RK3288 启动kernel时停止
发表于 2018-12-28 10:15:50
[ 2.363246] rockchip-rt3261 rockchip-rt3224.35: ASoC: CODEC (null) not registered
[ 2.363268] rockchip_rt3261_audio_probe() register card failed:-517
[ 2.363280] platform rockchip-rt3224.35: Driver rockchip-rt3261 requests probe deferral
[ 2.363444] rockchip-es8323 rockchip-es8323.36: ASoC: CODEC (null) not registered
[ 2.363460] rockchip_es8323_audio_probe() register card failed:-517
[ 2.363471] platform rockchip-es8323.36: Driver rockchip-es8323 requests probe deferral
[ 3.445305] EHCI: rk_ehci_hcd_enable, disable host controller
[ 4.399806] yemk:mpu6050_load_cablic
[ 4.399813] mpu6050_load_cablic: open file /dev/mtd/mtd6
[ 6.262493] init: Unable to open persistent property directory /data/property errno: 2
[ 6.262955] init: service 'recovery' requires console
[ 6.263006] android_usb: already disabled
[ 6.263117] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'ro.product.manufacturer', use ${name} instead
[ 6.263159] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'ro.product.model', use ${name} instead
[ 6.263198] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'ro.serialno', use ${name} instead
[ 6.263213] init: property 'ro.serialno' doesn't exist while expanding '$ro.serialno'
[ 6.263225] init: cannot expand '$ro.serialno' while writing to '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial'
[ 6.263238] init: service 'console' requires console
[ 6.264929] read descriptors
[ 6.264942] read strings
[ 6.264979] pcd_pullup, is_on 1
[ 9.369004] [otg id chg] last id -1 current id 1
[ 9.369024] PortPower off
[ 9.369031] rk_battery_charger_detect_cb , battery_charger_detect 6
[ 9.468452] Using Buffer DMA mode
[ 9.468463] Periodic Transfer Interrupt Enhancement - disabled
[ 9.468469] Multiprocessor Interrupt Enhancement - disabled
[ 9.468477] OTG VER PARAM: 0, OTG VER FLAG: 0
[ 9.468483] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Device Mode
[ 9.959399] ***************vbus detect*****************
[ 9.961582] rk_battery_charger_detect_cb , battery_charger_detect 1
[ 10.138637] Using Buffer DMA mode
[ 10.138651] Periodic Transfer Interrupt Enhancement - disabled
[ 10.138657] Multiprocessor Interrupt Enhancement - disabled
[ 10.138664] OTG VER PARAM: 0, OTG VER FLAG: 0
[ 10.138670] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Device Mode
[ 10.138712] *******************soft connect!!!*******************
[ 10.247554] USB RESET
[ 10.288087] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
[ 10.291727] USB RESET
[ 10.757432] android_usb gadget: high-speed config #1: android
[ 10.757502] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED |