:50:08.955 441 652 D RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160513 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
01-18 08:50:08.955 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 7}
01-18 08:50:08.956 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 emulated}
01-18 08:50:08.956 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 emulated 2 "" ""}
01-18 08:50:08.956 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
01-18 08:50:08.957 441 555 V MountService: Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated}:
01-18 08:50:08.957 441 555 V MountService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
01-18 08:50:08.957 441 555 V MountService: state=UNMOUNTED
01-18 08:50:08.957 441 555 V MountService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
01-18 08:50:08.957 441 555 V MountService: path=null internalPath=null
01-18 08:50:08.958 681 681 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:08.958 246 661 D AudioHardwareTiny: adev_set_parameters: kvpairs = A2dpSuspended=false
01-18 08:50:08.959 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
01-18 08:50:08.959 441 641 D VoldConnector: SND -> {4 volume user_added 0 0}
01-18 08:50:08.960 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
01-18 08:50:08.960 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter$1@db0ed7b:true
01-18 08:50:08.960 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 4 Command succeeded}
01-18 08:50:08.961 441 528 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 2, device: 0, type: 1]
01-18 08:50:08.961 441 528 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 1, device: 0, type: 1]
01-18 08:50:08.961 441 528 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 1]
01-18 08:50:08.961 441 528 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 2]
01-18 08:50:08.963 441 641 D VoldConnector: SND -> {5 volume mount emulated 3 -1}
01-18 08:50:08.963 441 660 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
01-18 08:50:08.964 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:08.964 709 709 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:08.964 441 528 I SystemServer: WebViewFactory preparation
01-18 08:50:08.965 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 1}
01-18 08:50:08.967 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 emulated /data/media}
01-18 08:50:08.970 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:08.977 441 528 D WebViewFactory: Setting new address space to 118564800
01-18 08:50:08.979 733 733 W sdcard : Device explicitly disabled sdcardfs
01-18 08:50:08.980 441 441 I art : Thread[1,tid=441,Native,Thread*=0x794e095a00,peer=0x75886000,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:08.981 441 441 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
01-18 08:50:08.982 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 emulated /storage/emulated}
01-18 08:50:08.983 441 441 I art : Thread[1,tid=441,Native,Thread*=0x794e095a00,peer=0x75886000,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:08.983 441 470 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19278(1486KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(244KB) LOS objects, 19% free, 5MB/7MB, paused 5.455ms total 51.184ms
01-18 08:50:08.984 441 441 I art : Thread[1,tid=441,Native,Thread*=0x794e095a00,peer=0x75886000,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so"
01-18 08:50:08.990 441 528 I Zygote : Process: zygote socket opened, supported ABIS: armeabi-v7a,armeabi
01-18 08:50:08.991 202 389 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
01-18 08:50:08.995 202 202 I art : Starting a blocking GC Background
01-18 08:50:08.999 245 739 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so: dlopen failed: library "libwvm.so" not found
01-18 08:50:09.005 245 737 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf2a8d000), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
01-18 08:50:09.006 441 441 D MediaPlayer: setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
01-18 08:50:09.008 441 441 D Ringtone: Successfully created local player
01-18 08:50:09.009 245 245 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf2a8d000) at state 4
01-18 08:50:09.009 245 245 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf2a8d000), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
01-18 08:50:09.009 245 737 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xf2a8d000)
01-18 08:50:09.010 245 245 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf2a8d000) at state 0
01-18 08:50:09.016 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 2}
01-18 08:50:09.017 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
01-18 08:50:09.024 245 742 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf42aac00), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
01-18 08:50:09.025 441 441 D MediaPlayer: setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
01-18 08:50:09.027 441 441 D Ringtone: Successfully created local player
01-18 08:50:09.028 245 738 D NuPlayerDriver: start(0xf42aac00), state is 4, eos is 0
01-18 08:50:09.028 245 742 I GenericSource: start
01-18 08:50:09.034 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.034 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m4v
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.h263
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.flv1
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m2v
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.rv
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp8
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vc1
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.wmv3
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp6
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.hevc
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.mjpeg
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc.secure
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp9
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.avc
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.vp8
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.hevc
01-18 08:50:09.046 245 756 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: contains 17 components
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 I ActivityManager: Start proc 758:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
01-18 08:50:09.049 441 528 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc!
01-18 08:50:09.054 251 251 I vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib success
01-18 08:50:09.055 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc
01-18 08:50:09.055 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m4v
01-18 08:50:09.055 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.h263
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.flv1
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m2v
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.rv
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp8
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vc1
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.wmv3
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp6
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.hevc
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.mjpeg
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc.secure
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp9
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.avc
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.vp8
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.hevc
01-18 08:50:09.056 251 251 I libstagefrighthw: OMX IL core libOMX_Core.so: contains 17 components
01-18 08:50:09.056 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.058 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.059 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.059 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.060 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.mp3.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.061 441 528 I ActivityManager: Start proc 763:WebViewLoader-arm64-v8a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
01-18 08:50:09.063 441 528 D NetworkManagement: enabling bandwidth control
01-18 08:50:09.065 246 341 I AudioFlinger: systemReady
01-18 08:50:09.067 681 681 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:09.068 681 681 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x794d2e70f0
01-18 08:50:09.068 758 758 V WebViewFactory: RelroFileCreator (64bit = false), 32-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/libwebviewchromium.so, 64-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/libwebviewchromium.so
01-18 08:50:09.076 763 763 V WebViewFactory: RelroFileCreator (64bit = true), 32-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/libwebviewchromium.so, 64-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/libwebviewchromium.so
01-18 08:50:09.083 441 441 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Telecom/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:09.084 441 441 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/Telecom/lib/arm64:/system/priv-app/Telecom/Telecom.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x7951ee71d0
01-18 08:50:09.088 693 693 V SystemUIService: Starting SystemUI services for user 0.
01-18 08:50:09.089 441 788 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so: dlopen failed: library "libwvm.so" not found
01-18 08:50:09.099 441 788 I ACodec : callingProcessName:system_server
01-18 08:50:09.122 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.123 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.124 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.124 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrnb.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.132 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.132 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.133 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.133 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrwb.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.136 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.137 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.137 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.137 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.aac.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.152 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.152 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.153 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.153 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.g711.alaw.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.159 758 758 I art : System.exit called, status: 0
01-18 08:50:09.159 758 758 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
01-18 08:50:09.167 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:09.167 441 441 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
01-18 08:50:09.169 681 681 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=siminfo
01-18 08:50:09.171 681 681 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=carriers
01-18 08:50:09.173 441 441 I Telecom : SystemStateProvider: Registering car mode receiver: android.content.IntentFilter@4f05c72: TS.init@AAA
01-18 08:50:09.176 693 693 V MediaRouter: Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=null types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
01-18 08:50:09.183 693 693 V MediaRouter: Updating audio routes: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }
01-18 08:50:09.185 441 731 D UsbHostManager: Added device UsbDevice[mName=/dev/bus/usb/003/002,mVendorId=9354,mProductId=65295,mClass=0,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mManufacturerName=Telink,mProductName=Wireless Receiver,mVersion=1.16,mSerialNumber=null,mConfigurations=[
01-18 08:50:09.185 441 731 D UsbHostManager: UsbConfiguration[mId=1,mName=null,mAttributes=160,mMaxPower=25,mInterfaces=[
01-18 08:50:09.185 441 731 D UsbHostManager: UsbInterface[mId=0,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=1,mProtocol=2,mEndpoints=[
01-18 08:50:09.185 441 731 D UsbHostManager: UsbEndpoint[mAddress=130,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=8,mInterval=4]]
01-18 08:50:09.185 441 731 D UsbHostManager: UsbInterface[mId=1,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=1,mProtocol=1,mEndpoints=[
01-18 08:50:09.185 441 731 D UsbHostManager: UsbEndpoint[mAddress=129,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=8,mInterval=10]]]]
01-18 08:50:09.186 693 693 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=null types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
01-18 08:50:09.186 441 819 I Telecom : Telecom: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentHeadsetRoute
01-18 08:50:09.187 441 731 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:877 com.android.server.usb.UsbSettingsManager.deviceAttached:739 com.android.server.usb.UsbHostManager.endUsbDeviceAdded:225 com.android.server.usb.UsbHostManager.monitorUsbHostBus:-2 com.android.server.usb.UsbHostManager.-wrap0:-1
01-18 08:50:09.189 441 823 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message received: null.: TS.init->CAMSM.pM_1@AAA_0
01-18 08:50:09.189 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.190 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.190 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.191 441 528 W NetworkManagement: setDataSaverMode(): already false
01-18 08:50:09.191 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.g711.mlaw.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.209 709 804 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:09.209 709 804 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
01-18 08:50:09.210 709 804 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:09.210 709 804 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
01-18 08:50:09.213 709 804 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
01-18 08:50:09.213 709 804 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
01-18 08:50:09.213 441 441 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
01-18 08:50:09.214 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:09.214 441 825 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for call_log
01-18 08:50:09.216 763 763 I art : System.exit called, status: 0
01-18 08:50:09.216 763 763 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
01-18 08:50:09.231 441 470 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13528(1269KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 5MB/7MB, paused 5.920ms total 37.411ms
01-18 08:50:09.231 441 441 I Telecom : Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being set
01-18 08:50:09.232 441 441 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService.initializeTelecomSystem:176 com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService.onBind:61 android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindService:3218
01-18 08:50:09.234 693 693 V FingerprintManager: FingerprintManagerService was null
01-18 08:50:09.239 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onSubscribe condition://android/schedule?days=
01-18 08:50:09.239 693 693 W FingerprintManager: isFingerprintHardwareDetected(): Service not connected!
01-18 08:50:09.239 693 693 W FingerprintManager: addLockoutResetCallback(): Service not connected!
01-18 08:50:09.240 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: setRegistered true
01-18 08:50:09.241 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
01-18 08:50:09.246 709 804 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:09.253 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.253 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.254 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.255 693 851 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so: dlopen failed: library "libwvm.so" not found
01-18 08:50:09.255 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.266 693 851 I ACodec : callingProcessName:com.android.systemui
01-18 08:50:09.268 441 441 I System : Loaded time zone names for "" in 25ms (23ms in ICU)
01-18 08:50:09.281 441 441 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 12ms (11ms in ICU)
01-18 08:50:09.282 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Fri Jan 18 22:00:00 GMT+00:00 2013 (1358546400000), in +13h9m50s760ms, now=Fri Jan 18 08:50:09 GMT+00:00 2013 (1358499009240)
01-18 08:50:09.282 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onSubscribe condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false
01-18 08:50:09.283 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
01-18 08:50:09.283 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
01-18 08:50:09.283 441 528 D NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL(): false
01-18 08:50:09.284 441 528 W NetworkManagement: setDataSaverMode(): already false
01-18 08:50:09.285 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Fri Jan 18 10:00:00 GMT+00:00 2013 (1358503200000), in +1h9m50s718ms, now=Fri Jan 18 08:50:09 GMT+00:00 2013 (1358499009282)
01-18 08:50:09.286 441 441 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 com.android.server.content.SyncManager$13.run:658 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:751 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 android.os.Looper.loop:154
01-18 08:50:09.298 441 441 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: true, : WHC.oADA@AAE
01-18 08:50:09.303 441 441 I ActivityManager: user 0 is still locked. Cannot load recents
01-18 08:50:09.308 441 526 I SyncManager: Got SyncJobService instance.
01-18 08:50:09.318 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.319 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.319 441 558 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.FallbackHome: +410ms
01-18 08:50:09.319 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.320 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.opus.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.357 693 693 I vol.Events: writeEvent collection_started
01-18 08:50:09.363 693 693 W Vibrator: Failed to vibrate; no vibrator service.
01-18 08:50:09.379 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.380 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.380 441 528 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
01-18 08:50:09.380 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.381 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.raw.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.384 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.385 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.385 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.385 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.aac.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.391 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.392 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.392 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.392 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrnb.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.398 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.398 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.399 441 528 D SensorNotificationService: Cannot obtain dynamic meta sensor, not supported.
01-18 08:50:09.403 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.404 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrwb.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.407 441 659 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar
01-18 08:50:09.410 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.410 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.411 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.411 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.flac.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.413 441 659 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar
01-18 08:50:09.416 441 470 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14650(1030KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 15% free, 5MB/7MB, paused 5.046ms total 27.911ms
01-18 08:50:09.426 441 528 E u-blox : CLog::CLog: cannot get write accress to sdcard 1
01-18 08:50:09.426 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::load: fileName="/system/etc/u-blox.conf"
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : *CCfg::get: item="SERIAL_DEVICE" def="/dev/ttyO3" => "/dev/ttyS4"
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="BAUDRATE" def=9600 => 9600
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="BAUDRATE_DEF" def=9600 => 9600
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : *CCfg::get: item="ALP_TEMP" def="/data/aiding.ubx" => "/data/aiding.ubx"
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="STOP_TIMEOUT" def=5 => 5
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="XTRA_POLL_INTERVAL" def=20 => 20
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="PERSISTENCE" def=1 => 1
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_ALMANAC_REQUEST" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_UTC_MODEL_REQUEST" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_IONOSPHERIC_MODEL_REQUEST" def=0 => 1
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_DGPS_CORRECTIONS_REQUEST" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_REF_LOC_REQUEST" def=0 => 1
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_REF_TIME_REQUEST" def=0 => 1
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_AQUISITION_ASSIST_REQUEST" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_TIME_INTEGRITY_REQUEST" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_NAVIGATIONAL_MODEL_REQUEST" def=0 => 1
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_FAKE_PHONE_CONNECTION" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_NI_UI_TIMEOUT" def=120 => 10
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_NI_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT" def=75 => 75
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_LOG_MESSAGES" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_CMCC_LOGGING" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.427 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_MSG_TO_FILE" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="UDP_SERVER_PORT" def=46434 => 46434
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CCfg::get: item="UBX_HOST" def="" => ""
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="UBX_PORT" def=46434 => 46434
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::load: fileName="/system/etc/u-blox.conf"
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CCfg::get: item="SUPL_CACERT" def="NULL" => ""
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : CCfg::get: item="SUPL_CONNECT_RETRIES" def=0 => 0
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gps-xtra'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='agps'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gps-ni'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gps-debug'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='agps_ril'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gps_geofencing'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gps_measurement'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gps_navigation_message'
01-18 08:50:09.428 441 528 D u-blox : *CGpsIf::getExtension: name='gnss_configuration'
01-18 08:50:09.431 441 528 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(13, 0, null)
01-18 08:50:09.433 441 526 D u-blox : CAgpsIf::setServer: type=1(AGPS_TYPE_SUPL) host=supl.google.com port=7275
01-18 08:50:09.434 681 681 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/etc/sysconfig, skipping
01-18 08:50:09.435 441 528 W ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.gms not found
01-18 08:50:09.436 441 528 W ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.gms not found
01-18 08:50:09.436 441 526 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:1000/441 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=4, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-18 08:50:09.437 441 528 W LocationManagerService: no network location provider found
01-18 08:50:09.437 441 528 W ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.gms not found
01-18 08:50:09.440 441 528 W ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.gms not found
01-18 08:50:09.440 441 528 E LocationManagerService: no geocoder provider found
01-18 08:50:09.441 441 528 E FlpHardwareProvider: Error hw_get_module 'flp': -2
01-18 08:50:09.441 441 528 D LocationManagerService: FLP HAL not supported
01-18 08:50:09.442 441 528 W ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.gms not found
01-18 08:50:09.443 441 528 D LocationManagerService: Unable to bind FLP Geofence proxy.
01-18 08:50:09.443 441 528 E ActivityRecognitionHardware: Error hw_get_module: -2
01-18 08:50:09.443 441 528 D LocationManagerService: Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
01-18 08:50:09.444 441 528 W ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.gms not found
01-18 08:50:09.444 441 528 E ActivityRecognitionProxy: ServiceWatcher could not start.
01-18 08:50:09.444 441 528 D LocationManagerService: Unable to bind ActivityRecognitionProxy.
01-18 08:50:09.444 441 441 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/FusedLocation/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:09.444 441 528 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(2, 1, null)
01-18 08:50:09.446 441 441 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/FusedLocation/lib/arm64:/system/priv-app/FusedLocation/FusedLocation.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x7951ee7240
01-18 08:50:09.447 441 526 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(13, 0, null)
01-18 08:50:09.449 441 528 I CommonTimeManagementService: No common time service detected on this platform. Common time services will be unavailable.
01-18 08:50:09.446 894 894 I android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:87): avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.452 441 637 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000030
01-18 08:50:09.454 441 528 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to MmsService until an API is called
01-18 08:50:09.455 441 441 V WiredAccessoryManager: init()
01-18 08:50:09.446 894 894 I android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:88): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.446 894 894 I android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:89): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.461 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent external_ringer_mode_changed normal
01-18 08:50:09.462 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent internal_ringer_mode_changed normal
01-18 08:50:09.462 441 528 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.android.providers.media appid=10007 user=-1: vold reset
01-18 08:50:09.463 441 528 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: *** Keyguard started
01-18 08:50:09.464 441 528 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
01-18 08:50:09.465 441 441 D GpsNetInitiatedHandler: location enabled :true
01-18 08:50:09.463 894 894 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:90): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.477 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.478 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.478 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.480 681 681 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: Registering NetworkFactory
01-18 08:50:09.481 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener
01-18 08:50:09.482 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkFactory connected
01-18 08:50:09.483 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.484 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 1, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.480 894 894 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:91): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.483 894 894 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:92): avc: denied { execute } for name="vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.486 912 912 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:93): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.488 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]
01-18 08:50:09.488 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkFactory connected
01-18 08:50:09.490 912 912 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:94): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.494 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 6
01-18 08:50:09.495 245 756 W ACodec : [OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc] stopping checking profiles after 32: 8/1
01-18 08:50:09.495 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 7
01-18 08:50:09.496 251 802 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.496 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.497 251 251 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb000e:rk._decoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
01-18 08:50:09.490 914 914 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:95): avc: denied { write } for name="server" dev="tmpfs" ino=13781 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.498 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 11
01-18 08:50:09.500 251 802 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb000e:rk._decoder.avc] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.493 914 914 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:96): avc: denied { connectto } for path="/dev/com.koushikdutta.superuser.daemon/server" scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.502 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.493 921 921 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:97): avc: denied { sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.493 921 921 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:98): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.493 921 921 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:99): avc: denied { search } for name="914" dev="proc" ino=19068 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.503 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.504 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.505 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_decoder.m2v) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.505 251 277 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 1, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.506 251 277 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.506 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.507 251 802 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb000f:rk._decoder.m2v, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
01-18 08:50:09.507 251 277 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb000f:rk._decoder.m2v] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.493 921 921 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:100): avc: denied { read } for name="exe" dev="proc" ino=19069 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:101): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/894/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=8876 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:102): avc: denied { setuid } for capability=7 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:103): avc: denied { setgid } for capability=6 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:104): avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:105): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:106): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:107): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 924 924 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:108): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=6505 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 926 926 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:109): avc: denied { execute } for name="app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 926 926 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:110): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.496 926 926 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:111): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.500 926 926 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:112): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.506 924 924 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:113): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.506 924 924 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:114): avc: denied { execute } for name="toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.506 924 924 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:115): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.506 924 924 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:116): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.516 924 924 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:117): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.516 924 924 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:118): avc: denied { setattr } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.515 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 5
01-18 08:50:09.516 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 5
01-18 08:50:09.520 693 877 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 4
01-18 08:50:09.524 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.524 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.525 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.525 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp8) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.525 681 681 D CarrierConfigLoader: CarrierConfigLoader has started
01-18 08:50:09.525 681 929 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.contacts
01-18 08:50:09.525 681 929 W CallerInfoCache: cursor is null
01-18 08:50:09.525 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 1, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.527 251 802 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.528 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
01-18 08:50:09.528 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@972285f:true
01-18 08:50:09.528 251 277 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.529 251 802 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0010:rk._decoder.vp8, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
01-18 08:50:09.529 251 802 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0010:rk._decoder.vp8] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.526 441 441 I android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:119): avc: denied { read write } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.526 441 441 I android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:120): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.526 441 441 I android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:121): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 ioctlcmd=b503 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.531 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:09.532 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.532 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.532 441 483 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
01-18 08:50:09.533 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.533 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_decoder.h263) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.533 251 802 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 1, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.535 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.535 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.536 251 251 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0011:rk._decoder.h263, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
01-18 08:50:09.536 251 932 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0011:rk._decoder.h263] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.538 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.539 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.539 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.539 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_decoder.m4v) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.540 251 802 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 1, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.541 251 277 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.542 251 802 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.542 251 802 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0012:rk._decoder.m4v, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
01-18 08:50:09.542 251 277 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0012:rk._decoder.m4v] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.543 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.544 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.544 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.544 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.544 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.545 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_decoder.hevc) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.545 251 277 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 1, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.547 251 932 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.548 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL: OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
01-18 08:50:09.548 251 277 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0013:rk._decoder.hevc, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
01-18 08:50:09.549 251 251 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0013:rk._decoder.hevc] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.550 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.551 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.551 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.551 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.rk.video_encoder.avc) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.553 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_LOG: ion_client_create Error: -1
01-18 08:50:09.553 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_ENC: Rockchip_OSAL_SharedMemory_Open open fail
01-18 08:50:09.553 251 251 E ROCKCHIP_RM: pRockchipComponent->codecType 2, Line:282
01-18 08:50:09.553 944 944 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:122): avc: denied { read } for name="exe" dev="proc" ino=19574 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.560 245 756 W ACodec : [OMX.rk.video_encoder.avc] stopping checking profiles after 32: 8/1
01-18 08:50:09.563 245 756 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
01-18 08:50:09.563 251 251 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(fb0014:rk._encoder.avc, ConfigAndroidIntraRefresh(0x6f60000a)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
01-18 08:50:09.566 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.567 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.568 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.569 251 932 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.h264.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.569 681 681 I Telephony: TtyManager: updateUiTtyMode -1 -> 0
01-18 08:50:09.590 441 528 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(12, 0, null)
01-18 08:50:09.593 441 526 V u-blox : CGpsIf::init:
01-18 08:50:09.593 441 526 D u-blox : CGpsIf::init: (1285878864): Initializing - pid 441
01-18 08:50:09.593 441 526 D GnssLocationProvider: set_capabilities_callback: 23u
01-18 08:50:09.593 441 526 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(5, 0, null)
01-18 08:50:09.594 441 955 V u-blox : ubx_thread: (919168080): Gps background thread started
01-18 08:50:09.601 441 955 V u-blox : ubx_thread: SSL initialised
01-18 08:50:09.601 441 955 V u-blox : CUdpServer::openLocalPort: Udp port opened, fd = 195
01-18 08:50:09.601 441 955 V u-blox : handle_init: (919168080): Init state.
01-18 08:50:09.601 441 955 V u-blox : connectReceiver: Open/Reopen the serial port
01-18 08:50:09.601 441 955 V u-blox : CSerialPort::openSerial: Serial port opened, fd = 198
01-18 08:50:09.601 441 955 V u-blox : connectReceiver: Init receiver
01-18 08:50:09.602 441 955 V u-blox : CUbxGpsState::powerOff: placeholder for power OFF function
01-18 08:50:09.602 441 955 E u-blox : CGpsIf::gpsStatus: class not initialized
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 D u-blox : CGpsIf::init: Initialized complete: result 1
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 V u-blox : CGpsIf::gpsStatus: GPS status change: 0 (GPS_STATUS_NONE) => 4 (GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_OFF)
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 V u-blox : CXtraIf::init:
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 V u-blox : CAgpsIf::init:
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 V u-blox : CNiIf::init:
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 V u-blox : CRilIf::init:
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 D u-blox : CAgpsIf::setServer: type=1(AGPS_TYPE_SUPL) host=supl.google.com port=7275
01-18 08:50:09.603 441 526 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(2, 1, null)
01-18 08:50:09.604 441 441 I FusedLocation: engine started (com.android.location.fused)
01-18 08:50:09.611 693 693 D StorageNotification: Notifying about private volume: VolumeInfo{private}:
01-18 08:50:09.611 693 693 D StorageNotification: type=PRIVATE diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
01-18 08:50:09.611 693 693 D StorageNotification: state=MOUNTED
01-18 08:50:09.611 693 693 D StorageNotification: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
01-18 08:50:09.611 693 693 D StorageNotification: path=/data internalPath=null
01-18 08:50:09.614 245 756 W ACodec : [OMX.google.h264.decoder] stopping checking profiles after 32: 2/8000
01-18 08:50:09.615 251 251 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0015:google.h264.decoder, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
01-18 08:50:09.615 251 802 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0015:google.h264.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.617 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.617 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.618 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.618 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vp8.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.632 441 526 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(12, 0, null)
01-18 08:50:09.633 441 526 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(5, 0, null)
01-18 08:50:09.647 441 783 W WindowManager: animateResizePinnedStack: stackId 4 not found.
01-18 08:50:09.650 251 251 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0016:google.vp8.decoder, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
01-18 08:50:09.650 251 277 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0016:google.vp8.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.652 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.652 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.652 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.653 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vp9.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.682 251 932 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(fb0017:google.vp9.decoder, OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
01-18 08:50:09.682 251 932 W OMXNodeInstance: [fb0017:google.vp9.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
01-18 08:50:09.684 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.685 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.685 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.685 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.h263.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.693 441 484 W WindowManager: Attempted to add wallpaper window with unknown token android.os.Binder@ebc93bd. Aborting.
01-18 08:50:09.694 693 693 W WallpaperService: Failed to add window while updating wallpaper surface.
01-18 08:50:09.724 441 529 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: *** Keyguard connected (yay!)
01-18 08:50:09.725 441 558 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
01-18 08:50:09.745 441 558 I ActivityManager: Start proc 967:android.ext.services/u0a8 for on-hold
01-18 08:50:09.746 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.746 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.748 441 558 D ActivityManager: Finishing user boot 0
01-18 08:50:09.750 251 802 I SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
01-18 08:50:09.750 441 558 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {3 cryptfs prepare_user_storage ! 0 0 2}
01-18 08:50:09.751 441 643 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
01-18 08:50:09.752 441 558 V UserManagerService: Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0
01-18 08:50:09.752 441 558 V UserManagerService: Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0
01-18 08:50:09.752 441 558 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x2
01-18 08:50:09.753 245 756 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
01-18 08:50:09.760 251 932 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(fb0018:google.h263.encoder, ConfigAndroidIntraRefresh(0x6f60000a)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
01-18 08:50:09.763 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.763 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.765 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.766 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.766 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.766 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.mpeg4.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.779 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.779 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.796 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.796 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.812 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.812 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.823 251 802 I SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
01-18 08:50:09.825 245 756 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
01-18 08:50:09.826 251 277 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(fb0019:google.mpeg4.encoder, ConfigAndroidIntraRefresh(0x6f60000a)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
01-18 08:50:09.828 245 756 I ACodec : callingProcessName:/system/bin/mediaserver
01-18 08:50:09.828 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.829 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.829 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.829 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.829 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vp8.encoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.846 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.846 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.862 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.862 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.864 245 756 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
01-18 08:50:09.864 251 932 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(fb001a:google.vp8.encoder, ConfigAndroidIntraRefresh(0x6f60000a)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
01-18 08:50:09.867 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.867 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.869 245 756 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.870 245 756 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.870 245 756 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs configuration xml file: /data/misc/media/media_codecs_profiling_results.xml
01-18 08:50:09.871 245 757 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.871 245 757 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.872 251 964 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.872 245 868 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.872 245 809 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:09.876 693 855 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.876 441 797 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:09.879 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.879 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.896 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.896 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.900 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.901 251 932 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:09.902 251 277 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(fb001b:google.vorbis.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
01-18 08:50:09.903 245 757 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
01-18 08:50:09.905 245 757 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
01-18 08:50:09.912 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.912 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.924 950 950 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
01-18 08:50:09.930 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.931 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.933 246 661 W AudioFlinger: virtual sp<android::IAudioTrack> android::AudioFlinger::createTrack(audio_stream_type_t, uint32_t, audio_format_t, audio_channel_mask_t, size_t *, audio_output_flags_t *, const sp<android::IMemory> &, audio_io_handle_t, pid_t, pid_t, audio_session_t *, int, status_t *) uid 1000 pid 245 tried to pass itself off as pid 441
01-18 08:50:09.934 950 950 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
01-18 08:50:09.937 245 753 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 11264 for frameCount 22528
01-18 08:50:09.940 950 950 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:123): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=117 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.940 950 950 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:124): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.art" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=166 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.940 950 950 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:125): avc: denied { read } for name="system@framework@boot.art" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=166 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-18 08:50:09.938 950 950 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-18 08:50:09.946 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.946 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.962 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.963 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.974 441 558 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData finished 65 packages
01-18 08:50:09.974 441 555 W art : Long monitor contention with owner android.display (558) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.finishBooting()(ActivityManagerService.java:6992) waiters=0 in int com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.content.IIntentReceiver, int, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String[], int, android.os.Bundle, boolean, boolean, int) for 241ms
01-18 08:50:09.975 441 555 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to mtp,adb
01-18 08:50:09.975 441 484 W art : Long monitor contention with owner android.display (558) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.finishBooting()(ActivityManagerService.java:6992) waiters=2 in int com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.content.IIntentReceiver, int, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String[], int, android.os.Bundle, boolean, boolean, int) for 235ms
01-18 08:50:09.978 441 783 W art : Long monitor contention with owner android.display (558) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.finishBooting()(ActivityManagerService.java:6992) waiters=3 in int com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.content.IIntentReceiver, int, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String[], int, android.os.Bundle, boolean, boolean, int) for 237ms
01-18 08:50:09.979 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.980 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.980 441 528 W art : Long monitor contention with owner android.display (558) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.finishBooting()(ActivityManagerService.java:6992) waiters=4 in void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) for 231ms
01-18 08:50:09.981 441 502 W art : Long monitor contention with owner android.display (558) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.finishBooting()(ActivityManagerService.java:6992) waiters=5 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) for 215ms
01-18 08:50:09.982 441 528 D BluetoothManagerService: User 0 unlocked
01-18 08:50:09.982 441 528 D MountService: onUnlockUser 0
01-18 08:50:09.982 441 528 D VoldConnector: SND -> {6 volume user_started 0}
01-18 08:50:09.988 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 301
01-18 08:50:09.988 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_USER_UNLOCKED
01-18 08:50:09.988 441 558 I Choreographer: Skipped 33 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
01-18 08:50:09.989 693 693 I Choreographer: Skipped 50 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
01-18 08:50:09.990 950 950 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
01-18 08:50:09.991 441 642 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 6 Command succeeded}
01-18 08:50:09.996 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.996 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:09.996 441 441 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) (error -75)
01-18 08:50:09.998 441 788 I ACodec : callingProcessName:system_server
01-18 08:50:10.000 441 641 D MountService: Volume emulated broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
01-18 08:50:10.001 245 868 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.002 441 1002 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.004 251 802 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.012 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.012 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.015 441 528 I SELinux : SELinux: Loaded file_contexts contexts from /file_contexts.bin.
01-18 08:50:10.020 967 967 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ExtServices/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.024 441 528 V BackupManagerService: No ancestral data
01-18 08:50:10.030 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.030 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.035 693 851 I ACodec : callingProcessName:com.android.systemui
01-18 08:50:10.042 441 528 V BackupManagerService: Starting with transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport
01-18 08:50:10.042 441 528 V BackupManagerService: Found transports: 1
01-18 08:50:10.043 441 528 W BackupManagerService: Proposed transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService} not whitelisted; ignoring
01-18 08:50:10.045 441 528 I BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => true
01-18 08:50:10.045 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.045 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.046 245 809 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.046 441 483 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@2e2ad0
01-18 08:50:10.048 693 1017 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.049 251 964 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.053 441 528 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 248 minutes
01-18 08:50:10.059 950 950 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:10.059 950 950 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
01-18 08:50:10.060 950 950 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
01-18 08:50:10.063 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.063 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.067 441 528 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0
01-18 08:50:10.067 441 528 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
01-18 08:50:10.068 441 528 I ActivityManager: Loading recents for user 0 into memory.
01-18 08:50:10.079 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.079 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.083 950 950 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
01-18 08:50:10.087 441 528 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1023:com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a28 for added application com.android.inputmethod.latin
01-18 08:50:10.088 204 204 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for service=activity pid=950 uid=0 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:activity_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=1
01-18 08:50:10.088 441 788 I ACodec : callingProcessName:system_server
01-18 08:50:10.089 204 204 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for service=package pid=950 uid=0 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:package_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=1
01-18 08:50:10.093 245 809 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.094 441 1022 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.096 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.096 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.101 251 932 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.101 245 742 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf42aac00), (6, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
01-18 08:50:10.101 441 1021 W ResourceType: No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f02010c
01-18 08:50:10.101 441 1021 W ResourceType: No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f0e03ad
01-18 08:50:10.101 441 1021 W ResourceType: No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f02010b
01-18 08:50:10.101 441 1021 W ResourceType: No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f0e094e
01-18 08:50:10.101 441 1021 W ResourceType: No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f02010a
01-18 08:50:10.101 441 1021 W ResourceType: No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f0e0808
01-18 08:50:10.100 441 1011 I BackupManagerService: Found stale backup journal, scheduling
01-18 08:50:10.106 246 334 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, but system ready!
01-18 08:50:10.107 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream
01-18 08:50:10.107 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device : 0x8040a
01-18 08:50:10.107 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
01-18 08:50:10.107 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels : 2
01-18 08:50:10.107 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate : 0
01-18 08:50:10.108 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
01-18 08:50:10.108 246 334 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0
01-18 08:50:10.109 246 334 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 11
01-18 08:50:10.121 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.121 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.122 441 528 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1041:com.cghs.stresstest/1000 for added application com.cghs.stresstest
01-18 08:50:10.124 441 528 D ActivityManager: Sending BOOT_COMPLETE user #0
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast null from system uid 0 pkg null
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.checkBroadcastFromSystem(ActivityManagerService.java:18105)
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18672)
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(ActivityManagerService.java:18763)
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:499)
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2898)
01-18 08:50:10.126 441 484 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
01-18 08:50:10.129 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.129 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.146 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.146 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.165 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.165 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.169 441 528 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1065:android.rockchip.update.service/1000 for broadcast android.rockchip.update.service/.RKUpdateReceiver
01-18 08:50:10.174 709 709 D FallbackHome: User unlocked and real home found; let's go!
01-18 08:50:10.179 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.180 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.187 1041 1041 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/StressTest/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.196 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.196 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.203 693 851 I ACodec : callingProcessName:com.android.systemui
01-18 08:50:10.209 245 738 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.209 926 926 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
01-18 08:50:10.210 441 662 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1080:com.android.keychain/1000 for service com.android.keychain/.KeyChainService
01-18 08:50:10.212 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.212 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.216 441 441 I AccountManagerService: User 0 is unlocked - opening CE database
01-18 08:50:10.218 926 926 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
01-18 08:50:10.220 441 483 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from uid 0 on display 0
01-18 08:50:10.224 441 788 I ACodec : callingProcessName:system_server
01-18 08:50:10.224 926 926 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-18 08:50:10.228 245 342 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.229 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.229 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.229 441 1093 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.230 693 1079 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.231 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.235 251 277 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.245 441 483 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1097:com.android.launcher3/u0a29 for activity com.android.launcher3/.Launcher
01-18 08:50:10.246 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.246 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.262 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.262 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.280 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.280 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.281 1080 1080 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/KeyChain/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.297 1065 1065 D RKUpdateReceiver: action = android.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE
01-18 08:50:10.301 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.301 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.307 926 926 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
01-18 08:50:10.308 1097 1097 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Launcher3/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.312 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.313 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.322 441 483 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1127:android.process.media/u0a7 for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MtpReceiver
01-18 08:50:10.329 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.329 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.330 681 681 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-18 08:50:10.334 681 681 D TelephonyDebugService: TelephonyDebugService()
01-18 08:50:10.345 441 649 D WIFI : Registering NetworkFactory
01-18 08:50:10.345 1097 1097 D LauncherProvider: Launcher process started
01-18 08:50:10.345 441 649 D WIFI_UT : Registering NetworkFactory
01-18 08:50:10.345 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.345 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.346 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI
01-18 08:50:10.347 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI_UT
01-18 08:50:10.347 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkFactory connected
01-18 08:50:10.347 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkFactory connected
01-18 08:50:10.348 441 649 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-18 08:50:10.348 441 649 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-18 08:50:10.350 1041 1041 E VRMountReceiver: ---------------- action = android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
01-18 08:50:10.350 1041 1041 E VRMountReceiver: ------------- mount path = /storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:10.352 1041 1041 E VRMountReceiver: ---------------- pathUri is null
01-18 08:50:10.353 441 788 I ACodec : callingProcessName:system_server
01-18 08:50:10.355 245 738 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.356 441 1149 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.358 926 926 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
01-18 08:50:10.358 926 926 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
01-18 08:50:10.359 251 932 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.362 926 926 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
01-18 08:50:10.363 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.363 441 679 E Lights Hal: write_int failed to open /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness
01-18 08:50:10.369 1097 1097 V Launcher: LauncherAppState inited
01-18 08:50:10.386 926 926 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
01-18 08:50:10.387 1127 1127 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast null from system uid 0 pkg null
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.checkBroadcastFromSystem(ActivityManagerService.java:18105)
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18672)
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(ActivityManagerService.java:18763)
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:499)
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2898)
01-18 08:50:10.397 441 986 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
01-18 08:50:10.401 681 681 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 12 phoneId: 0
01-18 08:50:10.425 1127 1127 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.427 1127 1127 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x79341cd0f0
01-18 08:50:10.447 441 788 I ACodec : callingProcessName:system_server
01-18 08:50:10.449 245 738 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
01-18 08:50:10.450 441 1158 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
01-18 08:50:10.452 251 251 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in mediacodec process
01-18 08:50:10.457 441 999 W Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount not allowed on non-voice capable device.: TSI.rPA@AAM
01-18 08:50:10.464 681 681 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [e0184adedf913b076626646d3f52c3b49c39ad6d], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: null GroupId: [da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709]] with handle: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [e0184adedf913b076626646d3f52c3b49c39ad6d], UserHandle{0}
01-18 08:50:10.464 441 529 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout. Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
01-18 08:50:10.466 681 681 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {973be1}
01-18 08:50:10.520 681 681 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: Received android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED
01-18 08:50:10.521 681 681 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getCarrierPackageNamesForIntent: No UICC
01-18 08:50:10.521 681 681 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0
01-18 08:50:10.562 693 693 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
01-18 08:50:10.563 693 693 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/Camera2/lib/arm64:/system/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x794d2e70f0
01-18 08:50:10.572 441 714 W Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount not allowed on non-voice capable device.: TSI.rPA@AAY
01-18 08:50:10.586 1097 1152 V GridSizeMigrationTask: Workspace migration completed in 34
01-18 08:50:10.587 1097 1152 D Launcher.Model: loadWorkspace: loading default favorites
01-18 08:50:10.614 1097 1169 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:10.614 1097 1169 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
01-18 08:50:10.615 1097 1169 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:10.615 1097 1169 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
01-18 08:50:10.621 1097 1169 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
01-18 08:50:10.621 1097 1169 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
01-18 08:50:10.659 1097 1169 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:10.679 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
01-18 08:50:10.679 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@fde5f69:true
01-18 08:50:10.682 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:10.684 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:10.686 693 693 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP profile
01-18 08:50:10.687 693 693 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
01-18 08:50:10.688 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:10.688 693 693 E BluetoothMap: Could not bind to Bluetooth MAP Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothMap }
01-18 08:50:10.689 441 556 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
01-18 08:50:10.689 693 693 E BluetoothPbap: Could not bind to Bluetooth Pbap Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPbap }
01-18 08:50:10.689 693 693 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
01-18 08:50:10.694 441 483 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10015/693 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
01-18 08:50:10.705 693 693 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
01-18 08:50:10.723 441 558 D xzj : ----not tablet,launcher drawn done,exit bootanim----
01-18 08:50:10.723 441 558 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.launcher3/.Launcher: +496ms
01-18 08:50:10.809 441 484 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1189:android.process.acore/u0a3 for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2
01-18 08:50:10.817 693 951 D OpenGLRenderer: profile bars disabled
01-18 08:50:10.817 693 951 D OpenGLRenderer: ambientRatio = 1.50
01-18 08:50:10.822 441 555 D EthernetNetworkFactory: updateInterface: eth0 link down
01-18 08:50:10.822 441 555 D EthernetNetworkFactory: sendEthernetStateChangedBroadcast: curState = DISCONNECTING
01-18 08:50:10.824 441 555 D EthernetNetworkFactory: sendEthernetStateChangedBroadcast: curState = DISCONNECTED
01-18 08:50:10.825 693 693 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND* icons alerts system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
01-18 08:50:10.852 1189 1189 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.890 693 693 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is enabled
01-18 08:50:10.903 1189 1189 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate start
01-18 08:50:10.905 1189 1189 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate finish
01-18 08:50:10.911 1189 1189 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:10.912 1189 1189 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x79341cd0f0
01-18 08:50:10.917 441 502 W WindowManager: Attempted to add wallpaper window with unknown token android.os.Binder@ebc93bd. Aborting.
01-18 08:50:10.918 693 693 W WallpaperService: Failed to add window while updating wallpaper surface.
01-18 08:50:10.936 441 986 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
01-18 08:50:10.937 245 756 I NuPlayerDecoder: [audio] saw output EOS
01-18 08:50:10.938 693 693 W FingerprintManager: isFingerprintHardwareDetected(): Service not connected!
01-18 08:50:10.985 441 783 V InputMethodManagerService: Adding window token: android.os.Binder@412cf55
01-18 08:50:11.007 693 693 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:11.007 693 693 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
01-18 08:50:11.007 693 693 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
01-18 08:50:11.007 693 693 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
01-18 08:50:11.017 693 693 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:11.021 1023 1023 I LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true
01-18 08:50:11.045 441 502 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) (error -75)
01-18 08:50:11.047 1189 1206 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [[en_US]]: [鈥? A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, 螒, 螔, 螕, 螖, 螘, 螙, 螚, 螛, 螜, 螝, 螞, 螠, 螡, 螢, 螣, 螤, 巍, 危, 韦, 违, 桅, 围, 唯, 惟, 鈥? 袗, 袘, 袙, 袚, 袛, 袀, 袝, 袆, 袞, 袟, 袠, 袉, 袡, 袌, 袣, 袥, 袎, 袦, 袧, 袏, 袨, 袩, 袪, 小, 孝, 袐, 校, 肖, 啸, 笑, 效, 袕, 楔, 些, 挟, 携, 鈥? 讗, 讘, 讙, 讚, 讛, 讜, 讝, 讞, 讟, 讬, 讻, 诇, 诪, 谞, 住, 注, 驻, 爪, 拽, 专, 砖, 转, 鈥? 丕, 亘, 鬲, 孬, 噩, 丨, 禺, 丿, 匕, 乇, 夭, 爻, 卮, 氐, 囟, 胤, 馗, 毓, 睾, 賮, 賯, 賰, 賱, 賲, 賳, 賴, 賵, 賷, 鈥? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 喔? 鈥? 銊? 銊? 銊? 銊? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 銋? 鈥? 銇? 銇? 銇? 銇? 銇? 銇? 銇? 銈? 銈? 銈? #, 鈥?
01-18 08:50:11.104 1023 1023 W InputAttributes: No editor info for this field. Bug?
01-18 08:50:11.105 1023 1023 W Vibrator: Failed to vibrate; no vibrator service.
01-18 08:50:11.111 1023 1023 I ResourceUtils: Found default value: resource=keypress_vibration_durations build=[HARDWARE=rk30board MODEL=firefly-rk3399 BRAND=rockchip MANUFACTURER=rockchip] default=-1
01-18 08:50:11.111 693 693 I Choreographer: Skipped 57 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
01-18 08:50:11.111 1023 1023 I ResourceUtils: Found default value: resource=keypress_volumes build=[HARDWARE=rk30board MODEL=firefly-rk3399 BRAND=rockchip MANUFACTURER=rockchip] default=-1.0f
01-18 08:50:11.116 693 693 D ViewRootImpl[StatusBar]: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=true
01-18 08:50:11.124 1023 1225 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.en_US.dict ; version = ? ; date = ?
01-18 08:50:11.128 1023 1226 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.en_US.dic ; version = ? ; date = 1514255248
01-18 08:50:11.130 1023 1227 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = personalization.en_US.dict ; version = ? ; date = 1358499665
01-18 08:50:11.131 1023 1228 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = PersonalizationPredictionDictio ; version = ? ; date = 1358499665
01-18 08:50:11.141 1023 1224 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:en ; version = 42 ; date = 1381226429
01-18 08:50:11.215 693 951 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
01-18 08:50:11.215 693 951 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
01-18 08:50:11.216 246 246 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:170): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=netlink_kobject_uevent_socket permissive=1
01-18 08:50:11.237 1097 1115 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=20KB, data=30KB
01-18 08:50:11.238 1097 1115 I art : After code cache collection, code=14KB, data=24KB
01-18 08:50:11.238 1097 1115 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
01-18 08:50:11.256 693 951 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:11.290 693 951 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:11.291 441 648 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
01-18 08:50:11.358 693 693 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-18 08:50:11.488 693 693 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand* icons alerts system_info back* home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
01-18 08:50:11.491 441 484 W WindowManager: Attempted to add wallpaper window with unknown token android.os.Binder@ebc93bd. Aborting.
01-18 08:50:11.492 693 693 W WallpaperService: Failed to add window while updating wallpaper surface.
01-18 08:50:11.497 693 693 I Choreographer: Skipped 48 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
01-18 08:50:11.553 245 742 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf42aac00), (2, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
01-18 08:50:11.582 246 334 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, but system ready!
01-18 08:50:11.829 441 678 D EthernetNetworkFactory: eth0 carrier = 0
01-18 08:50:11.878 1041 1041 D RecoveryReceiver: RECOVERY_STATE_FILE_TF:/mnt/external_sd/Recovery_state
01-18 08:50:11.900 441 714 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1239:com.rockchip.devicetest/1000 for broadcast com.rockchip.devicetest/.BootReceiver
01-18 08:50:11.958 1239 1239 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DeviceTest/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:11.965 246 1184 D AudioHardwareTiny: adev_set_parameters: kvpairs = A2dpSuspended=false
01-18 08:50:12.015 1239 1239 V TestService: action:android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
01-18 08:50:12.017 1239 1239 V TestService: pathfile:///storage/emulated/0,bootcomplete=true
01-18 08:50:12.018 1239 1239 V TestService: path1:file:///storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:12.018 1239 1239 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 com.rockchip.devicetest.BootReceiver.onReceive:58 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:3040
01-18 08:50:12.024 1065 1065 D RKUpdateReceiver: action = android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
01-18 08:50:12.032 1239 1239 D TestService: onCreate
01-18 08:50:12.057 1239 1239 D TestService: onStartCommand,from:mount
01-18 08:50:12.070 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.070 1239 1239 D StorageList: Storage'paths:/storage/emulated/0 state:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.075 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find path:/storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:12.079 1127 1127 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:12.083 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Music
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Alarms
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Notifications
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Pictures
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Movies
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Download
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/DCIM
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Android
01-18 08:50:12.088 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Screenshots
01-18 08:50:12.089 1239 1239 D TestService: no DeviceTest.apk
01-18 08:50:12.089 1239 1239 D TestService: Rock Recv Mount action. 10566
01-18 08:50:12.114 441 1262 I RecoverySystem: No recovery log file
01-18 08:50:12.119 1041 1041 D StressTest: =========onReceive===rebootFlag:0
01-18 08:50:12.124 441 1262 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox
01-18 08:50:12.124 1239 1239 V TestService: action:android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
01-18 08:50:12.124 1239 1239 V TestService: getSystemAbnormalRestartTime0:5
01-18 08:50:12.124 441 1262 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors
01-18 08:50:12.124 1239 1239 V TestService: setSystemStart0:true
01-18 08:50:12.124 1239 1239 V TestService: SystemUtils.isBootComplete()=true
01-18 08:50:12.150 1239 1239 V TestService: setLastShutDownIsUnsafety =false
01-18 08:50:12.151 1239 1239 V TestService: setSystemStart1:true
01-18 08:50:12.154 1239 1239 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 com.rockchip.devicetest.BootReceiver.onReceive:86 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:3040
01-18 08:50:12.156 1239 1239 V TestService: getSystemAbnormalRestartTime1:6
01-18 08:50:12.162 681 681 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 13 phoneId: 0
01-18 08:50:12.163 681 681 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 7 phoneId: 0
01-18 08:50:12.164 681 681 E CarrierConfigLoader: Failed to get package version for: com.android.carrierconfig
01-18 08:50:12.164 681 681 D CarrierConfigLoader: Binding to com.android.carrierconfig for phone 0
01-18 08:50:12.165 441 714 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.service.carrier.CarrierService pkg=com.android.carrierconfig } U=0: not found
01-18 08:50:12.177 709 709 I BootReceiver: action==ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED,BootReceiver is start
01-18 08:50:12.177 441 441 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU@AAk
01-18 08:50:12.178 1239 1239 D TestService: onStartCommand,from:boot
01-18 08:50:12.180 1065 1065 D RKUpdateReceiver: action = android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
01-18 08:50:12.180 1065 1065 D RKUpdateReceiver: RKUpdateReceiver recv ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED.
01-18 08:50:12.181 1065 1065 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.rockchip.update.service.RKUpdateReceiver.onReceive:59 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:3040
01-18 08:50:12.184 1065 1065 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.rockchip.update.service.RKUpdateReceiver.onReceive:65 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:3040
01-18 08:50:12.189 1023 1023 I LauncherIconVisibilityManager: Boot has been completed
01-18 08:50:12.192 1065 1065 I android_rockchip_update_UpdateService.cpp: JNI_OnLoad
01-18 08:50:12.195 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.195 1239 1239 D StorageList: Storage'paths:/storage/emulated/0 state:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.195 1023 1023 I LauncherIconVisibilityManager: Activity has already been disabled: ComponentInfo{com.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.setup.SetupActivity}
01-18 08:50:12.199 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: starting RKUpdateService, version is 1.8.1
01-18 08:50:12.201 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find path:/storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:12.202 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: remote uri is ... =US&language=en
01-18 08:50:12.202 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: remote uri backup is ... =US&language=en
01-18 08:50:12.207 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.207 681 681 V VvmBootCompletedRcvr: processing subId list
01-18 08:50:12.211 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: first startup!!!
01-18 08:50:12.213 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Music
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Alarms
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Notifications
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Pictures
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Movies
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Download
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/DCIM
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Android
01-18 08:50:12.214 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Screenshots
01-18 08:50:12.215 1239 1239 D TestService: no DeviceTest.apk
01-18 08:50:12.215 1239 1239 D TestService: Rock Recv boot action. 10692
01-18 08:50:12.223 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.224 1239 1239 D StorageList: Storage'paths:/storage/emulated/0 state:mounted
01-18 08:50:12.224 441 502 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1271:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver
01-18 08:50:12.228 1239 1239 D TestService: Rock check storage, mounted.
01-18 08:50:12.228 1239 1239 D TestService: Rock check storage, mounted.
01-18 08:50:12.235 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: onStartCommand.......
01-18 08:50:12.235 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: command = 1 delaytime = 20000
01-18 08:50:12.235 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: onStartCommand.......
01-18 08:50:12.235 1065 1065 D RKUpdateService: command = 2 delaytime = 25000
01-18 08:50:12.269 1271 1271 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:12.272 441 558 W WindowManager: App freeze timeout expired.
01-18 08:50:12.313 1271 1271 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@3dc307a(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@3e2002b)
01-18 08:50:12.436 441 502 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1288:com.google.android.apps.wallpaper/u0a40 for broadcast com.google.android.apps.wallpaper/.module.GoogleAlarmInitializer
01-18 08:50:12.484 1288 1288 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/WallpaperPicker/lib/arm64
01-18 08:50:12.544 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.545 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.547 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.550 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.552 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.553 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.554 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.555 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.557 926 926 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
01-18 08:50:12.553 441 441 I Binder:441_7: type=1400 audit(0.0:171): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=binder permissive=1
01-18 08:50:12.558 950 950 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
01-18 08:50:12.560 1288 1303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
01-18 08:50:12.563 681 681 D VvmSimChangeReceiver: Carrier config changed
01-18 08:50:12.580 681 681 D VvmSimChangeReceiver: visual voicemail not supported for carrier on subId 0
01-18 08:50:12.829 441 555 D EthernetNetworkFactory: updateInterface: eth0 link up
01-18 08:50:12.830 441 676 D EthernetNetworkFactory: onRequestNetwork: eth0 carrier = 1
01-18 08:50:12.830 441 676 D EthernetNetworkFactory: sendEthernetStateChangedBroadcast: curState = CONNECTING
01-18 08:50:12.833 441 1307 D EthernetNetworkFactory: starting ipProvisioningThread(eth0): mNetworkInfo=[type: Ethernet[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: fe:fe:96:63:49:29, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]
01-18 08:50:12.833 441 1307 D EthernetNetworkFactory: config DHCP
01-18 08:50:12.840 255 608 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on eth0
01-18 08:50:12.843 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
01-18 08:50:12.844 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: CMD_UPDATE_TCP_BUFFER_SIZES eth0/2 0 0 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152 [rcvd_in=StoppedState, proc_in=StoppedState]
01-18 08:50:12.846 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: CMD_START eth0/2 0 0 ProvisioningConfiguration{mEnableIPv4: true, mEnableIPv6: true, mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor: true, mRequestedPreDhcpActionMs: 0, mStaticIpConfig: null, mApfCapabilities: null, mProvisioningTimeoutMs: 0} [rcvd_in=StoppedState, proc_in=StoppedState]
01-18 08:50:12.857 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
01-18 08:50:12.858 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: onLinkPropertiesChange()
01-18 08:50:12.858 441 1308 D EthernetNetworkFactory: onLinkPropertiesChange: lp = {InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}
01-18 08:50:12.859 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
01-18 08:50:12.879 441 1311 D DhcpClient: Receive thread started
01-18 08:50:12.880 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION eth0/2 0 0 null [rcvd_in=RunningState, proc_in=RunningState]
01-18 08:50:12.881 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: EVENT_PRE_DHCP_ACTION_COMPLETE eth0/2 0 0 null [rcvd_in=RunningState, proc_in=RunningState]
01-18 08:50:12.891 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
01-18 08:50:13.064 1127 1129 I art : Compiler allocated 4MB to compile android.database.Cursor com.android.providers.media.MediaProvider.query(android.net.Uri, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)
01-18 08:50:13.420 1271 1271 I CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000000 }
01-18 08:50:13.421 1271 1271 W ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
01-18 08:50:13.856 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
01-18 08:50:14.276 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.276 1239 1239 D StorageList: Storage'paths:/storage/emulated/0 state:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.281 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find path:/storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:14.286 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Music
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Alarms
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Notifications
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Pictures
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Movies
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Download
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/DCIM
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Android
01-18 08:50:14.291 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Screenshots
01-18 08:50:14.302 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.302 1239 1239 D StorageList: Storage'paths:/storage/emulated/0 state:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.307 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find path:/storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:14.312 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Music
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Alarms
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Notifications
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Pictures
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Movies
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Download
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/DCIM
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Android
01-18 08:50:14.314 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Screenshots
01-18 08:50:14.320 1239 1239 D TestService: factoryFilePath: agingFilePath: externalStorageFilePath:/storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:14.334 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.334 1239 1239 D StorageList: Storage'paths:/storage/emulated/0 state:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.338 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find path:/storage/emulated/0
01-18 08:50:14.343 1239 1239 D StorageList: VolumnState:mounted
01-18 08:50:14.344 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Music
01-18 08:50:14.344 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts
01-18 08:50:14.344 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones
01-18 08:50:14.344 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Alarms
01-18 08:50:14.344 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Notifications
01-18 08:50:14.345 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Pictures
01-18 08:50:14.345 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Movies
01-18 08:50:14.345 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Download
01-18 08:50:14.345 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/DCIM
01-18 08:50:14.345 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Android
01-18 08:50:14.345 1239 1239 D DeviceTest-FileUitls: find file:/storage/emulated/0/Screenshots
01-18 08:50:14.347 1239 1239 D TestService: It is not in factory/aging test mode.
01-18 08:50:14.365 1239 1239 D TestService: onDestroy
01-18 08:50:14.465 1127 1264 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory.
01-18 08:50:14.480 246 334 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
01-18 08:50:14.562 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
01-18 08:50:14.912 441 1311 D DhcpClient: Received packet: fe:fe:96:63:49:29 OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / / , gateways [/] lease time 259200, domain logitech.com
01-18 08:50:14.913 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains logitech.com DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 259200 seconds
01-18 08:50:14.917 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=
01-18 08:50:14.938 441 1311 D DhcpClient: Received packet: fe:fe:96:63:49:29 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / / , lease time 259200
01-18 08:50:14.939 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains logitech.com DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 259200 seconds
01-18 08:50:14.941 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
01-18 08:50:14.941 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: onNewDhcpResults(IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains logitech.com DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 259200 seconds)
01-18 08:50:14.942 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: onLinkPropertiesChange()
01-18 08:50:14.942 441 1308 D EthernetNetworkFactory: onLinkPropertiesChange: lp = {InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}
01-18 08:50:14.944 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: CMD_POST_DHCP_ACTION eth0/2 1 0 IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains logitech.com DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 259200 seconds [rcvd_in=RunningState, proc_in=RunningState]
01-18 08:50:14.945 255 608 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
01-18 08:50:14.947 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: IPv4 configuration succeeded
01-18 08:50:14.950 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 129599s
01-18 08:50:14.950 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 226799s
01-18 08:50:14.950 441 1309 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 259199s
01-18 08:50:14.955 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: CMD_CONFIGURE_LINKADDRESS eth0/2 0 0 [rcvd_in=RunningState, proc_in=RunningState]
01-18 08:50:14.956 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
01-18 08:50:14.956 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: onProvisioningSuccess()
01-18 08:50:14.968 441 1307 D EthernetNetworkFactory: success get ip: lp = {InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}
01-18 08:50:14.968 441 1307 D EthernetNetworkFactory: sendEthernetStateChangedBroadcast: curState = CONNECTED
01-18 08:50:14.975 441 1307 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: Ethernet[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: fe:fe:96:63:49:29, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{100} nethandle{429513165534} lp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}} nc{[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps]} Score{30} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
01-18 08:50:14.975 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkAgent Messenger
01-18 08:50:14.975 441 1307 D EthernetNetworkFactory: exiting ipProvisioningThread(eth0): mNetworkInfo=[type: Ethernet[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: fe:fe:96:63:49:29, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]
01-18 08:50:14.976 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED
01-18 08:50:14.978 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface eth0 to network 100
01-18 08:50:15.021 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0] to network 100
01-18 08:50:15.024 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> eth0] to network 100
01-18 08:50:15.026 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> eth0] to network 100
01-18 08:50:15.026 245 809 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf42aac00) at state 6
01-18 08:50:15.026 245 809 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf42aac00), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
01-18 08:50:15.028 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/, /]
01-18 08:50:15.041 245 742 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
01-18 08:50:15.042 245 742 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xf42aac00)
01-18 08:50:15.046 441 653 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.052 441 653 D ConnectivityService: scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 100
01-18 08:50:15.053 441 653 D ConnectivityService: updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.053 441 653 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.054 441 653 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps]
01-18 08:50:15.054 441 653 D ConnectivityService: checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-18 08:50:15.054 441 653 D ConnectivityService: currentScore = 0, newScore = 30
01-18 08:50:15.054 441 653 D ConnectivityService: rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.054 441 653 D ConnectivityService: accepting network in place of null
01-18 08:50:15.054 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending new Min Network Score(30): NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-18 08:50:15.055 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: Ethernet[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: fe:fe:96:63:49:29, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{100} nethandle{429513165534} lp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}} nc{[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps]} Score{30} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
01-18 08:50:15.057 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152
01-18 08:50:15.064 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.064 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.064 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 9 NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
01-18 08:50:15.065 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
01-18 08:50:15.065 441 653 D ConnectivityService: notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.065 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-18 08:50:15.066 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.066 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification PRECHECK for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.066 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.066 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification PRECHECK for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.066 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgent connected
01-18 08:50:15.066 441 653 D NetworkNotificationManager: clearNotification id=100
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100] validation passed
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.067 441 556 D Tethering: InitialState got CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED
01-18 08:50:15.068 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
01-18 08:50:15.068 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending new Min Network Score(70): NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-18 08:50:15.068 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION
01-18 08:50:15.117 441 646 D SntpClient: round trip: 32ms, clock offset: 155778225322ms
01-18 08:50:16.069 441 893 D AlarmManagerService: Setting time of day to sec=1514277241
12-26 08:34:01.397 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive android.intent.action.TIME_SET
12-26 08:34:01.402 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-26 08:34:01.403 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-26 08:34:01.408 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Tue Dec 26 10:00:00 GMT+00:00 2017 (1514282400000), in +1h25m58s603ms, now=Tue Dec 26 08:34:01 GMT+00:00 2017 (1514277241397)
12-26 08:34:01.410 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE
12-26 08:34:01.411 1023 1226 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.en_US.dic ; version = ? ; date = 1514277241
12-26 08:34:01.414 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-26 08:34:01.414 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
12-26 08:34:01.416 441 441 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Tue Dec 26 10:00:00 GMT+00:00 2017 (1514282400000), in +1h25m58s590ms, now=Tue Dec 26 08:34:01 GMT+00:00 2017 (1514277241410)
12-26 08:34:01.430 441 526 I UsageStatsService: Time changed in UsageStats by 155778225 seconds
12-26 08:34:01.431 441 526 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
12-26 08:34:01.461 441 526 I UsageStatsDatabase: Time changed by +1802d23h43m45s320ms. files deleted: 0 files moved: 4
12-26 08:34:01.488 441 526 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2017-12-27 08:33:53(1514363633576)
12-26 08:34:03.188 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
12-26 08:34:03.189 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: onLinkPropertiesChange()
12-26 08:34:03.189 441 1308 D EthernetNetworkFactory: onLinkPropertiesChange: lp = {InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}
12-26 08:34:03.190 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Update of LinkProperties for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]; created=true; everConnected=true
12-26 08:34:03.190 441 653 D ConnectivityService: identical MTU - not setting
12-26 08:34:03.191 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0] to network 100
12-26 08:34:03.192 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,2606:c00:5:b00:fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,2606:c00:5:b00:9dd9:7634:f987:bae3/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0,2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
12-26 08:34:03.193 255 608 E Netd : netlink response contains error (File exists)
12-26 08:34:03.193 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: onLinkPropertiesChange()
12-26 08:34:03.194 441 1308 D EthernetNetworkFactory: onLinkPropertiesChange: lp = {InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,2606:c00:5:b00:fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,2606:c00:5:b00:9dd9:7634:f987:bae3/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0,2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}
12-26 08:34:03.204 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,2606:c00:5:b00:fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,2606:c00:5:b00:9dd9:7634:f987:bae3/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0,2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
12-26 08:34:03.205 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,2606:c00:5:b00:fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,2606:c00:5:b00:9dd9:7634:f987:bae3/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0,2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
12-26 08:34:03.214 441 653 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
12-26 08:34:03.214 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
12-26 08:34:03.215 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.215 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.215 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.215 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.216 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Update of LinkProperties for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]; created=true; everConnected=true
12-26 08:34:03.216 441 653 D ConnectivityService: identical MTU - not setting
12-26 08:34:03.217 441 653 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0] to network 100
12-26 08:34:03.230 441 653 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [Ethernet () - 100]
12-26 08:34:03.230 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
12-26 08:34:03.230 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.230 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=3, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.230 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
12-26 08:34:03.230 441 653 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [] ]
12-26 08:34:04.194 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,2606:c00:5:b00:fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,2606:c00:5:b00:9dd9:7634:f987:bae3/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0,2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
12-26 08:34:04.197 441 1308 D IpManager.eth0: newLp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,,2606:c00:5:b00:fcfe:96ff:fe63:4929/64,2606:c00:5:b00:9dd9:7634:f987:bae3/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: eth0,::/0 -> fe80::d2d0:fdff:fefe:5042 eth0,2606:c00:5:b00::/64 -> :: eth0, -> eth0, -> eth0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: logitech.com MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152}}
12-26 08:34:08.378 441 653 D ConnectivityService: handlePromptUnvalidated 100
12-26 08:34:12.511 441 528 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{48c7191 u0 android.rockchip.update.service/.RKUpdateService}
12-26 08:34:16.416 441 714 W Vibrator: Failed to vibrate; no vibrator service.
12-26 08:34:16.792 441 660 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz
12-26 08:34:16.796 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream
12-26 08:34:16.797 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device : 0x8040a
12-26 08:34:16.797 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-26 08:34:16.797 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels : 2
12-26 08:34:16.797 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate : 0
12-26 08:34:16.797 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-26 08:34:16.797 246 334 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0
12-26 08:34:16.798 246 334 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 11
12-26 08:34:17.593 1065 1270 D RKUpdateService: WorkHandler::handleMessage() : To perform 'COMMAND_CHECK_LOCAL_UPDATING'.
12-26 08:34:17.593 1065 1270 D RKUpdateService: getValidFirmwareImageFile() : Target image file path : /data/media/0/update.zip
12-26 08:34:17.594 1065 1270 D RKUpdateService: getValidFirmwareImageFile() : Target image file path : /storage/emulated/0/update.zip
12-26 08:34:19.981 246 334 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-26 08:34:20.069 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-26 08:34:22.596 1065 1270 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
12-26 08:34:23.771 441 986 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity bnds=[644,307][960,469] (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
12-26 08:34:23.779 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: start_output_stream
12-26 08:34:23.782 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Device : 0x8040a
12-26 08:34:23.782 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: SampleRate : 44100
12-26 08:34:23.782 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Channels : 2
12-26 08:34:23.782 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: Formate : 0
12-26 08:34:23.782 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: PreiodSize : 512
12-26 08:34:23.782 246 334 D alsa_route: route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0
12-26 08:34:23.783 246 334 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 11
12-26 08:34:23.848 441 483 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1323:com.example.multicosdecs/u0a17 for activity com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity
12-26 08:34:23.853 1323 1323 I art : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-26 08:34:23.911 1323 1323 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/app-debug/lib/arm64
12-26 08:34:23.982 1339 1339 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:172): avc: denied { execute } for name="vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.982 1340 1340 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:173): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.985 1341 1341 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:174): avc: denied { write } for name="server" dev="tmpfs" ino=13781 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.985 1341 1341 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:175): avc: denied { connectto } for path="/dev/com.koushikdutta.superuser.daemon/server" scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.985 1343 1343 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:176): avc: denied { sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.985 1343 1343 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:177): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.985 1343 1343 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:178): avc: denied { search } for name="1341" dev="proc" ino=20614 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.985 1343 1343 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:179): avc: denied { read } for name="exe" dev="proc" ino=20615 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:180): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/1339/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=21978 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:181): avc: denied { setuid } for capability=7 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:182): avc: denied { setgid } for capability=6 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:183): avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:184): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:185): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1346 1346 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:186): avc: denied { execute } for name="app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1346 1346 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:187): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:188): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/sh" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=398 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1346 1346 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:189): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.989 1345 1345 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:190): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=6505 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.992 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:191): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/app_process64" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=154 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.995 1345 1345 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:192): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.995 1345 1345 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:193): avc: denied { execute } for name="toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.995 1345 1345 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:194): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:23.995 1345 1345 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:195): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.009 1345 1345 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:196): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.009 1345 1345 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:197): avc: denied { setattr } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.009 1323 1323 I le.multicosdecs: type=1400 audit(0.0:198): avc: denied { read write } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.009 1323 1323 I le.multicosdecs: type=1400 audit(0.0:199): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.009 1323 1323 I le.multicosdecs: type=1400 audit(0.0:200): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 ioctlcmd=b503 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.056 1323 1323 D MultiCodec: GLES support!
12-26 08:34:24.140 1323 1358 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-26 08:34:24.140 1323 1358 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
12-26 08:34:24.140 1323 1358 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-26 08:34:24.140 1323 1358 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
12-26 08:34:24.142 1323 1358 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-26 08:34:24.142 1323 1358 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
12-26 08:34:24.148 1323 1358 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-26 08:34:24.182 247 677 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.example.multicosdecs", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
12-26 08:34:24.182 247 677 E CameraService: CameraService::connect X (PID 1323) rejected (invalid camera ID 0)
12-26 08:34:24.183 1323 1323 W CameraBase: An error occurred while connecting to camera 0: Service not available
12-26 08:34:24.188 1323 1323 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
--------- beginning of crash
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.example.multicosdecs, PID: 1323
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:496)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:345)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity$CodecCallbacks.doSurfaceCreated(MainActivity.java:259)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity$CodecCallbacks$2.surfaceCreated(MainActivity.java:194)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(SurfaceView.java:618)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw(SurfaceView.java:161)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw(ViewTreeObserver.java:944)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:2205)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1254)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:6337)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:874)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:686)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:621)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:860)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:751)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6119)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:902)
12-26 08:34:24.190 1323 1323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:792)
12-26 08:34:24.193 441 483 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity
12-26 08:34:24.312 441 529 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
12-26 08:34:24.350 1346 1346 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
12-26 08:34:24.355 1346 1346 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
12-26 08:34:24.357 1346 1346 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:201): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=117 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:202): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.art" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=166 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:203): avc: denied { read } for name="system@framework@boot.art" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=166 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:204): avc: denied { open } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.art" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=166 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:205): avc: denied { lock } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.art" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=166 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:206): avc: denied { execute } for path="/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.oat" dev="mmcblk1p13" ino=120 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.359 1346 1346 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:207): avc: denied { read } for path=2F6465762F6173686D656D2F64616C76696B2D6E6F6E206D6F76696E67207370616365202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=19946 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.369 441 1372 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-26 08:34:24.369 441 1372 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
12-26 08:34:24.378 441 1372 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-26 08:34:24.392 1346 1346 I main : type=1400 audit(0.0:208): avc: denied { execmem } for scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tclass=process permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.392 1346 1346 I main : type=1400 audit(0.0:209): avc: denied { execute } for path="/dev/ashmem" dev="tmpfs" ino=7656 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:ashmem_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:24.399 1346 1346 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-26 08:34:24.447 1346 1346 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
12-26 08:34:24.447 1346 1346 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
12-26 08:34:24.449 1346 1346 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-26 08:34:24.467 1346 1346 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast null from system uid 0 pkg null
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.checkBroadcastFromSystem(ActivityManagerService.java:18105)
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18672)
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(ActivityManagerService.java:18763)
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:499)
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2898)
12-26 08:34:24.473 441 714 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
12-26 08:34:24.479 1346 1346 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
12-26 08:34:24.548 1355 1355 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
12-26 08:34:24.553 1355 1355 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
12-26 08:34:24.555 1355 1355 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
12-26 08:34:24.593 1355 1355 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-26 08:34:24.615 1355 1355 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
12-26 08:34:24.615 1355 1355 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
12-26 08:34:24.616 1355 1355 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-26 08:34:24.626 1355 1355 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast null from system uid 0 pkg null
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.checkBroadcastFromSystem(ActivityManagerService.java:18105)
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18672)
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(ActivityManagerService.java:18763)
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:499)
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2898)
12-26 08:34:24.630 441 999 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
12-26 08:34:24.634 1355 1355 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
12-26 08:34:24.670 1065 1270 D RKUpdateService: request remote server error...
12-26 08:34:24.700 441 528 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{1c1eb45 u0 com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity t27 f}
12-26 08:34:24.773 441 528 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{19e629a ActivityRecord{1c1eb45 u0 com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity t27 f}} appWin=Window{38f078b u0 SurfaceView - com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity} drawState=3
12-26 08:34:24.839 1097 1169 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-26 08:34:25.289 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.307 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.321 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.354 1097 1169 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
12-26 08:34:25.357 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.366 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.387 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.419 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.436 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:25.453 441 529 D ViewRootImpl[multicosdecs]: updatePointerIcon called with position out of bounds
12-26 08:34:26.660 441 483 I ActivityManager: Killing 1323:com.example.multicosdecs/u0a17 (adj 900): crash
12-26 08:34:26.660 441 483 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1323
12-26 08:34:26.727 441 714 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
12-26 08:34:26.735 441 483 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
12-26 08:34:26.739 441 986 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@6d41975 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@8d2879a
12-26 08:34:26.762 441 999 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0
12-26 08:34:26.783 441 999 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1395:com.example.multicosdecs/u0a17 for activity com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity
12-26 08:34:26.786 1395 1395 I art : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-26 08:34:26.852 1395 1395 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/app-debug/lib/arm64
12-26 08:34:26.903 441 558 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0
12-26 08:34:26.939 1410 1410 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:229): avc: denied { execute } for name="vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.942 1412 1412 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:230): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/xbin/vm" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=2753 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:su_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.945 1415 1415 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:231): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.949 1417 1417 I vm : type=1400 audit(0.0:232): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/1410/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=22065 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.952 1418 1418 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:233): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=6505 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.959 1417 1417 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:234): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.959 1417 1417 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:235): avc: denied { execute } for name="toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.959 1417 1417 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:236): avc: denied { read open } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.959 1417 1417 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:237): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/toybox" dev="mmcblk1p10" ino=432 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.975 1417 1417 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:238): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/dev/vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:26.979 1417 1417 I chmod : type=1400 audit(0.0:239): avc: denied { setattr } for name="vmdrm0" dev="tmpfs" ino=7664 scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
12-26 08:34:27.036 1395 1395 D MultiCodec: GLES support!
12-26 08:34:27.124 1395 1429 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 978; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-26 08:34:27.124 1395 1429 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r14p0-01rel0', rk_so_ver is '4@0'.
12-26 08:34:27.124 1395 1429 D mali_so : [File] : hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c; [Line] : 983; [Func] : base_context_deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext;
12-26 08:34:27.124 1395 1429 D mali_so : current process is NOT sf, to bail out.
12-26 08:34:27.128 1395 1429 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-26 08:34:27.128 1395 1429 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
12-26 08:34:27.140 1395 1429 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-26 08:34:27.163 247 247 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.example.multicosdecs", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
12-26 08:34:27.164 247 247 E CameraService: CameraService::connect X (PID 1395) rejected (invalid camera ID 0)
12-26 08:34:27.164 1395 1395 W CameraBase: An error occurred while connecting to camera 0: Service not available
12-26 08:34:27.166 1395 1395 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.example.multicosdecs, PID: 1395
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:496)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:345)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity$CodecCallbacks.doSurfaceCreated(MainActivity.java:259)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity$CodecCallbacks$2.surfaceCreated(MainActivity.java:194)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(SurfaceView.java:618)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw(SurfaceView.java:161)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw(ViewTreeObserver.java:944)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:2205)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1254)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:6337)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:874)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:686)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:621)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:860)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:751)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6119)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:902)
12-26 08:34:27.168 1395 1395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:792)
12-26 08:34:27.170 441 502 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity
12-26 08:34:27.224 441 636 I InputDispatcher: Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (485, 573).
12-26 08:34:27.235 441 1372 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-26 08:34:27.235 441 1372 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
12-26 08:34:27.245 441 1372 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-26 08:34:27.330 1418 1418 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
12-26 08:34:27.335 1418 1418 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
12-26 08:34:27.338 1418 1418 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
12-26 08:34:27.374 1426 1426 E vpu_api : dlopen vpu lib failed
12-26 08:34:27.380 1426 1426 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
12-26 08:34:27.381 1418 1418 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-26 08:34:27.383 1426 1426 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
12-26 08:34:27.406 1418 1418 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
12-26 08:34:27.406 1418 1418 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
12-26 08:34:27.407 1418 1418 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-26 08:34:27.418 1418 1418 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast null from system uid 0 pkg null
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.checkBroadcastFromSystem(ActivityManagerService.java:18105)
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18672)
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(ActivityManagerService.java:18763)
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:499)
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2898)
12-26 08:34:27.425 441 714 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
12-26 08:34:27.427 1426 1426 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-26 08:34:27.433 1418 1418 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
12-26 08:34:27.453 1426 1426 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
12-26 08:34:27.453 1426 1426 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
12-26 08:34:27.454 1426 1426 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-26 08:34:27.465 1426 1426 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast null from system uid 0 pkg null
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.checkBroadcastFromSystem(ActivityManagerService.java:18105)
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18672)
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(ActivityManagerService.java:18763)
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:499)
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2898)
12-26 08:34:27.469 441 999 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
12-26 08:34:27.470 1426 1426 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
12-26 08:34:27.681 441 528 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{d1118ac u0 com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity t28 f}
12-26 08:34:27.683 441 528 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{d8ead0a ActivityRecord{d1118ac u0 com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity t28 f}} appWin=Window{f9fd72f u0 SurfaceView - com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity} drawState=3
12-26 08:34:27.807 441 529 W art : Long monitor contention with owner ActivityManager (528) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityStack$ActivityStackHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message)(ActivityStack.java:377) waiters=0 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message) for 104ms
12-26 08:34:27.845 1097 1169 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
12-26 08:34:28.366 1097 1169 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
12-26 08:34:28.393 441 502 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.example.multicosdecs/com.example.multicodecs.MainActivity
12-26 08:34:28.435 441 502 I ActivityManager: Killing 1395:com.example.multicosdecs/u0a17 (adj 900): crash
12-26 08:34:28.435 441 502 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1395
12-26 08:34:28.456 441 986 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@5f14872 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@8d2879a
12-26 08:34:28.493 441 714 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
12-26 08:34:28.640 441 558 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0
12-26 08:34:31.513 246 334 D alsa_route: route_set_controls() set route 24
12-26 08:34:31.600 246 334 D AudioHardwareTiny: close device
12-26 08:34:31.706 1065 1270 D RKUpdateService: request remote server error...
12-26 08:34:49.055 246 246 I audioserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:240): avc: denied { read } for scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=netlink_kobject_uevent_socket permissive=1
12-26 08:34:52.178 1065 1065 D RKUpdateReceiver: action = android.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE
12-26 08:34:52.208 441 658 D NotificationSQLiteLog: Pruned event entries: 25
12-26 08:34:52.217 1065 1065 D RKUpdateReceiver: action = android.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE
12-26 08:34:52.261 1127 1127 D MtpService: starting MTP server in MTP mode
12-26 08:34:52.275 1127 1127 D MtpService: Adding MTP storage 0x10001 at /storage/emulated/0